Source code for ibllib.pipes.remote_server

import logging
from pathlib import Path, PosixPath
import re
import subprocess
import os

from ibllib.ephys import sync_probes
from ibllib.pipes import ephys_preprocessing as ephys
from ibllib.oneibl.patcher import FTPPatcher
from one.api import ONE

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

FLATIRON_USER = 'datauser'
root_path = '/mnt/s0/Data/'

def _run_command(cmd):
    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
    info, error = process.communicate()
    if process.returncode != 0:
        return None, error.decode('utf-8')
        return info.decode('utf-8').strip(), None

[docs] def job_transfer_ks2(probe_path): assert isinstance(probe_path, str) def _get_volume_usage_percentage(vol): cmd = f'df {vol}' res, _ = _run_command(cmd) size_list = re.split(' +', res.split('\n')[-1]) per_usage = int(size_list[4][:-1]) return per_usage # First check disk availability space = _get_volume_usage_percentage('/mnt/s0') # If we are less than 80% full we can transfer more stuff if space < 80: # Transfer data from flatiron to s3 cmd = f'ssh -i ~/.ssh/mayo_alyx.pem -p {FLATIRON_PORT} ' \ f'{FLATIRON_USER}@{FLATIRON_HOST} ./ {probe_path}' result, error = _run_command(cmd) # Check that command has run as expected and output info to logger if not result: _logger.error(f'{probe_path}: Could not transfer data from FlatIron to s3 \n' f'Error: {error}') return else:'{probe_path}: Data transferred from FlatIron to s3') # Transfer data from s3 to /mnt/s0/Data on aws session = str(PosixPath(probe_path).parent.parent) cmd = f'aws s3 sync s3://ibl-ks2-storage/{session} "/mnt/s0/Data/{session}"' result, error = _run_command(cmd) # Check that command has run as expected and output info to logger if not result: _logger.error(f'{probe_path}: Could not transfer data from s3 to aws \n' f'Error: {error}') return else:'{probe_path}: Data transferred from s3 to aws') # Rename the files to get rid of eid associated with each dataset session_path = Path(root_path).joinpath(session) for file in session_path.glob('**/*'): if len(Path(file.stem).suffix) == 37: file.rename(Path(file.parent, str(Path(file.stem).stem) + file.suffix))'Renamed dataset {file.stem} to {str(Path(file.stem).stem)}') else: _logger.warning(f'Dataset {file.stem} not renamed') continue # Create a sort_me.flag cmd = f'touch /mnt/s0/Data/{session}/sort_me.flag' result, error = _run_command(cmd)'{session}: sort_me.flag created') # Remove files from s3 cmd = f'aws s3 rm --recursive s3://ibl-ks2-storage/{session}' result, error = _run_command(cmd) if not result: _logger.error(f'{session}: Could not remove data from s3 \n' f'Error: {error}') return else:'{session}: Data removed from s3') return
[docs] def job_run_ks2(): # Look for flag files in /mnt/s0/Data and sort them in order of date they were created flag_files = list(Path(root_path).glob('**/sort_me.flag')) flag_files.sort(key=os.path.getmtime) # Start with the oldest flag session_path = flag_files[0].parent session = str(PosixPath(*[4:])) flag_files[0].unlink() # Instantiate one one = ONE(cache_rest=None) # sync the probes status, sync_files = sync_probes.sync(session_path) if not status: _logger.error(f'{session}: Could not sync probes') return else:'{session}: Probes successfully synced') # run ks2 task = ephys.SpikeSorting(session_path, one=one) status = if status != 0: _logger.error(f'{session}: Could not run ks2') return else:'{session}: ks2 successfully completed') # Run the cell qc # qc_file = [] # Register and upload files to FTP Patcher outfiles = task.outputs ftp_patcher = FTPPatcher(one=one) ftp_patcher.create_dataset(path=outfiles, created_by=one._par.ALYX_LOGIN)
# Remove everything apart from alf folder and spike sorter folder # Don't do this for now unitl we are sure it works for 3A and 3B!! # cmd = f'rm -r {session_path}/raw_ephys_data rm -r {session_path}/raw_behavior_data' # result, error = _run_command(cmd)