"""Tests for ibllib.io.extractors.mesoscope module."""
import unittest
from itertools import repeat, chain
import numpy as np
from ibllib.io.extractors import mesoscope
class TestMesoscopeSyncTimeline(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for MesoscopeSyncTimeline extractor class."""
def setUp(self) -> None:
"""Simulate for meta data for 9 FOVs at 3 different depths.
These simulated values match those from SP048/2024-02-05/001.
n_lines_flyback = 75
self.n_lines = 512
self.n_FOV = 9
n_depths = 3
assert self.n_FOV > n_depths and self.n_FOV % n_depths == 0
reps = int(self.n_FOV / n_depths)
start_depth = 60
delta_depth = 40
self.line_period = 4.158e-05
self.meta = {
'scanImageParams': {'hRoiManager': {'linePeriod': self.line_period, 'scanFrameRate': 13.6803}},
'FOV': []
nXnYnZ = [self.n_lines, self.n_lines, 1]
for i, slice_id in enumerate(chain.from_iterable(map(lambda x: list(repeat(x, reps)), range(n_depths)))):
offset = (i % n_depths) * (self.n_lines + n_lines_flyback) - ((i % n_depths) - 1)
offset = offset or 1 # start at 1 for MATLAB indexing
fov = {'slice_id': slice_id, 'Zs': start_depth + (delta_depth * slice_id),
'nXnYnZ': nXnYnZ, 'lineIdx': list(range(offset, self.n_lines + offset))}
def test_get_timeshifts_multidepth(self):
"""Test MescopeSyncTimeline.get_timeshifts method.
This tests output when given multiple FOVs at different depths. The tasks/mesoscope_tasks.py
module in iblscripts more thoroughly tests single-depth imaging with real data.
line_indices, fov_time_shifts, line_time_shifts = mesoscope.MesoscopeSyncTimeline.get_timeshifts(self.meta)
expected = [np.array(x['lineIdx']) for x in self.meta['FOV']]
self.assertTrue(np.all(x == y) for x, y in zip(expected, line_indices))
self.assertEqual(self.n_FOV, len(fov_time_shifts))
self.assertEqual(self.n_FOV, len(line_time_shifts))
self.assertTrue(all(len(x) == self.n_lines for x in line_time_shifts))
expected = self.line_period * np.arange(self.n_lines)
for i, line_shifts in enumerate(line_time_shifts):
with self.subTest(f'FOV == {i}'):
self.assertEqual(self.n_lines, len(line_shifts))
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected, line_shifts)
# NB: The following values are fixed for the setup parameters
expected = [0., 0.02436588, 0.04873176, 0.07309781, 0.09746369, 0.12182957, 0.14619562, 0.1705615, 0.19492738]
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(expected, fov_time_shifts)
if __name__ == '__main__':