Source code for ibllib.plots.figures

Module that produces figures, usually for the extraction pipeline
import logging
import time
from pathlib import Path
import traceback
from string import ascii_uppercase

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.signal
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from ibldsp import voltage
from ibllib.plots.snapshot import ReportSnapshotProbe, ReportSnapshot
from one.api import ONE
import as alfio
from one.alf.exceptions import ALFObjectNotFound
from import get_video_frame, url_from_eid
from ibllib.oneibl.data_handlers import ExpectedDataset
import spikeglx
import neuropixel
from brainbox.plot import driftmap
from import Streamer
from brainbox.behavior.dlc import SAMPLING, plot_trace_on_frame, plot_wheel_position, plot_lick_hist, \
    plot_lick_raster, plot_motion_energy_hist, plot_speed_hist, plot_pupil_diameter_hist
from brainbox.ephys_plots import image_lfp_spectrum_plot, image_rms_plot, plot_brain_regions
from import load_spike_sorting_fast
from brainbox.behavior import training
from iblutil.numerical import ismember
from ibllib.plots.misc import Density

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def set_axis_label_size(ax, labels=14, ticklabels=12, title=14, cmap=False): """ Function to normalise size of all axis labels :param ax: :param labels: :param ticklabels: :param title: :param cmap: :return: """ ax.xaxis.get_label().set_fontsize(labels) ax.yaxis.get_label().set_fontsize(labels) ax.tick_params(labelsize=ticklabels) ax.title.set_fontsize(title) if cmap: cbar = ax.images[-1].colorbar
[docs] def remove_axis_outline(ax): """ Function to remove outline of empty axis :param ax: :return: """ ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False) ax.spines['left'].set_visible(False)
[docs] class BehaviourPlots(ReportSnapshot): """Behavioural plots.""" @property def signature(self): signature = { 'input_files': [ ('*trials.table.pqt', self.trials_collection, True), ], 'output_files': [ ('psychometric_curve.png', 'snapshot/behaviour', True), ('chronometric_curve.png', 'snapshot/behaviour', True), ('reaction_time_with_trials.png', 'snapshot/behaviour', True) ] } return signature def __init__(self, eid, session_path=None, one=None, **kwargs): """ Generate and upload behaviour plots. Parameters ---------- eid : str, uuid.UUID An experiment UUID. session_path : pathlib.Path A session path. one : one.api.One An instance of ONE for registration to Alyx. trials_collection : str The location of the trials data (default: 'alf'). kwargs Arguments for ReportSnapshot constructor. """ = one self.eid = eid self.session_path = session_path or self.trials_collection = kwargs.pop('task_collection', 'alf') super(BehaviourPlots, self).__init__(self.session_path, self.eid,, **kwargs) # Output directory should mirror trials collection, sans 'alf' part self.output_directory = self.session_path.joinpath( 'snapshot', 'behaviour', self.trials_collection.removeprefix('alf').strip('/')) self.output_directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) def _run(self): output_files = [] trials = alfio.load_object(self.session_path.joinpath(self.trials_collection), 'trials') if title =, as_dict=False) else: title = '_'.join(list([-3:])) fig, ax = training.plot_psychometric(trials, title=title, figsize=(8, 6)) set_axis_label_size(ax) save_path = Path(self.output_directory).joinpath("psychometric_curve.png") output_files.append(save_path) fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig) fig, ax = training.plot_reaction_time(trials, title=title, figsize=(8, 6)) set_axis_label_size(ax) save_path = Path(self.output_directory).joinpath("chronometric_curve.png") output_files.append(save_path) fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig) fig, ax = training.plot_reaction_time_over_trials(trials, title=title, figsize=(8, 6)) set_axis_label_size(ax) save_path = Path(self.output_directory).joinpath("reaction_time_with_trials.png") output_files.append(save_path) fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig) return output_files
# TODO put into histology and alignment pipeline
[docs] class HistologySlices(ReportSnapshotProbe): """Plots coronal and sagittal slice showing electrode locations.""" def _run(self): assert assert self.brain_atlas output_files = [] self.histology_status = self.get_histology_status() electrodes = self.get_channels('electrodeSites', f'alf/{self.pname}') if self.hist_lookup[self.histology_status] > 0: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) gs = fig.add_gridspec(2, 2, width_ratios=[.95, .05]) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) self.brain_atlas.plot_tilted_slice(electrodes['mlapdv'], 1, ax=ax1) ax1.scatter(electrodes['mlapdv'][:, 0] * 1e6, electrodes['mlapdv'][:, 2] * 1e6, s=8, c='r') ax1.set_title(f"{self.pid_label}") ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) self.brain_atlas.plot_tilted_slice(electrodes['mlapdv'], 0, ax=ax2) ax2.scatter(electrodes['mlapdv'][:, 1] * 1e6, electrodes['mlapdv'][:, 2] * 1e6, s=8, c='r') ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 1]) plot_brain_regions(electrodes['atlas_id'], brain_regions=self.brain_regions, display=True, ax=ax3, title=self.histology_status) save_path = Path(self.output_directory).joinpath("histology_slices.png") output_files.append(save_path) fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig) return output_files
[docs] def get_probe_signature(self): input_signature = [('electrodeSites.localCoordinates.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False), ('electrodeSites.brainLocationIds_ccf_2017.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False), ('electrodeSites.mlapdv.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False)] output_signature = [('histology_slices.png', f'snapshot/{self.pname}', True)] self.signature = {'input_files': input_signature, 'output_files': output_signature}
[docs] class LfpPlots(ReportSnapshotProbe): """ Plots LFP spectrum and LFP RMS plots """ def _run(self): assert output_files = [] if self.location != 'server': self.histology_status = self.get_histology_status() electrodes = self.get_channels('electrodeSites', f'alf/{self.pname}') # lfp spectrum fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [.95, .05]}, figsize=(16, 9)) lfp = alfio.load_object(self.session_path.joinpath(f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}'), 'ephysSpectralDensityLF', namespace='iblqc') _, _, _ = image_lfp_spectrum_plot(lfp.power, lfp.freqs, clim=[-65, -95], fig_kwargs={'figsize': (8, 6)}, ax=axs[0], display=True, title=f"{self.pid_label}") set_axis_label_size(axs[0], cmap=True) if self.histology_status: plot_brain_regions(electrodes['atlas_id'], brain_regions=self.brain_regions, display=True, ax=axs[1], title=self.histology_status) set_axis_label_size(axs[1]) else: remove_axis_outline(axs[1]) save_path = Path(self.output_directory).joinpath("lfp_spectrum.png") output_files.append(save_path) fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig) # lfp rms # TODO need to figure out the clim range fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [.95, .05]}, figsize=(16, 9)) lfp = alfio.load_object(self.session_path.joinpath(f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}'), 'ephysTimeRmsLF', namespace='iblqc') _, _, _ = image_rms_plot(lfp.rms, lfp.timestamps, median_subtract=False, band='LFP', clim=[-35, -45], ax=axs[0], cmap='inferno', fig_kwargs={'figsize': (8, 6)}, display=True, title=f"{self.pid_label}") set_axis_label_size(axs[0], cmap=True) if self.histology_status: plot_brain_regions(electrodes['atlas_id'], brain_regions=self.brain_regions, display=True, ax=axs[1], title=self.histology_status) set_axis_label_size(axs[1]) else: remove_axis_outline(axs[1]) save_path = Path(self.output_directory).joinpath("lfp_rms.png") output_files.append(save_path) fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig) return output_files
[docs] def get_probe_signature(self): input_signature = [('_iblqc_ephysTimeRmsLF.rms.npy', f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}', True), ('_iblqc_ephysTimeRmsLF.timestamps.npy', f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}', True), ('_iblqc_ephysSpectralDensityLF.freqs.npy', f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}', True), ('_iblqc_ephysSpectralDensityLF.power.npy', f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}', True), ('electrodeSites.localCoordinates.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False), ('electrodeSites.brainLocationIds_ccf_2017.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False), ('electrodeSites.mlapdv.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False)] output_signature = [('lfp_spectrum.png', f'snapshot/{self.pname}', True), ('lfp_rms.png', f'snapshot/{self.pname}', True)] self.signature = {'input_files': input_signature, 'output_files': output_signature}
[docs] class ApPlots(ReportSnapshotProbe): """ Plots AP RMS plots """ def _run(self): assert output_files = [] if self.location != 'server': self.histology_status = self.get_histology_status() electrodes = self.get_channels('electrodeSites', f'alf/{self.pname}') # TODO need to figure out the clim range fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [.95, .05]}, figsize=(16, 9)) ap = alfio.load_object(self.session_path.joinpath(f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}'), 'ephysTimeRmsAP', namespace='iblqc') _, _, _ = image_rms_plot(ap.rms, ap.timestamps, median_subtract=False, band='AP', ax=axs[0], fig_kwargs={'figsize': (8, 6)}, display=True, title=f"{self.pid_label}") set_axis_label_size(axs[0], cmap=True) if self.histology_status: plot_brain_regions(electrodes['atlas_id'], brain_regions=self.brain_regions, display=True, ax=axs[1], title=self.histology_status) set_axis_label_size(axs[1]) else: remove_axis_outline(axs[1]) save_path = Path(self.output_directory).joinpath("ap_rms.png") output_files.append(save_path) fig.savefig(save_path) plt.close(fig) return output_files
[docs] def get_probe_signature(self): input_signature = [('_iblqc_ephysTimeRmsAP.rms.npy', f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}', True), ('_iblqc_ephysTimeRmsAP.timestamps.npy', f'raw_ephys_data/{self.pname}', True), ('electrodeSites.localCoordinates.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False), ('electrodeSites.brainLocationIds_ccf_2017.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False), ('electrodeSites.mlapdv.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}', False)] output_signature = [('ap_rms.png', f'snapshot/{self.pname}', True)] self.signature = {'input_files': input_signature, 'output_files': output_signature}
[docs] class SpikeSorting(ReportSnapshotProbe): """ Plots raw electrophysiology AP band :param session_path: session path :param probe_id: str, UUID of the probe insertion for which to create the plot :param **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to tasks.Task """ def _run(self, collection=None): """runs for initiated PID, streams data, destripe and check bad channels""" def plot_driftmap(self, spikes, clusters, channels, collection): fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [.95, .05]}, figsize=(16, 9)) driftmap(spikes.times, spikes.depths, t_bin=0.007, d_bin=10, vmax=0.5, ax=axs[0]) title_str = f"{self.pid_label}, {collection}, {} \n " \ f"{spikes.clusters.size:_} spikes, {clusters.depths.size:_} clusters" ylim = (0, np.max(channels['axial_um'])) axs[0].set(ylim=ylim, title=title_str) run_label = str(Path(collection).relative_to(f'alf/{self.pname}')) run_label = "ks2matlab" if run_label == '.' else run_label outfile = self.output_directory.joinpath(f"spike_sorting_raster_{run_label}.png") set_axis_label_size(axs[0]) if self.histology_status: plot_brain_regions(channels['atlas_id'], channel_depths=channels['axial_um'], brain_regions=self.brain_regions, display=True, ax=axs[1], title=self.histology_status) axs[1].set(ylim=ylim) set_axis_label_size(axs[1]) else: remove_axis_outline(axs[1]) fig.savefig(outfile) plt.close(fig) return outfile, fig, axs output_files = [] if self.location == 'server': assert collection spikes = alfio.load_object(self.session_path.joinpath(collection), 'spikes') clusters = alfio.load_object(self.session_path.joinpath(collection), 'clusters') channels = alfio.load_object(self.session_path.joinpath(collection), 'channels') channels['axial_um'] = channels['localCoordinates'][:, 1] out, fig, axs = plot_driftmap(self, spikes, clusters, channels, collection) output_files.append(out) else: self.histology_status = self.get_histology_status() all_here, output_files = self.assert_expected(self.output_files, silent=True) spike_sorting_runs =, filename='spikes.times.npy', collection=f'alf/{self.pname}*') if all_here and len(output_files) == len(spike_sorting_runs): return output_files for run in spike_sorting_runs: collection = str(Path(run).parent.as_posix()) spikes, clusters, channels = load_spike_sorting_fast( eid=self.eid, probe=self.pname,, nested=False, collection=collection, dataset_types=['spikes.depths'], brain_regions=self.brain_regions) if 'atlas_id' not in channels.keys(): channels = self.get_channels('channels', collection) out, fig, axs = plot_driftmap(self, spikes, clusters, channels, collection) output_files.append(out) return output_files
[docs] def get_probe_signature(self): input_signature = [('spikes.times.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}*', True), ('spikes.amps.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}*', True), ('spikes.depths.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}*', True), ('clusters.depths.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}*', True), ('channels.localCoordinates.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}*', False), ('channels.mlapdv.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}*', False), ('channels.brainLocationIds_ccf_2017.npy', f'alf/{self.pname}*', False)] output_signature = [('spike_sorting_raster*.png', f'snapshot/{self.pname}', True)] self.signature = {'input_files': input_signature, 'output_files': output_signature}
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): files_spikes = Path(self.session_path).joinpath('alf').rglob('spikes.times.npy') folder_probes = [f.parent for f in files_spikes] full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: for folder in folder_probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], str(folder.relative_to(self.session_path)), sig[2])) if len(full_input_files) != 0: self.input_files = full_input_files else: self.input_files = self.signature['input_files'] self.output_files = self.signature['output_files'] self.input_files = [ExpectedDataset.input(*i) for i in self.input_files] self.output_files = [ExpectedDataset.output(*i) for i in self.output_files]
[docs] class BadChannelsAp(ReportSnapshotProbe): """ Plots raw electrophysiology AP band task = BadChannelsAp(pid, one=one=one) :param session_path: session path :param probe_id: str, UUID of the probe insertion for which to create the plot :param **kwargs: keyword arguments passed to tasks.Task """
[docs] def get_probe_signature(self): pname = self.pname input_signature = [('*ap.meta', f'raw_ephys_data/{pname}', True), ('*', f'raw_ephys_data/{pname}', False)] output_signature = [('raw_ephys_bad_channels.png', f'snapshot/{pname}', True), ('raw_ephys_bad_channels_highpass.png', f'snapshot/{pname}', True), ('raw_ephys_bad_channels_highpass.png', f'snapshot/{pname}', True), ('raw_ephys_bad_channels_destripe.png', f'snapshot/{pname}', True), ('raw_ephys_bad_channels_difference.png', f'snapshot/{pname}', True), ] self.signature = {'input_files': input_signature, 'output_files': output_signature}
def _run(self): """runs for initiated PID, streams data, destripe and check bad channels""" assert self.eqcs = [] T0 = 60 * 30 SNAPSHOT_LABEL = "raw_ephys_bad_channels" output_files = list(self.output_directory.glob(f'{SNAPSHOT_LABEL}*')) if len(output_files) == 4: return output_files self.output_directory.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) if self.location != 'server': self.histology_status = self.get_histology_status() electrodes = self.get_channels('electrodeSites', f'alf/{self.pname}') if 'atlas_id' in electrodes.keys(): electrodes['ibr'] = ismember(electrodes['atlas_id'],[1] electrodes['acronym'] = self.brain_regions.acronym[electrodes['ibr']] electrodes['name'] =[electrodes['ibr']] electrodes['title'] = self.histology_status else: electrodes = None nsecs = 1 sr = Streamer(,, remove_cached=False, typ='ap') s0 = T0 * sr.fs tsel = slice(int(s0), int(s0) + int(nsecs * sr.fs)) # Important: remove sync channel from raw data, and transpose raw = sr[tsel, :-sr.nsync].T else: electrodes = None ap_file = next(self.session_path.joinpath('raw_ephys_data', self.pname).glob('*ap.*bin'), None) if ap_file is not None: sr = spikeglx.Reader(ap_file) # If T0 is greater than recording length, take 500 sec before end if sr.rl < T0: T0 = int(sr.rl - 500) raw = sr[int((sr.fs * T0)):int((sr.fs * (T0 + 1))), :-sr.nsync].T else: return [] if sr.meta.get('NP2.4_shank', None) is not None: h = neuropixel.trace_header(sr.major_version, nshank=4) h = neuropixel.split_trace_header(h, shank=int(sr.meta.get('NP2.4_shank'))) else: h = neuropixel.trace_header(sr.major_version, nshank=np.unique(sr.geometry['shank']).size) channel_labels, channel_features = voltage.detect_bad_channels(raw, sr.fs) _, eqcs, output_files = ephys_bad_channels( raw=raw, fs=sr.fs, channel_labels=channel_labels, channel_features=channel_features, h=h, channels=electrodes, title=SNAPSHOT_LABEL, destripe=True, save_dir=self.output_directory, br=self.brain_regions, pid_info=self.pid_label) self.eqcs = eqcs return output_files
[docs] def ephys_bad_channels(raw, fs, channel_labels, channel_features, h=None, channels=None, title="ephys_bad_channels", save_dir=None, destripe=False, eqcs=None, br=None, pid_info=None, plot_backend='matplotlib'): nc, ns = raw.shape rl = ns / fs def gain2level(gain): return 10 ** (gain / 20) * 4 * np.array([-1, 1]) if fs >= 2600: # AP band ylim_rms = [0, 100] ylim_psd_hf = [0, 0.1] eqc_xrange = [450, 500] butter_kwargs = {'N': 3, 'Wn': 300 / fs * 2, 'btype': 'highpass'} eqc_gain = - 90 eqc_levels = gain2level(eqc_gain) else: # we are working with the LFP ylim_rms = [0, 1000] ylim_psd_hf = [0, 1] eqc_xrange = [450, 950] butter_kwargs = {'N': 3, 'Wn': np.array([2, 125]) / fs * 2, 'btype': 'bandpass'} eqc_gain = - 78 eqc_levels = gain2level(eqc_gain) inoisy = np.where(channel_labels == 2)[0] idead = np.where(channel_labels == 1)[0] ioutside = np.where(channel_labels == 3)[0] # display voltage traces eqcs = [] if eqcs is None else eqcs # butterworth, for display only sos = scipy.signal.butter(**butter_kwargs, output='sos') butt = scipy.signal.sosfiltfilt(sos, raw) if plot_backend == 'matplotlib': _, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [.95, .05]}, figsize=(16, 9)) eqcs.append(Density(butt, fs=fs, taxis=1, ax=axs[0], title='highpass', vmin=eqc_levels[0], vmax=eqc_levels[1])) if destripe: dest = voltage.destripe(raw, fs=fs, h=h, channel_labels=channel_labels) _, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [.95, .05]}, figsize=(16, 9)) eqcs.append(Density( dest, fs=fs, taxis=1, ax=axs[0], title='destripe', vmin=eqc_levels[0], vmax=eqc_levels[1])) _, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [.95, .05]}, figsize=(16, 9)) eqcs.append(Density((butt - dest), fs=fs, taxis=1, ax=axs[0], title='difference', vmin=eqc_levels[0], vmax=eqc_levels[1])) for eqc in eqcs: y, x = np.meshgrid(ioutside, np.linspace(0, rl * 1e3, 500)), y.flatten(), c='goldenrod', s=4) y, x = np.meshgrid(inoisy, np.linspace(0, rl * 1e3, 500)), y.flatten(), c='r', s=4) y, x = np.meshgrid(idead, np.linspace(0, rl * 1e3, 500)), y.flatten(), c='b', s=4)*eqc_xrange), nc)'Channel index')'{pid_info}_{eqc.title}') set_axis_label_size( ax = eqc.figure.axes[1] if channels is not None: chn_title = channels.get('title', None) plot_brain_regions(channels['atlas_id'], brain_regions=br, display=True, ax=ax, title=chn_title) set_axis_label_size(ax) else: remove_axis_outline(ax) else: from viewspikes.gui import viewephys # noqa eqcs.append(viewephys(butt, fs=fs, channels=channels, title='highpass', br=br)) if destripe: dest = voltage.destripe(raw, fs=fs, h=h, channel_labels=channel_labels) eqcs.append(viewephys(dest, fs=fs, channels=channels, title='destripe', br=br)) eqcs.append(viewephys((butt - dest), fs=fs, channels=channels, title='difference', br=br)) for eqc in eqcs: y, x = np.meshgrid(ioutside, np.linspace(0, rl * 1e3, 500)) eqc.ctrl.add_scatter(x.flatten(), y.flatten(), rgb=(164, 142, 35), label='outside') y, x = np.meshgrid(inoisy, np.linspace(0, rl * 1e3, 500)) eqc.ctrl.add_scatter(x.flatten(), y.flatten(), rgb=(255, 0, 0), label='noisy') y, x = np.meshgrid(idead, np.linspace(0, rl * 1e3, 500)) eqc.ctrl.add_scatter(x.flatten(), y.flatten(), rgb=(0, 0, 255), label='dead') eqcs[0].ctrl.set_gain(eqc_gain) eqcs[0].resize(1960, 1200) eqcs[0].viewBox_seismic.setXRange(*eqc_xrange) eqcs[0].viewBox_seismic.setYRange(0, nc) eqcs[0].ctrl.propagate() # display features fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex=True, figsize=[16, 9], tight_layout=True) fig.suptitle(title) axs[0, 0].plot(channel_features['rms_raw'] * 1e6) axs[0, 0].set(title='rms', xlabel='channel number', ylabel='rms (uV)', ylim=ylim_rms) axs[1, 0].plot(channel_features['psd_hf']) axs[1, 0].plot(inoisy, np.minimum(channel_features['psd_hf'][inoisy], 0.0999), 'xr') axs[1, 0].set(title='PSD above 80% Nyquist', xlabel='channel number', ylabel='PSD (uV ** 2 / Hz)', ylim=ylim_psd_hf) axs[1, 0].legend = ['psd', 'noisy'] axs[0, 1].plot(channel_features['xcor_hf']) axs[0, 1].plot(channel_features['xcor_lf']) axs[0, 1].plot(idead, channel_features['xcor_hf'][idead], 'xb') axs[0, 1].plot(ioutside, channel_features['xcor_lf'][ioutside], 'xy') axs[0, 1].set(title='Similarity', xlabel='channel number', ylabel='', ylim=[-1.5, 0.5]) axs[0, 1].legend(['detrend', 'trend', 'dead', 'outside']) fscale, psd = scipy.signal.welch(raw * 1e6, fs=fs) # units; uV ** 2 / Hz axs[1, 1].imshow(20 * np.log10(psd).T, extent=[0, nc - 1, fscale[0], fscale[-1]], origin='lower', aspect='auto', vmin=-50, vmax=-20) axs[1, 1].set(title='PSD', xlabel='channel number', ylabel="Frequency (Hz)") axs[1, 1].plot(idead, idead * 0 + fs / 4, 'xb') axs[1, 1].plot(inoisy, inoisy * 0 + fs / 4, 'xr') axs[1, 1].plot(ioutside, ioutside * 0 + fs / 4, 'xy') if save_dir is not None: output_files = [Path(save_dir).joinpath(f"{title}.png")] fig.savefig(output_files[0]) for eqc in eqcs: if plot_backend == 'matplotlib': output_files.append(Path(save_dir).joinpath(f"{title}_{eqc.title}.png")) eqc.figure.savefig(str(output_files[-1])) else: output_files.append(Path(save_dir).joinpath(f"{title}_{eqc.windowTitle()}.png")) eqc.grab().save(str(output_files[-1])) return fig, eqcs, output_files else: return fig, eqcs
[docs] def raw_destripe(raw, fs, t0, i_plt, n_plt, fig=None, axs=None, savedir=None, detect_badch=True, SAMPLE_SKIP=200, DISPLAY_TIME=0.05, N_CHAN=384, MIN_X=-0.00011, MAX_X=0.00011): ''' :param raw: raw ephys data, Ns x Nc, x-axis: time (s), y-axis: channel :param fs: sampling freq (Hz) of the raw ephys data :param t0: time (s) of ephys sample beginning from session start :param i_plt: increment of plot to display image one (start from 0, has to be < n_plt) :param n_plt: total number of subplot on figure :param fig: figure handle :param axs: axis handle :param savedir: filename, including directory, to save figure to :param detect_badch: boolean, to detect or not bad channels :param SAMPLE_SKIP: number of samples to skip at origin of ephsy sample for display :param DISPLAY_TIME: time (s) to display :param N_CHAN: number of expected channels on the probe :param MIN_X: max voltage for color range :param MAX_X: min voltage for color range :return: fig, axs ''' # Import from ibldsp import voltage from ibllib.plots import Density # Init fig if fig is None or axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=n_plt, figsize=(14, 5), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': 4 * n_plt}) if i_plt > len(axs) - 1: # Error raise ValueError(f'The given increment of subplot ({i_plt + 1}) ' f'is larger than the total number of subplots ({len(axs)})') [nc, ns] = raw.shape if nc == N_CHAN: destripe = voltage.destripe(raw, fs=fs) X = destripe[:, :int(DISPLAY_TIME * fs)].T Xs = X[SAMPLE_SKIP:].T # Remove artifact at beginning Tplot = Xs.shape[1] / fs # PLOT RAW DATA d = Density(-Xs, fs=fs, taxis=1, ax=axs[i_plt], vmin=MIN_X, vmax=MAX_X) # noqa axs[i_plt].set_ylabel('') axs[i_plt].set_xlim((0, Tplot * 1e3)) axs[i_plt].set_ylim((0, nc)) # Init title title_plt = f't0 = {int(t0 / 60)} min' if detect_badch: # Detect and remove bad channels prior to spike detection labels, xfeats = voltage.detect_bad_channels(raw, fs) idx_badchan = np.where(labels != 0)[0] # Plot bad channels on raw data x, y = np.meshgrid(idx_badchan, np.linspace(0, Tplot * 1e3, 20)) axs[i_plt].plot(y.flatten(), x.flatten(), '.k', markersize=1) # Append title title_plt += f', n={len(idx_badchan)} bad ch' # Set title axs[i_plt].title.set_text(title_plt) else: axs[i_plt].title.set_text(f'CANNOT DESTRIPE, N CHAN = {nc}') # Amend some axis style if i_plt > 0: axs[i_plt].set_yticklabels('') # Fig layout fig.tight_layout() if savedir is not None: fig.savefig(fname=savedir) return fig, axs
[docs] def dlc_qc_plot(session_path, one=None, device_collection='raw_video_data', cameras=('left', 'right', 'body'), trials_collection='alf'): """ Creates DLC QC plot. Data is searched first locally, then on Alyx. Panels that lack required data are skipped. Required data to create all panels 'raw_video_data/_iblrig_bodyCamera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data/_iblrig_leftCamera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data/_iblrig_rightCamera.raw.mp4', 'alf/_ibl_bodyCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf/_ibl_leftCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf/_ibl_rightCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf/_ibl_bodyCamera.times.npy', 'alf/_ibl_leftCamera.times.npy', 'alf/_ibl_rightCamera.times.npy', 'alf/_ibl_leftCamera.features.pqt', 'alf/_ibl_rightCamera.features.pqt', 'alf/rightROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf/leftROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf/bodyROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf/_ibl_trials.choice.npy', 'alf/_ibl_trials.feedbackType.npy', 'alf/_ibl_trials.feedback_times.npy', 'alf/_ibl_trials.stimOn_times.npy', 'alf/_ibl_wheel.position.npy', 'alf/_ibl_wheel.timestamps.npy', 'alf/licks.times.npy', :params session_path: Path to session data on disk :params one: ONE instance, if None is given, default ONE is instantiated :returns: Matplotlib figure """ one = one or ONE() # hack for running on cortexlab local server if one.alyx.base_url == '': one = ONE(base_url='') data = {} session_path = Path(session_path) # Load data for each camera for cam in cameras: # Load a single frame for each video # Check if video data is available locally,if yes, load a single frame video_path = session_path.joinpath(device_collection, f'_iblrig_{cam}Camera.raw.mp4') if video_path.exists(): data[f'{cam}_frame'] = get_video_frame(video_path, frame_number=5 * 60 * SAMPLING[cam])[:, :, 0] # If not, try to stream a frame (try three times) else: try: video_url = url_from_eid(one.path2eid(session_path), one=one)[cam] for tries in range(3): try: data[f'{cam}_frame'] = get_video_frame(video_url, frame_number=5 * 60 * SAMPLING[cam])[:, :, 0] break except Exception: if tries < 2: tries += 1"Streaming {cam} video failed, retrying x{tries}") time.sleep(30) else: logger.warning(f"Could not load video frame for {cam} cam. Skipping trace on frame.") data[f'{cam}_frame'] = None except KeyError: logger.warning(f"Could not load video frame for {cam} cam. Skipping trace on frame.") data[f'{cam}_frame'] = None # Other camera associated data for feat in ['dlc', 'times', 'features', 'ROIMotionEnergy']: # Check locally first, then try to load from alyx, if nothing works, set to None if feat == 'features' and cam == 'body': # this doesn't exist for body cam continue local_file = list(session_path.joinpath('alf').glob(f'*{cam}Camera.{feat}*')) if len(local_file) > 0: data[f'{cam}_{feat}'] = alfio.load_file_content(local_file[0]) else: alyx_ds = [ds for ds in one.list_datasets(one.path2eid(session_path)) if f'{cam}Camera.{feat}' in ds] if len(alyx_ds) > 0: data[f'{cam}_{feat}'] = one.load_dataset(one.path2eid(session_path), alyx_ds[0]) else: logger.warning(f"Could not load _ibl_{cam}Camera.{feat} some plots have to be skipped.") data[f'{cam}_{feat}'] = None # Sometimes there is a file but the object is empty, set to None if data[f'{cam}_{feat}'] is not None and len(data[f'{cam}_{feat}']) == 0: logger.warning(f"Object loaded from _ibl_{cam}Camera.{feat} is empty, some plots have to be skipped.") data[f'{cam}_{feat}'] = None # If we have no frame and/or no DLC and/or no times for all cams, raise an error, something is really wrong assert any(data[f'{cam}_frame'] is not None for cam in cameras), "No camera data could be loaded, aborting." assert any(data[f'{cam}_dlc'] is not None for cam in cameras), "No DLC data could be loaded, aborting." assert any(data[f'{cam}_times'] is not None for cam in cameras), "No camera times data could be loaded, aborting." # Load session level data for alf_object, collection in zip(['trials', 'wheel', 'licks'], [trials_collection, trials_collection, 'alf']): try: data[f'{alf_object}'] = alfio.load_object(session_path.joinpath(collection), alf_object) # load locally continue except ALFObjectNotFound: pass try: # then try from alyx data[f'{alf_object}'] = one.load_object(one.path2eid(session_path), alf_object, collection=collection) except ALFObjectNotFound: logger.warning(f"Could not load {alf_object} object, some plots have to be skipped.") data[f'{alf_object}'] = None # Simplify and clean up trials data if data['trials']: data['trials'] = pd.DataFrame( {k: data['trials'][k] for k in ['stimOn_times', 'feedback_times', 'choice', 'feedbackType']}) # Discard nan events and too long trials data['trials'] = data['trials'].dropna() data['trials'] = data['trials'].drop( data['trials'][(data['trials']['feedback_times'] - data['trials']['stimOn_times']) > 10].index) # Make a list of panels, if inputs are missing, instead input a text to display panels = [] # Panel A, B, C: Trace on frame for cam in cameras: if data[f'{cam}_frame'] is not None and data[f'{cam}_dlc'] is not None: panels.append((plot_trace_on_frame, {'frame': data[f'{cam}_frame'], 'dlc_df': data[f'{cam}_dlc'], 'cam': cam})) else: panels.append((None, f'Data missing\n{cam.capitalize()} cam trace on frame')) # If trials data is not there, we cannot plot any of the trial average plots, skip all remaining panels if data['trials'] is None: panels.extend([(None, 'No trial data,\ncannot compute trial avgs')] * 7) else: # Panel D: Motion energy camera_dict = {} for cam in cameras: # Remove cameras where we don't have motion energy AND camera times d = {'motion_energy': data.get(f'{cam}_ROIMotionEnergy'), 'times': data.get(f'{cam}_times')} if not any(x is None for x in d.values()): camera_dict[cam] = d if len(camera_dict) > 0: panels.append((plot_motion_energy_hist, {'camera_dict': camera_dict, 'trials_df': data['trials']})) else: panels.append((None, 'Data missing\nMotion energy')) # Panel E: Wheel position if data['wheel']: panels.append((plot_wheel_position, {'wheel_position': data['wheel'].position, 'wheel_time': data['wheel'].timestamps, 'trials_df': data['trials']})) else: panels.append((None, 'Data missing\nWheel position')) # Panel F, G: Paw speed and nose speed # Try if all data is there for left cam first, otherwise right for cam in ['left', 'right']: fail = False if (data[f'{cam}_dlc'] is not None and data[f'{cam}_times'] is not None and len(data[f'{cam}_times']) >= len(data[f'{cam}_dlc'])): break fail = True if not fail: paw = 'r' if cam == 'left' else 'l' panels.append((plot_speed_hist, {'dlc_df': data[f'{cam}_dlc'], 'cam_times': data[f'{cam}_times'], 'trials_df': data['trials'], 'feature': f'paw_{paw}', 'cam': cam})) panels.append((plot_speed_hist, {'dlc_df': data[f'{cam}_dlc'], 'cam_times': data[f'{cam}_times'], 'trials_df': data['trials'], 'feature': 'nose_tip', 'legend': False, 'cam': cam})) else: panels.extend([(None, 'Data missing or corrupt\nSpeed histograms')] * 2) # Panel H and I: Lick plots if data['licks'] and data['licks'].times.shape[0] > 0: panels.append((plot_lick_hist, {'lick_times': data['licks'].times, 'trials_df': data['trials']})) panels.append((plot_lick_raster, {'lick_times': data['licks'].times, 'trials_df': data['trials']})) else: panels.extend([(None, 'Data missing\nLicks plots') for i in range(2)]) # Panel J: pupil plot # Try if all data is there for left cam first, otherwise right for cam in ['left', 'right']: fail = False if (data.get(f'{cam}_times') is not None and data.get(f'{cam}_features') is not None and len(data[f'{cam}_times']) >= len(data[f'{cam}_features']) and not np.all(np.isnan(data[f'{cam}_features'].pupilDiameter_smooth))): break fail = True if not fail: panels.append((plot_pupil_diameter_hist, {'pupil_diameter': data[f'{cam}_features'].pupilDiameter_smooth, 'cam_times': data[f'{cam}_times'], 'trials_df': data['trials'], 'cam': cam})) else: panels.append((None, 'Data missing or corrupt\nPupil diameter')) # Plotting plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 10}) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(17, 10)) for i, panel in enumerate(panels): ax = plt.subplot(2, 5, i + 1) ax.text(-0.1, 1.15, ascii_uppercase[i], transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=16, fontweight='bold') # Check if there was in issue with inputs, if yes, print the respective text if panel[0] is None: ax.text(.5, .5, panel[1], color='r', fontweight='bold', fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.axis('off') else: try: panel[0](**panel[1]) except Exception: logger.error(f'Error in {panel[0].__name__}\n' + traceback.format_exc()) ax.text(.5, .5, f'Error while plotting\n{panel[0].__name__}', color='r', fontweight='bold', fontsize=12, horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=ax.transAxes) plt.axis('off') plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0.03, 1, 0.95]) return fig