Source code for ibllib.pipes.training_status

import logging
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
from itertools import chain

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from iblutil.numerical import ismember
import as alfio
from one.alf.exceptions import ALFObjectNotFound
import one.alf.path as alfiles
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
import seaborn as sns
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ProfileNotFound, ClientError

from import load_bpod
from ibllib.oneibl.registration import _get_session_times
from import get_bpod_extractor_class
from import read_params
from import get_bpod_extractor
from ibllib.plots.snapshot import ReportSnapshot
from brainbox.behavior import training

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TRAINING_STATUS = {'untrainable': (-4, (0, 0, 0, 0)),
                   'unbiasable': (-3, (0, 0, 0, 0)),
                   'not_computed': (-2, (0, 0, 0, 0)),
                   'habituation': (-1, (0, 0, 0, 0)),
                   'in training': (0, (0, 0, 0, 0)),
                   'trained 1a': (1, (195, 90, 80, 255)),
                   'trained 1b': (2, (255, 153, 20, 255)),
                   'ready4ephysrig': (3, (28, 20, 255, 255)),
                   'ready4delay': (4, (117, 117, 117, 255)),
                   'ready4recording': (5, (20, 255, 91, 255))}

[docs] def get_training_table_from_aws(lab, subject): """ If aws credentials exist on the local server download the latest training table from aws s3 private bucket :param lab: :param subject: :return: """ try: session = boto3.Session(profile_name='ibl_training') except ProfileNotFound: return local_file_path = f'/mnt/s0/Data/Subjects/{subject}/training.csv' dst_bucket_name = 'ibl-brain-wide-map-private' try: s3 = session.resource('s3') bucket = s3.Bucket(name=dst_bucket_name) bucket.download_file(f'resources/training/{lab}/{subject}/training.csv', local_file_path) df = pd.read_csv(local_file_path) except ClientError: return return df
[docs] def upload_training_table_to_aws(lab, subject): """ If aws credentials exist on the local server upload the training table to aws s3 private bucket :param lab: :param subject: :return: """ try: session = boto3.Session(profile_name='ibl_training') except ProfileNotFound: return local_file_path = f'/mnt/s0/Data/Subjects/{subject}/training.csv' dst_bucket_name = 'ibl-brain-wide-map-private' try: s3 = session.resource('s3') bucket = s3.Bucket(name=dst_bucket_name) bucket.upload_file(local_file_path, f'resources/training/{lab}/{subject}/training.csv') except (ClientError, FileNotFoundError): return
[docs] def save_path(subj_path): return Path(subj_path).joinpath('training.csv')
[docs] def save_dataframe(df, subj_path): """Save training dataframe to disk. :param df: dataframe to save :param subj_path: path to subject folder :return: """ df.to_csv(save_path(subj_path), index=False)
[docs] def load_existing_dataframe(subj_path): """Load training dataframe from disk, if dataframe doesn't exist returns None. :param subj_path: path to subject folder :return: """ df_location = save_path(subj_path) if df_location.exists(): return pd.read_csv(df_location) else: df_location.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) return None
[docs] def load_trials(sess_path, one, collections=None, force=True, mode='raise'): """ Load trials data for session. First attempts to load from local session path, if this fails will attempt to download via ONE, if this also fails, will then attempt to re-extract locally :param sess_path: session path :param one: ONE instance :param force: when True and if the session trials can't be found, will attempt to re-extract from the disk :param mode: 'raise' or 'warn', if 'raise', will error when forcing re-extraction of past sessions :return: """ try: # try and load all trials that are found locally in the session path locally if collections is None: trial_locations = list(sess_path.rglob('_ibl_trials.goCueTrigger_times.*npy')) else: trial_locations = [Path(sess_path).joinpath(c, '_ibl_trials.goCueTrigger_times.*npy') for c in collections] if len(trial_locations) > 1: trial_dict = {} for i, loc in enumerate(trial_locations): trial_dict[i] = alfio.load_object(loc.parent, 'trials', short_keys=True) trials = training.concatenate_trials(trial_dict) elif len(trial_locations) == 1: trials = alfio.load_object(trial_locations[0].parent, 'trials', short_keys=True) else: raise ALFObjectNotFound if 'probabilityLeft' not in trials.keys(): raise ALFObjectNotFound except ALFObjectNotFound: # Next try and load all trials data through ONE try: if not force: return None eid = one.path2eid(sess_path) if collections is None: trial_collections = one.list_datasets(eid, '_ibl_trials.goCueTrigger_times.npy') if len(trial_collections) > 0: trial_collections = ['/'.join(c.split('/')[:-1]) for c in trial_collections] else: trial_collections = collections if len(trial_collections) > 1: trial_dict = {} for i, collection in enumerate(trial_collections): trial_dict[i] = one.load_object(eid, 'trials', collection=collection) trials = training.concatenate_trials(trial_dict) elif len(trial_collections) == 1: trials = one.load_object(eid, 'trials', collection=trial_collections[0]) else: raise ALFObjectNotFound if 'probabilityLeft' not in trials.keys(): raise ALFObjectNotFound except Exception: # Finally try to re-extract the trials data locally try: raw_collections, _ = get_data_collection(sess_path) if len(raw_collections) == 0: return None trials_dict = {} for i, collection in enumerate(raw_collections): extractor = get_bpod_extractor(sess_path, task_collection=collection) trials_data, _ = extractor.extract(task_collection=collection, save=False) trials_dict[i] = alfio.AlfBunch.from_df(trials_data['table']) if len(trials_dict) > 1: trials = training.concatenate_trials(trials_dict) else: trials = trials_dict[0] except Exception as e: if mode == 'raise': raise Exception(f'Exhausted all possibilities for loading trials for {sess_path}') from e else: logger.warning(f'Exhausted all possibilities for loading trials for {sess_path}') return return trials
[docs] def load_combined_trials(sess_paths, one, force=True): """ Load and concatenate trials for multiple sessions. Used when we want to concatenate trials for two sessions on the same day :param sess_paths: list of paths to sessions :param one: ONE instance :return: """ trials_dict = {} for sess_path in sess_paths: trials = load_trials(Path(sess_path), one, force=force, mode='warn') if trials is not None: trials_dict[Path(sess_path).stem] = load_trials(Path(sess_path), one, force=force, mode='warn' ) return training.concatenate_trials(trials_dict)
[docs] def get_latest_training_information(sess_path, one, save=True): """ Extracts the latest training status. Parameters ---------- sess_path : pathlib.Path The session path from which to load the data. one : one.api.One An ONE instance. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A table of training information. """ subj_path = sess_path.parent.parent sub =[-1] if one.mode != 'local': lab ='subjects', 'list', nickname=sub)[0]['lab'] df = get_training_table_from_aws(lab, sub) else: df = None if df is None: df = load_existing_dataframe(subj_path) # Find the dates and associated session paths where we don't have data stored in our dataframe missing_dates = check_up_to_date(subj_path, df) # Iterate through the dates to fill up our training dataframe for _, grp in missing_dates.groupby('date'): sess_dicts = get_training_info_for_session(grp.session_path.values, one) if len(sess_dicts) == 0: continue for sess_dict in sess_dicts: if df is None: df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sess_dict) else: df = pd.concat([df, pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sess_dict)]) # Sort values by date and reset the index df = df.sort_values('date') df = df.reset_index(drop=True) # Save our dataframe if save: save_dataframe(df, subj_path) # Now go through the backlog and compute the training status for sessions. If for example one was missing as it is cumulative # we need to go through and compute all the backlog # Find the earliest date in missing dates that we need to recompute the training status for missing_status = find_earliest_recompute_date(df.drop_duplicates('date').reset_index(drop=True)) for date in missing_status: df, _, _, _ = compute_training_status(df, date, one) df_lim = df.drop_duplicates(subset='session_path', keep='first') # Detect untrainable if 'untrainable' not in df_lim.training_status.values: un_df = df_lim[df_lim['training_status'] == 'in training'].sort_values('date') if len(un_df) >= 40: sess = un_df.iloc[39].session_path df.loc[df['session_path'] == sess, 'training_status'] = 'untrainable' # Detect unbiasable if 'unbiasable' not in df_lim.training_status.values: un_df = df_lim[df_lim['task_protocol'] == 'biased'].sort_values('date') if len(un_df) >= 40: tr_st = un_df[0:40].training_status.unique() if 'ready4ephysrig' not in tr_st: sess = un_df.iloc[39].session_path df.loc[df['session_path'] == sess, 'training_status'] = 'unbiasable' if save: save_dataframe(df, subj_path) if one.mode != 'local' and save: upload_training_table_to_aws(lab, sub) return df
[docs] def find_earliest_recompute_date(df): """ Find the earliest date that we need to compute the training status from. Training status depends on previous sessions so if a session was missing and now has been added we need to recompute everything from that date onwards :param df: :return: """ missing_df = df[df['training_status'] == 'not_computed'] if len(missing_df) == 0: return [] missing_df = missing_df.sort_values('date') first_index = missing_df.index[0] return df[first_index:].date.values
[docs] def compute_training_status(df, compute_date, one, force=True, populate=True): """ Compute the training status for compute date based on training from that session and two previous days. When true and if the session trials can't be found, will attempt to re-extract from disk. :return: Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame A training data frame, e.g. one generated from :func:`get_training_info_for_session`. compute_date : str, datetime.datetime, pandas.Timestamp The date to compute training on. one : one.api.One An instance of ONE for loading trials data. force : bool When true and if the session trials can't be found, will attempt to re-extract from disk. populate : bool Whether to update the training data frame with the new training status value Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame The input data frame with a 'training_status' column populated for `compute_date` if populate=True Bunch Bunch containing information fit parameters information for the combined sessions Bunch Bunch cotaining the training status criteria information str The training status """ # compute_date = str(alfiles.session_path_parts(session_path, as_dict=True)['date']) df_temp = df[df['date'] <= compute_date] df_temp = df_temp.drop_duplicates(subset=['session_path', 'task_protocol']) df_temp.sort_values('date') dates = n_sess_for_date = len(np.where(dates == compute_date)[0]) n_dates = np.min([2 + n_sess_for_date, len(dates)]).astype(int) compute_dates = dates[(-1 * n_dates):] if n_sess_for_date > 1: compute_dates = compute_dates[:(-1 * (n_sess_for_date - 1))] assert compute_dates[-1] == compute_date df_temp_group = df_temp.groupby('date') trials = {} n_delay = 0 ephys_sessions = [] protocol = [] status = [] for date in compute_dates: df_date = df_temp_group.get_group(date) # If habituation skip if df_date.iloc[-1]['task_protocol'] == 'habituation': continue # Here we should split by protocol in an ideal world but that world isn't today. This is only really relevant for # chained protocols trials[df_date.iloc[-1]['date']] = load_combined_trials(df_date.session_path.values, one, force=force) protocol.append(df_date.iloc[-1]['task_protocol']) status.append(df_date.iloc[-1]['training_status']) if df_date.iloc[-1]['combined_n_delay'] >= 900: # delay of 15 mins n_delay += 1 if df_date.iloc[-1]['location'] == 'ephys_rig': ephys_sessions.append(df_date.iloc[-1]['date']) n_status = np.max([-2, -1 * len(status)]) training_status, info, criteria = training.get_training_status(trials, protocol, ephys_sessions, n_delay) training_status = pass_through_training_hierachy(training_status, status[n_status]) if populate: df.loc[df['date'] == compute_date, 'training_status'] = training_status return df, info, criteria, training_status
[docs] def pass_through_training_hierachy(status_new, status_old): """ Makes sure that the new training status is not less than the one from the previous day. e.g Subject cannot regress in performance :param status_new: latest training status :param status_old: previous training status :return: """ if TRAINING_STATUS[status_old][0] > TRAINING_STATUS[status_new][0]: return status_old else: return status_new
[docs] def compute_session_duration_delay_location(sess_path, collections=None, **kwargs): """ Get meta information about task. Extracts session duration, delay before session start and location of session Parameters ---------- sess_path : pathlib.Path, str The session path with the pattern subject/yyyy-mm-dd/nnn. collections : list The location within the session path directory of task settings and data. Returns ------- int The session duration in minutes, rounded to the nearest minute. int The delay between session start time and the first trial in seconds. str {'ephys_rig', 'training_rig'} The location of the session. """ if collections is None: collections, _ = get_data_collection(sess_path) session_duration = 0 session_delay = 0 session_location = 'training_rig' for collection in collections: md, sess_data = load_bpod(sess_path, task_collection=collection) if md is None: continue try: start_time, end_time = _get_session_times(sess_path, md, sess_data) session_duration = session_duration + int((end_time - start_time).total_seconds() / 60) session_delay = session_delay + md.get('SESSION_DELAY_START', md.get('SESSION_START_DELAY_SEC', 0)) except Exception: session_duration = session_duration + 0 session_delay = session_delay + 0 if 'ephys' in md.get('RIG_NAME', md.get('PYBPOD_BOARD', None)): session_location = 'ephys_rig' else: session_location = 'training_rig' return session_duration, session_delay, session_location
[docs] def get_data_collection(session_path): """Return the location of the raw behavioral data and extracted trials data for a given session. For multiple locations in one session (e.g. chained protocols), returns all collections. Passive protocols are excluded. Parameters ---------- session_path : pathlib.Path A session path in the form subject/date/number. Returns ------- list of str A list of sub-directory names that contain raw behaviour data. list of str A list of sub-directory names that contain ALF trials data. Examples -------- An iblrig v7 session >>> get_data_collection(Path(r'C:/data/subject/2023-01-01/001')) ['raw_behavior_data'], ['alf'] An iblrig v8 session where two protocols were run >>> get_data_collection(Path(r'C:/data/subject/2023-01-01/001')) ['raw_task_data_00', 'raw_task_data_01], ['alf/task_00', 'alf/task_01'] """ experiment_description = read_params(session_path) collections = [] if experiment_description is not None: task_protocols = experiment_description.get('tasks', []) for i, (protocol, task_info) in enumerate(chain(*map(dict.items, task_protocols))): if 'passiveChoiceWorld' in protocol: continue collection = task_info.get('collection', f'raw_task_data_{i:02}') if collection == 'raw_passive_data': continue collections.append(collection) else: settings = Path(session_path).rglob('_iblrig_taskSettings.raw*.json') for setting in settings: if != 'raw_passive_data': collections.append( if len(collections) == 1 and collections[0] == 'raw_behavior_data': alf_collections = ['alf'] elif all(['raw_task_data' in c for c in collections]): alf_collections = [f'alf/task_{c[-2:]}' for c in collections] else: alf_collections = None return collections, alf_collections
[docs] def get_sess_dict(session_path, one, protocol, alf_collections=None, raw_collections=None, force=True): sess_dict = {} sess_dict['date'] = str(alfiles.session_path_parts(session_path, as_dict=True)['date']) sess_dict['session_path'] = str(session_path) sess_dict['task_protocol'] = protocol if sess_dict['task_protocol'] == 'habituation': nan_array = np.array([np.nan]) sess_dict['performance'], sess_dict['contrasts'], _ = (nan_array, nan_array, np.nan) sess_dict['performance_easy'] = np.nan sess_dict['reaction_time'] = np.nan sess_dict['n_trials'] = np.nan sess_dict['sess_duration'] = np.nan sess_dict['n_delay'] = np.nan sess_dict['location'] = np.nan sess_dict['training_status'] = 'habituation' sess_dict['bias_50'], sess_dict['thres_50'], sess_dict['lapselow_50'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_50'] = \ (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) sess_dict['bias_20'], sess_dict['thres_20'], sess_dict['lapselow_20'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_20'] = \ (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) sess_dict['bias_80'], sess_dict['thres_80'], sess_dict['lapselow_80'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_80'] = \ (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) else: # if we can't compute trials then we need to pass trials = load_trials(session_path, one, collections=alf_collections, force=force, mode='warn') if trials is None: return sess_dict['performance'], sess_dict['contrasts'], _ = training.compute_performance(trials, prob_right=True) if sess_dict['task_protocol'] == 'training': sess_dict['bias_50'], sess_dict['thres_50'], sess_dict['lapselow_50'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_50'] = \ training.compute_psychometric(trials) sess_dict['bias_20'], sess_dict['thres_20'], sess_dict['lapselow_20'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_20'] = \ (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) sess_dict['bias_80'], sess_dict['thres_80'], sess_dict['lapselow_80'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_80'] = \ (np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan) else: sess_dict['bias_50'], sess_dict['thres_50'], sess_dict['lapselow_50'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_50'] = \ training.compute_psychometric(trials, block=0.5) sess_dict['bias_20'], sess_dict['thres_20'], sess_dict['lapselow_20'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_20'] = \ training.compute_psychometric(trials, block=0.2) sess_dict['bias_80'], sess_dict['thres_80'], sess_dict['lapselow_80'], sess_dict['lapsehigh_80'] = \ training.compute_psychometric(trials, block=0.8) sess_dict['performance_easy'] = training.compute_performance_easy(trials) sess_dict['reaction_time'] = training.compute_median_reaction_time(trials) sess_dict['n_trials'] = training.compute_n_trials(trials) sess_dict['sess_duration'], sess_dict['n_delay'], sess_dict['location'] = \ compute_session_duration_delay_location(session_path, collections=raw_collections) sess_dict['training_status'] = 'not_computed' return sess_dict
[docs] def get_training_info_for_session(session_paths, one, force=True): """ Extract the training information needed for plots for each session. Parameters ---------- session_paths : list of pathlib.Path List of session paths on same date. one : one.api.One An ONE instance. force : bool When true and if the session trials can't be found, will attempt to re-extract from disk. Returns ------- list of dict A list of dictionaries the length of `session_paths` containing individual and aggregate performance information. """ # return list of dicts to add sess_dicts = [] for session_path in session_paths: collections, alf_collections = get_data_collection(session_path) session_path = Path(session_path) protocols = [] for c in collections: try: prot = get_bpod_extractor_class(session_path, task_collection=c) prot = prot[:-6].lower() protocols.append(prot) except ValueError: continue un_protocols = np.unique(protocols) # Example, training, training, biased - training would be combined, biased not sess_dict = None if len(un_protocols) != 1: print(f'Different protocols in same session {session_path} : {protocols}') for prot in un_protocols: if prot is False: continue try: alf = alf_collections[np.where(protocols == prot)[0]] raw = collections[np.where(protocols == prot)[0]] except TypeError: alf = None raw = None sess_dict = get_sess_dict(session_path, one, prot, alf_collections=alf, raw_collections=raw, force=force) else: prot = un_protocols[0] sess_dict = get_sess_dict( session_path, one, prot, alf_collections=alf_collections, raw_collections=collections, force=force) if sess_dict is not None: sess_dicts.append(sess_dict) protocols = [s['task_protocol'] for s in sess_dicts] if len(protocols) > 0 and len(set(protocols)) != 1: print(f'Different protocols on same date {sess_dicts[0]["date"]} : {protocols}') # Only if all protocols are the same and are not habituation if len(sess_dicts) > 1 and len(set(protocols)) == 1 and protocols[0] != 'habituation': # Only if all protocols are the same print(f'{len(sess_dicts)} sessions being combined for date {sess_dicts[0]["date"]}') combined_trials = load_combined_trials(session_paths, one, force=force) performance, contrasts, _ = training.compute_performance(combined_trials, prob_right=True) psychs = {} psychs['50'] = training.compute_psychometric(combined_trials, block=0.5) psychs['20'] = training.compute_psychometric(combined_trials, block=0.2) psychs['80'] = training.compute_psychometric(combined_trials, block=0.8) performance_easy = training.compute_performance_easy(combined_trials) reaction_time = training.compute_median_reaction_time(combined_trials) n_trials = training.compute_n_trials(combined_trials) sess_duration = np.nansum([s['sess_duration'] for s in sess_dicts]) n_delay = np.nanmax([s['n_delay'] for s in sess_dicts]) for sess_dict in sess_dicts: sess_dict['combined_performance'] = performance sess_dict['combined_contrasts'] = contrasts sess_dict['combined_performance_easy'] = performance_easy sess_dict['combined_reaction_time'] = reaction_time sess_dict['combined_n_trials'] = n_trials sess_dict['combined_sess_duration'] = sess_duration sess_dict['combined_n_delay'] = n_delay for bias in [50, 20, 80]: sess_dict[f'combined_bias_{bias}'] = psychs[f'{bias}'][0] sess_dict[f'combined_thres_{bias}'] = psychs[f'{bias}'][1] sess_dict[f'combined_lapselow_{bias}'] = psychs[f'{bias}'][2] sess_dict[f'combined_lapsehigh_{bias}'] = psychs[f'{bias}'][3] # Case where two sessions on same day with different number of contrasts! Oh boy if sess_dict['combined_performance'].size != sess_dict['performance'].size: sess_dict['performance'] = \ np.r_[sess_dict['performance'], np.full(sess_dict['combined_performance'].size - sess_dict['performance'].size, np.nan)] sess_dict['contrasts'] = \ np.r_[sess_dict['contrasts'], np.full(sess_dict['combined_contrasts'].size - sess_dict['contrasts'].size, np.nan)] else: for sess_dict in sess_dicts: sess_dict['combined_performance'] = sess_dict['performance'] sess_dict['combined_contrasts'] = sess_dict['contrasts'] sess_dict['combined_performance_easy'] = sess_dict['performance_easy'] sess_dict['combined_reaction_time'] = sess_dict['reaction_time'] sess_dict['combined_n_trials'] = sess_dict['n_trials'] sess_dict['combined_sess_duration'] = sess_dict['sess_duration'] sess_dict['combined_n_delay'] = sess_dict['n_delay'] for bias in [50, 20, 80]: sess_dict[f'combined_bias_{bias}'] = sess_dict[f'bias_{bias}'] sess_dict[f'combined_thres_{bias}'] = sess_dict[f'thres_{bias}'] sess_dict[f'combined_lapsehigh_{bias}'] = sess_dict[f'lapsehigh_{bias}'] sess_dict[f'combined_lapselow_{bias}'] = sess_dict[f'lapselow_{bias}'] return sess_dicts
[docs] def check_up_to_date(subj_path, df): """ Check which sessions on local file system are missing from the computed training table. Parameters ---------- subj_path : pathlib.Path The path to the subject's dated session folders. df : pandas.DataFrame The computed training table. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A table of dates and session paths that are missing from the computed training table. """ df_session = pd.DataFrame(columns=['date', 'session_path']) for session in alfio.iter_sessions(subj_path, pattern='????-??-??/*'): s_df = pd.DataFrame({'date':[-2], 'session_path': str(session)}, index=[0]) df_session = pd.concat([df_session, s_df], ignore_index=True) if df is None or 'combined_thres_50' not in df.columns: return df_session else: # recorded_session_paths = df['session_path'].values isin, _ = ismember(, missing_dates =[~isin] return df_session[df_session['date'].isin(missing_dates)].sort_values('date')
[docs] def plot_trial_count_and_session_duration(df, subject): df = df.drop_duplicates('date').reset_index(drop=True) y1 = {'column': 'combined_n_trials', 'title': 'Trial counts', 'lim': None, 'color': 'k', 'join': True} y2 = {'column': 'combined_sess_duration', 'title': 'Session duration (mins)', 'lim': None, 'color': 'r', 'log': False, 'join': True} ax = plot_over_days(df, subject, y1, y2) return ax
[docs] def plot_performance_easy_median_reaction_time(df, subject): df = df.drop_duplicates('date').reset_index(drop=True) y1 = {'column': 'combined_performance_easy', 'title': 'Performance on easy trials', 'lim': [0, 1.05], 'color': 'k', 'join': True} y2 = {'column': 'combined_reaction_time', 'title': 'Median reaction time (s)', 'lim': [0.1, np.nanmax([10, np.nanmax(df.combined_reaction_time.values)])], 'color': 'r', 'log': True, 'join': True} ax = plot_over_days(df, subject, y1, y2) return ax
[docs] def display_info(df, axs): compute_date = df['date'].values[-1] _, info, criteria, _ = compute_training_status(df, compute_date, None, force=False, populate=False) def _array_to_string(vals): if isinstance(vals, (str, bool, int, float)): if isinstance(vals, float): vals = np.round(vals, 3) return f'{vals}' str_vals = '' for v in vals: if isinstance(v, float): v = np.round(v, 3) str_vals += f'{v}, ' return str_vals[:-2] pos = np.arange(len(criteria))[::-1] * 0.1 for i, (k, v) in enumerate(info.items()): str_v = _array_to_string(v) text = axs[0].text(0, pos[i], k.capitalize(), color='k', weight='bold', fontsize=8, transform=axs[0].transAxes) axs[0].annotate(': ' + str_v, xycoords=text, xy=(1, 0), verticalalignment="bottom", color='k', fontsize=7) pos = np.arange(len(criteria))[::-1] * 0.1 crit_val = criteria.pop('Criteria') c = 'g' if crit_val['pass'] else 'r' str_v = _array_to_string(crit_val['val']) text = axs[1].text(0, pos[0], 'Criteria', color='k', weight='bold', fontsize=8, transform=axs[1].transAxes) axs[1].annotate(': ' + str_v, xycoords=text, xy=(1, 0), verticalalignment="bottom", color=c, fontsize=7) pos = pos[1:] for i, (k, v) in enumerate(criteria.items()): c = 'g' if v['pass'] else 'r' str_v = _array_to_string(v['val']) text = axs[1].text(0, pos[i], k.capitalize(), color='k', weight='bold', fontsize=8, transform=axs[1].transAxes) axs[1].annotate(': ' + str_v, xycoords=text, xy=(1, 0), verticalalignment="bottom", color=c, fontsize=7) axs[0].set_axis_off() axs[1].set_axis_off()
[docs] def plot_fit_params(df, subject): fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(12, 6), gridspec_kw={'width_ratios': [2, 2, 1]}) display_info(df, axs=[axs[0, 2], axs[1, 2]]) df = df.drop_duplicates('date').reset_index(drop=True) cmap = sns.diverging_palette(20, 220, n=3, center="dark") y50 = {'column': 'combined_bias_50', 'title': 'Bias', 'lim': [-100, 100], 'color': cmap[1], 'join': False} y80 = {'column': 'combined_bias_80', 'title': 'Bias', 'lim': [-100, 100], 'color': cmap[2], 'join': False} y20 = {'column': 'combined_bias_20', 'title': 'Bias', 'lim': [-100, 100], 'color': cmap[0], 'join': False} plot_over_days(df, subject, y50, ax=axs[0, 0], legend=False, title=False) plot_over_days(df, subject, y80, ax=axs[0, 0], legend=False, title=False) plot_over_days(df, subject, y20, ax=axs[0, 0], legend=False, title=False) axs[0, 0].axhline(16, linewidth=2, linestyle='--', color='k') axs[0, 0].axhline(-16, linewidth=2, linestyle='--', color='k') y50['column'] = 'combined_thres_50' y50['title'] = 'Threshold' y50['lim'] = [0, 100] y80['column'] = 'combined_thres_20' y80['title'] = 'Threshold' y20['lim'] = [0, 100] y20['column'] = 'combined_thres_80' y20['title'] = 'Threshold' y80['lim'] = [0, 100] plot_over_days(df, subject, y50, ax=axs[0, 1], legend=False, title=False) plot_over_days(df, subject, y80, ax=axs[0, 1], legend=False, title=False) plot_over_days(df, subject, y20, ax=axs[0, 1], legend=False, title=False) axs[0, 1].axhline(19, linewidth=2, linestyle='--', color='k') y50['column'] = 'combined_lapselow_50' y50['title'] = 'Lapse Low' y50['lim'] = [0, 1] y80['column'] = 'combined_lapselow_20' y80['title'] = 'Lapse Low' y80['lim'] = [0, 1] y20['column'] = 'combined_lapselow_80' y20['title'] = 'Lapse Low' y20['lim'] = [0, 1] plot_over_days(df, subject, y50, ax=axs[1, 0], legend=False, title=False) plot_over_days(df, subject, y80, ax=axs[1, 0], legend=False, title=False) plot_over_days(df, subject, y20, ax=axs[1, 0], legend=False, title=False) axs[1, 0].axhline(0.2, linewidth=2, linestyle='--', color='k') y50['column'] = 'combined_lapsehigh_50' y50['title'] = 'Lapse High' y50['lim'] = [0, 1] y80['column'] = 'combined_lapsehigh_20' y80['title'] = 'Lapse High' y80['lim'] = [0, 1] y20['column'] = 'combined_lapsehigh_80' y20['title'] = 'Lapse High' y20['lim'] = [0, 1] plot_over_days(df, subject, y50, ax=axs[1, 1], legend=False, title=False, training_lines=True) plot_over_days(df, subject, y80, ax=axs[1, 1], legend=False, title=False, training_lines=False) plot_over_days(df, subject, y20, ax=axs[1, 1], legend=False, title=False, training_lines=False) axs[1, 1].axhline(0.2, linewidth=2, linestyle='--', color='k') fig.suptitle(f'{subject} {df.iloc[-1]["date"]}: {df.iloc[-1]["training_status"]}') lines, labels = axs[1, 1].get_legend_handles_labels() fig.legend(lines, labels, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 0.1), facecolor='w', fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=5) legend_elements = [Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', label='p=0.5', markerfacecolor=cmap[1], markersize=8), Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', label='p=0.2', markerfacecolor=cmap[0], markersize=8), Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', label='p=0.8', markerfacecolor=cmap[2], markersize=8)] legend2 = plt.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='upper right', bbox_to_anchor=(1.1, -0.2), fancybox=True, shadow=True, facecolor='w') fig.add_artist(legend2) return axs
[docs] def plot_psychometric_curve(df, subject, one): df = df.drop_duplicates('date').reset_index(drop=True) sess_path = Path(df.iloc[-1]["session_path"]) trials = load_trials(sess_path, one, mode='warn') fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) training.plot_psychometric(trials, ax=ax1, title=f'{subject} {df.iloc[-1]["date"]}: {df.iloc[-1]["training_status"]}') return ax1
[docs] def plot_over_days(df, subject, y1, y2=None, ax=None, legend=True, title=True, training_lines=True): if ax is None: fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) else: ax1 = ax dates = [datetime.strptime(dat, '%Y-%m-%d') for dat in df['date']] if y1['join']: ax1.plot(dates, df[y1['column']], color=y1['color']) ax1.scatter(dates, df[y1['column']], color=y1['color']) ax1.set_ylabel(y1['title']) ax1.set_ylim(y1['lim']) if y2 is not None: ax2 = ax1.twinx() if y2['join']: ax2.plot(dates, df[y2['column']], color=y2['color']) ax2.scatter(dates, df[y2['column']], color=y2['color']) ax2.set_ylabel(y2['title']) ax2.yaxis.label.set_color(y2['color']) ax2.tick_params(axis='y', colors=y2['color']) ax2.set_ylim(y2['lim']) if y2['log']: ax2.set_yscale('log') ax2.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax2.spines['top'].set_visible(False) ax2.spines['left'].set_visible(False) month_format = mdates.DateFormatter('%b %Y') month_locator = mdates.MonthLocator() ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(month_locator) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(month_format) week_locator = mdates.WeekdayLocator(byweekday=mdates.MO, interval=1) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(week_locator) ax1.grid(True, which='minor', axis='x', linestyle='--') ax1.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) if training_lines: ax1 = add_training_lines(df, ax1) if title: ax1.set_title(f'{subject} {df.iloc[-1]["date"]}: {df.iloc[-1]["training_status"]}') # Put a legend below current axis box = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([box.x0, box.y0 + box.height * 0.1, box.width, box.height * 0.9]) if legend: ax1.legend(loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), fancybox=True, shadow=True, ncol=5, facecolor='white') return ax1
[docs] def add_training_lines(df, ax): status = df.drop_duplicates(subset='training_status', keep='first') for _, st in status.iterrows(): if st['training_status'] in ['untrainable', 'unbiasable']: continue if TRAINING_STATUS[st['training_status']][0] <= 0: continue ax.axvline(datetime.strptime(st['date'], '%Y-%m-%d'), linewidth=2, color=np.array(TRAINING_STATUS[st['training_status']][1]) / 255, label=st['training_status']) return ax
[docs] def plot_heatmap_performance_over_days(df, subject): df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['date', 'combined_contrasts']) df_perf = df.pivot(index=['date'], columns=['combined_contrasts'], values=['combined_performance']).sort_values( by='combined_contrasts', axis=1, ascending=False) df_perf.index = pd.to_datetime(df_perf.index) full_date_range = pd.date_range(start=df_perf.index.min(), end=df_perf.index.max(), freq="D") df_perf = df_perf.reindex(full_date_range, fill_value=np.nan) n_contrasts = len(df.combined_contrasts.unique()) dates = df_perf.index.to_pydatetime() dnum = mdates.date2num(dates) if len(dnum) > 1: start = dnum[0] - (dnum[1] - dnum[0]) / 2. stop = dnum[-1] + (dnum[1] - dnum[0]) / 2. else: start = dnum[0] + 0.5 stop = dnum[0] + 1.5 extent = [start, stop, 0, n_contrasts] fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6)) im = ax1.imshow(df_perf.T.values, extent=extent, aspect="auto", cmap='PuOr') month_format = mdates.DateFormatter('%b %Y') month_locator = mdates.MonthLocator() ax1.xaxis.set_major_locator(month_locator) ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(month_format) week_locator = mdates.WeekdayLocator(byweekday=mdates.MO, interval=1) ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(week_locator) ax1.grid(True, which='minor', axis='x', linestyle='--') ax1.set_yticks(np.arange(0.5, n_contrasts + 0.5, 1)) ax1.set_yticklabels(np.sort(df.combined_contrasts.unique())) ax1.set_ylabel('Contrast (%)') ax1.set_xlabel('Date') cbar = fig.colorbar(im) cbar.set_label('Rightward choice (%') ax1.set_title(f'{subject} {df.iloc[-1]["date"]}: {df.iloc[-1]["training_status"]}') ax1.spines['left'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['right'].set_visible(False) ax1.spines['top'].set_visible(False) return ax1
[docs] def make_plots(session_path, one, df=None, save=False, upload=False, task_collection='raw_behavior_data'): subject = one.path2ref(session_path)['subject'] subj_path = session_path.parent.parent df = load_existing_dataframe(subj_path) if df is None else df df = df[df['task_protocol'] != 'habituation'] if len(df) == 0: return ax1 = plot_trial_count_and_session_duration(df, subject) ax2 = plot_performance_easy_median_reaction_time(df, subject) ax3 = plot_heatmap_performance_over_days(df, subject) ax4 = plot_fit_params(df, subject) ax5 = plot_psychometric_curve(df, subject, one) outputs = [] if save: save_path = Path(subj_path) save_name = save_path.joinpath('subj_trial_count_session_duration.png') outputs.append(save_name) ax1.get_figure().savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight') save_name = save_path.joinpath('subj_performance_easy_reaction_time.png') outputs.append(save_name) ax2.get_figure().savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight') save_name = save_path.joinpath('subj_performance_heatmap.png') outputs.append(save_name) ax3.get_figure().savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight') save_name = save_path.joinpath('subj_psychometric_fit_params.png') outputs.append(save_name) ax4[0, 0].get_figure().savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight') save_name = save_path.joinpath('subj_psychometric_curve.png') outputs.append(save_name) ax5.get_figure().savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight') if upload: subj ='subjects', 'list', nickname=subject)[0] snp = ReportSnapshot(session_path, subj['id'], content_type='subject', one=one) snp.outputs = outputs snp.register_images(widths=['orig'])