Source code for ibllib.pipes.histology

from pathlib import Path
import logging

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from one.api import ONE
import as alfio

from neuropixel import TIP_SIZE_UM, trace_header
import iblatlas.atlas as atlas
from ibllib.ephys.spikes import probes_description as extract_probes
from ibllib.qc import base

from ibldsp.utils import fcn_cosine

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def load_track_csv(file_track, brain_atlas=None): """ Loads a lasagna track and convert to IBL-ALlen coordinate framework :param file_track: :return: xyz """ brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25) # apmldv in the histology file is flipped along y direction file_track = Path(file_track) if file_track.stat().st_size == 0: return np.array([]) ixiyiz = np.loadtxt(file_track, delimiter=',')[:, [1, 0, 2]] ixiyiz[:, 1] = 527 - ixiyiz[:, 1] ixiyiz = ixiyiz[np.argsort(ixiyiz[:, 2]), :] xyz = brain_atlas.bc.i2xyz(ixiyiz) # xyz[:, 0] = - xyz[:, 0] return xyz
[docs] def get_picked_tracks(histology_path, glob_pattern="*_pts_transformed.csv", brain_atlas=None): """ This outputs reads in the Lasagna output and converts the picked tracks in the IBL coordinates :param histology_path: Path object: folder path containing tracks :return: xyz coordinates in """ brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() xyzs = [] histology_path = Path(histology_path) if histology_path.is_file(): files_track = [histology_path] else: files_track = list(histology_path.rglob(glob_pattern)) for file_track in files_track: xyzs.append(load_track_csv(file_track, brain_atlas=brain_atlas)) return {'files': files_track, 'xyz': xyzs}
[docs] def get_micro_manipulator_data(subject, one=None, force_extract=False): """ Looks for all ephys sessions for a given subject and get the probe micro-manipulator trajectories. If probes ALF object not on flat-iron, attempts to perform the extraction from meta-data and task settings file. """ if not one: one = ONE(cache_rest=None) eids, sessions =, task_protocol='ephys', details=True) probes = alfio.AlfBunch({}) for ses in sessions: sess_path = Path(ses['local_path']) probe = None if not force_extract: probe = one.load_object(ses['url'], 'probes') if not probe: _logger.warning(f"Re-extraction probe info for {sess_path}") dtypes = ['_iblrig_taskSettings.raw', 'ephysData.raw.meta'] raw_files = one.load(ses['url'], dataset_types=dtypes, download_only=True) if all([rf is None for rf in raw_files]): _logger.warning(f"no raw settings files nor ephys data found for" f" {ses['local_path']}. Skip this session.") continue extract_probes(sess_path, bin_exists=False) probe = alfio.load_object(sess_path.joinpath('alf'), 'probes') one.load(ses['url'], dataset_types='channels.localCoordinates', download_only=True) # get for each insertion the sites local mapping: if not found assumes checkerboard pattern probe['sites_coordinates'] = [] for prb in probe.description: chfile = Path(ses['local_path']).joinpath('alf', prb['label'], 'channels.localCoordinates.npy') if chfile.exists(): probe['sites_coordinates'].append(np.load(chfile)) else: _logger.warning(f"no channel.localCoordinates found for {ses['local_path']}." f"Assumes checkerboard pattern") th = trace_header(version=1) probe['sites_coordinates'].append(np.c_[th['x'], th['y']]) # put the session information in there probe['session'] = [ses] * len(probe.description) probes = probes.append(probe) return probes
[docs] def plot2d_all(trajectories, tracks, brain_atlas=None): """ Plot all tracks on a single 2d slice :param trajectories: dictionary output of the Alyx REST query on trajectories :param tracks: :return: """ brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25) plt.figure() axs = brain_atlas.plot_sslice(brain_atlas.bc.i2x(190), cmap=plt.get_cmap('bone')) plt.figure() axc = brain_atlas.plot_cslice(brain_atlas.bc.i2y(350)) for xyz in tracks['xyz']: axc.plot(xyz[:, 0] * 1e3, xyz[:, 2] * 1e6, 'b') axs.plot(xyz[:, 1] * 1e3, xyz[:, 2] * 1e6, 'b') for trj in trajectories: ins = atlas.Insertion.from_dict(trj, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) xyz = axc.plot(xyz[:, 0] * 1e3, xyz[:, 2] * 1e6, 'r') axs.plot(xyz[:, 1] * 1e3, xyz[:, 2] * 1e6, 'r')
[docs] def plot3d_all(trajectories, tracks, brain_atlas=None): """ Plot all tracks on a single 2d slice :param trajectories: dictionary output of the Alyx REST query on trajectories :param tracks: :return: """ from mayavi import mlab brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() src = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(brain_atlas.label) mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(src, contours=[0.5, ], opacity=0.3) pts = [] for xyz in tracks['xyz']: mlapdv = brain_atlas.bc.xyz2i(xyz) pts.append(mlab.plot3d(mlapdv[:, 1], mlapdv[:, 0], mlapdv[:, 2], line_width=3)) plt_trj = [] for trj in trajectories: ins = atlas.Insertion.from_dict(trj, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) mlapdv = brain_atlas.bc.xyz2i( plt = mlab.plot3d(mlapdv[:, 1], mlapdv[:, 0], mlapdv[:, 2], line_width=3, color=(1., 0., 1.)) plt_trj.append(plt)
[docs] def interpolate_along_track(xyz_track, depths): """ Get the coordinates of points along a track according to their distances from the first point. :param xyz_track: np.array [npoints, 3]. Usually the first point is the deepest :param depths: distance from the first point of the track, usually the convention is the deepest point is 0 and going up :return: xyz_channels """ # from scipy.interpolate import interp1d # this is the cumulative distance from the lowest picked point (first) distance = np.cumsum(np.r_[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(xyz_track, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1))]) xyz_channels = np.zeros((depths.shape[0], 3)) for m in np.arange(3): xyz_channels[:, m] = np.interp(depths, distance, xyz_track[:, m]) # xyz_channels[:, m] = interp1d(distance, xyz[:, m], kind='cubic')(chdepths / 1e6) # plt.figure() # plt.plot(xyz_track[:, 0] * 1e6, xyz_track[:, 2] * 1e6, 'k*'), plt.axis('equal') # plt.plot(xyz_channels[:, 0] * 1e6, xyz_channels[:, 2] * 1e6, '.'), plt.axis('equal') return xyz_channels
[docs] def get_brain_regions(xyz, channels_positions=None, brain_atlas=None): """ :param xyz: numpy array of 3D coordinates corresponding to a picked track or a trajectory the deepest point is assumed to be the tip. :param channels_positions: :param brain_atlas: :return: brain_regions (associated to each channel), insertion (object atlas.Insertion, defining 2 points of entries (tip and end of probe)) """ """ this is the depth along the probe (from the first point which is the deepest labeled point) Due to the blockiness, depths may not be unique along the track so it has to be prepared """ brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25) if channels_positions is None: geometry = trace_header(version=1) channels_positions = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']] xyz = xyz[np.argsort(xyz[:, 2]), :] d = atlas.cart2sph(xyz[:, 0] - xyz[0, 0], xyz[:, 1] - xyz[0, 1], xyz[:, 2] - xyz[0, 2])[0] indsort = np.argsort(d) xyz = xyz[indsort, :] d = d[indsort] iduplicates = np.where(np.diff(d) == 0)[0] xyz = np.delete(xyz, iduplicates, axis=0) d = np.delete(d, iduplicates, axis=0) assert np.all(np.diff(d) > 0), "Depths should be strictly increasing" # Get the probe insertion from the coordinates insertion = atlas.Insertion.from_track(xyz, brain_atlas) # Interpolate channel positions along the probe depth and get brain locations TIP_SIZE_UM = 200 xyz_channels = interpolate_along_track(xyz, (channels_positions[:, 1] + TIP_SIZE_UM) / 1e6) # get the brain regions brain_regions = brain_atlas.regions.get(brain_atlas.get_labels(xyz_channels)) brain_regions['xyz'] = xyz_channels brain_regions['lateral'] = channels_positions[:, 0] brain_regions['axial'] = channels_positions[:, 1] assert np.unique([len(brain_regions[k]) for k in brain_regions]).size == 1 return brain_regions, insertion
[docs] def register_chronic_track(chronic_id, picks=None, one=None, overwrite=False, channels=True, brain_atlas=None): """ Register the user picks to a chronic insertion in Alyx. Here we update the database in 4 steps 1) The user picks converted to IBL coordinates will be stored in the json field of the corresponding chronic insertion models 2) All associated probe insertions are identified and the user picks stored in the json field too 2) The trajectory associated to the chronic insertion computed from the histology track is created or patched 3) Channel locations are set in the table :param chronic_id: :param picks: :param one: :param overwrite: :param channels: :param brain_atlas: :return: """ assert one chronic ='chronic-insertions', 'list', id=chronic_id)[0] for probe_id in chronic['probe_insertion']: pid = probe_id['id'] brain_locations, insertion_histology = register_track(pid, picks=picks, one=one, overwrite=overwrite, channels=channels, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) if picks is None or picks.size == 0: hist_qc = base.QC(chronic_id, one=one, endpoint='chronic-insertions') hist_qc.update_extended_qc({'tracing_exists': False}) hist_qc.update('CRITICAL', namespace='tracing') else: one.alyx.json_field_update(endpoint='chronic-insertions', uuid=chronic_id, field_name='json', data={'xyz_picks': np.int32(picks * 1e6).tolist()}) # Update the insertion qc to register tracing exits hist_qc = base.QC(chronic_id, one=one, endpoint='chronic-insertions') hist_qc.update_extended_qc({'tracing_exists': True}) return brain_locations, insertion_histology
[docs] def register_track(probe_id, picks=None, one=None, overwrite=False, channels=True, brain_atlas=None, endpoint='insertions'): """ Register the user picks to a probe in Alyx Here we update Alyx models on the database in 3 steps 1) The user picks converted to IBL coordinates will be stored in the json field of the corresponding probe insertion models 2) The trajectory computed from the histology track is created or patched 3) Channel locations are set in the table """ assert one brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() # 0) if it's an empty track, create a null trajectory and exit if picks is None or picks.size == 0: tdict = {'x': None, 'y': None, 'z': None, 'phi': None, 'theta': None, 'depth': None, 'roll': None, 'provenance': 'Histology track', 'coordinate_system': 'IBL-Allen', } if endpoint == 'chronic-insertions': tdict['chronic_insertion'] = probe_id tdict['probe_insertion'] = None else: tdict['probe_insertion'] = probe_id tdict['chronic_insertion'] = None brain_locations = None # Update the insertion qc to CRITICAL hist_qc = base.QC(probe_id, one=one, endpoint=endpoint) hist_qc.update_extended_qc({'tracing_exists': False}) hist_qc.update('CRITICAL', namespace='tracing') insertion_histology = None # Here need to change the track qc to critical and also extended qc to zero else: try: eid, pname = one.pid2eid(probe_id) chan_pos = one.load_dataset(eid, 'channels.localCoordinates.npy', collection=f'alf/{pname}/pykilosort') except Exception: chan_pos = None brain_locations, insertion_histology = get_brain_regions(picks, channels_positions=chan_pos, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) # 1) update the alyx models, first put the picked points in the insertion json one.alyx.json_field_update(endpoint=endpoint, uuid=probe_id, field_name='json', data={'xyz_picks': np.int32(picks * 1e6).tolist()}) # Update the insertion qc to register tracing exits hist_qc = base.QC(probe_id, one=one, endpoint=endpoint) hist_qc.update_extended_qc({'tracing_exists': True}) # 2) patch or create the trajectory coming from histology track tdict = create_trajectory_dict(probe_id, insertion_histology, provenance='Histology track', endpoint=endpoint) alyx_end = 'chronic_insertion' if endpoint == 'chronic-insertions' else 'probe_insertion' hist_traj = one.alyx.get('/trajectories?' f'&{alyx_end}={probe_id}' '&provenance=Histology track', clobber=True) # if the trajectory exists, remove it, this will cascade delete existing channel locations if len(hist_traj): if overwrite:'trajectories', 'delete', id=hist_traj[0]['id']) else: raise FileExistsError('The session already exists, however overwrite is set to False.' 'If you want to overwrite, set overwrite=True.') hist_traj ='trajectories', 'create', data=tdict) if brain_locations is None: return brain_locations, None # 3) create channel locations if channels: channel_dict = create_channel_dict(hist_traj, brain_locations)'channels', 'create', data=channel_dict) return brain_locations, insertion_histology
[docs] def register_aligned_track(probe_id, xyz_channels, chn_coords=None, one=None, overwrite=False, channels=True, brain_atlas=None): """ Register ephys aligned trajectory and channel locations to Alyx Here we update Alyx models on the database in 2 steps 1) The trajectory computed from the final electrode channel locations 2) Channel locations are set to the trajectory """ assert one brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas(25) if chn_coords is None: geometry = trace_header(version=1) chn_coords = np.c_[geometry['x'], geometry['y']] insertion = atlas.Insertion.from_track(xyz_channels, brain_atlas) tdict = create_trajectory_dict(probe_id, insertion, provenance='Ephys aligned histology track') hist_traj ='trajectories', 'list', probe_insertion=probe_id, provenance='Ephys aligned histology track', no_cache=True) # if the trajectory exists, remove it, this will cascade delete existing channel locations if len(hist_traj): if overwrite:'trajectories', 'delete', id=hist_traj[0]['id']) else: raise FileExistsError('The session already exists, however overwrite is set to False.' 'If you want to overwrite, set overwrite=True.') hist_traj ='trajectories', 'create', data=tdict) if channels: brain_regions = brain_atlas.regions.get(brain_atlas.get_labels(xyz_channels)) brain_regions['xyz'] = xyz_channels brain_regions['lateral'] = chn_coords[:, 0] brain_regions['axial'] = chn_coords[:, 1] assert np.unique([len(brain_regions[k]) for k in brain_regions]).size == 1 channel_dict = create_channel_dict(hist_traj, brain_regions)'channels', 'create', data=channel_dict)
[docs] def create_trajectory_dict(probe_id, insertion, provenance, endpoint='insertions'): """ Create trajectory dictionary in form to upload to alyx :param probe id: unique id of probe insertion :type probe_id: string (hexadecimal UUID) :param insertion: Insertion object describing entry and tip of trajectory :type insertion: object atlas.Insertion :param provenance: 'Histology track' or 'Ephys aligned histology track' :type provenance: string :param endpoint: Alyx endpoint, either 'insertions', or 'chronic-insertions' :type endpoint: string :return tdict: :type tdict: dict """ tdict = {'x': insertion.x * 1e6, 'y': insertion.y * 1e6, 'z': insertion.z * 1e6, 'phi': insertion.phi, 'theta': insertion.theta, 'depth': insertion.depth * 1e6, 'roll': insertion.beta, 'provenance': provenance, 'coordinate_system': 'IBL-Allen', } if endpoint == 'chronic-insertions': tdict['chronic_insertion'] = probe_id tdict['probe_insertion'] = None else: tdict['probe_insertion'] = probe_id tdict['chronic_insertion'] = None return tdict
[docs] def create_channel_dict(traj, brain_locations): """ Create channel dictionary in form to upload to alyx :param traj: alyx trajectory object to attach channel information to :type traj: dict :param brain_locations: information about location of electrode channels in brain atlas :type insertion: Bunch :return tdict: :type tdict: list of dict """ channel_dict = [] for i in np.arange( channel_dict.append({ 'x': np.float64([i, 0] * 1e6), 'y': np.float64([i, 1] * 1e6), 'z': np.float64([i, 2] * 1e6), 'axial': np.float64(brain_locations.axial[i]), 'lateral': np.float64(brain_locations.lateral[i]), 'brain_region': int([i]), 'trajectory_estimate': traj['id'] }) return channel_dict
def _parse_filename(track_file): tmp ='_') inumber = [i for i, s in enumerate(tmp) if s.isdigit and len(s) == 3][-1] search_filter = {'date': tmp[0], 'experiment_number': int(tmp[inumber]), 'name': '_'.join(tmp[inumber + 1:- 1]), 'subject': '_'.join(tmp[1:inumber])} return search_filter
[docs] def register_chronic_track_files(path_tracks, one=None, overwrite=False, brain_atlas=None): """ Registers track files for chronic insertions :param path_tracks: :param one: :param overwrite: :param brain_atlas: :return: """ brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() glob_pattern = "*_probe*_pts*.csv" path_tracks = Path(path_tracks) if not path_tracks.is_dir(): track_files = [path_tracks] else: track_files = list(path_tracks.rglob(glob_pattern)) track_files.sort() assert path_tracks.exists() assert one ntracks = len(track_files) for ind, track_file in enumerate(track_files): # Nomenclature expected: # '{yyyy-mm-dd}}_{nickname}_{session_number}_{probe_label}_pts.csv' # beware: there may be underscores in the subject nickname search_filter = _parse_filename(track_file) probe ='chronic-insertions', 'list', no_cache=True, **search_filter) if len(probe) == 0: raise ValueError(f"Could not find associated chronic insertion for {search_filter['subject']}," f"{search_filter['name']}") elif len(probe) == 1: probe = probe[0] else: raise ValueError("Multiple chronic insertions found.") chronic_id = probe['id'] try: xyz_picks = load_track_csv(track_file, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) register_chronic_track(chronic_id, xyz_picks, one=one, overwrite=overwrite, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) except Exception as e: _logger.error(str(track_file)) raise e"{ind + 1}/{ntracks}, {str(track_file)}")
[docs] def register_track_files(path_tracks, one=None, overwrite=False, brain_atlas=None): """ :param path_tracks: path to directory containing tracks; also works with a single file name :param one: :return: """ brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() glob_pattern = "*_probe*_pts*.csv" path_tracks = Path(path_tracks) if not path_tracks.is_dir(): track_files = [path_tracks] else: track_files = list(path_tracks.rglob(glob_pattern)) track_files.sort() assert path_tracks.exists() assert one ntracks = len(track_files) for ind, track_file in enumerate(track_files): # Nomenclature expected: # '{yyyy-mm-dd}}_{nickname}_{session_number}_{probe_label}_pts.csv' # beware: there may be underscores in the subject nickname search_filter = _parse_filename(track_file) probe ='insertions', 'list', no_cache=True, **search_filter) if len(probe) == 0: eid =['subject'], date_range=search_filter['date'], number=search_filter['experiment_number']) if len(eid) == 0: raise Exception(f"No session found {}") insertion = {'session': eid[0], 'name': search_filter['name']} probe ='insertions', 'create', data=insertion) elif len(probe) == 1: probe = probe[0] else: raise ValueError("Multiple probes found.") probe_id = probe['id'] try: xyz_picks = load_track_csv(track_file, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) register_track(probe_id, xyz_picks, one=one, overwrite=overwrite, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) except Exception as e: _logger.error(str(track_file)) raise e"{ind + 1}/{ntracks}, {str(track_file)}")
[docs] def detect_missing_histology_tracks(path_tracks=None, one=None, subject=None, brain_atlas=None): """ Compares the number of probe insertions to the number of registered histology tracks to see if there is a discrepancy so that missing tracks can be properly logged in the database :param path_tracks: path to track files to be registered :param subject: subject nickname for which to detect missing tracks """ brain_atlas = brain_atlas or atlas.AllenAtlas() if path_tracks: glob_pattern = "*_probe*_pts*.csv" path_tracks = Path(path_tracks) if not path_tracks.is_dir(): track_files = [path_tracks] else: track_files = list(path_tracks.rglob(glob_pattern)) track_files.sort() subjects = [] for track_file in track_files: search_filter = _parse_filename(track_file) subjects.append(search_filter['subject']) unique_subjects = np.unique(subjects) elif not path_tracks and subject: unique_subjects = [subject] else: _logger.warning('Must specifiy either path_tracks or subject argument') return for subj in unique_subjects: insertions ='insertions', 'list', subject=subj, no_cache=True) trajectories ='trajectories', 'list', subject=subj, provenance='Histology track', no_cache=True) if len(insertions) != len(trajectories): ins_sess = np.array([ins['session'] + ins['name'] for ins in insertions]) traj_sess = np.array([traj['session']['id'] + traj['probe_name'] for traj in trajectories]) miss_idx = np.where(np.isin(ins_sess, traj_sess, invert=True))[0] for idx in miss_idx: info = one.eid2path(ins_sess[idx][:36], query_type='remote').parts print(ins_sess[idx][:36]) msg = f"Histology tracing missing for {info[-3]}, {info[-2]}, {info[-1]}," \ f" {ins_sess[idx][36:]}.\nEnter [y]es to register an empty track for " \ f"this insertion \nEnter [n]o, if tracing for this probe insertion will be "\ f"conducted at a later date \n>" resp = input(msg) resp = resp.lower() if resp == 'y' or resp == 'yes':'Histology track for this probe insertion registered as empty') probe_id = insertions[idx]['id'] print(insertions[idx]['session']) print(probe_id) register_track(probe_id, one=one, brain_atlas=brain_atlas) else:'Histology track for this probe insertion will not be registered') continue
[docs] def coverage(trajs, ba=None, dist_fcn=[100, 150]): """ Computes a coverage volume from :param trajs: dictionary of trajectories from Alyx rest endpoint ( :param ba: iblatlas.atlas.BrainAtlas instance :return: 3D np.array the same size as the volume provided in the brain atlas """ # in um. Coverage = 1 below the first value, 0 after the second, cosine taper in between ACTIVE_LENGTH_UM = 3.5 * 1e3 MAX_DIST_UM = dist_fcn[1] # max distance around the probe to be searched for if ba is None: ba = atlas.AllenAtlas() def crawl_up_from_tip(ins, d): return (ins.entry - ins.tip) * (d[:, np.newaxis] / np.linalg.norm(ins.entry - ins.tip)) + ins.tip full_coverage = np.zeros(ba.image.shape, dtype=np.float32).flatten() for p in np.arange(len(trajs)): if len(trajs) > 20: if p % 20 == 0: print(p / len(trajs)) traj = trajs[p] ins = atlas.Insertion.from_dict(traj) # those are the top and bottom coordinates of the active part of the shank extended # to maxdist d = (np.array([ACTIVE_LENGTH_UM + MAX_DIST_UM * np.sqrt(2), -MAX_DIST_UM * np.sqrt(2)]) + TIP_SIZE_UM) top_bottom = crawl_up_from_tip(ins, d / 1e6) # this is the axis that has the biggest deviation. Almost always z axis = np.argmax(np.abs(np.diff(top_bottom, axis=0))) if axis != 2: _logger.warning(f"This works only for 45 degree or vertical tracks so far, skipping" f" {ins}") continue # sample the active track path along this axis tbi = ba.bc.xyz2i(top_bottom) nz = tbi[1, axis] - tbi[0, axis] + 1 ishank = np.round(np.array( [np.linspace(tbi[0, i], tbi[1, i], nz) for i in np.arange(3)]).T).astype(np.int32) # creates a flattened "column" of candidate volume indices around the track # around each sample get an horizontal square slice of nx *2 +1 and ny *2 +1 samples # flatten the corresponding xyz indices and compute the min distance to the track only # for those nx = int(np.floor(MAX_DIST_UM / 1e6 / np.abs(ba.bc.dxyz[0]) * np.sqrt(2) / 2)) * 2 + 1 ny = int(np.floor(MAX_DIST_UM / 1e6 / np.abs(ba.bc.dxyz[1]) * np.sqrt(2) / 2)) * 2 + 1 ixyz = np.stack([v.flatten() for v in np.meshgrid( np.arange(-nx, nx + 1), np.arange(-ny, ny + 1), np.arange(nz))]).T ixyz[:, 0] = ishank[ixyz[:, 2], 0] + ixyz[:, 0] ixyz[:, 1] = ishank[ixyz[:, 2], 1] + ixyz[:, 1] ixyz[:, 2] = ishank[ixyz[:, 2], 2] # if any, remove indices that lie outside of the volume bounds iok = np.logical_and(0 <= ixyz[:, 0], ixyz[:, 0] < ba.bc.nx) iok &= np.logical_and(0 <= ixyz[:, 1], ixyz[:, 1] < ba.bc.ny) iok &= np.logical_and(0 <= ixyz[:, 2], ixyz[:, 2] < ixyz = ixyz[iok, :] # get the minimum distance to the trajectory, to which is applied the cosine taper xyz = np.c_[ba.bc.xscale[ixyz[:, 0]], ba.bc.yscale[ixyz[:, 1]], ba.bc.zscale[ixyz[:, 2]]] sites_bounds = crawl_up_from_tip( ins, (np.array([ACTIVE_LENGTH_UM, 0]) + TIP_SIZE_UM) / 1e6) mdist = ins.trajectory.mindist(xyz, bounds=sites_bounds) coverage = 1 - fcn_cosine(np.array(dist_fcn) / 1e6)(mdist) # remap to the coverage volume flat_ind = ba._lookup_inds(ixyz) full_coverage[flat_ind] += coverage full_coverage = full_coverage.reshape(ba.image.shape) full_coverage[ba.label == 0] = np.nan return full_coverage, np.mean(xyz, 0), flat_ind
[docs] def coverage_grid(xyz_channels, spacing=500, ba=None): if ba is None: ba = atlas.AllenAtlas() def _get_scale_and_indices(v, bin, lim): _lim = [np.min(lim), np.max(lim)] # if bin is a nonzero scalar, this is a bin size: create scale and indices if np.isscalar(bin) and bin != 0: scale = np.arange(_lim[0], _lim[1] + bin / 2, bin) ind = (np.floor((v - _lim[0]) / bin)).astype(np.int64) if lim[0] > lim[1]: scale = scale[::-1] ind = (scale.size - 1) - ind # if bin == 0, aggregate over unique values else: scale, ind = np.unique(v, return_inverse=True) return scale, ind xlim = ba.bc.xlim ylim = ba.bc.ylim zlim = ba.bc.zlim xscale, xind = _get_scale_and_indices(xyz_channels[:, 0], spacing / 1e6, xlim) yscale, yind = _get_scale_and_indices(xyz_channels[:, 1], spacing / 1e6, ylim) zscale, zind = _get_scale_and_indices(xyz_channels[:, 2], spacing / 1e6, zlim) # aggregate by using bincount on absolute indices for a 2d array nx, ny, nz = [xscale.size, yscale.size, zscale.size] ind2d = np.ravel_multi_index(np.c_[yind, xind, zind].transpose(), dims=(ny, nx, nz)) r = np.bincount(ind2d, minlength=nx * ny * nz).reshape(ny, nx, nz) # Make things analagous to AllenAtlas dxyz = spacing / 1e6 * np.array([1, -1, -1]) dims2xyz = np.array([1, 0, 2]) nxyz = np.array(r.shape)[dims2xyz] iorigin = (atlas.ALLEN_CCF_LANDMARKS_MLAPDV_UM['bregma'] / spacing) bc = atlas.BrainCoordinates(nxyz=nxyz, xyz0=(0, 0, 0), dxyz=dxyz) bc = atlas.BrainCoordinates(nxyz=nxyz, xyz0=- bc.i2xyz(iorigin), dxyz=dxyz) return r, bc