This module runs a list of quality control metrics on the dlc traces.
Example - Run DLC QC
qc = DlcQC(eid, 'left', download_data=True)
We're not extracting the audio based on TTL length. Is this a problem?
import logging
import warnings
from inspect import getmembers, isfunction
import numpy as np
from ibllib.qc import base
import one.alf.io as alfio
from one.alf.exceptions import ALFObjectNotFound
from one.alf.spec import is_session_path
from iblutil.util import Bunch
from brainbox.behavior.dlc import insert_idx, SAMPLING
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DlcQC(base.QC):
"""A class for computing camera QC metrics"""
bbox = {
'body': {
'xrange': range(201, 500),
'yrange': range(81, 330)
'left': {
'xrange': range(301, 700),
'yrange': range(181, 470)
'right': {
'xrange': range(301, 600),
'yrange': range(110, 275)
dstypes = {
'left': [
'_ibl_leftCamera.dlc.*', '_ibl_leftCamera.times.*', '_ibl_leftCamera.features.*', '_ibl_trials.table.*'
'right': [
'_ibl_rightCamera.dlc.*', '_ibl_rightCamera.times.*', '_ibl_rightCamera.features.*', '_ibl_trials.table.*'
'body': [
'_ibl_bodyCamera.dlc.*', '_ibl_bodyCamera.times.*'
def __init__(self, session_path_or_eid, side, ignore_checks=['check_pupil_diameter_snr'], **kwargs):
:param session_path_or_eid: A session eid or path
:param side: The camera to run QC on
:param ignore_checks: Checks that won't count towards aggregate QC, but will be run and added to extended QC
:param log: A logging.Logger instance, if None the 'ibllib' logger is used
:param one: An ONE instance for fetching and setting the QC on Alyx
# Make sure the type of camera is chosen
self.side = side
# When an eid is provided, we will download the required data by default (if necessary)
download_data = not is_session_path(session_path_or_eid)
self.download_data = kwargs.pop('download_data', download_data)
super().__init__(session_path_or_eid, **kwargs)
self.data = Bunch()
# checks to be added to extended QC but not taken into account for aggregate QC
self.ignore_checks = ignore_checks
# QC outcomes map
self.metrics = None
def load_data(self, download_data: bool = None) -> None:
"""Extract the data from data files
Extracts all the required task data from the data files.
Data keys:
- camera_times (float array): camera frame timestamps extracted from frame headers
- dlc_coords (dict): keys are the points traced by dlc, items are x-y coordinates of
these points over time, those with likelihood <0.9 set to NaN
:param download_data: if True, any missing raw data is downloaded via ONE.
if download_data is not None:
self.download_data = download_data
if self.one and not self.one.offline:
alf_path = self.session_path / 'alf'
# Load times
cam_path = next(alf_path.rglob(f'*{self.side}Camera.times*')).parent
self.data['camera_times'] = alfio.load_object(cam_path, f'{self.side}Camera')['times']
# Load dlc traces
dlc_path = next(alf_path.rglob(f'*{self.side}Camera.dlc*')).parent
dlc_df = alfio.load_object(dlc_path, f'{self.side}Camera', namespace='ibl')['dlc']
targets = np.unique(['_'.join(col.split('_')[:-1]) for col in dlc_df.columns])
# Set values to nan if likelihood is too low
dlc_coords = {}
for t in targets:
idx = dlc_df.loc[dlc_df[f'{t}_likelihood'] < 0.9].index
dlc_df.loc[idx, [f'{t}_x', f'{t}_y']] = np.nan
dlc_coords[t] = np.array((dlc_df[f'{t}_x'], dlc_df[f'{t}_y']))
self.data['dlc_coords'] = dlc_coords
# load stim on times
trial_path = next(alf_path.rglob('*trials.table*')).parent
self.data['stimOn_times'] = alfio.load_object(trial_path, 'trials', namespace='ibl')['stimOn_times']
# load pupil diameters
if self.side in ['left', 'right']:
feat_path = next(alf_path.rglob(f'*{self.side}Camera.features*')).parent
features = alfio.load_object(feat_path, f'{self.side}Camera', namespace='ibl')['features']
self.data['pupilDiameter_raw'] = features['pupilDiameter_raw']
self.data['pupilDiameter_smooth'] = features['pupilDiameter_smooth']
def _ensure_required_data(self):
Ensures the datasets required for QC are local. If the download_data attribute is True,
any missing data are downloaded. If all the data are not present locally at the end of
it an exception is raised.
for ds in self.dstypes[self.side]:
# Check if data available locally
if not next(self.session_path.rglob(ds), None):
# If download is allowed, try to download
if self.download_data is True:
assert self.one is not None, 'ONE required to download data'
self.one.load_dataset(self.eid, ds, download_only=True)
except ALFObjectNotFound:
raise AssertionError(f'Dataset {ds} not found locally and failed to download')
raise AssertionError(f'Dataset {ds} not found locally and download_data is False')
def _compute_trial_window_idxs(self):
"""Find start and end times of a window around stimulus onsets in video indices."""
window_lag = -0.5
window_len = 2.0
start_window = self.data['stimOn_times'] + window_lag
start_idx = insert_idx(self.data['camera_times'], start_window)
end_idx = np.array(start_idx + int(window_len * SAMPLING[self.side]), dtype='int64')
return start_idx, end_idx
def _compute_proportion_nan_in_trial_window(self, body_part):
"""Find proportion of NaN frames for a given body part in trial-based windows."""
# find timepoints in windows around stimulus onset
start_idx, end_idx = self._compute_trial_window_idxs()
# compute fraction of points in windows that are NaN
dlc_coords = np.concatenate([self.data['dlc_coords'][body_part][0, start_idx[i]:end_idx[i]]
for i in range(len(start_idx))])
prop_nan = np.sum(np.isnan(dlc_coords)) / dlc_coords.shape[0]
return prop_nan
def run(self, update: bool = False, **kwargs) -> (str, dict):
Run DLC QC checks and return outcome
:param update: if True, updates the session QC fields on Alyx
:param download_data: if True, downloads any missing data if required
:returns: overall outcome as a str, a dict of checks and their outcomes
_log.info(f'Running DLC QC for {self.side} camera, session {self.eid}')
namespace = f'dlc{self.side.capitalize()}'
if all(x is None for x in self.data.values()):
def is_metric(x):
return isfunction(x) and x.__name__.startswith('check_')
checks = getmembers(DlcQC, is_metric)
self.metrics = {f'_{namespace}_' + k[6:]: fn(self) for k, fn in checks}
ignore_metrics = [f'_{namespace}_' + i[6:] for i in self.ignore_checks]
metrics_to_aggregate = {k: v for k, v in self.metrics.items() if k not in ignore_metrics}
outcome = self.overall_outcome(metrics_to_aggregate.values())
if update:
extended = {
k: 'NOT_SET' if v is None else v
for k, v in self.metrics.items()
self.update(outcome, namespace)
return outcome, self.metrics
def check_time_trace_length_match(self):
Check that the length of the DLC traces is the same length as the video.
dlc_coords = self.data['dlc_coords']
times = self.data['camera_times']
for target in dlc_coords.keys():
if times.shape[0] != dlc_coords[target].shape[1]:
_log.warning(f'{self.side}Camera length of camera.times does not match '
f'length of camera.dlc {target}')
return 'FAIL'
return 'PASS'
def check_trace_all_nan(self):
Check that none of the dlc traces, except for the 'tube' traces, are all NaN.
dlc_coords = self.data['dlc_coords']
for target in dlc_coords.keys():
if 'tube' not in target:
if all(np.isnan(dlc_coords[target][0])) or all(np.isnan(dlc_coords[target][1])):
_log.warning(f'{self.side}Camera dlc trace {target} all NaN')
return 'FAIL'
return 'PASS'
def check_mean_in_bbox(self):
Empirical bounding boxes around average dlc points, averaged across time and points;
sessions with points out of this box were often faulty in terms of raw videos
dlc_coords = self.data['dlc_coords']
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning)
x_mean = np.nanmean([np.nanmean(dlc_coords[k][0]) for k in dlc_coords.keys()])
y_mean = np.nanmean([np.nanmean(dlc_coords[k][1]) for k in dlc_coords.keys()])
xrange = self.bbox[self.side]['xrange']
yrange = self.bbox[self.side]['yrange']
if int(x_mean) not in xrange or int(y_mean) not in yrange:
return 'FAIL'
return 'PASS'
def check_pupil_blocked(self):
Check if pupil diameter is nan for more than 60 % of the frames
(might be blocked by a whisker)
Check if standard deviation is above a threshold, found for bad sessions
if self.side == 'body':
return 'NOT_SET'
if np.mean(np.isnan(self.data['pupilDiameter_raw'])) > 0.9:
_log.warning(f'{self.eid}, {self.side}Camera, pupil diameter too often NaN')
return 'FAIL'
thr = 5 if self.side == 'right' else 10
if np.nanstd(self.data['pupilDiameter_raw']) > thr:
_log.warning(f'{self.eid}, {self.side}Camera, pupil diameter too unstable')
return 'FAIL'
return 'PASS'
def check_lick_detection(self):
Check if both of the two tongue edge points are less than 10 % NaN, indicating that
wrong points are detected (spout edge, mouth edge)
if self.side == 'body':
return 'NOT_SET'
dlc_coords = self.data['dlc_coords']
nan_l = np.mean(np.isnan(dlc_coords['tongue_end_l'][0]))
nan_r = np.mean(np.isnan(dlc_coords['tongue_end_r'][0]))
if (nan_l < 0.1) and (nan_r < 0.1):
return 'FAIL'
return 'PASS'
def check_pupil_diameter_snr(self):
if self.side == 'body':
return 'NOT_SET'
thresh = 5 if self.side == 'right' else 10
if 'pupilDiameter_raw' not in self.data.keys() or 'pupilDiameter_smooth' not in self.data.keys():
return 'NOT_SET'
# compute signal to noise ratio between raw and smooth dia
good_idxs = np.where(~np.isnan(self.data['pupilDiameter_smooth']) & ~np.isnan(self.data['pupilDiameter_raw']))[0]
snr = (np.var(self.data['pupilDiameter_smooth'][good_idxs]) /
(np.var(self.data['pupilDiameter_smooth'][good_idxs] - self.data['pupilDiameter_raw'][good_idxs])))
if snr < thresh:
return 'FAIL', float(round(snr, 3))
return 'PASS', float(round(snr, 3))
def check_paw_close_nan(self):
if self.side == 'body':
return 'NOT_SET'
thresh_fail = 0.20 # prop of NaNs above this threshold means the check fails
thresh_warning = 0.10 # prop of NaNs above this threshold means the check is a warning
# compute fraction of points in windows that are NaN
prop_nan = self._compute_proportion_nan_in_trial_window(body_part='paw_r')
if prop_nan > thresh_fail:
return 'FAIL'
elif prop_nan > thresh_warning:
return 'WARNING'
return 'PASS'
def check_paw_far_nan(self):
if self.side == 'body':
return 'NOT_SET'
thresh_fail = 0.20 # prop of NaNs above this threshold means the check fails
thresh_warning = 0.10 # prop of NaNs above this threshold means the check is a warning
# compute fraction of points in windows that are NaN
prop_nan = self._compute_proportion_nan_in_trial_window(body_part='paw_l')
if prop_nan > thresh_fail:
return 'FAIL'
elif prop_nan > thresh_warning:
return 'WARNING'
return 'PASS'
def run_all_qc(session, cameras=('left', 'right', 'body'), one=None, **kwargs):
"""Run DLC QC for all cameras
Run the DLC QC for left, right and body cameras.
:param session: A session path or eid.
:param update: If True, QC fields are updated on Alyx.
:param cameras: A list of camera names to perform QC on.
:return: dict of DlcQC objects
qc = {}
run_args = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in ('download_data', 'update') if k in kwargs.keys()}
for camera in cameras:
qc[camera] = DlcQC(session, side=camera, one=one, **kwargs)
return qc