IBL preprocessing pipeline.
This module concerns the data extraction and preprocessing for IBL data. The lab servers routinely
call local_server.job_creator()
to search for new sessions to extract. The job creator
registers the new session to Alyx (i.e. creates a new session record on the database), if required,
then deduces a set of tasks (a.k.a. the pipeline[*]_) from the ‘experiment.description’ file at the
root of the session (see dynamic_pipeline.make_pipeline()
). If no file exists one is created,
inferring the acquisition hardware from the task protocol. The new session’s pipeline tasks are
then registered for another process (or server) to query.
Another process calls local_server.task_queue()
to get a list of queued tasks from Alyx, then
to loop through tasks. Each task is run by calling
with a dictionary of task information, including the Task class and its
All new tasks are subclasses of the base_tasks.DynamicTask class. All others are defunct and shall be removed in the future.
Assigns a task to a task deck with the task name as key. |
- assign_task(task_deck, session_path, task, **kwargs)[source]
Assigns a task to a task deck with the task name as key.
This is a convenience function when creating a large task deck.
- Parameters:
task_deck (dict) – A dictionary of tasks to add to.
session_path (str, pathlib.Path) – A session path to pass to the task.
task (ibllib.pipes.tasks.Task) – A task class to instantiate and assign.
**kwargs – Optional keyword arguments to pass to the task.
>>> from ibllib.pipes.video_tasks import VideoCompress >>> task_deck = {} >>> session_path = './subject/2023-01-01/001' >>> assign_task(task_deck, session_path, VideoCompress, cameras=('left',)) {'VideoCompress': <ibllib.pipes.video_tasks.VideoCompress object at 0x0000020461E762D0>}
Using partial for convenience
>>> from functools import partial >>> assign = partial(assign_task, task_deck, session_path) >>> assign(VideoCompress, cameras=('left',))
Abstract base classes for dynamic pipeline tasks. |
Standard task protocol extractor dynamic pipeline tasks. |
Task pipeline creation from an acquisition description. |
(Deprecated) Electrophysiology data preprocessing tasks. |
Lab server pipeline construction and task runner. |
The mesoscope data extraction pipeline. |
Miscellaneous pipeline utility functions. |
Extraction tasks for fibrephotometry |
Purge data from acquisition PC. |
The abstract Pipeline and Task superclasses and concrete task runner. |
(Deprecated) Training data preprocessing tasks. |
The widefield data extraction pipeline. |