Detects a transient sinusoid signal in a time-series |
Simple audio features extraction for ambient sound characterization. |
Computes a spectrogram on a very large audio file. |
- detect_ready_tone(w, fs, ftone=5000, threshold=0.8)[source]
Detects a transient sinusoid signal in a time-series
- Parameters:
w – audio time seried
fs – sampling frequency (Hz)
ftone – frequency of the tone to detect
threshold – ratio of the Hilbert to the signal, between 0 and 1 (set to 0.8)
- Returns:
- welchogram(fs, wav, nswin=262144, overlap=131072.0, nperseg=512, detect_kwargs=None)[source]
Computes a spectrogram on a very large audio file.
- Parameters:
fs – sampling frequency (Hz)
wav – wav signal (vector or memmap)
nswin – n samples of the sliding window
overlap – n samples of the overlap between windows
nperseg – n samples for the computation of the spectrogram
detect_kwargs – specified paramaters for detection
- Returns:
tscale, fscale, downsampled_spectrogram
- extract_sound(ses_path, task_collection='raw_behavior_data', device_collection='raw_behavior_data', save=True, force=False, delete=False)[source]
Simple audio features extraction for ambient sound characterization. From a wav file, generates several ALF files to be registered on Alyx
- Parameters:
ses_path – ALF full session path: (/mysubject001/YYYY-MM-DD/001)
delete – if True, removes the wav file after processing
- Returns:
list of output files