Source code for ibllib.tests.test_mesoscope

"""Tests for ibllib.pipes.mesoscope_tasks"""
import sys
import unittest
from unittest import mock
import tempfile
import json
from itertools import chain
from pathlib import Path

from one.api import ONE
import numpy as np

from ibllib.pipes.mesoscope_tasks import MesoscopePreprocess, MesoscopeFOV, \
    find_triangle, surface_normal, _nearest_neighbour_1d
from import mesoscope
from ibllib.tests import TEST_DB

# Mock suit2p which is imported in MesoscopePreprocess
attrs = {'default_ops.return_value': {}}
sys.modules['suite2p'] = mock.MagicMock(**attrs)

[docs] class TestMesoscopePreprocess(unittest.TestCase): """Test for MesoscopePreprocess task."""
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.session_path = Path('subject', '2020-01-01', '001') self.img_path = self.session_path.joinpath('raw_imaging_data_00') self.img_path.mkdir(parents=True) self.task = MesoscopePreprocess(self.session_path, one=ONE(**TEST_DB))
[docs] def test_meta(self): """ Test arguments that are overwritten by meta file and set in task.kwargs, and that explicitly passed kwargs overwrite default and meta args """ expected = { 'data_path': [str(self.img_path)], 'save_path0': str(self.session_path.joinpath('alf')), 'fast_disk': '', 'look_one_level_down': False, 'num_workers': -1, 'num_workers_roi': -1, 'keep_movie_raw': False, 'delete_bin': False, 'batch_size': 500, 'nimg_init': 400, 'combined': False, 'nonrigid': True, 'maxregshift': 0.05, 'denoise': 1, 'block_size': [128, 128], 'save_mat': True, 'move_bin': True, 'mesoscan': True, 'nplanes': 1, 'tau': 1.5, 'functional_chan': 1, 'align_by_chan': 1, 'nrois': 1, 'nchannels': 1, 'fs': 6.8, 'lines': [[3, 4, 5]], 'slices': [0], 'dx': np.array([0], dtype=int), 'dy': np.array([0], dtype=int), } meta = { 'scanImageParams': {'hStackManager': {'zs': 320}, 'hRoiManager': {'scanVolumeRate': 6.8}}, 'FOV': [{'topLeftDeg': [-1, 1.3], 'topRightDeg': [3, 1.3], 'bottomLeftDeg': [-1, 5.2], 'nXnYnZ': [512, 512, 1], 'channelIdx': 2, 'lineIdx': [4, 5, 6], 'slice_id': 0}] } with open(self.img_path.joinpath('_ibl_rawImagingData.meta.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(meta, f) self.img_path.joinpath('test.tif').touch() with mock.patch.object(self.task, 'get_default_tau', return_value=1.5): _ =, rename_files=False) self.assertEqual(self.task.status, 0) self.assertDictEqual(self.task.kwargs, expected) # {k: v for k, v in self.task.kwargs.items() if expected[k] != v} # Now overwrite a specific option with kwarg with mock.patch.object(self.task, 'get_default_tau', return_value=1.5): _ =, rename_files=False, nchannels=2, delete_bin=True) self.assertEqual(self.task.status, 0) self.assertEqual(self.task.kwargs['nchannels'], 2) self.assertEqual(self.task.kwargs['delete_bin'], True) with open(self.img_path.joinpath('_ibl_rawImagingData.meta.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump({}, f)
[docs] def test_get_default_tau(self): """Test for MesoscopePreprocess.get_default_tau method.""" subject_detail = {'genotype': [{'allele': 'Cdh23', 'zygosity': 1}, {'allele': 'Ai95-G6f', 'zygosity': 1}, {'allele': 'Camk2a-tTa', 'zygosity': 1}]} with mock.patch.object(, 'rest', return_value=subject_detail): self.assertEqual(self.task.get_default_tau(), .7) subject_detail['genotype'].pop(1) self.assertEqual(self.task.get_default_tau(), 1.5) # return the default value
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None:
[docs] class TestMesoscopeFOV(unittest.TestCase): """Test for MesoscopeFOV task and associated functions."""
[docs] def test_get_provenance(self): """Test for MesoscopeFOV.get_provenance method.""" filename = 'mpciMeanImage.mlapdv_estimate.npy' provenance = MesoscopeFOV.get_provenance(filename) self.assertEqual('ESTIMATE', filename = 'mpciROIs.brainLocation_ccf_2017.npy' provenance = MesoscopeFOV.get_provenance(filename) self.assertEqual('HISTOLOGY',
[docs] def test_find_triangle(self): """Test for find_triangle function.""" points = np.array([[2.435, -3.37], [2.435, -1.82], [2.635, -2.], [2.535, -1.7]]) connectivity_list = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]], dtype=np.intp) point = np.array([2.6, -1.9]) self.assertEqual(1, find_triangle(point, points, connectivity_list)) point = np.array([3., 1.]) # outside of defined vertices self.assertEqual(-1, find_triangle(point, points, connectivity_list))
[docs] def test_surface_normal(self): """Test for surface_normal function.""" vertices = np.array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]) expected = np.array([0, 0, 1]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(surface_normal(vertices), expected) # Test against multiple triangles vertices = np.r_[vertices[np.newaxis, :, :], [[[0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], [2, 0, 0]]]] expected = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [0, 0, -1]]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(surface_normal(vertices), expected) # Some real data vertices = np.array([[2.435, -1.82, -0.53], [2.635, -2., -0.58], [2.535, -1.7, -0.58]]) expected = np.array([0.33424239, 0.11141413, 0.93587869]) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(surface_normal(vertices), expected) # Test input validation self.assertRaises(ValueError, surface_normal, np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4]]))
[docs] def test_nearest_neighbour_1d(self): """Test for _nearest_neighbour_1d function.""" x = np.array([2., 1., 4., 5., 3.]) x_new = np.array([-3, 0, 1.2, 3, 3, 2.5, 4.7, 6]) val, ind = _nearest_neighbour_1d(x, x_new) np.testing.assert_array_equal(val, [1., 1., 1., 3., 3., 2., 5., 5.]) np.testing.assert_array_equal(ind, [1, 1, 1, 4, 4, 0, 3, 3])
[docs] def test_update_surgery_json(self): """Test for MesoscopeFOV.update_surgery_json method. Here we mock the Alyx object and simply check the method's calls. """ one = ONE(**TEST_DB) task = MesoscopeFOV('/foo/bar/subject/2020-01-01/001', one=one) record = {'json': {'craniotomy_00': {'center': [1., -3.]}, 'craniotomy_01': {'center': [2.7, -1.3]}}} normal_vector = np.array([0.5, 1., 0.]) meta = {'centerMM': {'ML': 2.7, 'AP': -1.30000000001}} with mock.patch.object(one.alyx, 'rest', return_value=[record, {}]), \ mock.patch.object(one.alyx, 'json_field_update') as mock_rest: task.update_surgery_json(meta, normal_vector) expected = {'craniotomy_01': {'center': [2.7, -1.3], 'surface_normal_unit_vector': (0.5, 1., 0.)}} mock_rest.assert_called_once_with('subjects', 'subject', data=expected) # Check errors and warnings # No matching craniotomy center with self.assertLogs('ibllib.pipes.mesoscope_tasks', 'ERROR'), \ mock.patch.object(one.alyx, 'rest', return_value=[record, {}]): task.update_surgery_json({'centerMM': {'ML': 0., 'AP': 0.}}, normal_vector) # No matching surgery records with self.assertLogs('ibllib.pipes.mesoscope_tasks', 'ERROR'), \ mock.patch.object(one.alyx, 'rest', return_value=[]): task.update_surgery_json(meta, normal_vector) # ONE offline one.mode = 'local' try: with self.assertLogs('ibllib.pipes.mesoscope_tasks', 'WARNING'): task.update_surgery_json(meta, normal_vector) finally: # ONE function is cached so we must reset the mode for other tests one.mode = 'auto'
[docs] class TestRegisterFOV(unittest.TestCase): """Test for MesoscopeFOV.register_fov method."""
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: = ONE(**TEST_DB) tmpdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.addCleanup(tmpdir.cleanup) self.session_path = Path(, 'subject', '2020-01-01', '001') self.session_path.joinpath('alf', 'FOV_00').mkdir(parents=True) filename = self.session_path.joinpath('alf', 'FOV_00', 'mpciMeanImage.brainLocationIds_ccf_2017_estimate.npy'), np.array([0, 1, 2, 2, 4, 7], dtype=int))
[docs] def test_register_fov(self): """Test MesoscopeFOV.register_fov method. Note this doesn't actually hit Alyx. Also this doesn't test stack creation. """ task = MesoscopeFOV(self.session_path, device_collection='raw_imaging_data', mlapdv = {'topLeft': [2317.2, -1599.8, -535.5], 'topRight': [2862.7, -1625.2, -748.7], 'bottomLeft': [2317.3, -2181.4, -466.3], 'bottomRight': [2862.7, -2206.9, -679.4], 'center': [2596.1, -1900.5, -588.6]} meta = {'FOV': [{'MLAPDV': mlapdv, 'nXnYnZ': [512, 512, 1], 'roiUUID': 0}]} with unittest.mock.patch.object(, 'rest') as mock_rest: task.register_fov(meta, 'estimate') calls = mock_rest.call_args_list self.assertEqual(3, len(calls)) args, kwargs = calls[1] self.assertEqual(('fields-of-view', 'create'), args) expected = {'data': {'session': None, 'imaging_type': 'mesoscope', 'name': 'FOV_00', 'stack': None}} self.assertEqual(expected, kwargs) args, kwargs = calls[2] self.assertEqual(('fov-location', 'create'), args) expected = ['field_of_view', 'default_provenance', 'coordinate_system', 'n_xyz', 'provenance', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'brain_region'] self.assertCountEqual(expected, kwargs.get('data', {}).keys()) self.assertEqual(5, len(kwargs['data']['brain_region'])) self.assertEqual([512, 512, 1], kwargs['data']['n_xyz']) self.assertIs(kwargs['data']['field_of_view'], mock_rest().get('id')) self.assertEqual('E', kwargs['data']['provenance']) self.assertEqual([2317.2, 2862.7, 2317.3, 2862.7], kwargs['data']['x']) # Check dry mode with suffix input = None for file in self.session_path.joinpath('alf', 'FOV_00').glob('mpciMeanImage.*'): file.replace(file.with_name('_estimate', ''))) = 'local' with unittest.mock.patch.object(, 'rest') as mock_rest: out = task.register_fov(meta, None) mock_rest.assert_not_called() self.assertEqual(1, len(out)) self.assertEqual('FOV_00', out[0].get('name')) locations = out[0]['location'] self.assertEqual(1, len(locations)) self.assertEqual('L', locations[0].get('provenance', 'L'))
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None: """ The ONE function is cached and therefore the One object persists beyond this test. Here we return the mode back to the default after testing behaviour in offline mode. """ = 'auto'
[docs] class TestImagingMeta(unittest.TestCase): """Test raw imaging metadata versioning."""
[docs] def test_patch_imaging_meta(self): """Test for function.""" meta = {'version': '0.1.0', 'FOV': [{'roiUuid': None}, {'roiUUID': None}]} new_meta = mesoscope.patch_imaging_meta(meta) self.assertEqual(set(chain(*map(dict.keys, new_meta['FOV']))), {'roiUUID'}) meta = {'FOV': [ dict.fromkeys(['topLeftDeg', 'topRightDeg', 'bottomLeftDeg', 'bottomRightDeg']), dict.fromkeys(['topLeftMM', 'topRightMM', 'bottomLeftMM', 'bottomRightMM']) ]} new_meta = mesoscope.patch_imaging_meta(meta) self.assertIn('channelSaved', new_meta) self.assertCountEqual(new_meta['FOV'][0], ('Deg', 'MM')) expected = ('topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight') self.assertCountEqual(new_meta['FOV'][0]['MM'], expected)