
iblrig.path_helper.get_local_and_remote_paths(local_path=None, remote_path=None, lab=None, iblrig_settings=None)[source]

Function used to parse input arguments to transfer commands.

If the arguments are None, reads in the settings and returns the values from the files. local_subjects_path always has a fallback on the home directory / iblrig_data remote_subjects_path has no fallback and will return None when all options are exhausted :param local_path: :param remote_path: :param lab: :param iblrig_settings: if provided, settings dictionary, otherwise will load the default settings files :return: dictionary, with following keys (example output)

{‘local_data_folder’: PosixPath(‘C:/iblrigv8_data’),

‘remote_data_folder’: PosixPath(‘Y:/’), ‘local_subjects_folder’: PosixPath(‘C:/iblrigv8_data/mainenlab/Subjects’), ‘remote_subjects_folder’: PosixPath(‘Y:/Subjects’)}

Return type:
