Source code for ibllib.qc.task_extractors
import logging
import numpy as np
from one.alf.spec import is_session_path
import as alfio
_logger = logging.getLogger('ibllib')
REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['choice', 'contrastLeft', 'contrastRight', 'correct',
'errorCueTrigger_times', 'errorCue_times', 'feedbackType', 'feedback_times',
'firstMovement_times', 'goCueTrigger_times', 'goCue_times', 'intervals',
'itiIn_times', 'phase', 'position', 'probabilityLeft', 'quiescence',
'response_times', 'rewardVolume', 'stimFreezeTrigger_times',
'stimFreeze_times', 'stimOffTrigger_times', 'stimOff_times',
'stimOnTrigger_times', 'stimOn_times', 'valveOpen_times',
'wheelMoves_intervals', 'wheelMoves_peakAmplitude', 'wheelMoves_peakVelocity_times',
'wheel_position', 'wheel_timestamps']
class TaskQCExtractor:
def __init__(self, session_path):
A class for holding the task data required to perform task quality control.
:param session_path: a valid session path
if not is_session_path(session_path):
raise ValueError('Invalid session path')
self.session_path = session_path
self.log = _logger = None
self.settings = None
self.raw_data = None
self.frame_ttls = self.audio_ttls = self.bpod_ttls = None
self.wheel_encoding = None
def rename_data(data):
"""Rename the extracted data dict for use with TaskQC
Splits 'feedback_times' to 'errorCue_times' and 'valveOpen_times'.
NB: The data is not copied before making changes
:param data: A dict of task data returned by the task extractors
:return: the same dict after modifying the keys
# Expand trials dataframe into key value pairs
trials_table = data.pop('table', None)
if trials_table is not None:
data = {**data, **alfio.AlfBunch.from_df(trials_table)}
correct = data['feedbackType'] > 0
# get valve_time and errorCue_times from feedback_times
if 'errorCue_times' not in data:
data['errorCue_times'] = data['feedback_times'].copy()
data['errorCue_times'][correct] = np.nan
if 'valveOpen_times' not in data:
data['valveOpen_times'] = data['feedback_times'].copy()
data['valveOpen_times'][~correct] = np.nan
data['correct'] = correct
diff_fields = list(set(REQUIRED_FIELDS).difference(set(data.keys())))
for miss_field in diff_fields:
data[miss_field] = None if miss_field.startswith('wheel') else data['feedback_times'] * np.nan
if len(diff_fields):
_logger.warning(f'QC extractor, missing fields filled with NaNs: {diff_fields}')
return data