Source code for ibllib.tests.qc.test_task_metrics

import unittest
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from iblutil.util import Bunch
from one.api import ONE
from ibllib.tests import TEST_DB
from ibllib.qc import task_metrics as qcmetrics

from brainbox.behavior.wheel import cm_to_rad

[docs] class TestAggregateOutcome(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_outcome_from_dict_default(self): # For a task that has no costume thresholds, default is 0.99 PASS and 0.9 WARNING and 0 FAIL, # np.nan and None return not set qc_dict = {'gnap': .99, 'gnop': np.nan, 'gnip': None, 'gnep': 0.9, 'gnup': 0.89} expect = {'gnap': 'PASS', 'gnop': 'NOT_SET', 'gnip': 'NOT_SET', 'gnep': 'WARNING', 'gnup': 'FAIL'} outcome, outcome_dict = qcmetrics.TaskQC.compute_session_status_from_dict(qc_dict) self.assertEqual(outcome, 'FAIL') self.assertEqual(expect, outcome_dict)
[docs] def test_outcome_from_dict_stimFreeze_delays(self): # For '_task_stimFreeze_delays' the threshold are 0.99 PASS and 0 WARNING qc_dict = {'gnap': .99, 'gnop': np.nan, '_task_stimFreeze_delays': .1} expect = {'gnap': 'PASS', 'gnop': 'NOT_SET', '_task_stimFreeze_delays': 'WARNING'} outcome, outcome_dict = qcmetrics.TaskQC.compute_session_status_from_dict(qc_dict) self.assertEqual(outcome, 'WARNING') self.assertEqual(expect, outcome_dict)
[docs] def test_outcome_from_dict_iti_delays(self): # For '_task_iti_delays' the threshold is 0 NOT_SET qc_dict = {'gnap': .99, 'gnop': np.nan, '_task_iti_delays': .1} expect = {'gnap': 'PASS', 'gnop': 'NOT_SET', '_task_iti_delays': 'NOT_SET'} outcome, outcome_dict = qcmetrics.TaskQC.compute_session_status_from_dict(qc_dict) self.assertEqual(outcome, 'PASS') self.assertEqual(expect, outcome_dict)
[docs] def test_out_of_bounds(self): # When qc values are below 0 or above 1, give error qc_dict = {'gnap': 1.01, 'gnop': 0, 'gnip': 0.99} with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e: outcome, outcome_dict = qcmetrics.TaskQC.compute_session_status_from_dict(qc_dict) self.assertTrue(e.exception.args[0] == 'Values out of bound')
[docs] class TestTaskMetrics(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): = self.load_fake_bpod_data() self.wheel_gain = 4 wheel_data = self.load_fake_wheel_data(, wheel_gain=self.wheel_gain)
[docs] @staticmethod def load_fake_bpod_data(n=5): """Create fake extractor output of bpodqc.load_data :param n: the number of trials :return: a dict of simulated trial data """ trigg_delay = 1e-4 # an ideal delay between triggers and measured times resp_feeback_delay = 1e-3 # delay between feedback and response stimOff_itiIn_delay = 5e-3 # delay between stimOff and itiIn N = partial(np.random.normal, (n,)) # Convenience function for norm dist sampling choice = np.ones((n,), dtype=int) choice[[1, 3]] = -1 # a couple of incorrect trials choice[0] = 0 # a nogo trial # One trial of each type incorrect correct = choice != 0 correct[np.argmax(choice == 1)] = 0 correct[np.argmax(choice == -1)] = 0 quiescence_length = 0.2 + np.random.standard_exponential(size=(n,)) iti_length = 0.5 # inter-trial interval # trial lengths include quiescence period, a couple small trigger delays and iti trial_lengths = quiescence_length + resp_feeback_delay + (trigg_delay * 4) + iti_length # add on 60s for nogos + feedback time (1 or 2s) + ~0.5s for other responses trial_lengths += (choice == 0) * 60 + (~correct + 1) + (choice != 0) * N(0.5) start_times = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(trial_lengths)[:-1])) end_times = np.cumsum(trial_lengths) - 1e-2 data = { "phase": np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2 * np.pi, size=(n,)), "quiescence": quiescence_length, "choice": choice, "correct": correct, "intervals": np.c_[start_times, end_times], "itiIn_times": end_times - iti_length + stimOff_itiIn_delay, "position": np.ones_like(choice) * 35 } data["stimOnTrigger_times"] = start_times + data["quiescence"] + 1e-4 data["stimOn_times"] = data["stimOnTrigger_times"] + 1e-1 data["goCueTrigger_times"] = data["stimOn_times"] + 1e-3 data["goCue_times"] = data["goCueTrigger_times"] + trigg_delay data["response_times"] = end_times - ( resp_feeback_delay + iti_length + (~correct + 1) ) data["feedback_times"] = data["response_times"] + resp_feeback_delay data["stimFreeze_times"] = data["response_times"] + 1e-2 data["stimFreezeTrigger_times"] = data["stimFreeze_times"] - trigg_delay data["feedbackType"] = np.vectorize(lambda x: -1 if x == 0 else x)(data["correct"]) outcome = data["feedbackType"].copy() outcome[data["choice"] == 0] = 0 data["outcome"] = outcome # Delay of 1 second if correct, 2 seconds if incorrect data["stimOffTrigger_times"] = data["feedback_times"] + (~correct + 1) data["stimOff_times"] = data["stimOffTrigger_times"] + trigg_delay # Error tone times nan on incorrect trials outcome_times = np.vectorize(lambda x, y: x + 1e-2 if y else np.nan) data["errorCueTrigger_times"] = outcome_times(data["feedback_times"], ~data["correct"]) data["errorCue_times"] = data["errorCueTrigger_times"] + trigg_delay data["valveOpen_times"] = outcome_times(data["feedback_times"], data["correct"]) data["rewardVolume"] = ~np.isnan(data["valveOpen_times"]) * 3.0 return data
[docs] @staticmethod def load_fake_wheel_data(trial_data, wheel_gain=4): # Load a wheel fragment: a numpy array of the form [timestamps, positions], for a wheel # movement during one trial. Wheel is X1 bpod RE in radians. wh_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('..', 'fixtures', 'qc').resolve() wheel_frag = np.load(wh_path.joinpath('wheel.npy')) resolution = np.mean(np.abs(np.diff(wheel_frag[:, 1]))) # pos diff between samples # abs displacement, s, in mm required to move 35 visual degrees POS_THRESH = 35 s_mm = np.abs(POS_THRESH / wheel_gain) # don't care about direction # convert abs displacement to radians (wheel pos is in rad) pos_thresh = cm_to_rad(s_mm * 1e-1) # index of threshold cross pos_thresh_idx = np.argmax(np.abs(wheel_frag[:, 1]) > pos_thresh) def qt_wheel_fill(start, end, t_step=0.001, p_step=None): if p_step is None: p_step = 2 * np.pi / 1024 t = np.arange(start, end, t_step) p = np.random.randint(-1, 2, len(t)) t = t[p != 0] p = p[p != 0].cumsum() * p_step return t, p wheel_data = [] # List generated of wheel data fragments movement_times = [] # List of generated first movement times def add_frag(t, p): """Add wheel data fragments to list, adjusting positions to be within one sample of one another""" last_samp = getattr(add_frag, 'last_samp', (0, 0)) p += last_samp[1] if np.abs(p[0] - last_samp[1]) == 0: p += resolution wheel_data.append((t, p)) add_frag.last_samp = (t[-1], p[-1]) for i in np.arange(len(trial_data['choice'])): # Iterate over trials generating wheel samples for the necessary periods # trial start to stim on; should be below quiescence threshold stimOn_trig = trial_data['stimOnTrigger_times'][i] trial_start = trial_data['intervals'][i, 0] t, p = qt_wheel_fill(trial_start, stimOn_trig, .5, resolution) if len(t) > 0: # Possible for no movement during quiescence add_frag(t, p) # stim on to trial end trial_end = trial_data['intervals'][i, 1] if trial_data['choice'][i] == 0: # Add random wheel movements for duration of trial goCue = trial_data['goCue_times'][i] t, p = qt_wheel_fill(goCue, trial_end, .1, resolution) add_frag(t, p) movement_times.append(t[0]) else: # Align wheel fragment with response time response_time = trial_data['response_times'][i] t = wheel_frag[:, 0] + response_time - wheel_frag[pos_thresh_idx, 0] p = np.abs(wheel_frag[:, 1]) * trial_data['choice'][i] assert t[0] > add_frag.last_samp[0] movement_times.append(t[1]) add_frag(t, p) # Fill in random movements between end of response and trial end t, p = qt_wheel_fill(t[-1] + 0.01, trial_end, p_step=resolution) add_frag(t, p) # Stitch wheel fragments and assert no skips wheel_data = np.concatenate(list(map(np.column_stack, wheel_data))) assert np.all(np.diff(wheel_data[:, 0]) > 0), "timestamps don't strictly increase" np.testing.assert_allclose(np.abs(np.diff(wheel_data[:, 1])), resolution) assert len(movement_times) == trial_data['intervals'].shape[0] return { 'wheel_timestamps': wheel_data[:, 0], 'wheel_position': wheel_data[:, 1], 'firstMovement_times': np.array(movement_times) }
[docs] def test_check_stimOn_goCue_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimOn_goCue_delays( self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric, 0.0011), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp (goCue occurs before stimOn)["goCue_times"][-1] =["stimOn_times"][-1] - 1e-4 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimOn_goCue_delays( n = len(["stimOn_times"]) expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_response_feedback_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_response_feedback_delays( self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric, 0.001), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp (feedback occurs before response)["feedback_times"][-1] =["response_times"][-1] - 1e-4 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_response_feedback_delays( n = len(["feedback_times"]) expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_response_stimFreeze_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_response_stimFreeze_delays( self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric, 1e-2), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp (stimFreeze occurs before response)["stimFreeze_times"][-1] =["response_times"][-1] - 1e-4 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_response_stimFreeze_delays( n = len(["feedback_times"]) - np.sum(["choice"] == 0) expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_positive_feedback_stimOff_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_positive_feedback_stimOff_delays( self.assertTrue( np.allclose(metric[["correct"]], 1e-4), "failed to return correct metric" ) # Set incorrect timestamp (stimOff occurs just after response) id = np.argmax(["correct"])["stimOff_times"][id] =["response_times"][id] + 1e-2 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_positive_feedback_stimOff_delays( expected = (["correct"].sum() - 1) /["correct"].sum() self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_negative_feedback_stimOff_delays(self): err_trial =["correct"] metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_negative_feedback_stimOff_delays( values = np.abs(metric[err_trial]) self.assertTrue(np.allclose(values, 1e-2), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp (stimOff occurs 1s after response) id = np.argmax(err_trial)["stimOff_times"][id] =["response_times"][id] + 1 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_negative_feedback_stimOff_delays( expected = (err_trial.sum() - 1) / err_trial.sum() self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_error_trial_event_sequence(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_error_trial_event_sequence( self.assertTrue(np.all(metric ==['correct']), "failed to return correct metric") self.assertTrue(np.all(passed)) # Set incorrect timestamp (itiIn occurs before errorCue) err_trial =["correct"] (id,) = np.where(err_trial)["intervals"][id[0], 0] = np.inf["errorCue_times"][id[1]] = 0 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_error_trial_event_sequence( expected = (err_trial.sum() - 2) / err_trial.sum() self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_correct_trial_event_sequence(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_correct_trial_event_sequence( self.assertTrue(np.all(metric ==['correct']), "failed to return correct metric") self.assertTrue(np.all(passed)) # Set incorrect timestamp correct =["correct"] id = np.argmax(correct)["intervals"][id, 0] = np.inf metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_correct_trial_event_sequence( expected = (correct.sum() - 1) / correct.sum() self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_trial_length(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_trial_length( self.assertTrue(np.all(metric), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp["goCue_times"][-1] = 0 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_trial_length( n = len(["goCue_times"]) expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_goCue_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_goCue_delays( self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric, 1e-4), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp["goCue_times"][1] =["goCueTrigger_times"][1] + 0.1 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_goCue_delays( n = len(["goCue_times"]) expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_errorCue_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_errorCue_delays( err_trial =["correct"] self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric[err_trial], 1e-4), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp id = np.argmax(err_trial)["errorCue_times"][id] =["errorCueTrigger_times"][id] + 0.1 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_errorCue_delays( n = err_trial.sum() expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_stimOn_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimOn_delays( self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric, 1e-1), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp["stimOn_times"][-1] =["stimOnTrigger_times"][-1] + 0.2 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimOn_delays( n = len(["stimOn_times"]) expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_stimOff_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimOff_delays( self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric, 1e-4), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp["stimOff_times"][-1] =["stimOffTrigger_times"][-1] + 0.2 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimOff_delays( n = len(["stimOff_times"]) expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_stimFreeze_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimFreeze_delays( self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric, 1e-4), "failed to return correct metric") # Set incorrect timestamp["stimFreeze_times"][-1] =["stimFreezeTrigger_times"][-1] + 0.2 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimFreeze_delays( n = len(["stimFreeze_times"]) expected = (n - 1) / n self.assertEqual(np.nanmean(passed), expected, "failed to detect dodgy timestamp")
[docs] def test_check_reward_volumes(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_reward_volumes( self.assertTrue(all(x in {0.0, 3.0} for x in metric), "failed to return correct metric") self.assertTrue(np.all(passed)) # Set incorrect volume id = np.array([np.argmax(["correct"]), np.argmax(["correct"])])["rewardVolume"][id] =["rewardVolume"][id] + 1 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_reward_volumes( self.assertTrue(np.mean(passed) == 0.6, "failed to detect incorrect reward volumes")
[docs] def test_check_reward_volume_set(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_reward_volume_set( self.assertTrue(all(x in {0.0, 3.0} for x in metric), "failed to return correct metric") self.assertTrue(passed) # Add a new volume to the set id = np.argmax(["correct"])["rewardVolume"][id] = 2.3 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_reward_volume_set( self.assertFalse(passed, "failed to detect incorrect reward volume set") # Set 0 volumes to new value; set length still 2 but should fail anyway["rewardVolume"][["correct"]] = 2.3 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_reward_volume_set( self.assertFalse(passed, "failed to detect incorrect reward volume set")
[docs] def test_check_audio_pre_trial(self): # Create Sound sync fake data that is OK BNC2_OK = { "times":["goCue_times"] + 1e-1, "polarities": np.array([1, -1, 1, -1, 1]), } # Create Sound sync fake data that is NOT OK BNC2_NOK = { "times":["goCue_times"] - 1e-1, "polarities": np.array([1, -1, 1, -1, 1]), } metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_audio_pre_trial(, audio=BNC2_OK) self.assertTrue(~np.all(metric)) self.assertTrue(np.all(passed)) metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_audio_pre_trial(, audio=BNC2_NOK) self.assertTrue(np.all(metric)) self.assertTrue(~np.all(passed))
[docs] def test_check_wheel_freeze_during_quiescence(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_wheel_freeze_during_quiescence( self.assertTrue(np.all(passed)) # Make one trial move more n = 1 # Index of trial to manipulate t1 =['intervals'][n, 0] t2 =['stimOnTrigger_times'][n] ts, pos = (['wheel_timestamps'],['wheel_position']) wh_idx = np.argmax(ts > t1) if ts[wh_idx] >['stimOnTrigger_times'][n]: # No sample during quiescence; insert one['wheel_timestamps'] = np.insert(ts, wh_idx, t2 - .001)['wheel_position'] = np.insert(pos, wh_idx, np.inf) else: # Otherwise make one sample infinite['wheel_position'][wh_idx] = np.inf metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_wheel_freeze_during_quiescence( self.assertFalse(passed[n]) self.assertTrue(metric[n] > 2)
[docs] def test_check_wheel_move_before_feedback(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_wheel_move_before_feedback( nogo =['choice'] == 0 self.assertTrue(np.all(passed[~nogo])) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(metric[nogo]).all()) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(passed[nogo]).all()) # Remove wheel data around feedback for choice trial assert['choice'].any(), 'no choice trials in test data' n = np.argmax(['choice'] != 0) # Index of choice trial mask = np.logical_xor(['wheel_timestamps'] >['feedback_times'][n] - 1,['wheel_timestamps'] <['feedback_times'][n] + 1)['wheel_timestamps'] =['wheel_timestamps'][mask]['wheel_position'] =['wheel_position'][mask] metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_wheel_move_before_feedback( self.assertFalse(passed[n] or metric[n] != 0)
[docs] def test_check_wheel_move_during_closed_loop(self): gain = self.wheel_gain or 4 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_wheel_move_during_closed_loop(, gain) nogo =['choice'] == 0 self.assertTrue(np.all(passed[~nogo])) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(metric[nogo]).all()) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(passed[nogo]).all()) # Remove wheel data for choice trial assert['choice'].any(), 'no choice trials in test data' n = np.argmax(['choice'] != 0) # Index of choice trial mask = np.logical_xor(['wheel_timestamps'] <['goCue_times'][n],['wheel_timestamps'] >['response_times'][n])['wheel_timestamps'] =['wheel_timestamps'][mask]['wheel_position'] =['wheel_position'][mask] metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_wheel_move_during_closed_loop(, gain) self.assertFalse(passed[n])
[docs] def test_check_wheel_integrity(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_wheel_integrity(, re_encoding='X1') self.assertTrue(np.all(passed)) # Insert some violations and verify that they're caught idx = np.random.randint(['wheel_timestamps'].size, size=2)['wheel_timestamps'][idx[0] + 1] -= 1['wheel_position'][idx[1]] -= 1 metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_wheel_integrity(, re_encoding='X1') self.assertFalse(passed[idx].any())
[docs] def test_check_n_trial_events(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_n_trial_events( self.assertTrue(np.all(passed == 1.) and np.all(metric)) # Change errorCueTriggers id = np.argmax(['correct'])['errorCueTrigger_times'][id] =['intervals'][id, 0] + np.random.rand() _, passed = qcmetrics.check_n_trial_events( self.assertFalse(passed[id]) # Change another event id = id - 1 if id > 0 else id + 1['goCue_times'][id] =['intervals'][id, 1] + np.random.rand() _, passed = qcmetrics.check_n_trial_events( self.assertFalse(passed[id])
[docs] def test_check_detected_wheel_moves(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_detected_wheel_moves( self.assertTrue(np.all(['firstMovement_times'] == metric)) self.assertTrue(np.all(passed)) # Change a movement time id = np.argmax(['choice'] != 0)['firstMovement_times'][id] =['goCue_times'][id] - 0.3 _, passed = qcmetrics.check_detected_wheel_moves( self.assertEqual(0.75, np.nanmean(passed)) # Change the min_qt _, passed = qcmetrics.check_detected_wheel_moves(, min_qt=0.3) self.assertTrue(np.all(passed))
[docs] @unittest.skip("not implemented") def test_check_stimulus_move_before_goCue(self): pass # TODO Nicco?
[docs] def test_check_stimOff_itiIn_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimOff_itiIn_delays( self.assertTrue(np.nanmean(passed)) # No go should be NaN id = np.argmax(['choice'] == 0) self.assertTrue(np.isnan(passed[id]), 'No go trials should be excluded') # Change a trial id = np.argmax(['choice'] != 0)['stimOff_times'][id] =['itiIn_times'][id] + 1e-4 _, passed = qcmetrics.check_stimOff_itiIn_delays( # recompute self.assertEqual(0.75, np.nanmean(passed))
[docs] def test_check_iti_delays(self): metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_iti_delays( # We want the metric to return positive values that are close to 0.1, given the test data self.assertTrue(np.allclose(metric[:-1], 1e-2, atol=0.001), "failed to return correct metric") self.assertTrue(np.isnan(metric[-1]), "last trial should be NaN") self.assertTrue(np.all(passed)) # Mess up a trial id = 2["intervals"][id + 1, 0] += 0.5 # Next trial starts 0.5 sec later metric, passed = qcmetrics.check_iti_delays( n_trials = len(["stimOff_times"]) - 1 # Last trial NaN here expected = (n_trials - 1) / n_trials self.assertTrue(expected, np.nanmean(passed))
[docs] @unittest.skip("not implemented") def test_check_frame_frequency(self): pass # TODO Miles
[docs] @unittest.skip("not implemented") def test_check_frame_updates(self): pass # TODO Nicco?
[docs] class TestHabituationQC(unittest.TestCase): """Test HabituationQC class NB: For complete coverage this should be run along slide the integration tests """
[docs] def setUp(self): eid = '8dd0fcb0-1151-4c97-ae35-2e2421695ad7' one = ONE(**TEST_DB) self.qc = qcmetrics.HabituationQC(eid, one=one) # Dummy extractor obj self.qc.extractor = Bunch({'data': self.load_fake_bpod_data(), 'settings': {}})
[docs] @staticmethod def load_fake_bpod_data(n=5): """Create fake extractor output of bpodqc.load_data :param n: the number of trials :return: a dict of simulated trial data """ trigg_delay = 1e-4 # an ideal delay between triggers and measured times iti_length = 0.5 # the so-called 'inter-trial interval' blank_length = 1. # the time between trial start and stim on stimCenter_length = 1. # the length of time the stimulus is in the center # the lengths of time between stim on and stim center stimOn_length = np.random.normal(size=(n,)) + 10 # trial lengths include couple small trigger delays and iti trial_lengths = blank_length + stimOn_length + 1e-1 + stimCenter_length start_times = np.concatenate(([0], np.cumsum(trial_lengths)[:-1])) end_times = np.cumsum(trial_lengths) - 1e-2 data = { "phase": np.random.uniform(low=0, high=2 * np.pi, size=(n,)), "stimOnTrigger_times": start_times + blank_length, "intervals": np.c_[start_times, end_times], "itiIn_times": end_times - iti_length, "position": np.random.choice([-1, 1], n, replace=True) * 35, "feedbackType": np.ones(n), "feedback_times": end_times - 0.5, "rewardVolume": np.ones(n) * 3., "stimOff_times": end_times + trigg_delay, "stimOffTrigger_times": end_times } data["stimOn_times"] = data["stimOnTrigger_times"] + trigg_delay data["goCueTrigger_times"] = data["stimOnTrigger_times"] data["goCue_times"] = data["goCueTrigger_times"] + trigg_delay data["stimCenter_times"] = data["feedback_times"] - 0.5 data["stimCenterTrigger_times"] = data["stimCenter_times"] - trigg_delay data["valveOpen_times"] = data["feedback_times"] return data
[docs] def test_compute(self): # All should pass except one NOT_SET self.qc.compute() self.assertIsNotNone(self.qc.metrics) _, _, outcomes = self.qc.compute_session_status() if self.qc.passed['_task_habituation_time'] is None: self.assertEqual(outcomes['_task_habituation_time'], 'NOT_SET')
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(exit=False, verbosity=2)