Source code for ibllib.tests.qc.test_critical_reasons

import unittest
from unittest import mock
import json
import random
import string

import requests
from one.api import ONE

from ibllib.tests import TEST_DB
from ibllib.tests.fixtures.utils import register_new_session
import ibllib.qc.critical_reasons as usrpmt

one = ONE(**TEST_DB)

[docs] def mock_input(prompt): if "Select from this list the reason(s)" in prompt: return "1," + prompt[prompt.index(') Other') - 1] # always choose last option, 'Other' elif "Explain why you selected" in prompt: return "estoy un poco preocupada" elif "You are about to delete" in prompt: return "y"
[docs] class TestUserPmtSess(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: # Make sure tests use correct session ID one.alyx.clear_rest_cache() # Create new session on database with a random date to avoid race conditions _, eid = register_new_session(one, subject='ZM_1150') eid = str(eid) # Currently the task protocol of a session must contain 'ephys' in order to create an insertion!'sessions', 'partial_update', id=eid, data={'task_protocol': 'ephys'}) self.sess_id = eid # Make new insertion with random name data = {'name': ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters, k=5)), 'session': self.sess_id, 'model': '3A', 'json': None, 'datasets': []}'insertions', 'create', data=data) # 3. Save ins id in global variable for test access self.ins_id ='insertions', 'list', session=self.sess_id, name=data['name'], no_cache=True)[0]['id']
[docs] def test_userinput_sess(self): eid = self.sess_id # sess id with mock.patch('builtins.input', mock_input): usrpmt.main(eid, one=one) note ='notes', 'list', django=f'object_id,{eid}', no_cache=True) critical_dict = json.loads(note[0]['text']) print(critical_dict) expected_dict = { 'title': '=== EXPERIMENTER REASON(S) FOR MARKING THE SESSION AS CRITICAL ===', 'reasons_selected': ['synching impossible', 'Other'], 'reason_for_other': 'estoy un poco preocupada'} self.assertDictEqual(expected_dict, critical_dict)
[docs] def test_userinput_ins(self): eid = self.ins_id # probe id with mock.patch('builtins.input', mock_input): usrpmt.main(eid, one=one) note ='notes', 'list', django=f'object_id,{eid}', no_cache=True) critical_dict = json.loads(note[0]['text']) expected_dict = { 'title': '=== EXPERIMENTER REASON(S) FOR MARKING THE INSERTION AS CRITICAL ===', 'reasons_selected': ['Track not visible on imaging data', 'Other'], 'reason_for_other': 'estoy un poco preocupada'} self.assertDictEqual(expected_dict, critical_dict)
[docs] def test_note_already_existing(self): eid = self.sess_id # sess id with mock.patch('builtins.input', mock_input): usrpmt.main(eid, one=one) note ='notes', 'list', django=f'object_id,{eid}', no_cache=True) original_note_id = note[0]['id'] with mock.patch('builtins.input', mock_input): usrpmt.main(eid, one=one) note ='notes', 'list', django=f'object_id,{eid}', no_cache=True) self.assertEqual(len(note), 1) self.assertNotEquals(original_note_id, note[0]['id'])
[docs] def test_guiinput_ins(self): eid = self.ins_id # probe id str_notes_static = '=== EXPERIMENTER REASON(S) FOR MARKING THE INSERTION AS CRITICAL ===' notes ='notes', 'list', django=f'text__icontains,{str_notes_static},object_id,{eid}', no_cache=True) # delete any previous notes for note in notes:'notes', 'delete', id=note['id']) # write a new note and make sure it is found usrpmt.main_gui(eid, reasons_selected=['Drift'], one=one) note ='notes', 'list', django=f'text__icontains,{str_notes_static},object_id,{eid}', no_cache=True) self.assertEqual(len(note), 1) critical_dict = json.loads(note[0]['text']) expected_dict = { 'title': '=== EXPERIMENTER REASON(S) FOR MARKING THE INSERTION AS CRITICAL ===', 'reasons_selected': ['Drift'], 'reason_for_other': []} self.assertDictEqual(expected_dict, critical_dict)
[docs] def test_note_probe_ins(self): # Note: this test is redundant with the above, but it tests specifically whether # the nomenclature of writing notes in insertion is correct. eid = self.ins_id # probe id content_type = 'probeinsertion' note_text = 'USING A FAKE SINGLE STRING HERE KSROI283IF982HKJFHWRY' notes ='notes', 'list', django=f'text__icontains,{note_text},object_id,{eid}', no_cache=True) # delete any previous notes for note in notes:'notes', 'delete', id=note['id']) # create new note my_note = {'user': one.alyx.user, 'content_type': content_type, 'object_id': eid, 'text': f'{note_text}'}'notes', 'create', data=my_note) notes ='notes', 'list', django=f'text__icontains,{note_text},object_id,{eid}', no_cache=True) self.assertEqual(len(notes), 1)
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None: try:'insertions', 'delete', id=self.ins_id) except requests.HTTPError as ex: if ex.errno != 404: raise ex notes ='notes', 'list', django=f'object_id,{self.sess_id}', no_cache=True) for n in notes:'notes', 'delete', id=n['id']) text = '"title": "=== EXPERIMENTER REASON(S)' notes ='notes', 'list', django=f'text__icontains,{text}', no_cache=True) for n in notes:'notes', 'delete', n['id']) text = 'USING A FAKE SINGLE STRING HERE KSROI283IF982HKJFHWRY' notes ='notes', 'list', django=f'text__icontains,{text}', no_cache=True) for n in notes:'notes', 'delete', n['id'])
[docs] class TestSignOffNote(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: path, eid = register_new_session(one, subject='ZM_1743') self.eid = str(eid) self.sign_off_keys = ['biasedChoiceWorld_00', 'passiveChoiceWorld_01'] data = {'sign_off_checklist': dict.fromkeys(map(lambda x: f'{x}', self.sign_off_keys)), 'lala': 'blabla', 'fafa': 'gaga'} one.alyx.json_field_update("sessions", self.eid, data=data)
[docs] def test_sign_off(self): sess ='sessions', 'read', id=self.eid, no_cache=True) with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning): note = usrpmt.TaskSignOffNote(self.eid, one, sign_off_key=self.sign_off_keys[0]) note.sign_off() sess ='sessions', 'read', id=self.eid, no_cache=True) assert sess['json']['sign_off_checklist'][self.sign_off_keys[0]]['date'] == note.datetime_key.split('_')[0] assert sess['json']['sign_off_checklist'][self.sign_off_keys[0]]['user'] == note.datetime_key.split('_')[1] # Make sure other json fields haven't been changed assert sess['json']['lala'] == 'blabla' assert sess['json']['fafa'] == 'gaga'
[docs] def test_upload_note_prompt(self): with mock.patch('builtins.input', mock_input): note = usrpmt.TaskSignOffNote(self.eid, one, sign_off_key=self.sign_off_keys[0]) note.upload_note() notes ='notes', 'list', django=f'text__icontains,{note.note_title},object_id,{self.eid}', no_cache=True) assert len(notes) == 1 note_dict = json.loads(notes[0]['text']) expected_dict = { 'title': f'{note.note_title}', f'{note.datetime_key}': {'reasons_selected': ['wheel data corrupt', 'Other'], 'reason_for_other': "estoy un poco preocupada"} } assert expected_dict == note_dict sess ='sessions', 'read', id=self.eid, no_cache=True) print(sess['json']) assert sess['json']['sign_off_checklist'][self.sign_off_keys[0]]['date'] == note.datetime_key.split('_')[0] assert sess['json']['sign_off_checklist'][self.sign_off_keys[0]]['user'] == note.datetime_key.split('_')[1]
[docs] def test_upload_existing_note(self): # Make first note with mock.patch('builtins.input', mock_input): note = usrpmt.TaskSignOffNote(self.eid, one, sign_off_key=self.sign_off_keys[0]) note.datetime_key = '2022-11-10_user' note.upload_note() # Make note again note = usrpmt.TaskSignOffNote(self.eid, one, sign_off_key=self.sign_off_keys[0]) note.upload_note(nums='0') notes ='notes', 'list', django=f'text__icontains,{note.note_title},object_id,{self.eid}', no_cache=True) assert len(notes) == 1 note_dict = json.loads(notes[0]['text']) expected_dict = { 'title': f'{note.note_title}', '2022-11-10_user': {'reasons_selected': ['wheel data corrupt', 'Other'], 'reason_for_other': "estoy un poco preocupada"}, f'{note.datetime_key}': {'reasons_selected': ['raw trial data does not exist'], 'reason_for_other': []} } assert expected_dict == note_dict
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None:'sessions', 'delete', id=self.eid)
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()