import logging
import os
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TypeVar
import numpy as np
import yaml
from packaging import version
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError
import iblrig
from import session_params
from import load_settings
from iblrig.constants import HARDWARE_SETTINGS_YAML, RIG_SETTINGS_YAML
from iblrig.pydantic_definitions import HardwareSettings, RigSettings
from iblutil.util import Bunch
from one.alf.spec import is_session_path
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
T = TypeVar('T', bound=BaseModel)
def iterate_previous_sessions(subject_name: str, task_name: str, n: int = 1, **kwargs) -> list[dict]:
Iterate over the sessions of a given subject in both the remote and local path and search for a given protocol name.
Return the information of the last n found matching protocols in the form of a dictionary.
subject_name : str
Name of the subject.
task_name : str
Name of the protocol to look for in experiment description.
n : int, optional
maximum number of protocols to return
Optional arguments to be passed to iblrig.path_helper.get_local_and_remote_paths
If not used, will use the arguments from iblrig/settings/iblrig_settings.yaml
List of dictionaries with keys: session_path, experiment_description, task_settings, file_task_data
rig_paths = get_local_and_remote_paths(**kwargs)
local_subjects_folder = rig_paths['local_subjects_folder']
remote_subjects_folder = rig_paths['remote_subjects_folder']
sessions = _iterate_protocols(local_subjects_folder.joinpath(subject_name), task_name=task_name, n=n)
if remote_subjects_folder is not None:
remote_sessions = _iterate_protocols(remote_subjects_folder.joinpath(subject_name), task_name=task_name, n=n)
if remote_sessions is not None:
# here we rely on the fact that np.unique sort and then we output sessions with the last one first
_, ises = np.unique([s['session_stub'] for s in sessions], return_index=True)
sessions = [sessions[i] for i in np.flipud(ises)]
return sessions
def _iterate_protocols(subject_folder: Path, task_name: str, n: int = 1, min_trials: int = 43) -> list[dict]:
Return information on the last n sessions with matching protocol.
This function iterates over the sessions of a given subject and searches for a given protocol name.
subject_folder : Path
A subject folder containing dated folders.
task_name : str
The task protocol name to look for.
n : int
The number of previous protocols to return.
min_trials : int
Skips sessions with fewer than this number of trials.
list of dictionaries with keys: session_stub, session_path, experiment_description,
task_settings, file_task_data.
def proc_num(x):
"""Return protocol number.
Use 'protocol_number' key if present (unlikely), otherwise use collection name.
i = (x or {}).get('collection', '00').split('_')
collection_int = int(i[-1]) if i[-1].isnumeric() else 0
return x.get('protocol_number', collection_int)
protocols = []
if subject_folder is None or Path(subject_folder).exists() is False:
return protocols
sessions = subject_folder.glob('????-??-??/*/_ibl_experiment.description*.yaml') # seq may be X or XXX
# Make extra sure to only include valid sessions
sessions = filter(lambda x: is_session_path(x.relative_to(subject_folder.parent).parent), sessions)
for file_experiment in sorted(sessions, reverse=True):
session_path = file_experiment.parent
ad = session_params.read_params(file_experiment)
# reversed: we look for the last task first if the protocol ran twice
tasks = filter(None, map(lambda x: x.get(task_name), ad.get('tasks', [])))
for adt in sorted(tasks, key=proc_num, reverse=True):
if not (task_settings := load_settings(session_path, task_collection=adt['collection'])):
if task_settings.get('NTRIALS', min_trials + 1) < min_trials: # ignore sessions with too few trials
'session_stub': '_'.join([-2:]), # 2019-01-01_001
'session_path': file_experiment.parent,
'task_collection': adt['collection'],
'experiment_description': ad,
'task_settings': task_settings,
'file_task_data': session_path.joinpath(adt['collection'], '_iblrig_taskData.raw.jsonable'),
if len(protocols) >= n:
return protocols
return protocols
def get_local_and_remote_paths(
local_path: str | Path | None = None, remote_path: str | Path | None = None, lab: str | None = None, iblrig_settings=None
) -> dict:
Function used to parse input arguments to transfer commands.
If the arguments are None, reads in the settings and returns the values from the files.
local_subjects_path always has a fallback on the home directory / iblrig_data
remote_subjects_path has no fallback and will return None when all options are exhausted
:param local_path:
:param remote_path:
:param lab:
:param iblrig_settings: if provided, settings dictionary, otherwise will load the default settings files
:return: dictionary, with following keys (example output)
{'local_data_folder': PosixPath('C:/iblrigv8_data'),
'remote_data_folder': PosixPath('Y:/'),
'local_subjects_folder': PosixPath('C:/iblrigv8_data/mainenlab/Subjects'),
'remote_subjects_folder': PosixPath('Y:/Subjects')}
# we only want to attempt to load the settings file if necessary
if (local_path is None) or (remote_path is None) or (lab is None):
iblrig_settings = load_pydantic_yaml(RigSettings) if iblrig_settings is None else iblrig_settings
paths = Bunch({'local_data_folder': local_path, 'remote_data_folder': remote_path})
if paths.local_data_folder is None:
paths.local_data_folder = (
Path(p) if (p := iblrig_settings['iblrig_local_data_path']) else Path.home().joinpath('iblrig_data')
elif isinstance(paths.local_data_folder, str):
paths.local_data_folder = Path(paths.local_data_folder)
if paths.remote_data_folder is None:
paths.remote_data_folder = Path(p) if (p := iblrig_settings['iblrig_remote_data_path']) else None
elif isinstance(paths.remote_data_folder, str):
paths.remote_data_folder = Path(paths.remote_data_folder)
# Get the subjects folders. If not defined in the settings, assume local_data_folder + /Subjects
paths.local_subjects_folder = (iblrig_settings or {}).get('iblrig_local_subjects_path', None)
lab = lab or (iblrig_settings or {}).get('ALYX_LAB', None)
if paths.local_subjects_folder is None:
if == 'Subjects':
paths.local_subjects_folder = paths.local_data_folder
elif lab: # append lab/Subjects part
paths.local_subjects_folder = paths.local_data_folder.joinpath(lab, 'Subjects')
else: # NB: case is important here. ALF spec expects lab folder before 'Subjects' (capitalized)
paths.local_subjects_folder = paths.local_data_folder.joinpath('subjects')
paths.local_subjects_folder = Path(paths.local_subjects_folder)
# Get the remote subjects folders. If not defined in the settings, assume remote_data_folder + /Subjects
paths.remote_subjects_folder = (iblrig_settings or {}).get('iblrig_remote_subjects_path', None)
if paths.remote_subjects_folder is None:
if paths.remote_data_folder:
if == 'Subjects':
paths.remote_subjects_folder = paths.remote_data_folder
paths.remote_subjects_folder = paths.remote_data_folder.joinpath('Subjects')
paths.remote_subjects_folder = Path(paths.remote_subjects_folder)
return paths
def _load_settings_yaml(filename: Path | str = RIG_SETTINGS_YAML, do_raise: bool = True) -> Bunch:
filename = Path(filename)
if not filename.is_absolute():
filename = Path(iblrig.__file__).parents[1].joinpath('settings', filename)
if not filename.exists() and not do_raise:
log.error(f'File not found: {filename}')
return Bunch()
with open(filename) as fp:
rs = yaml.safe_load(fp)
rs = patch_settings(rs, filename.stem)
return Bunch(rs)
def load_pydantic_yaml(model: type[T], filename: Path | str | None = None, do_raise: bool = True) -> T:
Load YAML data from a specified file or a standard IBLRIG settings file,
validate it using a Pydantic model, and return the validated Pydantic model
model : Type[T]
The Pydantic model class to validate the YAML data against.
filename : Path | str | None, optional
The path to the YAML file.
If None (default), the function deduces the appropriate standard IBLRIG
settings file based on the model.
do_raise : bool, optional
If True (default), raise a ValidationError if validation fails.
If False, log the validation error and construct a model instance
with the provided data. Defaults to True.
An instance of the Pydantic model, validated against the YAML data.
If validation fails and do_raise is set to True.
The raised exception contains details about the validation error.
If the filename is None and the model class is not recognized as
HardwareSettings or RigSettings.
if filename is None:
if model == HardwareSettings:
elif model == RigSettings:
raise TypeError(f'Cannot deduce filename for model `{model.__name__}`.')
# TODO: We currently skip validation of pydantic models if an extra
# filename is provided that does NOT correspond to the standard
# settings files of IBLRIG. This should be re-evaluated.
do_raise = False
rs = _load_settings_yaml(filename=filename, do_raise=do_raise)
return model.model_validate(rs)
except ValidationError as e:
if not do_raise:
return model.model_construct(**rs)
raise e
def save_pydantic_yaml(data: T, filename: Path | str | None = None) -> None:
if filename is None:
if isinstance(data, HardwareSettings):
elif isinstance(data, RigSettings):
raise TypeError(f'Cannot deduce filename for model `{type(data).__name__}`.')
filename = Path(filename)
yaml_data = data.model_dump()
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
log.debug(f'Dumping {type(data).__name__} to {}')
yaml.dump(yaml_data, f, sort_keys=False)
def patch_settings(rs: dict, filename: str | Path) -> dict:
Update loaded settings files to ensure compatibility with latest version.
rs : dict
A loaded settings file.
filename : str | Path
The filename of the settings file.
The updated settings.
filename = Path(filename)
settings_version = version.parse(rs.get('VERSION', '0.0.0'))
if filename.stem.startswith('hardware'):
if settings_version < version.Version('1.0.0') and 'device_camera' in rs:'Patching hardware settings; assuming left camera label')
rs['device_cameras'] = {'left': rs.pop('device_camera')}
rs['VERSION'] = '1.0.0'
if 'device_cameras' in rs and rs['device_cameras'] is not None:
rs['device_cameras'] = {k: v for k, v in rs['device_cameras'].items() if v} # remove empty keys
idx_missing = set(rs['device_cameras']) == {'left'} and 'INDEX' not in rs['device_cameras']['left']
if settings_version < version.Version('1.1.0') and idx_missing:'Patching hardware settings; assuming left camera index and training workflow')
workflow = rs['device_cameras']['left'].pop('BONSAI_WORKFLOW', None)
bonsai_workflows = {'setup': 'devices/camera_setup/setup_video.bonsai', 'recording': workflow}
rs['device_cameras'] = {
'training': {'BONSAI_WORKFLOW': bonsai_workflows, 'left': {'INDEX': 1, 'SYNC_LABEL': 'audio'}}
rs['VERSION'] = '1.1.0'
if rs.get('device_cameras') is None:
rs['device_cameras'] = {}
return rs
def get_commit_hash(folder: str):
here = os.getcwd()
out = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD']).decode().strip()
if not out:
log.debug('Commit hash is empty string')
log.debug(f'Found commit hash {out}')
return out
def iterate_collection(session_path: str, collection_name='raw_task_data') -> str:
Given a session path returns the next numbered collection name.
session_path : str
The session path containing zero or more numbered collections.
collection_name : str
The collection name without the _NN suffix.
The next numbered collection name.
In a folder where there are no raw task data folders
>>> iterate_collection('./subject/2020-01-01/001')
In a folder where there is one raw_imaging_data_00 folder
>>> iterate_collection('./subject/2020-01-01/001', collection_name='raw_imaging_data')
if not Path(session_path).exists():
return f'{collection_name}_00'
collections = filter(Path.is_dir, Path(session_path).iterdir())
collection_names = map(lambda x:, collections)
tasks = sorted(filter(re.compile(f'{collection_name}' + '_[0-9]{2}').match, collection_names))
if len(tasks) == 0:
return f'{collection_name}_00'
return f'{collection_name}_{int(tasks[-1][-2:]) + 1:02}'
def create_bonsai_layout_from_template(workflow_file: Path) -> None:
Create a Bonsai layout file from a template if it does not already exist.
If the file with the suffix `.bonsai.layout` does not exist for the given
workflow file, this function will attempt to create it from a template
file with the suffix `.bonsai.layout_template`. If the template file also
does not exist, the function logs that no template layout is available.
Background: Bonsai stores dialog settings (window position, control
visibility, etc.) in an XML file with the suffix `.bonsai.layout`. These
layout files are user-specific and may be overwritten locally by the user
according to their preferences. To ensure that a default layout is
available, a template file with the suffix `.bonsai.layout_template` can
be provided as a starting point.
workflow_file : Path
The path to the Bonsai workflow for which the layout is to be created.
If the provided workflow_file does not exist.
if not workflow_file.exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(workflow_file)
if not (layout_file := workflow_file.with_suffix('.bonsai.layout')).exists():
template_file = workflow_file.with_suffix('.bonsai.layout_template')
if template_file.exists():'Creating default {}')
shutil.copy(template_file, layout_file)
log.debug(f'No template layout for {}')