Source code for iblatlas.plots

Module that has convenience plotting functions for 2D atlas slices and flatmaps.
import copy
import logging

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm, colors
from matplotlib.patches import Polygon, PathPatch
import matplotlib.path as mpath
from import md5
from iblutil.numerical import ismember
import as aws

from iblatlas.flatmaps import FlatMap, _swanson_labels_positions, swanson, swanson_json
from iblatlas.regions import BrainRegions
from iblatlas.atlas import AllenAtlas, BrainCoordinates, ALLEN_CCF_LANDMARKS_MLAPDV_UM

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def get_bc_10(): """ Get BrainCoordinates object for 10um Allen Atlas Returns ------- BrainCoordinates object """ dims2xyz = np.array([1, 0, 2]) res_um = 10 scaling = np.array([1, 1, 1]) image_10 = np.array([1320, 1140, 800]) iorigin = (ALLEN_CCF_LANDMARKS_MLAPDV_UM['bregma'] / res_um) dxyz = res_um * 1e-6 * np.array([1, -1, -1]) * scaling nxyz = np.array(image_10)[dims2xyz] bc = BrainCoordinates(nxyz=nxyz, xyz0=(0, 0, 0), dxyz=dxyz) bc = BrainCoordinates(nxyz=nxyz, xyz0=-bc.i2xyz(iorigin), dxyz=dxyz) return bc
[docs] def plot_polygon(ax, xy, color, reg_id, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.3, alpha=1): """ Function to plot matplotlib polygon on an axis Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. xy: numpy.array 2D array of x and y coordinates of vertices of polygon color: str, tuple of int The color to fill the polygon reg_id: str, int An id to assign to the polygon edgecolor: str, tuple of int The color of the edge of the polgon linewidth: int The width of the edges of the polygon alpha: float between 0 and 1 The opacitiy of the polygon Returns ------- """ p = Polygon(xy, facecolor=color, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha, gid=f'region_{reg_id}') ax.add_patch(p)
[docs] def plot_polygon_with_hole(ax, vertices, codes, color, reg_id, edgecolor='k', linewidth=0.3, alpha=1): """ Function to plot matplotlib polygon that contains a hole on an axis Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. vertices: numpy.array 2D array of x and y coordinates of vertices of polygon codes: numpy.array 1D array of path codes used to link the vertices ( color: str, tuple of int The color to fill the polygon reg_id: str, int An id to assign to the polygon edgecolor: str, tuple of int The color of the edge of the polgon linewidth: int The width of the edges of the polygon alpha: float between 0 and 1 The opacitiy of the polygon Returns ------- """ path = mpath.Path(vertices, codes) patch = PathPatch(path, facecolor=color, edgecolor=edgecolor, linewidth=linewidth, alpha=alpha, gid=f'region_{reg_id}') ax.add_patch(patch)
[docs] def coords_for_poly_hole(coords): """ Function to convert Parameters ---------- coords : dict Dictionary containing keys x, y and invert. x and y contain numpy.array of x coordinates, y coordinates for the vertices of the polgyon. The invert key is either 1 or -1 and deterimine how to assign the paths. The value for invert for each polygon was assigned manually after looking at the result Returns ------- all_coords: numpy.array 2D array of x and y coordinates of vertices of polygon all_codes: numpy.array 1D array of path codes used to link the vertices ( """ for i, c in enumerate(coords): xy = np.c_[c['x'], c['y']] codes = np.ones(len(xy), dtype=mpath.Path.code_type) * mpath.Path.LINETO codes[0] = mpath.Path.MOVETO if i == 0: val = c.get('invert', 1) all_coords = xy[::val] all_codes = codes else: codes[-1] = mpath.Path.CLOSEPOLY val = c.get('invert', -1) all_coords = np.concatenate((all_coords, xy[::val])) all_codes = np.concatenate((all_codes, codes)) return all_coords, all_codes
[docs] def prepare_lr_data(acronyms_lh, values_lh, acronyms_rh, values_rh): """ Prepare data in format needed for plotting when providing different region values per hemisphere :param acronyms_lh: array of acronyms on left hemisphere :param values_lh: values for each acronym on left hemisphere :param acronyms_rh: array of acronyms on right hemisphere :param values_rh: values for each acronym on left hemisphere :return: combined acronyms and two column array of values """ acronyms = np.unique(np.r_[acronyms_lh, acronyms_rh]) values = np.nan * np.ones((acronyms.shape[0], 2)) _, l_idx = ismember(acronyms_lh, acronyms) _, r_idx = ismember(acronyms_rh, acronyms) values[l_idx, 0] = values_lh values[r_idx, 1] = values_rh return acronyms, values
[docs] def reorder_data(acronyms, values, brain_regions=None): """ Reorder list of acronyms and values to match the Allen ordering. TODO Document more Parameters ---------- acronyms : array_like of str The acronyms to match the Allen ordering, whatever that means. values : array_like An array of some sort of values I guess... brain_regions : iblatlas.regions.BrainRegions A brain regions object. Returns ------- numpy.array of str An ordered array of acronyms numpy.array An ordered array of values. I don't know what those values are, not IDs, so maybe indices? """ br = brain_regions or BrainRegions() atlas_id = br.acronym2id(acronyms, hemisphere='right') all_ids =[br.order][:br.n_lr + 1] ordered_ids = np.zeros_like(all_ids) * np.nan ordered_values = np.zeros_like(all_ids) * np.nan _, idx = ismember(atlas_id, all_ids) ordered_ids[idx] = atlas_id ordered_values[idx] = values ordered_ids = ordered_ids[~np.isnan(ordered_ids)] ordered_values = ordered_values[~np.isnan(ordered_values)] ordered_acronyms = br.id2acronym(ordered_ids) return ordered_acronyms, ordered_values
[docs] def load_slice_files(slice, mapping): """ Function to load in set of vectorised atlas slices for a given atlas axis and mapping. If the data does not exist locally, it will download the files automatically stored in a AWS S3 bucket. Parameters ---------- slice : {'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal', 'top'} The axis of the atlas to load. mapping : {'Allen', 'Beryl', 'Cosmos'} The mapping to load. Returns ------- slice_data : numpy.array A json containing the vertices to draw each region for each slice in the Allen annotation volume. """ OLD_MD5 = { 'coronal': [], 'sagittal': [], 'horizontal': [], 'top': [] } slice_file = AllenAtlas._get_cache_dir().joinpath('svg', f'{slice}_{mapping}_paths.npy') if not slice_file.exists() or md5(slice_file) in OLD_MD5[slice]: slice_file.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)'downloading swanson paths from {aws.S3_BUCKET_IBL} s3 bucket...') aws.s3_download_file(f'atlas/{}', slice_file) slice_data = np.load(slice_file, allow_pickle=True) return slice_data
def _plot_slice_vector(coords, slice, values, mapping, empty_color='silver', clevels=None, cmap='viridis', show_cbar=False, ba=None, ax=None, slice_json=None, **kwargs): """ Function to plot scalar value per allen region on vectorised version of histology slice. Do not use directly but use through plot_scalar_on_slice function with vector=True. Parameters ---------- coords: float Coordinate of slice in um (not needed when slice='top'). slice: {'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal', 'top'} The axis through the atlas volume to display. values: numpy.array Array of values for each of the lateralised Allen regions found using BrainRegions().acronym. If no value is assigned to the acronym, the value at corresponding to that index should be NaN. mapping: {'Allen', 'Beryl', 'Cosmos'} The mapping to use. empty_color: str, tuple of int, default='silver' The color used to fill the regions that do not have any values assigned (regions with NaN). clevels: numpy.array, list or tuple The min and max values to use for the colormap. cmap: string Colormap to use. show_cbar: bool, default=False Whether to display a colorbar. ba : iblatlas.atlas.AllenAtlas A brain atlas object. ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. slice_json: numpy.array The set of vectorised slices for this slice, obtained using load_slice_files(slice, mapping). **kwargs Set of kwargs passed into matplotlib.patches.Polygon. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure The plotted figure. ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The plotted axes. cbar: matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar, optional matplotlib colorbar object, only returned if show_cbar=True """ ba = ba or AllenAtlas() mapping = mapping.split('-')[0].lower() if clevels is None: clevels = (np.nanmin(values), np.nanmax(values)) if ba.res_um == 10: bc10 = ba.bc else: bc10 = get_bc_10() if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_axis_off() else: fig = ax.get_figure() colormap = matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap) norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1]) nan_vals = np.isnan(values) rgba_color = np.full((values.size, 4), fill_value=np.nan) rgba_color[~nan_vals] = colormap(norm(values[~nan_vals]), bytes=True) if slice_json is None: slice_json = load_slice_files(slice, mapping) if slice == 'coronal': idx = bc10.y2i(coords) xlim = np.array([0, bc10.nx]) ylim = np.array([0,]) elif slice == 'sagittal': idx = bc10.x2i(coords) xlim = np.array([0, bc10.ny]) ylim = np.array([0,]) elif slice == 'horizontal': idx = bc10.z2i(coords) xlim = np.array([0, bc10.nx]) ylim = np.array([0, bc10.ny]) else: # top case xlim = np.array([0, bc10.nx]) ylim = np.array([0, bc10.ny]) if slice != 'top': slice_json = slice_json.item().get(str(int(idx))) for i, reg in enumerate(slice_json): color = rgba_color[reg['thisID']] reg_id = reg['thisID'] if any(np.isnan(color)): color = empty_color else: color = color / 255 coords = reg['coordsReg'] if len(coords) == 0: continue if isinstance(coords, (list, tuple)): vertices, codes = coords_for_poly_hole(coords) plot_polygon_with_hole(ax, vertices, codes, color, reg_id, **kwargs) else: xy = np.c_[coords['x'], coords['y']] plot_polygon(ax, xy, color, reg_id, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.invert_yaxis() if show_cbar: cbar = fig.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), ax=ax) return fig, ax, cbar else: return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_scalar_on_slice(regions, values, coord=-1000, slice='coronal', mapping=None, hemisphere='left', background='image', cmap='viridis', clevels=None, show_cbar=False, empty_color='silver', brain_atlas=None, ax=None, vector=False, slice_files=None, **kwargs): """ Function to plot scalar value per region on histology slice. Parameters ---------- regions : array_like An array of brain region acronyms. values : numpy.array An array of scalar value per acronym. If hemisphere is 'both' and different values want to be shown on each hemisphere, values should contain 2 columns, 1st column for LH values, 2nd column for RH values. coord : float Coordinate of slice in um (not needed when slice='top'). slice : {'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal', 'top'}, default='coronal' Orientation of slice. mapping : str, optional Atlas mapping to use, options are depend on atlas used (see `iblatlas.regions.BrainRegions`). If None, the atlas default mapping is used. hemisphere : {'left', 'right', 'both'}, default='left' The hemisphere to display. background : {image', 'boundary'}, default='image' Background slice to overlay onto, options are 'image' or 'boundary'. If `vector` is false, this argument is ignored. cmap: str, default='viridis' Colormap to use. clevels : array_like The min and max color levels to use. show_cbar: bool, default=False Whether to display a colorbar. empty_color : str, default='silver' Color to use for regions without any values (only used when `vector` is true). brain_atlas : iblatlas.atlas.AllenAtlas A brain atlas object. ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. vector : bool, default=False Whether to show as bitmap or vector graphic. slice_files: numpy.array The set of vectorised slices for this slice, obtained using `load_slice_files(slice, mapping)`. **kwargs Set of kwargs passed into matplotlib.patches.Polygon, e.g. linewidth=2, edgecolor='None' (only used when vector = True). Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure The plotted figure. ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The plotted axes. cbar: matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar, optional matplotlib colorbar object, only returned if show_cbar=True. """ ba = brain_atlas or AllenAtlas() br = ba.regions mapping = mapping or br.default_mapping if clevels is None: clevels = (np.nanmin(values), np.nanmax(values)) # Find the mapping to use if '-lr' in mapping: map = mapping else: map = mapping + '-lr' region_values = np.zeros_like( * np.nan if len(values.shape) == 2: for r, vL, vR in zip(regions, values[:, 0], values[:, 1]): idx = np.where(br.acronym[br.mappings[map]] == r)[0] idx_lh = idx[idx > br.n_lr] idx_rh = idx[idx <= br.n_lr] region_values[idx_rh] = vR region_values[idx_lh] = vL else: for r, v in zip(regions, values): region_values[np.where(br.acronym[br.mappings[map]] == r)[0]] = v if hemisphere == 'left': region_values[0:(br.n_lr + 1)] = np.nan elif hemisphere == 'right': region_values[br.n_lr:] = np.nan region_values[0] = np.nan if show_cbar: if vector: fig, ax, cbar = _plot_slice_vector(coord / 1e6, slice, region_values, map, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ba=ba, ax=ax, empty_color=empty_color, show_cbar=show_cbar, slice_json=slice_files, **kwargs) else: fig, ax, cbar = _plot_slice(coord / 1e6, slice, region_values, 'value', background=background, map=map, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ba=ba, ax=ax, show_cbar=show_cbar) return fig, ax, cbar else: if vector: fig, ax = _plot_slice_vector(coord / 1e6, slice, region_values, map, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ba=ba, ax=ax, empty_color=empty_color, show_cbar=show_cbar, slice_json=slice_files, **kwargs) else: fig, ax = _plot_slice(coord / 1e6, slice, region_values, 'value', background=background, map=map, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ba=ba, ax=ax, show_cbar=show_cbar) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_scalar_on_flatmap(regions, values, depth=0, flatmap='dorsal_cortex', mapping='Allen', hemisphere='left', background='boundary', cmap='viridis', clevels=None, show_cbar=False, flmap_atlas=None, ax=None): """ Function to plot scalar value per allen region on flatmap slice :param regions: array of acronyms of Allen regions :param values: array of scalar value per acronym. If hemisphere is 'both' and different values want to be shown on each hemispheres, values should contain 2 columns, 1st column for LH values, 2nd column for RH values :param depth: depth in flatmap in um :param flatmap: name of flatmap (currently only option is 'dorsal_cortex') :param mapping: atlas mapping to use, options are 'Allen', 'Beryl' or 'Cosmos' :param hemisphere: hemisphere to display, options are 'left', 'right', 'both' :param background: background slice to overlay onto, options are 'image' or 'boundary' :param cmap: colormap to use :param clevels: min max color levels [cmin, cmax] :param show_cbar: whether to add colorbar to axis :param flmap_atlas: FlatMap object :param ax: optional axis object to plot on :return: """ if clevels is None: clevels = (np.nanmin(values), np.nanmax(values)) ba = flmap_atlas or FlatMap(flatmap=flatmap) br = ba.regions # Find the mapping to use if '-lr' in mapping: map = mapping else: map = mapping + '-lr' region_values = np.zeros_like( * np.nan if len(values.shape) == 2: for r, vL, vR in zip(regions, values[:, 0], values[:, 1]): idx = np.where(br.acronym[br.mappings[map]] == r)[0] idx_lh = idx[idx > br.n_lr] idx_rh = idx[idx <= br.n_lr] region_values[idx_rh] = vR region_values[idx_lh] = vL else: for r, v in zip(regions, values): region_values[np.where(br.acronym[br.mappings[map]] == r)[0]] = v if hemisphere == 'left': region_values[0:(br.n_lr + 1)] = np.nan elif hemisphere == 'right': region_values[br.n_lr:] = np.nan region_values[0] = np.nan d_idx = int(np.round(depth / ba.res_um)) # need to find nearest to 25 if background == 'boundary': cmap_bound = matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap("bone_r").copy() cmap_bound.set_under([1, 1, 1], 0) if ax: fig = ax.get_figure() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if background == 'image': ba.plot_flatmap(d_idx, volume='image', mapping=map, ax=ax) ba.plot_flatmap(d_idx, volume='value', region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) else: ba.plot_flatmap(d_idx, volume='value', region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) ba.plot_flatmap(d_idx, volume='boundary', mapping=map, ax=ax, cmap=cmap_bound, vmin=0.01, vmax=0.8) # For circle flatmap we don't want to cut the axis if != 'circles': if hemisphere == 'left': ax.set_xlim(0, np.ceil(ba.flatmap.shape[1] / 2)) elif hemisphere == 'right': ax.set_xlim(np.ceil(ba.flatmap.shape[1] / 2), ba.flatmap.shape[1]) if show_cbar: norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], clip=False) cbar = fig.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), ax=ax) return fig, ax, cbar else: return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_volume_on_slice(volume, coord=-1000, slice='coronal', mapping='Allen', background='boundary', cmap='Reds', clevels=None, show_cbar=False, brain_atlas=None, ax=None): """ Plot slice through a volume :param volume: 3D array of volume (must be same shape as brain_atlas object) :param coord: coordinate of slice in um :param slice: orientation of slice, options are 'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal' :param mapping: atlas mapping to use, options are 'Allen', 'Beryl' or 'Cosmos' :param background: background slice to overlay onto, options are 'image' or 'boundary' :param cmap: colormap to use :param clevels: min max color levels [cmin, cmax] :param show_cbar: whether to add colorbar to axis :param brain_atlas: AllenAtlas object :param ax: optional axis object to plot on :return: """ ba = brain_atlas or AllenAtlas() assert volume.shape == ba.image.shape, 'Volume must have same shape as ba' # Find the mapping to use if '-lr' in mapping: map = mapping else: map = mapping + '-lr' if show_cbar: fig, ax, cbar = _plot_slice(coord / 1e6, slice, volume, 'volume', background=background, map=map, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ba=ba, ax=ax, show_cbar=show_cbar) return fig, ax, cbar else: fig, ax = _plot_slice(coord / 1e6, slice, volume, 'volume', background=background, map=map, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ba=ba, ax=ax, show_cbar=show_cbar) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_points_on_slice(xyz, values=None, coord=-1000, slice='coronal', mapping='Allen', background='boundary', cmap='Reds', clevels=None, show_cbar=False, aggr='mean', fwhm=100, brain_atlas=None, ax=None): """ Plot xyz points on slice. Points that lie in the same voxel within slice are aggregated according to method specified. A 3D Gaussian smoothing kernel with distance specified by fwhm is applied to images. :param xyz: 3 column array of xyz coordinates of points in metres :param values: array of values per xyz coordinates, if no values are given the sum of xyz points in each voxel is returned :param coord: coordinate of slice in um (not needed when slice='top') :param slice: orientation of slice, options are 'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal', 'top' (top view of brain) :param mapping: atlas mapping to use, options are 'Allen', 'Beryl' or 'Cosmos' :param background: background slice to overlay onto, options are 'image' or 'boundary' :param cmap: colormap to use :param clevels: min max color levels [cmin, cmax] :param show_cbar: whether to add colorbar to axis :param aggr: aggregation method. Options are sum, count, mean, std, median, min and max. Can also give in custom function ( :param fwhm: fwhm distance of gaussian kernel in um :param brain_atlas: AllenAtlas object :param ax: optional axis object to plot on :return: """ ba = brain_atlas or AllenAtlas() # Find the mapping to use if '-lr' in mapping: map = mapping else: map = mapping + '-lr' region_values = compute_volume_from_points(xyz, values, aggr=aggr, fwhm=fwhm, ba=ba) if show_cbar: fig, ax, cbar = _plot_slice(coord / 1e6, slice, region_values, 'volume', background=background, map=map, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ba=ba, ax=ax, show_cbar=show_cbar) return fig, ax, cbar else: fig, ax = _plot_slice(coord / 1e6, slice, region_values, 'volume', background=background, map=map, clevels=clevels, cmap=cmap, ba=ba, ax=ax, show_cbar=show_cbar) return fig, ax
[docs] def compute_volume_from_points(xyz, values=None, aggr='sum', fwhm=100, ba=None): """ Creates a 3D volume with xyz points placed in corresponding voxel in volume. Points that fall into the same voxel within the volume are aggregated according to the method specified in aggr. Gaussian smoothing with a 3D kernel with distance specified by fwhm (full width half max) argument is applied. If fwhm = 0, no gaussian smoothing is applied. :param xyz: 3 column array of xyz coordinates of points in metres :param values: 1 column array of values per xyz coordinates, if no values are given the sum of xyz points in each voxel is returned :param aggr: aggregation method. Options are sum, count, mean, std, median, min and max. Can also give in custom function ( :param fwhm: full width at half maximum of gaussian kernel in um :param ba: AllenAtlas object :return: """ ba = ba or AllenAtlas() idx = ba._lookup(xyz) ba_shape = ba.image.shape[0] * ba.image.shape[1] * ba.image.shape[2] if values is not None: volume = binned_statistic(idx, values, range=[0, ba_shape], statistic=aggr, bins=ba_shape).statistic volume[np.isnan(volume)] = 0 else: volume = np.bincount(idx, minlength=ba_shape, weights=values) volume = volume.reshape(ba.image.shape[0], ba.image.shape[1], ba.image.shape[2]).astype(np.float32) if fwhm > 0: # Compute sigma used for gaussian kernel fwhm_over_sigma_ratio = np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) sigma = fwhm / (fwhm_over_sigma_ratio * ba.res_um) # TODO to speed up only apply gaussian filter on slices within distance of chosen coordinate volume = gaussian_filter(volume, sigma=sigma) # Mask so that outside of the brain is set to nan volume[ba.label == 0] = np.nan return volume
def _plot_slice(coord, slice, region_values, vol_type, background='boundary', map='Allen', clevels=None, cmap='viridis', show_cbar=False, ba=None, ax=None): """ Function to plot scalar value per allen region on histology slice. Do not use directly but use through plot_scalar_on_slice function. Parameters ---------- coord: float coordinate of slice in um (not needed when slice='top'). slice: {'coronal', 'sagittal', 'horizontal', 'top'} the axis through the atlas volume to display. region_values: numpy.array Array of values for each of the lateralised Allen regions found using BrainRegions().acronym. If no value is assigned to the acronym, the value at corresponding to that index should be nan. vol_type: 'value' The type of volume to be displayed, should always be 'value' if values want to be displayed. background: {'image', 'boundary'} The background slice to overlay the values onto. When 'image' it uses the Allen dwi image, when 'boundary' it displays the boundaries between regions. map: {'Allen', 'Beryl', 'Cosmos'} the mapping to use. clevels: numpy.array, list or tuple The min and max values to use for the colormap. cmap: str, default='viridis' Colormap to use. show_cbar: bool, default=False Whether to display a colorbar. ba : iblatlas.atlas.AllenAtlas A brain atlas object. ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure The plotted figure ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The plotted axes. cbar: matplotlib.pyplot.colorbar matplotlib colorbar object, only returned if show_cbar=True. """ ba = ba or AllenAtlas() if clevels is None: clevels = (np.nanmin(region_values), np.nanmax(region_values)) if ax: fig = ax.get_figure() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots() if slice == 'coronal': if background == 'image': ba.plot_cslice(coord, volume='image', mapping=map, ax=ax) ba.plot_cslice(coord, volume=vol_type, region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) else: ba.plot_cslice(coord, volume=vol_type, region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) ba.plot_cslice(coord, volume='boundary', mapping=map, ax=ax) elif slice == 'sagittal': if background == 'image': ba.plot_sslice(coord, volume='image', mapping=map, ax=ax) ba.plot_sslice(coord, volume=vol_type, region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) else: ba.plot_sslice(coord, volume=vol_type, region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) ba.plot_sslice(coord, volume='boundary', mapping=map, ax=ax) elif slice == 'horizontal': if background == 'image': ba.plot_hslice(coord, volume='image', mapping=map, ax=ax) ba.plot_hslice(coord, volume=vol_type, region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) else: ba.plot_hslice(coord, volume=vol_type, region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) ba.plot_hslice(coord, volume='boundary', mapping=map, ax=ax) elif slice == 'top': if background == 'image': ba.plot_top(volume='image', mapping=map, ax=ax) ba.plot_top(volume=vol_type, region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) else: ba.plot_top(volume=vol_type, region_values=region_values, mapping=map, cmap=cmap, vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], ax=ax) ba.plot_top(volume='boundary', mapping=map, ax=ax) if show_cbar: norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=clevels[0], vmax=clevels[1], clip=False) cbar = fig.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), ax=ax) return fig, ax, cbar else: return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_scalar_on_barplot(acronyms, values, errors=None, order=True, ax=None, brain_regions=None): """ Function to plot scalar value per allen region on a bar plot. If order=True, the acronyms and values are reordered according to the order defined in the Allen structure tree Parameters ---------- acronyms: numpy.array A 1D array of acronyms values: numpy.array A 1D array of values corresponding to each acronym in the acronyms array errors: numpy.array A 1D array of error values corresponding to each acronym in the acronyms array order: bool, default=True Whether to order the acronyms according to the order defined by the Allen structure tree ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. brain_regions : iblatlas.regions.BrainRegions A brain regions object Returns ------- fig: matplotlib.figure.Figure The plotted figure ax: matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The plotted axes. """ br = brain_regions or BrainRegions() if order: acronyms, values = reorder_data(acronyms, values, brain_regions) _, idx = ismember(acronyms, br.acronym) colours = br.rgb[idx] if ax: fig = ax.get_figure() else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(), values, color=colours) return fig, ax
[docs] def plot_swanson_vector(acronyms=None, values=None, ax=None, hemisphere=None, br=None, orientation='landscape', empty_color='silver', vmin=None, vmax=None, cmap='viridis', annotate=False, annotate_n=10, annotate_order='top', annotate_list=None, mask=None, mask_color='w', fontsize=10, show_cbar=False, extend='neither', **kwargs): """ Function to plot scalar value per allen region on the swanson projection. Plots on a vectorised version of the swanson projection Parameters ---------- acronyms: numpy.array A 1D array of acronyms or atlas ids values: numpy.array A 1D array of values corresponding to each acronym in the acronyms array ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. hemisphere : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'mirror'} The hemisphere to display. br : iblatlas.regions.BrainRegions A brain regions object. orientation : {landscape', 'portrait'}, default='landscape' The plot orientation. empty_color : str, tuple of int, default='silver' The greyscale matplotlib color code or an RGBA int8 tuple defining the filling of brain regions not provided. vmin: float Minimum value to restrict the colormap vmax: float Maximum value to restrict the colormap cmap: string or matplotlib.colors.Colormap matplotlib colormap to use show_cbar: bool, default=False Whether to display a colorbar. extend: str, default='neither' Which side of the colorbar to extend. See `colorbar` documentation. annotate : bool, default=False If true, labels the regions with acronyms. annotate_n: int The number of regions to annotate annotate_order: {'top', 'bottom'} If annotate_n is specified, whether to annotate the n regions with the highest (top) or lowest (bottom) values annotate_list: numpy.array of list List of regions to annotate, if this is provided, if overwrites annotate_n and annotate_order mask: numpy.array or list List of regions to apply a mask to (fill them with a specific color) mask_color: string, tuple or list Color for the mask fontsize : int The annotation font size in points. **kwargs See plot_polygon and plot_polygon_with_hole. Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The plotted axes. """ br = BrainRegions() if br is None else br br.compute_hierarchy() sw_shape = (2968, 6820) if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_axis_off() else: fig = ax.get_figure() if hemisphere != 'both' and acronyms is not None and not isinstance(acronyms[0], str): # If negative atlas ids are passed in and we are not going to lateralise (e.g hemisphere='both') # transfer them over to one hemisphere acronyms = np.abs(acronyms) if acronyms is not None: ibr, vals = br.propagate_down(acronyms, values) if isinstance(cmap, matplotlib.colors.Colormap): colormap = cmap elif isinstance(cmap, str): colormap = matplotlib.colormaps.get_cmap(cmap) else: raise ValueError("`cmap` option must be of type `str` or `matplotlib.colors.Colormap`") vmin = vmin if vmin is not None else np.nanmin(vals) vmax = vmax if vmax is not None else np.nanmax(vals) norm = colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) rgba_color = colormap(norm(vals), bytes=True) if show_cbar: fig.colorbar(cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap), ax=ax, orientation='vertical', extend=extend, ) if mask is not None: imr, _ = br.propagate_down(mask, np.ones_like(mask)) else: imr = np.array([]) sw_json = swanson_json() if hemisphere == 'both': sw_rev = copy.deepcopy(sw_json) for sw in sw_rev: sw['thisID'] = sw['thisID'] + br.n_lr sw_json = sw_json + sw_rev plot_idx = [] plot_val = [] for i, reg in enumerate(sw_json): coords = reg['coordsReg'] reg_id = reg['thisID'] if acronyms is None: color = br.rgba[br.mappings['Swanson'][reg['thisID']]] / 255 if hemisphere is None: col_l = None col_r = color elif hemisphere == 'left': col_l = empty_color if orientation == 'portrait' else color col_r = color if orientation == 'portrait' else empty_color elif hemisphere == 'right': col_l = color if orientation == 'portrait' else empty_color col_r = empty_color if orientation == 'portrait' else color elif hemisphere in ['both', 'mirror']: col_l = color col_r = color else: idx = np.where(ibr == reg['thisID'])[0] idxm = np.where(imr == reg['thisID'])[0] if len(idx) > 0: plot_idx.append(ibr[idx[0]]) plot_val.append(vals[idx[0]]) color = rgba_color[idx[0]] / 255 elif len(idxm) > 0: color = mask_color else: color = empty_color if hemisphere is None: col_l = None col_r = color elif hemisphere == 'left': col_l = empty_color if orientation == 'portrait' else color col_r = color if orientation == 'portrait' else empty_color elif hemisphere == 'right': col_l = color if orientation == 'portrait' else empty_color col_r = empty_color if orientation == 'portrait' else color elif hemisphere == 'mirror': col_l = color col_r = color elif hemisphere == 'both': if reg_id <= br.n_lr: col_l = color if orientation == 'portrait' else None col_r = None if orientation == 'portrait' else color else: col_l = None if orientation == 'portrait' else color col_r = color if orientation == 'portrait' else None if reg['hole']: vertices, codes = coords_for_poly_hole(coords) if orientation == 'portrait': vertices[:, [0, 1]] = vertices[:, [1, 0]] if col_r is not None: plot_polygon_with_hole(ax, vertices, codes, col_r, reg_id, **kwargs) if col_l is not None: vertices_inv = np.copy(vertices) vertices_inv[:, 0] = -1 * vertices_inv[:, 0] + (sw_shape[0] * 2) plot_polygon_with_hole(ax, vertices_inv, codes, col_l, reg_id, **kwargs) else: if col_r is not None: plot_polygon_with_hole(ax, vertices, codes, col_r, reg_id, **kwargs) if col_l is not None: vertices_inv = np.copy(vertices) vertices_inv[:, 1] = -1 * vertices_inv[:, 1] + (sw_shape[0] * 2) plot_polygon_with_hole(ax, vertices_inv, codes, col_l, reg_id, **kwargs) else: coords = [coords] if isinstance(coords, dict) else coords for c in coords: if orientation == 'portrait': xy = np.c_[c['y'], c['x']] if col_r is not None: plot_polygon(ax, xy, col_r, reg_id, **kwargs) if col_l is not None: xy_inv = np.copy(xy) xy_inv[:, 0] = -1 * xy_inv[:, 0] + (sw_shape[0] * 2) plot_polygon(ax, xy_inv, col_l, reg_id, **kwargs) else: xy = np.c_[c['x'], c['y']] if col_r is not None: plot_polygon(ax, xy, col_r, reg_id, **kwargs) if col_l is not None: xy_inv = np.copy(xy) xy_inv[:, 1] = -1 * xy_inv[:, 1] + (sw_shape[0] * 2) plot_polygon(ax, xy_inv, col_l, reg_id, **kwargs) if orientation == 'portrait': ax.set_ylim(0, sw_shape[1]) if hemisphere is None: ax.set_xlim(0, sw_shape[0]) else: ax.set_xlim(0, 2 * sw_shape[0]) else: ax.set_xlim(0, sw_shape[1]) if hemisphere is None: ax.set_ylim(0, sw_shape[0]) else: ax.set_ylim(0, 2 * sw_shape[0]) if annotate: if annotate_list is not None: annotate_swanson(ax=ax, acronyms=annotate_list, orientation=orientation, br=br, thres=10, fontsize=fontsize) elif acronyms is not None: ids = br.index2id(np.array(plot_idx)) _, indices, _ = np.intersect1d(, br.remap(ids, 'Swanson-lr'), return_indices=True) a, b = ismember(ids,[indices]) sorted_id = ids[a] vals = np.array(plot_val)[a] sort_vals = np.argsort(vals) if annotate_order == 'bottom' else np.argsort(vals)[::-1] annotate_swanson(ax=ax, acronyms=sorted_id[sort_vals[:annotate_n]], orientation=orientation, br=br, thres=10, fontsize=fontsize) else: annotate_swanson(ax=ax, orientation=orientation, br=br, fontsize=fontsize) def format_coord(x, y): patch = next((p for p in ax.patches if p.contains_point(p.get_transform().transform(np.r_[x, y]))), None) if patch is not None: ind = int(patch.get_gid().split('_')[1]) ancestors = br.ancestors([ind])['acronym'] return f'sw-{ind}, {ancestors}, aid={[ind]}-{br.acronym[ind]} \n {[ind]}' else: return '' ax.format_coord = format_coord ax.invert_yaxis() ax.set_aspect('equal') return ax
[docs] def plot_swanson(acronyms=None, values=None, ax=None, hemisphere=None, br=None, orientation='landscape', annotate=False, empty_color='silver', **kwargs): """ Displays the 2D image corresponding to the swanson flatmap. This case is different from the others in the sense that only a region maps to another regions, there is no correspondence to the spatial 3D coordinates. Parameters ---------- acronyms: numpy.array A 1D array of acronyms or atlas ids values: numpy.array A 1D array of values corresponding to each acronym in the acronyms array ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. hemisphere : {'left', 'right', 'both', 'mirror'} The hemisphere to display. br : iblatlas.regions.BrainRegions A brain regions object. orientation : {landscape', 'portrait'}, default='landscape' The plot orientation. empty_color : str, tuple of int, default='silver' The greyscale matplotlib color code or an RGBA int8 tuple defining the filling of brain regions not provided. vmin: float Minimum value to restrict the colormap vmax: float Maximum value to restrict the colormap cmap: string matplotlib named colormap to use annotate : bool, default=False If true, labels the regions with acronyms. **kwargs See matplotlib.pyplot.imshow. Returns ------- matplotlib.pyplot.Axes The plotted axes. """ mapping = 'Swanson' br = BrainRegions() if br is None else br br.compute_hierarchy() s2a = swanson() # both hemispheres if hemisphere == 'both': _s2a = s2a + np.sum( > 0) _s2a[s2a == 0] = 0 _s2a[s2a == 1] = 1 s2a = np.r_[s2a, np.flipud(_s2a)] mapping = 'Swanson-lr' elif hemisphere == 'mirror': s2a = np.r_[s2a, np.flipud(s2a)] if orientation == 'portrait': s2a = np.transpose(s2a) if acronyms is None: regions = br.mappings[mapping][s2a] im = br.rgba[regions] iswan = None else: ibr, vals = br.propagate_down(acronyms, values) # we now have the mapped regions and aggregated values, map values onto swanson map iswan, iv = ismember(s2a, ibr) im = np.zeros_like(s2a, dtype=np.float32) im[iswan] = vals[iv] im[~iswan] = np.nan if not ax: ax = plt.gca() ax.set_axis_off() # unless provided we don't need scales here ax.imshow(im, **kwargs) # overlay the boundaries if value plot imb = np.zeros((*s2a.shape[:2], 4), dtype=np.uint8) # fill in the empty regions with the blank regions colours if necessary if iswan is not None: imb[~iswan] = (np.array(colors.to_rgba(empty_color)) * 255).astype('uint8') imb[s2a == 0] = 255 # imb[s2a == 1] = np.array([167, 169, 172, 255]) imb[s2a == 1] = np.array([0, 0, 0, 255]) ax.imshow(imb) if annotate: annotate_swanson(ax=ax, orientation=orientation, br=br) # provides the mean to see the region on axis def format_coord(x, y): ind = s2a[int(y), int(x)] ancestors = br.ancestors([ind])['acronym'] return f'sw-{ind}, {ancestors}, aid={[ind]}-{br.acronym[ind]} \n {[ind]}' ax.format_coord = format_coord return ax
[docs] def annotate_swanson(ax, acronyms=None, orientation='landscape', br=None, thres=20000, **kwargs): """ Display annotations on a Swanson flatmap. Parameters ---------- ax : matplotlib.pyplot.Axes An axis object to plot onto. acronyms : array_like A list or numpy array of acronyms or Allen region IDs. If None plot all acronyms. orientation : {landscape', 'portrait'}, default='landscape' The plot orientation. br : iblatlas.regions.BrainRegions A brain regions object. thres : int, default=20000 The number of pixels above which a region is labelled. **kwargs See matplotlib.pyplot.Axes.annotate. """ br = br or BrainRegions() if acronyms is None: indices = np.arange( else: # TODO we should in fact remap and compute labels for hierarchical regions aids = br.parse_acronyms_argument(acronyms) _, indices, _ = np.intersect1d(, br.remap(aids, 'Swanson-lr'), return_indices=True) labels = _swanson_labels_positions(thres=thres) for ilabel in labels: # do not display unwanted labels if ilabel not in indices: continue # rotate the labels if the display is in portrait mode xy = np.flip(labels[ilabel]) if orientation == 'portrait' else labels[ilabel] ax.annotate(br.acronym[ilabel], xy=xy, ha='center', va='center', **kwargs)