from itertools import takewhile
from os import scandir
from pathlib import Path
import collections
import colorlog
import copy
import logging
import sys
from typing import Union
import numpy as np
log = logging.getLogger('__name__')
LOG_FORMAT_STR = u'%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(filename)s:%(lineno)-4d %(message)s'
LOG_DATE_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
'DEBUG': 'green',
'INFO': 'cyan',
'WARNING': 'bold_yellow',
'ERROR': 'bold_red',
'CRITICAL': 'bold_purple'}
class Bunch(dict):
"""A subclass of dictionary with an additional dot syntax."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Bunch, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.__dict__ = self
def copy(self, deep=False):
"""Return a new Bunch instance which is a copy of the current Bunch instance.
deep : bool
If True perform a deep copy (see notes). By default a shallow copy is returned.
A new copy of the Bunch.
- A shallow copy constructs a new Bunch object and then (to the extent possible) inserts
references into it to the objects found in the original.
- A deep copy constructs a new Bunch and then, recursively, inserts copies into it of the
objects found in the original.
return copy.deepcopy(self) if deep else Bunch(super(Bunch, self).copy())
def save(self, npz_file, compress=False):
Saves a npz file containing the arrays of the bunch.
:param npz_file: output file
:param compress: bool (False) use compression
:return: None
if compress:
np.savez_compressed(npz_file, **self)
np.savez(npz_file, **self)
def load(npz_file):
Loads a npz file containing the arrays of the bunch.
:param npz_file: output file
:return: Bunch
if not Path(npz_file).exists():
raise FileNotFoundError(f"{npz_file}")
return Bunch(np.load(npz_file))
def _iflatten(x):
result = []
for el in x:
if isinstance(el, and not (
isinstance(el, str) or isinstance(el, dict)):
return result
def _gflatten(x):
def iselement(e):
return not (isinstance(e, and not (
isinstance(el, str) or isinstance(el, dict)))
for el in x:
if iselement(el):
yield el
yield from _gflatten(el)
def flatten(x, generator=False):
Flatten a nested Iterable excluding strings and dicts.
Converts nested Iterable into flat list. Will not iterate through strings or
:return: Flattened list or generator object.
:rtype: list or generator
return _gflatten(x) if generator else _iflatten(x)
def range_str(values: iter) -> str:
Given a list of integers, returns a terse string expressing the unique values.
indices = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, 15, 20]
>> '0-4, 7-8, 11, 15 & 20'
:param values: An iterable of ints
:return: A string of unique value ranges
trial_str = ''
values = list(set(values))
for i in range(len(values)):
if i == 0:
trial_str += str(values[i])
elif values[i] - (values[i - 1]) == 1:
if i == len(values) - 1 or values[i + 1] - values[i] > 1:
trial_str += f'-{values[i]}'
trial_str += f', {values[i]}'
# Replace final comma with an ampersand
k = trial_str.rfind(',')
if k > -1:
trial_str = f'{trial_str[:k]} &{trial_str[k + 1:]}'
return trial_str
def setup_logger(name='ibl', level=logging.NOTSET, file=None, no_color=False):
"""Set up a log for IBL packages.
Uses date time, calling function and distinct colours for levels.
Sets the name if not set already and add a stream handler.
If the stream handler already exists, does not duplicate.
The naming/level allows not to interfere with third-party libraries when setting level.
name : str
Log name, should be set to the root package name for consistent logging throughout the app.
level : str, int
The logging level (defaults to NOTSET, which inherits the parent log level)
file : bool, str, pathlib.Path
If True, a file handler is added with the default file location, otherwise a log file path
may be passed.
no_color : bool
If true the colour log is deactivated. May be useful when directing the std out to a file.
logging.Logger, logging.RootLogger
The configured log.
log = logging.getLogger() if not name else logging.getLogger(name)
fkwargs = {'no_color': True} if no_color else {'log_colors': LOG_COLORS}
# check existence of stream handlers before adding another
if not any(map(lambda x: == f'{name}_auto', log.handlers)):
# need to remove any previous default Stream handler configured on stderr
# to not duplicate output
for h in log.handlers:
if isinstance(h, logging.StreamHandler) and == '<stderr>' and h.level == 0 and is None:
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
colorlog.ColoredFormatter('%(log_color)s' + LOG_FORMAT_STR,
LOG_DATE_FORMAT, **fkwargs)) = f'{name}_auto'
# add the file handler if requested, but check for duplicates
if not any(map(lambda x: == f'{name}_file', log.handlers)):
if file is True:
elif file:
log_to_file(filename=file, log=name)
return log
def log_to_file(log='ibl', filename=None):
Save log information to a given filename in '.ibl_logs' folder (in home directory).
log : str, logging.Logger
The log (name or object) to add file handler to.
filename : str, Pathlib.Path
The name of the log file to save to.
The log with the file handler attached.
if isinstance(log, str):
log = logging.getLogger(log)
if filename is None:
filename = Path.home().joinpath('.ibl_logs',
elif not Path(filename).is_absolute():
filename = Path.home().joinpath('.ibl_logs', filename)
file_handler = logging.FileHandler(filename, encoding='utf-8')
file_format = logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT_STR, LOG_DATE_FORMAT)
file_handler.setFormatter(file_format) = f'{}_file'
log.addHandler(file_handler)'File log initiated {}')
return log
def rrmdir(folder: Path, levels: int = 0):
Recursively remove a folder and its parents up to a defined level - if they are empty.
folder : pathlib.Path
The path to a folder at which to start the recursion.
levels : int
Recursion level, i.e. the number of parents to delete, relative to `folder`.
Defaults to 0 - which has the same effect as `pathlib.Path.rmdir` except that it won't
raise an OSError if the directory is not empty.
list of pathlib.Path
A list of folders that were recursively removed.
If `folder` does not exist.
Insufficient privileges or folder in use by another process.
The folder provided is most likely a file.
try: # a sorted list of absolute nested folder paths
to_remove = (folder, *folder.parents[:levels]) # py >= 3.9
except TypeError: # py <= 3.8 compatible
to_remove = (folder, *[folder.parents[n] for n in range(levels)])
# filter list to those that are empty; if statement always true as rmdir returns None
return [f for f in takewhile(lambda f: not any(f.iterdir()), to_remove) if not f.rmdir()]
def dir_size(directory: Union[str, Path], follow_symlinks: bool = False) -> int:
Calculate the total size of a directory including all its subdirectories and files.
directory : str | Path
The path to the directory for which the size needs to be calculated.
follow_symlinks : bool, optional
Whether to follow symbolic links when calculating the size. Default is False.
The total size of the directory in bytes.
total_bytes = 0
with scandir(directory) as it:
for entry in it:
if entry.is_symlink() and not follow_symlinks:
elif entry.is_dir():
total_bytes += dir_size(entry.path, follow_symlinks)
elif entry.is_file():
total_bytes += entry.stat().st_size
return total_bytes