


Computes a coverage volume from



Create channel dictionary in form to upload to alyx


Create trajectory dictionary in form to upload to alyx


Compares the number of probe insertions to the number of registered histology tracks to see if there is a discrepancy so that missing tracks can be properly logged in the database



Looks for all ephys sessions for a given subject and get the probe micro-manipulator trajectories.


This outputs reads in the Lasagna output and converts the picked tracks in the IBL coordinates


Get the coordinates of points along a track according to their distances from the first point.


Loads a lasagna track and convert to IBL-ALlen coordinate framework


Plot all tracks on a single 2d slice


Plot all tracks on a single 2d slice


Register ephys aligned trajectory and channel locations to Alyx Here we update Alyx models on the database in 2 steps 1) The trajectory computed from the final electrode channel locations 2) Channel locations are set to the trajectory


Register the user picks to a chronic insertion in Alyx.


Registers track files for chronic insertions


Register the user picks to a probe in Alyx Here we update Alyx models on the database in 3 steps 1) The user picks converted to IBL coordinates will be stored in the json field of the corresponding probe insertion models 2) The trajectory computed from the histology track is created or patched 3) Channel locations are set in the table


load_track_csv(file_track, brain_atlas=None)[source]

Loads a lasagna track and convert to IBL-ALlen coordinate framework





get_picked_tracks(histology_path, glob_pattern='*_pts_transformed.csv', brain_atlas=None)[source]

This outputs reads in the Lasagna output and converts the picked tracks in the IBL coordinates


histology_path – Path object: folder path containing tracks


xyz coordinates in

get_micro_manipulator_data(subject, one=None, force_extract=False)[source]

Looks for all ephys sessions for a given subject and get the probe micro-manipulator trajectories. If probes ALF object not on flat-iron, attempts to perform the extraction from meta-data and task settings file.

plot2d_all(trajectories, tracks, brain_atlas=None)[source]

Plot all tracks on a single 2d slice

  • trajectories – dictionary output of the Alyx REST query on trajectories

  • tracks


plot3d_all(trajectories, tracks, brain_atlas=None)[source]

Plot all tracks on a single 2d slice

  • trajectories – dictionary output of the Alyx REST query on trajectories

  • tracks


interpolate_along_track(xyz_track, depths)[source]

Get the coordinates of points along a track according to their distances from the first point.

  • xyz_track – np.array [npoints, 3]. Usually the first point is the deepest

  • depths – distance from the first point of the track, usually the convention is the

deepest point is 0 and going up :return: xyz_channels

get_brain_regions(xyz, channels_positions=None, brain_atlas=None)[source]

xyz – numpy array of 3D coordinates corresponding to a picked track or a trajectory

the deepest point is assumed to be the tip. :param channels_positions: :param brain_atlas: :return: brain_regions (associated to each channel),

insertion (object atlas.Insertion, defining 2 points of entries (tip and end of probe))

register_chronic_track(chronic_id, picks=None, one=None, overwrite=False, channels=True, brain_atlas=None)[source]

Register the user picks to a chronic insertion in Alyx. Here we update the database in 4 steps 1) The user picks converted to IBL coordinates will be stored in the json field of the corresponding chronic insertion models 2) All associated probe insertions are identified and the user picks stored in the json field too 2) The trajectory associated to the chronic insertion computed from the histology track is created or patched 3) Channel locations are set in the table

  • chronic_id

  • picks

  • one

  • overwrite

  • channels

  • brain_atlas


register_track(probe_id, picks=None, one=None, overwrite=False, channels=True, brain_atlas=None, endpoint='insertions')[source]

Register the user picks to a probe in Alyx Here we update Alyx models on the database in 3 steps 1) The user picks converted to IBL coordinates will be stored in the json field of the corresponding probe insertion models 2) The trajectory computed from the histology track is created or patched 3) Channel locations are set in the table

register_aligned_track(probe_id, xyz_channels, chn_coords=None, one=None, overwrite=False, channels=True, brain_atlas=None)[source]

Register ephys aligned trajectory and channel locations to Alyx Here we update Alyx models on the database in 2 steps 1) The trajectory computed from the final electrode channel locations 2) Channel locations are set to the trajectory

create_trajectory_dict(probe_id, insertion, provenance, endpoint='insertions')[source]

Create trajectory dictionary in form to upload to alyx

  • id (probe) – unique id of probe insertion

  • insertion (object atlas.Insertion) – Insertion object describing entry and tip of trajectory

  • provenance (string) – ‘Histology track’ or ‘Ephys aligned histology track’

  • endpoint (string) – Alyx endpoint, either ‘insertions’, or ‘chronic-insertions’

Return tdict:

create_channel_dict(traj, brain_locations)[source]

Create channel dictionary in form to upload to alyx

  • traj (dict) – alyx trajectory object to attach channel information to

  • brain_locations – information about location of electrode channels in brain atlas

Return tdict:

register_chronic_track_files(path_tracks, one=None, overwrite=False, brain_atlas=None)[source]

Registers track files for chronic insertions

  • path_tracks

  • one

  • overwrite

  • brain_atlas


register_track_files(path_tracks, one=None, overwrite=False, brain_atlas=None)[source]
  • path_tracks – path to directory containing tracks; also works with a single file name

  • one


detect_missing_histology_tracks(path_tracks=None, one=None, subject=None, brain_atlas=None)[source]

Compares the number of probe insertions to the number of registered histology tracks to see if there is a discrepancy so that missing tracks can be properly logged in the database

  • path_tracks – path to track files to be registered

  • subject – subject nickname for which to detect missing tracks

coverage(trajs, ba=None, dist_fcn=[100, 150])[source]

Computes a coverage volume from

  • trajs – dictionary of trajectories from Alyx rest endpoint (one.alyx.rest…)

  • ba – iblatlas.atlas.BrainAtlas instance


3D np.array the same size as the volume provided in the brain atlas

coverage_grid(xyz_channels, spacing=500, ba=None)[source]