Source code for ibllib.qc.task_extractors

import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from import bpod_trials
from import get_session_extractor_type
from import get_wheel_position
from import ephys_fpga
import as raw
from one.alf.spec import is_session_path
import as alfio
from one.api import ONE

_logger = logging.getLogger('ibllib')

REQUIRED_FIELDS = ['choice', 'contrastLeft', 'contrastRight', 'correct',
                   'errorCueTrigger_times', 'errorCue_times', 'feedbackType', 'feedback_times',
                   'firstMovement_times', 'goCueTrigger_times', 'goCue_times', 'intervals',
                   'itiIn_times', 'phase', 'position', 'probabilityLeft', 'quiescence',
                   'response_times', 'rewardVolume', 'stimFreezeTrigger_times',
                   'stimFreeze_times', 'stimOffTrigger_times', 'stimOff_times',
                   'stimOnTrigger_times', 'stimOn_times', 'valveOpen_times',
                   'wheel_moves_intervals', 'wheel_moves_peak_amplitude',
                   'wheel_position', 'wheel_timestamps']

[docs] class TaskQCExtractor: def __init__(self, session_path, lazy=False, one=None, download_data=False, bpod_only=False, sync_collection=None, sync_type=None, task_collection=None): """ A class for extracting the task data required to perform task quality control. :param session_path: a valid session path :param lazy: if True, the data are not extracted immediately :param one: an instance of ONE, used to download the raw data if download_data is True :param download_data: if True, any missing raw data is downloaded via ONE :param bpod_only: extract from raw Bpod data only, even for FPGA sessions """ if not is_session_path(session_path): raise ValueError('Invalid session path') self.session_path = session_path = one self.log = _logger = None self.settings = None self.raw_data = None self.frame_ttls = self.audio_ttls = self.bpod_ttls = None self.type = None self.wheel_encoding = None self.bpod_only = bpod_only self.sync_collection = sync_collection or 'raw_ephys_data' self.sync_type = sync_type self.task_collection = task_collection or 'raw_behavior_data' if download_data: = one or ONE() self._ensure_required_data() if not lazy: self.load_raw_data() self.extract_data() def _ensure_required_data(self): """ Attempt to download any required raw data if missing, and raise exception if any data are missing. :return: """ dstypes = [ '_iblrig_taskData.raw', '_iblrig_taskSettings.raw', '_iblrig_encoderPositions.raw', '_iblrig_encoderEvents.raw', '_iblrig_stimPositionScreen.raw', '_iblrig_syncSquareUpdate.raw', '_iblrig_encoderTrialInfo.raw', '_iblrig_ambientSensorData.raw', ] eid ='Downloading data for session {eid}') # Ensure we have the settings settings, _ =, ['_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.json'], collections=[self.task_collection], download_only=True, assert_present=False) is_ephys = get_session_extractor_type(self.session_path, task_collection=self.task_collection) == 'ephys' self.sync_type = self.sync_type or 'nidq' if is_ephys else 'bpod' is_fpga = 'bpod' not in self.sync_type if settings and is_ephys: dstypes.extend(['_spikeglx_sync.channels', '_spikeglx_sync.polarities', '_spikeglx_sync.times', 'ephysData.raw.meta', 'ephysData.raw.wiring']) elif settings and is_fpga: dstypes.extend(['_spikeglx_sync.channels', '_spikeglx_sync.polarities', '_spikeglx_sync.times', 'DAQData.raw.meta', 'DAQData.wiring']) dataset =, dstypes, details=True) files = missing = [True] * len(dstypes) if not files else [x is None for x in files] if self.session_path is None or all(missing): self.lazy = True self.log.error('Data not found on server, can\'t calculate QC.') elif any(missing): self.log.warning( f'Missing some datasets for session {eid} in path {self.session_path}' )
[docs] def load_raw_data(self): """Loads the TTLs, raw task data and task settings."""'Loading raw data from {self.session_path}') self.type = self.type or get_session_extractor_type(self.session_path, task_collection=self.task_collection) # Finds the sync type when it isn't explicitly set, if ephys we assume nidq otherwise bpod self.sync_type = self.sync_type or 'nidq' if self.type == 'ephys' else 'bpod' self.wheel_encoding = 'X4' if (self.sync_type != 'bpod' and not self.bpod_only) else 'X1' self.settings, self.raw_data = raw.load_bpod(self.session_path, task_collection=self.task_collection) # Fetch the TTLs for the photodiode and audio if self.sync_type == 'bpod' or self.bpod_only is True: # Extract from Bpod self.frame_ttls, self.audio_ttls = raw.load_bpod_fronts( self.session_path, data=self.raw_data, task_collection=self.task_collection) else: # Extract from FPGA sync, chmap = ephys_fpga.get_sync_and_chn_map(self.session_path, self.sync_collection) def channel_events(name): """Fetches the polarities and times for a given channel""" keys = ('polarities', 'times') mask = sync['channels'] == chmap[name] return dict(zip(keys, (sync[k][mask] for k in keys))) ttls = [ephys_fpga._clean_frame2ttl(channel_events('frame2ttl')), ephys_fpga._clean_audio(channel_events('audio')), channel_events('bpod')] self.frame_ttls, self.audio_ttls, self.bpod_ttls = ttls
[docs] def extract_data(self): """Extracts and loads behaviour data for QC. NB: partial extraction when bpod_only attribute is False requires intervals and intervals_bpod to be assigned to the data attribute before calling this function. """ warnings.warn('The TaskQCExtractor.extract_data will be removed in the future, ' 'use dynamic pipeline behaviour tasks instead.', DeprecationWarning)'Extracting session: {self.session_path}') if not self.raw_data: self.load_raw_data() # Run extractors if self.sync_type != 'bpod' and not self.bpod_only: data, _ = ephys_fpga.extract_all(self.session_path, save=False, task_collection=self.task_collection) bpod2fpga = interp1d(data['intervals_bpod'][:, 0], data['table']['intervals_0'], fill_value='extrapolate') # Add Bpod wheel data re_ts, pos = get_wheel_position(self.session_path, self.raw_data, task_collection=self.task_collection) data['wheel_timestamps_bpod'] = bpod2fpga(re_ts) data['wheel_position_bpod'] = pos else: kwargs = dict(save=False, bpod_trials=self.raw_data, settings=self.settings, task_collection=self.task_collection) trials, wheel, _ = bpod_trials.extract_all(self.session_path, **kwargs) n_trials = np.unique(list(map(lambda k: trials[k].shape[0], trials)))[0] if self.type == 'habituation': data = trials data['position'] = np.array([t['position'] for t in self.raw_data]) data['phase'] = np.array([t['stim_phase'] for t in self.raw_data]) # Nasty hack to trim last trial due to stim off events happening at trial num + 1 data = {k: v[:n_trials] for k, v in data.items()} else: data = {**trials, **wheel} # Update the data attribute with extracted data = self.rename_data(data)
[docs] @staticmethod def rename_data(data): """Rename the extracted data dict for use with TaskQC Splits 'feedback_times' to 'errorCue_times' and 'valveOpen_times'. NB: The data is not copied before making changes :param data: A dict of task data returned by the task extractors :return: the same dict after modifying the keys """ # Expand trials dataframe into key value pairs trials_table = data.pop('table', None) if trials_table is not None: data = {**data, **alfio.AlfBunch.from_df(trials_table)} correct = data['feedbackType'] > 0 # get valve_time and errorCue_times from feedback_times if 'errorCue_times' not in data: data['errorCue_times'] = data['feedback_times'].copy() data['errorCue_times'][correct] = np.nan if 'valveOpen_times' not in data: data['valveOpen_times'] = data['feedback_times'].copy() data['valveOpen_times'][~correct] = np.nan if 'wheel_moves_intervals' not in data and 'wheelMoves_intervals' in data: data['wheel_moves_intervals'] = data.pop('wheelMoves_intervals') if 'wheel_moves_peak_amplitude' not in data and 'wheelMoves_peakAmplitude' in data: data['wheel_moves_peak_amplitude'] = data.pop('wheelMoves_peakAmplitude') data['correct'] = correct diff_fields = list(set(REQUIRED_FIELDS).difference(set(data.keys()))) for miss_field in diff_fields: data[miss_field] = data['feedback_times'] * np.nan if len(diff_fields): _logger.warning(f'QC extractor, missing fields filled with NaNs: {diff_fields}') return data