#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
from math import pi
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy
import ibldsp as dsp
def wiggle(w, fs=1, gain=0.71, color='k', ax=None, fill=True, linewidth=0.5, t0=0, clip=2, sf=None,
Matplotlib display of wiggle traces
:param w: 2D array (numpy array dimension nsamples, ntraces)
:param fs: sampling frequency
:param gain: display gain ; Note that if sf is given, gain is not used
:param color: ('k') color of traces
:param ax: (None) matplotlib axes object
:param fill: (True) fill variable area above 0
:param t0: (0) timestamp of the first sample
:param sf: scaling factor ; if None, uses the gain / SQRT of waveform RMS
:return: None
nech, ntr = w.shape
tscale = np.arange(nech) / fs
if sf is None:
sf = gain / np.sqrt(dsp.utils.rms(w.flatten()))
def insert_zeros(trace):
# Insert zero locations in data trace and tt vector based on linear fit
# Find zeros
zc_idx = np.where(np.diff(np.signbit(trace)))[0]
x1 = tscale[zc_idx]
x2 = tscale[zc_idx + 1]
y1 = trace[zc_idx]
y2 = trace[zc_idx + 1]
a = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
tt_zero = x1 - y1 / a
# split tt and trace
tt_split = np.split(tscale, zc_idx + 1)
trace_split = np.split(trace, zc_idx + 1)
tt_zi = tt_split[0]
trace_zi = trace_split[0]
# insert zeros in tt and trace
for i in range(len(tt_zero)):
tt_zi = np.hstack(
(tt_zi, np.array([tt_zero[i]]), tt_split[i + 1]))
trace_zi = np.hstack(
(trace_zi, np.zeros(1), trace_split[i + 1]))
return trace_zi, tt_zi
if not ax:
ax = plt.gca()
for ntr in range(ntr):
if fill:
trace, t_trace = insert_zeros(w[:, ntr] * sf)
if clip:
trace = np.maximum(np.minimum(trace, clip), -clip)
ax.fill_betweenx(t_trace + t0, ntr, trace + ntr,
where=trace >= 0,
wplot = np.minimum(np.maximum(w[:, ntr] * sf, -clip), clip)
ax.plot(wplot + ntr, tscale + t0, color, linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs)
ax.set_xlim(-1, ntr + 1)
ax.set_ylim(tscale[0] + t0, tscale[-1] + t0)
ax.set_ylabel('Time (s)')
return ax
class Density:
def __init__(self, w, fs=30_000, cmap='Greys_r', ax=None, taxis=0, title=None, gain=None, t0=0, unit='ms', **kwargs):
Matplotlib display of traces as a density display using `imshow()`.
:param w: 2D array (numpy array dimension nsamples, ntraces)
:param fs: sampling frequency (Hz). [default: 30000]
:param cmap: Name of MPL colormap to use in `imshow()`. [default: 'Greys_r']
:param ax: Axis to plot in. If `None`, a new one is created. [default: `None`]
:param taxis: Time axis of input array (w). [default: 0]
:param title: Title to display on plot. [default: `None`]
:param gain: Gain in dB to display. Note: overrides `vmin` and `vmax` kwargs to `imshow()`.
Default: [`None` (auto)]
:param t0: Time offset to display in seconds. [default: 0]
:param kwargs: Key word arguments passed to `imshow()`
:param t_scalar: 1e3 for ms (default), 1 for s
:return: None
w = w.reshape(w.shape[0], -1)
t_scalar = 1e3 if unit == 'ms' else 1
if taxis == 0:
nech, ntr = w.shape
tscale = np.array([0, nech - 1]) / fs * t_scalar
extent = [-0.5, ntr - 0.5, tscale[1] + t0 * t_scalar, tscale[0] + t0 * t_scalar]
xlabel, ylabel, origin = ('Trace', f'Time ({unit})', 'upper')
elif taxis == 1:
ntr, nech = w.shape
tscale = np.array([0, nech - 1]) / fs * t_scalar
extent = [tscale[0] + t0 * t_scalar, tscale[1] + t0 * t_scalar, -0.5, ntr - 0.5]
ylabel, xlabel, origin = ('Trace', f'Time ({unit})', 'lower')
if ax is None:
self.figure, ax = plt.subplots()
self.figure = ax.get_figure()
if gain:
kwargs["vmin"] = - 4 * (10 ** (gain / 20))
kwargs["vmax"] = -kwargs["vmin"]
self.im = ax.imshow(w, aspect='auto', cmap=cmap, extent=extent, origin=origin, **kwargs)
self.cid_key = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)
self.ax = ax
self.title = title or None
def on_key_press(self, event):
if event.key == 'ctrl+a':
self.im.set_data(self.im.get_array() * np.sqrt(2))
elif event.key == 'ctrl+z':
self.im.set_data(self.im.get_array() / np.sqrt(2))
class Traces:
def __init__(self, w, fs=1, gain=0.71, color='k', ax=None, linewidth=0.5, t0=0, **kwargs):
Matplotlib display of traces as a density display
:param w: 2D array (numpy array dimension nsamples, ntraces)
:param fs: sampling frequency (Hz)
:param ax: axis to plot in
:return: None
w = w.reshape(w.shape[0], -1)
nech, ntr = w.shape
tscale = np.arange(nech) / fs * 1e3
sf = gain / dsp.utils.rms(w.flatten()) / 2
if ax is None:
self.figure, ax = plt.subplots()
self.figure = ax.get_figure()
self.plot = ax.plot(w * sf + np.arange(ntr), tscale + t0, color,
linewidth=linewidth, **kwargs)
ax.set_xlim(-1, ntr + 1)
ax.set_ylim(tscale[0] + t0, tscale[-1] + t0)
ax.set_ylabel('Time (ms)')
self.cid_key = self.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_key_press)
self.ax = ax
def on_key_press(self, event):
if event.key == 'ctrl+a':
for i, l in enumerate(self.plot):
l.set_xdata((l.get_xdata() - i) * np.sqrt(2) + i)
elif event.key == 'ctrl+z':
for i, l in enumerate(self.plot):
l.set_xdata((l.get_xdata() - i) / np.sqrt(2) + i)
def squares(tscale, polarity, ax=None, yrange=[-1, 1], **kwargs):
Matplotlib display of rising and falling fronts in a square-wave pattern
:param tscale: time of indices of fronts
:param polarity: polarity of front (1: rising, -1:falling)
:param ax: matplotlib axes object
:return: None
if not ax:
ax = plt.gca()
isort = np.argsort(tscale)
tscale = tscale[isort]
polarity = polarity[isort]
f = np.tile(polarity, (2, 1))
t = np.concatenate((tscale, np.r_[tscale[1:], tscale[-1]])).reshape(2, f.shape[1])
ydata = f.transpose().ravel()
ydata = (ydata + 1) / 2 * (yrange[1] - yrange[0]) + yrange[0]
ax.plot(t.transpose().ravel(), ydata, **kwargs)
def vertical_lines(x, ymin=0, ymax=1, ax=None, **kwargs):
From an x vector, draw separate vertical lines at each x location ranging from ymin to ymax
:param x: numpy array vector of x values where to display lines
:param ymin: lower end of the lines (scalar)
:param ymax: higher end of the lines (scalar)
:param ax: (optional) matplotlib axis instance
:return: None
x = np.tile(x, (3, 1))
x[2, :] = np.nan
y = np.zeros_like(x)
y[0, :] = ymin
y[1, :] = ymax
y[2, :] = np.nan
if not ax:
ax = plt.gca()
ax.plot(x.T.flatten(), y.T.flatten(), **kwargs)
def spectrum(w, fs, smooth=None, unwrap=True, axis=0, **kwargs):
Display spectral density of a signal along a given dimension
spectrum(w, fs)
:param w: signal
:param fs: sampling frequency (Hz)
:param smooth: (None) frequency samples to smooth over
:param unwrap: (True) unwraps the phase specrum
:param axis: axis on which to compute the FFT
:param kwargs: plot arguments to be passed to matplotlib
:return: matplotlib axes
axis = 0
smooth = None
unwrap = True
ns = w.shape[axis]
fscale = dsp.fourier.fscale(ns, 1 / fs, one_sided=True)
W = scipy.fft.rfft(w, axis=axis)
amp = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(W))
phi = np.angle(W)
if unwrap:
phi = np.unwrap(phi)
if smooth:
nf = np.round(smooth / fscale[1] / 2) * 2 + 1
amp = scipy.signal.medfilt(amp, nf)
phi = scipy.signal.medfilt(phi, nf)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, sharex=True)
ax[0].plot(fscale, amp, **kwargs)
ax[1].plot(fscale, phi, **kwargs)
ax[0].set_title('Spectral Density (dB rel to amplitude.Hz^-0.5)')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Amp (dB)')
ax[1].set_ylabel('Phase (rad)')
ax[1].set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
return ax
def color_cycle(ind=None):
Gets the matplotlib color-cycle as RGB numpy array of floats between 0 and 1
# import matplotlib as mpl
# c = np.uint32(np.array([int(c['color'][1:], 16) for c in mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle']]))
# c = np.double(np.flip(np.reshape(c.view(np.uint8), (c.size, 4))[:, :3], 1)) / 255
c = np.array([[0.12156863, 0.46666667, 0.70588235],
[1., 0.49803922, 0.05490196],
[0.17254902, 0.62745098, 0.17254902],
[0.83921569, 0.15294118, 0.15686275],
[0.58039216, 0.40392157, 0.74117647],
[0.54901961, 0.3372549, 0.29411765],
[0.89019608, 0.46666667, 0.76078431],
[0.49803922, 0.49803922, 0.49803922],
[0.7372549, 0.74117647, 0.13333333],
[0.09019608, 0.74509804, 0.81176471]])
if ind is None:
return c
return tuple(c[ind % c.shape[0], :])
def starplot(labels, radii, ticks=None, ax=None, ylim=None, color=None, title=None):
Function to create a star plot (also known as a spider plot, polar plot, or radar chart).
labels (list): A list of labels for the variables to be plotted along the axes.
radii (numpy array): The values to be plotted for each variable.
ticks (numpy array, optional): A list of values to be used for the radial ticks.
If None, 5 ticks will be created between the minimum and maximum values of radii.
ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.PolarAxesSubplot, optional): A polar axis object to plot on.
If None, a new figure and axis will be created.
ylim (tuple, optional): A tuple specifying the upper and lower limits of the y-axis.
If None, the limits will be set to the minimum and maximum values of radii.
color (str, optional): A string specifying the color of the plot.
If None, the color will be determined by the current matplotlib color cycle.
title (str, optional): A string specifying the title of the plot.
If None, no title will be displayed.
ax (matplotlib.axes._subplots.PolarAxesSubplot): The polar axis object containing the plot.
# What will be the angle of each axis in the plot? (we divide the plot / number of variable)
angles = [n / float(radii.size) * 2 * pi for n in range(radii.size)]
angles += angles[:1]
if ax is None:
# Initialise the spider plot
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, polar=True)
# If you want the first axis to be on top:
ax.set_theta_offset(pi / 2)
# Draw one axe per variable + add labels
plt.xticks(angles[:-1], labels)
# Draw ylabels
if ylim is None:
ylim = (0, np.max(radii))
if ticks is None:
ticks = np.linspace(ylim[0], ylim[1], 5)
plt.yticks(ticks, [f'{t:2.2f}' for t in ticks], color="grey", size=7)
r = np.r_[radii, radii[0]]
p = ax.plot(angles, r, linewidth=1, linestyle='solid', label="group A", color=color)
ax.fill(angles, r, alpha=0.1, color=p[0].get_color())
if title is not None:
return ax