Source code for


# Connect to remote server rig, send initialization message and wait for response
>>> server = await EchoProtocol.server('udp://', name='main')
>>> await server.init('2022-01-01_1_subject')  # Send init message and await confirmation of receipt
>>> response = await server.on_event('INIT')  # Await response

# Send initialization message and wait max 10 seconds for response
>>> try:
...     response = await asyncio.wait_for(server.on_event('INIT'), 10.)
... except asyncio.TimeoutError:
...     server.close()
import sys
import json
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import asyncio
import argparse
import socket
import logging
from types import MappingProxyType
from collections import UserDict
from functools import partial

import colorlog

from import base
from iblutil import util

def _setup_log(name, level=logging.DEBUG):
    """A colour log with the log name in the format string"""
    log = logging.getLogger(name)

    log.handlers = []
    fmt_str = '%(log_color)s%(asctime)s [%(name)s] %(levelname)-8s %(filename)s:%(lineno)-4d %(message)s'
    stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)
        colorlog.ColoredFormatter(fmt_str, util.LOG_DATE_FORMAT, log_colors=util.LOG_COLORS)) = f'{name}_auto'
    return log

def _address2tuple(address) -> (str, int):
    """Convert URI to (host, port) tuple.

    Convert URI to form used by transport layer.

    address : str
        A URI from which to extract the port and hostname.

        The hostname.
        The port.
    server_uri = base.validate_uri(address, default_port=base.LISTEN_PORT)
    parsed_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(server_uri)
    return parsed_uri.hostname, parsed_uri.port

[docs] class EchoProtocol(base.Communicator): """An echo server implementing TCP/IP and UDP. This should be instantiated using either EchoProtocol.server or EchoProtocol.client. In the client role, the remote address is specified; in the server role, the local address is specified. Attributes ---------- Server : asyncio.Server A network server instance if using TCP/IP. role : {'client', 'server'} The communicator role. A server may communicate with multiple clients. The server URI specifies its local address. A client only communicates with a single host, specified by the server URI. default_echo_timeout : float The default maximum time in seconds to await a message echo. _last_sent : dict[(str, int), (bytes, asyncio.Future)] A map of addresses holding the last sent bytes str and the future being waited on. In client mode there should only be one entry - the server URI. """ Server = None _role = None default_echo_timeout = 1. def __init__(self, server_uri, role, name=None, logger=None): super().__init__(server_uri, name=name, logger=logger) self._transport = None self._socket = None self.role = role # For validating echo'd response self._last_sent = {} # Transport specific futures loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() self.on_connection_lost = loop.create_future() self.on_error_received = loop.create_future() self.on_eof_received = loop.create_future() @property def role(self) -> str: """{'client', 'server'}: The remote computer's role""" return self._role @role.setter def role(self, value: str): """Set remote computer role. Ensures the role is only set once. Parameters ---------- value : {'client', 'server'} The role to set. Raises ------ AttributeError The role has already been set and cannot be changed. ValueError The role must be one of {'client', 'server'}. """ if self._role is not None: raise AttributeError('can\'t set attribute') if (value or '').strip().lower() not in ('server', 'client'): raise ValueError('role must be either "server" or "client"') self._role = value.strip().lower() @property def is_connected(self) -> bool: """bool: True if transport layer set and open.""" return self._transport and not self._transport.is_closing()
[docs] def awaiting_response(self, addr=None) -> bool: """bool: True if awaiting confirmation of receipt from remote.""" if addr: last_sent = self._last_sent.get(addr, False) return last_sent and not last_sent[1].done() else: return self._last_sent and any(not x[1].done() for x in self._last_sent.values())
[docs] async def cleanup(self, data=None, addr=None): """Cleanup experiment. Send a cleanup message to the remote host. Parameters ---------- data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. addr : (str, int) The remote host address and port. Only required in server role. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. """ message = super().cleanup(data) await self.confirmed_send(message, addr=addr)
[docs] async def start(self, exp_ref, data=None, addr=None): """Start an experiment. Send a stop message to the remote host. Parameters ---------- exp_ref : str A experiment reference string in the form yyyy-mm-dd_n_subject. data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. addr : (str, int) The remote host address and port. Only required in server role. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. """ message = super().start(exp_ref, data) await self.confirmed_send(message, addr=addr)
[docs] async def stop(self, data=None, immediately=False, addr=None): """End an experiment. Send a stop message to the remote host. Parameters ---------- data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. immediately : bool If True, an EXPINTERRUPT signal is used. addr : (str, int) The remote host address and port. Only required in server role. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. """ message = super().stop(data, immediately=immediately) await self.confirmed_send(message, addr=addr)
[docs] async def status(self, status, addr=None): """Communicate experiment status. Send a status message to the remote host. Parameters ---------- status : An experiment status enumeration. addr : (str, int) The remote host address and port. Only required in server role. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. """ message = super().status(status) await self.confirmed_send(message, addr=addr)
[docs] async def info(self, status, data=None, addr=None): """Communicate experiment information. Send experiment status and details to the remote host. Parameters ---------- status : An experiment status enumeration. data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. addr : (str, int) The remote host address and port. Only required in server role. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. """ message = super().info(status, data) await self.confirmed_send(message, addr=addr)
[docs] async def init(self, data=None, addr=None): """Initialize an experiment. Send an initialization message to the remote host. Parameters ---------- data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. addr : (str, int) The remote host address and port. Only required in server role. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. """ message = super().init(data) await self.confirmed_send(message, addr=addr)
[docs] async def alyx(self, alyx=None, addr=None): """ Send/request Alyx token to/from remote host. Parameters ---------- alyx : one.webclient.AlyxClient An instance of Alyx to extract and send token from. addr : (str, int) The remote host address and port. Only required in server role. Returns ------- (str, dict) or None (If alyx arg was None or not authenticated) the received Alyx token in the form (base_url, {user: token}). """ message = super().alyx(alyx) if all(message): # send instance to remote host await self.confirmed_send(message, addr=addr) else: # request instance from remote host loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() fut = loop.create_future() self.assign_callback('ALYX', fut) await self.confirmed_send(message, addr=addr) token, _ = await fut return token
[docs] @staticmethod def encode(data): """Serialize data for transmission""" if isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)): return data if not isinstance(data, str): data = json.dumps(data) return data.encode()
[docs] def send(self, data, addr=None): """Send data to clients. Serialize data and pass to transport layer. """ super().send(data, addr=addr) if self.protocol == 'udp': addr = addr or (self.hostname, self.port) self.logger.debug(f'Send "{data}" to udp://{addr[0]}:{addr[1]}') self._transport.sendto(data, addr) else: addr = addr or self._socket.getpeername() if addr != self._socket.getpeername(): self.logger.warning(f'Message not sent: unexpected address {addr}') return self.logger.debug(f'Send "{data}" to {self.protocol}://{addr[0]}:{addr[1]}') self._transport.write(self.encode(data))
# self._transport.write_eof()
[docs] async def confirmed_send(self, data, addr=None, timeout=None): """ Send a message to the client and await echo. NB: Methods such as start, stop, init, cleanup and alyx should be used instead of calling this directly. Parameters ---------- data : any The data to serialize and send to remote host. addr : (str, int) The remote host address and port. Only required in server role. timeout : float, optional The time in seconds to wait for an echo before raising an exception. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. RuntimeError The response from the client did not match the original message. ValueError Timeout must be non-zero number. Unexpected remote address: in client mode the address must match server_uri. TypeError In server mode a remote address must be provided. """ if self.role == 'server': if not addr: raise TypeError('confirmed_send missing 1 required argument: \'addr\'') elif addr and addr != (self.hostname, self.port): raise ValueError('Unexpected remote address') addr = addr or (self.hostname, self.port) if not (timeout := timeout or self.default_echo_timeout) > 0: raise ValueError('Timeout must be non-zero number') loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() echo_future = loop.create_future() # echo_future.add_done_callback(lambda _: self._last_sent.pop(addr)) # delete below instead (no difference) self._last_sent[addr] = (self.encode(data), echo_future) self.send(self._last_sent[addr][0], addr=addr) # Sockets can no longer be blocking, so we'll wait ourselves. try: await asyncio.wait_for(echo_future, timeout=timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: self.close() raise TimeoutError('Failed to receive client response in time') except RuntimeError: self.close() raise RuntimeError('Unexpected response from server') del self._last_sent[addr]
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the connection, de-register callbacks and cancel outstanding futures. The EchoProtocol.on_connection_lost future is resolved at this time, all others are cancelled. NB: Closing the socket should be handled by transport base class later on. """ # Close transport if self._transport: self._transport.close() super().close() # Deregister callbacks, cancel event futures echo_futures = map(lambda x: x[1], self._last_sent.values()) for fut in filter(lambda f: not f.done(), echo_futures): fut.cancel('Close called on communicator') if self.on_error_received and not self.on_error_received.done(): self.on_error_received.cancel('Close called on communicator') if self.on_eof_received and not self.on_eof_received.done(): self.on_eof_received.cancel('Close called on communicator') if self.on_connection_lost and not self.on_connection_lost.done(): self.on_connection_lost.set_result('Close called on communicator')
# The following methods are inherited from asyncio.DatagramProtocol and called by the event loop
[docs] def connection_made(self, transport): """Called by event loop""" self._transport = transport self._socket = transport.get_extra_info('socket') # Validate if self._socket.type is socket.SOCK_DGRAM: if self.protocol != 'udp': raise RuntimeError('Unsupported transport layer for UDP') elif self._socket.type is socket.SOCK_STREAM: if self.protocol not in ('ws', 'wss', 'tcp'): raise RuntimeError('Unsupported transport layer for TCP/IP') else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unsupported transport layer with socket type "{}"') self.logger.debug(f'Connected with socket {self._socket}')
def _receive(self, data, addr): """ Process data received from remote host. This is called by different lower level methods depending on the transport layer. This method handles the message echo logic, while the base class method handles message callbacks exclusively. If awaiting an echo, the timeout is cancelled and the message is checked against the one sent. Otherwise, the message is immediately echo'd and the super class method is called to notify any listeners. This method should not be called by the user. Parameters ---------- data : bytes The serialized data received by the transport layer. addr : (str, int) The source address as (hostname, port) Notes ----- - Callbacks apply only to new messages, not echo responses. EchoProtocol.confirmed_send should be awaited, however it is possible to assign a callback for receipt of an echo with EchoProtocol._last_sent[addr][1].add_done_callback. - Currently this only checks the received message, not its origin. """ host, port = addr[:2] msg = data.decode() # If we're still awaiting echo from this address, process here. NB: sometimes the echo_future is already set # but not yet removed from last sent, so we also check future not successfully finished. if (last_sent := self._last_sent.get(addr)) and not base.is_success(last_sent[1]): expected, echo_future = last_sent # If echo doesn't match, raise exception if data != expected: self.logger.error('Expected %s from %s, got %s', expected,, data) echo_future.set_exception(RuntimeError) elif not echo_future.cancelled(): # Notify callbacks of receipt'Confirmation received') echo_future.set_result(True) else:'Received %r from %s://%s:%i', msg, self.protocol, host, port) # Update from remote if msg[1] != '0': # do not echo 0 code messages; these are low-level errors self.logger.debug('Echo %r to %s://%s:%i', msg, self.protocol, host, port) self.send(data, addr) # Echo super()._receive(data, addr) # Process callbacks
[docs] def datagram_received(self, data, addr): """Called by UDP transport layer""" host, port = addr[:2] if self.role == 'client' and host != self.hostname: self.logger.warning( f'Ignoring UDP packet from unexpected host ({host}:{port}) with message "{data}"') else: self._receive(data, addr)
[docs] def data_received(self, data): """Called by TCP/IP transport layer""" addr = self._transport.get_extra_info('peername')[:2] self._receive(data, addr)
[docs] def error_received(self, exc): self.logger.error('Error received: %s', exc) self.on_error_received.set_result(exc)
[docs] def eof_received(self): self.logger.debug('EOF received') self.on_eof_received.set_result(True)
[docs] def connection_lost(self, exc):'Connection closed') if getattr(self, 'on_con_lost', False): self.on_connection_lost.set_result(exc)
# Factory methods for instantiating a server or client
[docs] @staticmethod async def server(server_uri, name=None, log=None, **kwargs) -> 'EchoProtocol': """ Create a remote server instance. Parameters ---------- server_uri : str, ipaddress.IPv4Address, ipaddress.IPv6Address The address of the remote computer, may be an IP or hostname with or without a port. To use TCP/IP instead of the default UDP, add a 'ws://' scheme to the URI. name : str An optional, arbitrary label. kwargs Optional parameters to pass to create_datagram_endpoint for UDP or create_server for TCP/IP. Returns ------- EchoProtocol A Communicator instance. """ # Validate server URI server_uri = base.validate_uri(server_uri) # Get a reference to the event loop loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() # Logging log = log or _setup_log(name or server_uri) # One protocol instance will be created to serve all client requests. if server_uri.startswith('udp'): Protocol = partial(EchoProtocol, server_uri, 'server', name=name, logger=log) _, protocol = await loop.create_datagram_endpoint(Protocol, local_addr=_address2tuple(server_uri), **kwargs) else: protocol = EchoProtocol(server_uri, 'server', name=name, logger=log) protocol.Server = await loop.create_server(lambda: protocol, *_address2tuple(server_uri), **kwargs)'Listening on {protocol.server_uri}') return protocol
[docs] @staticmethod async def client(server_uri, name=None, log=None, **kwargs) -> 'EchoProtocol': """ Create a remote client instance. Parameters ---------- server_uri : str The address of the remote computer, may be an IP or hostname with or without a port. To use TCP/IP instead of the default UDP, add a 'ws://' scheme to the URI. name : str An optional, arbitrary label. kwargs Optional parameters to pass to create_datagram_endpoint for UDP or create_server for TCP/IP. Returns ------- EchoProtocol A Communicator instance. """ # Validate server URI server_uri = base.validate_uri(server_uri) # Get a reference to the event loop loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() # Logging log = log or _setup_log(name or server_uri) Protocol = partial(EchoProtocol, server_uri, 'client', name=name, logger=log) if server_uri.startswith('udp'): _, protocol = await loop.create_datagram_endpoint(Protocol, remote_addr=_address2tuple(server_uri), **kwargs) else: _, protocol = await loop.create_connection(Protocol, *_address2tuple(server_uri), **kwargs) return protocol
[docs] class Services(base.Service, UserDict): """Handler for multiple remote rig services.""" __slots__ = ('timeout', 'server') def __init__(self, remote_rigs, timeout=10.): """Handler for multiple remote rig services. Parameters ---------- remote_rigs : list( A list of remote rig service objects. timeout : float How long to wait for response from client(s). """ # Store rig communicators by name super().__init__() if not all(isinstance(x, base.Service) for x in remote_rigs): raise TypeError(f'Remote services must be of type {type(base.Service)}') = MappingProxyType({ rig for rig in remote_rigs}) # Ensure immutable self.timeout = timeout @property def is_connected(self) -> bool: """bool: All services are connected.""" return any(self.values()) and all(map(lambda rig: rig.is_connected, self.values()))
[docs] def assign_callback(self, event, callback, return_service=False): """ Assign a callback to all services for a given event. Parameters ---------- event : str, int, An event to listen for. callback : function, A callable or future to notify when the event occurs. return_service : bool When True an instance of the Communicator is additionally passed to the callback. """ def _callback(service, data, addr): callback(data, addr, service) for service in self.values(): if return_service: cb = partial(_callback, service) # keep track of original callback id = getattr(callback, 'id', None) or hash(callback) service.assign_callback(event, cb) else: service.assign_callback(event, callback)
[docs] def clear_callbacks(self, event, callback=None): """ Clear all callbacks for a given event. Parameters ---------- event : str, int, The event to clear listeners from. callback : function, asyncio.Future A specific callback or future to remove. """ removed = {} for rig in self.values(): removed[] = rig.clear_callbacks(event, callback=callback) return removed
[docs] async def await_all(self, event): """ Wait for all services to report a given event. Parameters ---------- event : str, int, The event to wait on. Returns ------- dict A map of rig name and the data that was received. """ responses = {} async def _return_data(rig, response) -> None: """Return map of rig name and data so we know origin of data""" data, _ = await response responses[] = data return response event = base.ExpMessage.validate(event) tasks = set() for rig in self.values(): task = asyncio.create_task(_return_data(rig, rig.on_event(event))) tasks.add(task) if self.timeout: # py3.11 with asyncio.timeout context manager _, pending = await asyncio.wait( tasks, timeout=self.timeout, return_when=asyncio.ALL_COMPLETED ) if any(pending): failed = set(self.keys()).difference(responses.keys()) raise asyncio.TimeoutError( f'The following services failed to respond in time: {failed}') else: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) return responses
[docs] def close(self): """Close all communication.""" for rig in self.values(): rig.close()
[docs] async def init(self, data=None, concurrent=True): """Initialize an experiment. Send an initialization signal to the remote services and await the responses. Parameters ---------- data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. concurrent : bool If false, wait for response from each service before communicating with the next. Returns ------- dict of str A dictionary of service names and the response data received. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. Remote host failed to respond within response period. """ event = base.ExpMessage['EXPINIT'] return await self._signal(event, 'init', data=data, concurrent=concurrent)
[docs] async def cleanup(self, data=None, concurrent=True): """Cleanup an experiment. Send a cleanup signal to the remote services and await responses. Parameters ---------- data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. concurrent : bool If false, wait for response from each service before communicating with the next. Returns ------- dict of str A dictionary of service names and the response data received. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. Remote host failed to respond within response period. """ event = base.ExpMessage.EXPCLEANUP return await self._signal(event, 'cleanup', data=data, reverse=True, concurrent=concurrent)
[docs] async def start(self, exp_ref, data=None, concurrent=True): """Start an experiment. Send a start signal to the remote services and await responses. Parameters ---------- exp_ref : str An experiment reference string in the form yyyy-mm-dd_n_subject. data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. concurrent : bool If false, wait for response from each service before communicating with the next. Returns ------- dict of str A dictionary of service names and the response data received. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. Remote host failed to respond within response period. """ event = base.ExpMessage.EXPSTART return await self._signal(event, 'start', exp_ref, data=data, concurrent=concurrent)
[docs] async def stop(self, data=None, immediately=False, **kwargs): """End an experiment. Send a stop signal to the remote services and await responses. Parameters ---------- data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. immediately : bool If true, send an EXPINTERRUPT signal. concurrent : bool If false, wait for response from each service before communicating with the next. Returns ------- dict of str A dictionary of service names and the response data received. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. Remote host failed to respond within response period. """ event = base.ExpMessage.EXPEND return await self._signal(event, 'stop', data=data, immediately=immediately, reverse=True, **kwargs)
[docs] async def status(self, status, **kwargs): """Communicate experiment status. Send a status message to the remote services and await responses. Parameters ---------- status : An experiment status enumeration. Returns ------- dict of str A dictionary of service names and the response data received. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. Remote host failed to respond within response period. """ event = base.ExpMessage.EXPSTATUS return await self._signal(event, 'status', status, **kwargs)
[docs] async def info(self, status, data=None, **kwargs): """Report experiment information. Send a status message and other details to the remote services and await responses. Parameters ---------- status : An experiment status enumeration. data : any Optional extra data to send to the remote host. Returns ------- dict of str A dictionary of service names and the response data received. Raises ------ TimeoutError Remote host failed to echo the message within the timeout period. Remote host failed to respond within response period. """ event = base.ExpMessage.EXPINFO return await self._signal(event, 'info', status, data=data, **kwargs)
async def _signal(self, event, method, *args, concurrent=True, reverse=False, **kwargs): """Send an event signal to the remote services and await responses. Parameters ---------- event : The event to signal to services. method : str The name of the method to call for each service. args Positional arguments to pass to method. concurrent : bool If true, all services are signaled concurrently. reverse : bool If true, iterate over services in reverse order. kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to method. Returns ------- dict of str A dictionary of service names and the response data received. TODO Could initialize response dict created in await_all and allow it to be returned this would allow one to peek at responses before all are in """ event = base.ExpMessage.validate(event, allow_bitwise=False) if concurrent: # Register event callbacks before sending messages otherwise we may receive a response before callback is # created. all_responses = asyncio.create_task(self.await_all(event), name='service responses') for service in (reversed(list(self.values())) if reverse else self.values()): f = getattr(service, method or await f(*args, **kwargs) responses = await all_responses else: responses = dict.fromkeys(self.keys()) for name, service in (reversed(list(self.items())) if reverse else self.items()): f = getattr(service, method or await f(*args, **kwargs) if self.timeout: data, _ = await asyncio.wait_for(service.on_event(event), self.timeout) else: data, _ = await service.on_event(event) responses[] = data return responses
[docs] async def alyx(self, alyx): """ Send Alyx token to remote services. Parameters ---------- alyx : one.webclient.AlyxClient An instance of Alyx to extract and send token from. """ for service in self.values(): await service.alyx(alyx)
[docs] async def main(role, server_uri, name=None, **kwargs): """An example of an entry point for creating an individual communicator.""" if role == 'server': print('Starting server') com = await EchoProtocol.server(server_uri, name=name, **kwargs) try: if com.server_uri.startswith('udp'): await asyncio.sleep(60 * 60) # Serve for 1 hour. else: await com.Server.serve_forever() finally: com.close() elif role == 'client': print('Starting client') com = await EchoProtocol.client(server_uri, name=name) try: # Here you would send a message await com.start('2022-01-01_1_subject') finally: com.close() else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown role "{role}"')
if __name__ == '__main__': """ Examples -------- # Run server python server # Run server locally for debugging python server -H localhost # Run client for debugging python client """ # Parse parameters parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='UDP Experiment Communicator.') parser.add_argument('role', choices=('server', 'client'), help='communicator role i.e. server or client') parser.add_argument('--host', '-H', help='the host address', default=base.hostname2ip()) parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0) args = parser.parse_args() # returns data from the options specified,