"""The mesoscope data extraction pipeline.
The mesoscope pipeline currently comprises raw image registration and timestamps extraction. In
the future there will be compression (and potential cropping), FOV metadata extraction, and ROI
1. Register reference images and upload snapshots and notes to Alyx
2. Run ROI cell detection
3. Calculate the pixel and ROI brain locations and register fields of view to Alyx
4. Compress the raw imaging data
5. Extract the imaging times from the main DAQ
import json
import logging
import subprocess
import shutil
import uuid
from pathlib import Path
from itertools import chain, groupby
from collections import Counter
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import enum
import re
import time
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sparse
from scipy.io import loadmat
from scipy.interpolate import interpn
import one.alf.io as alfio
from one.alf.spec import to_alf
from one.alf.path import filename_parts, session_path_parts
import one.alf.exceptions as alferr
from iblutil.util import flatten, ensure_list
from iblatlas.atlas import ALLEN_CCF_LANDMARKS_MLAPDV_UM, MRITorontoAtlas
from ibllib.pipes import base_tasks
from ibllib.oneibl.data_handlers import ExpectedDataset, dataset_from_name
from ibllib.io.extractors import mesoscope
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
Provenance = enum.Enum('Provenance', ['ESTIMATE', 'FUNCTIONAL', 'LANDMARK', 'HISTOLOGY']) # py3.11 make StrEnum
class MesoscopeRegisterSnapshots(base_tasks.MesoscopeTask, base_tasks.RegisterRawDataTask):
"""Upload snapshots as Alyx notes and register the 2P reference image(s)."""
priority = 100
job_size = 'small'
def signature(self):
I = ExpectedDataset.input # noqa
signature = {
'input_files': [I('referenceImage.raw.tif', f'{self.device_collection}/reference', False, register=True),
I('referenceImage.stack.tif', f'{self.device_collection}/reference', False, register=True),
I('referenceImage.meta.json', f'{self.device_collection}/reference', False, register=True)],
'output_files': []
return signature
def __init__(self, session_path, **kwargs):
super().__init__(session_path, **kwargs)
self.device_collection = self.get_device_collection('mesoscope',
kwargs.get('device_collection', 'raw_imaging_data_??'))
def _run(self):
Assert one reference image per collection and rename it. Register snapshots.
list of pathlib.Path containing renamed reference image.
# Assert that only one tif file exists per collection
dsets = dataset_from_name('referenceImage.raw.tif', self.input_files)
reference_images = list(chain.from_iterable(map(lambda x: x.find_files(self.session_path)[1], dsets)))
assert len(set(x.parent for x in reference_images)) == len(reference_images)
# Rename the reference images
out_files = super()._run()
# Register snapshots in base session folder and raw_imaging_data folders
self.register_snapshots(collection=[self.device_collection, ''])
return out_files
class MesoscopeCompress(base_tasks.MesoscopeTask):
""" Tar compress raw 2p tif files, optionally remove uncompressed data."""
priority = 90
job_size = 'large'
_log_level = None
def signature(self):
signature = {
'input_files': [('*.tif', self.device_collection, True)],
'output_files': [('imaging.frames.tar.bz2', self.device_collection, True)]
return signature
def setUp(self, **kwargs):
"""Run at higher log level"""
self._log_level = _logger.level
return super().setUp(**kwargs)
def tearDown(self):
_logger.setLevel(self._log_level or logging.INFO)
return super().tearDown()
def _run(self, remove_uncompressed=False, verify_output=True, overwrite=False, **kwargs):
Run tar compression on all tif files in the device collection.
remove_uncompressed: bool
Whether to remove the original, uncompressed data. Default is False.
verify_output: bool
Whether to check that the compressed tar file can be uncompressed without errors.
Default is True.
list of pathlib.Path
Path to compressed tar file.
outfiles = [] # should be one per raw_imaging_data folder
assert not any(x.operator for x in self.input_files), 'input datasets should not be nested'
_, all_tifs, _ = zip(*(x.find_files(self.session_path) for x in self.input_files))
# A list of tifs, grouped by raw imaging data collection
input_files = groupby(chain.from_iterable(all_tifs), key=lambda x: x.parent)
*_, outfile_name = self.output_files[0].identifiers
for in_dir, infiles in input_files:
infiles = list(infiles)
outfile = in_dir / outfile_name
if outfile.exists() and not overwrite:
_logger.info('%s already exists; skipping...', outfile.relative_to(self.session_path))
if not infiles:
_logger.info('No image files found in %s', in_dir.relative_to(self.session_path))
'Input files:\n\t%s', '\n\t'.join(map(Path.as_posix, (x.relative_to(self.session_path) for x in infiles)))
uncompressed_size = sum(x.stat().st_size for x in infiles)
_logger.info('Compressing %i file(s)', len(infiles))
cmd = 'tar -cjvf "{output}" "{input}"'.format(
output=outfile.relative_to(in_dir), input='" "'.join(str(x.relative_to(in_dir)) for x in infiles))
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=in_dir)
info, error = process.communicate() # b'2023-02-17_2_test_2P_00001_00001.tif\n'
assert process.returncode == 0, f'compression failed: {error.decode()}'
# Check the output
assert outfile.exists(), 'output file missing'
compressed_size = outfile.stat().st_size
min_size = kwargs.pop('verify_min_size', 1024)
assert compressed_size > int(min_size), f'Compressed file < {min_size / 1024:.0f}KB'
_logger.info('Compression ratio = %.3f, saving %.2f pct (%.2f MB)',
uncompressed_size / compressed_size,
round((1 - (compressed_size / uncompressed_size)) * 10000) / 100,
(uncompressed_size - compressed_size) / 1024 / 1024)
if verify_output:
# Test bzip
cmd = f'bzip2 -tv {outfile.relative_to(in_dir)}'
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=in_dir)
info, error = process.communicate()
assert process.returncode == 0, f'bzip compression test failed: {error}'
# Check tar
cmd = f'bunzip2 -dc {outfile.relative_to(in_dir)} | tar -tvf -'
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=in_dir)
info, error = process.communicate()
assert process.returncode == 0, 'tarball decompression test failed'
compressed_files = set(x.split()[-1] for x in filter(None, info.decode().split('\n')))
assert compressed_files == set(x.name for x in infiles)
if remove_uncompressed:
_logger.info(f'Removing input files for {in_dir.relative_to(self.session_path)}')
for file in infiles:
return outfiles
class MesoscopePreprocess(base_tasks.MesoscopeTask):
"""Run suite2p preprocessing on tif files."""
priority = 80
cpu = -1
job_size = 'large'
env = 'suite2p'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self._teardown_files = []
self.overwrite = False
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def setUp(self, **kwargs):
"""Set up task.
This will check the local filesystem for the raw tif files and if not present, will assume
they have been compressed and deleted, in which case the signature will be replaced with
the compressed input.
Note: this will not work correctly if only some collections have compressed tifs.
self.overwrite = kwargs.get('overwrite', False)
all_files_present = super().setUp(**kwargs) # Ensure files present
bin_sig = dataset_from_name('data.bin', self.input_files)
if not self.overwrite and all(x.find_files(self.session_path)[0] for x in bin_sig):
return all_files_present # We have local bin files; no need to extract tifs
tif_sig = dataset_from_name('*.tif', self.input_files)
if not tif_sig:
return all_files_present # No tifs in the signature; just return
tif_sig = tif_sig[0]
tifs_present, *_ = tif_sig.find_files(self.session_path)
if tifs_present or not all_files_present:
return all_files_present # Tifs present on disk; no need to decompress
# Decompress imaging files
tif_sigs = dataset_from_name('imaging.frames.tar.bz2', self.input_files)
present, files, _ = zip(*(x.find_files(self.session_path) for x in tif_sigs))
if not all(present):
return False # Compressed files missing; return
files = flatten(files)
_logger.info('Decompressing %i file(s)', len(files))
for file in files:
cmd = 'tar -xvjf "{input}"'.format(input=file.name)
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, cwd=file.parent)
stdout, _ = process.communicate() # b'x 2023-02-17_2_test_2P_00001_00001.tif\n'
tifs = [file.parent.joinpath(x.split()[-1]) for x in stdout.decode().splitlines() if x.endswith('.tif')]
assert process.returncode == 0 and len(tifs) > 0
assert all(map(Path.exists, tifs))
return all_files_present
def tearDown(self):
"""Tear down task.
This removes any decompressed tif files.
for file in self._teardown_files:
_logger.debug('Removing %s', file)
return super().tearDown()
def signature(self):
# The number of in and outputs will be dependent on the number of input raw imaging folders and output FOVs
I = ExpectedDataset.input # noqa
signature = {
'input_files': [('_ibl_rawImagingData.meta.json', self.device_collection, True),
I('*.tif', self.device_collection, True) |
I('imaging.frames.tar.bz2', self.device_collection, True, unique=False),
('exptQC.mat', self.device_collection, False)],
'output_files': [('mpci.ROIActivityF.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpci.ROINeuropilActivityF.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpci.ROIActivityDeconvolved.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpci.badFrames.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpci.mpciFrameQC.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciFrameQC.names.tsv', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciMeanImage.images.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciROIs.stackPos.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciROIs.mpciROITypes.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciROIs.cellClassifier.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciROIs.uuids.csv', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciROITypes.names.tsv', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciROIs.masks.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('mpciROIs.neuropilMasks.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True),
('_suite2p_ROIData.raw.zip', self.device_collection, False)]
if not self.overwrite: # If not forcing re-registration, check whether bin files already exist on disk
# Including the data.bin in the expected signature ensures raw data files are not needlessly re-downloaded
# and/or uncompressed during task setup as the local data.bin may be used instead
registered_bin = I('data.bin', 'raw_bin_files/plane*', True, unique=False)
signature['input_files'][1] = registered_bin | signature['input_files'][1]
return signature
def _masks2sparse(stat, ops):
Extract 3D sparse mask arrays from suit2p output.
stat : numpy.array
The loaded stat.npy file. A structured array with fields ('lam', 'ypix', 'xpix', 'neuropil_mask').
ops : numpy.array
The loaded ops.npy file. A structured array with fields ('Ly', 'Lx').
A pydata sparse array of type float32, representing the ROI masks.
A pydata sparse array of type float32, representing the neuropil ROI masks.
Save using sparse.save_npz.
shape = (stat.shape[0], ops['Ly'], ops['Lx'])
npx = np.prod(shape[1:]) # Number of pixels per time point
coords = [[], [], []]
data = []
pil_coords = []
for i, s in enumerate(stat):
coords[0].append(np.full(s['ypix'].shape, i))
pil_coords.append(s['neuropil_mask'] + i * npx)
roi_mask_sp = sparse.COO(list(map(np.concatenate, coords)), np.concatenate(data), shape=shape)
pil_mask_sp = sparse.COO(np.unravel_index(np.concatenate(pil_coords), shape), True, shape=shape)
return sparse.GCXS.from_coo(roi_mask_sp), sparse.GCXS.from_coo(pil_mask_sp)
def _rename_outputs(self, suite2p_dir, frameQC_names, frameQC, rename_dict=None):
Convert suite2p output files to ALF datasets.
This also moves any data.bin and ops.npy files to raw_bin_files for quicker re-runs.
suite2p_dir : pathlib.Path
The location of the suite2p output (typically session_path/suite2p).
rename_dict : dict or None
The suite2p output filenames and the corresponding ALF name. NB: These files are saved
after transposition. Default is None, i.e. using the default mapping hardcoded in the function below.
list of pathlib.Path
All paths found in FOV folders.
if rename_dict is None:
rename_dict = {
'F.npy': 'mpci.ROIActivityF.npy',
'spks.npy': 'mpci.ROIActivityDeconvolved.npy',
'Fneu.npy': 'mpci.ROINeuropilActivityF.npy'
for plane_dir in self._get_plane_paths(suite2p_dir):
# Move bin file(s) out of the way
bin_files = list(plane_dir.glob('data*.bin')) # e.g. data.bin, data_raw.bin, data_chan2_raw.bin
if any(bin_files):
(bin_files_dir := self.session_path.joinpath('raw_bin_files', plane_dir.name)).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
_logger.debug('Moving bin file(s) to %s', bin_files_dir.relative_to(self.session_path))
for bin_file in bin_files:
dst = bin_files_dir.joinpath(bin_file.name)
# copy ops file for lazy re-runs
shutil.copy(plane_dir.joinpath('ops.npy'), bin_files_dir.joinpath('ops.npy'))
# Archive the raw suite2p output before renaming
n = int(plane_dir.name.split('plane')[1])
fov_dir = self.session_path.joinpath('alf', f'FOV_{n:02}')
if fov_dir.exists():
_logger.debug('Removing old folder %s', fov_dir.relative_to(self.session_path))
shutil.rmtree(str(fov_dir), ignore_errors=False, onerror=None)
prev_level = _logger.level
shutil.make_archive(str(fov_dir / '_suite2p_ROIData.raw'), 'zip', plane_dir, logger=_logger)
# save frameQC in each dir (for now, maybe there will be fov specific frame QC eventually)
if frameQC is not None and len(frameQC) > 0:
np.save(fov_dir.joinpath('mpci.mpciFrameQC.npy'), frameQC)
frameQC_names.to_csv(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciFrameQC.names.tsv'), sep='\t', index=False)
# extract some other data from suite2p outputs
ops = np.load(plane_dir.joinpath('ops.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item()
stat = np.load(plane_dir.joinpath('stat.npy'), allow_pickle=True)
iscell = np.load(plane_dir.joinpath('iscell.npy'))
# Save suite2p ROI activity outputs in transposed from (n_frames, n_ROI)
for k, v in rename_dict.items():
np.save(fov_dir.joinpath(v), np.load(plane_dir.joinpath(k)).T)
np.save(fov_dir.joinpath('mpci.badFrames.npy'), np.asarray(ops['badframes'], dtype=bool))
np.save(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciMeanImage.images.npy'), np.asarray(ops['meanImg'], dtype=float))
np.save(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciROIs.stackPos.npy'), np.asarray([(*s['med'], 0) for s in stat], dtype=int))
np.save(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciROIs.cellClassifier.npy'), np.asarray(iscell[:, 1], dtype=float))
np.save(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciROIs.mpciROITypes.npy'), np.asarray(iscell[:, 0], dtype=np.int16))
# clusters uuids
uuid_list = ['uuids'] + list(map(str, [uuid.uuid4() for _ in range(len(iscell))]))
with open(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciROIs.uuids.csv'), 'w+') as fid:
(pd.DataFrame([(0, 'no cell'), (1, 'cell')], columns=['roi_values', 'roi_labels'])
.to_csv(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciROITypes.names.tsv'), sep='\t', index=False))
# ROI and neuropil masks
roi_mask, pil_mask = self._masks2sparse(stat, ops)
with open(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciROIs.masks.sparse_npz'), 'wb') as fp:
sparse.save_npz(fp, roi_mask)
with open(fov_dir.joinpath('mpciROIs.neuropilMasks.sparse_npz'), 'wb') as fp:
sparse.save_npz(fp, pil_mask)
# Remove old suite2p files
shutil.rmtree(str(suite2p_dir), ignore_errors=False, onerror=None)
# Collect all files in those directories
return sorted(self.session_path.joinpath('alf').rglob('FOV_??/*.*.*'))
def _consolidate_metadata(meta_data_all: list) -> dict:
Check that the metadata is consistent across all raw imaging folders.
meta_data_all: list of dicts
List of metadata dictionaries to be checked for consistency.
Single, consolidated dictionary containing metadata.
# Ignore the things we don't expect to match
ignore = ('acquisitionStartTime', 'nFrames')
ignore_sub = {'rawScanImageMeta': ('ImageDescription', 'Software')}
def equal_dicts(a, b, skip=None):
ka = set(a).difference(skip or ())
kb = set(b).difference(skip or ())
return ka == kb and all(a[key] == b[key] for key in ka)
# Compare each dict with the first one in the list
for meta in meta_data_all[1:]:
if meta != meta_data_all[0]: # compare entire object first
for k, v in meta_data_all[0].items(): # check key by key
if not (equal_dicts(v, meta[k], ignore_sub[k]) # compare sub-dicts...
if k in ignore_sub else # ... if we have keys to ignore in test
not (k in ignore or v == meta[k])):
_logger.warning(f'Mismatch in meta data between raw_imaging_data folders for key {k}. '
f'Using meta_data from first folder!')
return meta_data_all[0]
def _consolidate_exptQC(exptQC):
Consolidate exptQC.mat files into a single file.
exptQC : list of pandas.DataFrame
The loaded 'exptQC.mat' files as squeezed and simplified data frames, with columns
{'frameQC_frames', 'frameQC_names'}.
An array of uint8 where 0 indicates good frames, and other values correspond to
experimenter-defined issues (in 'qc_values' column of output data frame).
A data frame with columns {'qc_values', 'qc_labels'}, the former an unsigned int
corresponding to a QC code; the latter a human-readable QC explanation.
An array of frame indices where QC code != 0.
# Create a new enumeration combining all unique QC labels.
# 'ok' will always have an enum of 0, the rest are determined by order alone
qc_labels = ['ok']
frame_qc = []
for e in exptQC:
assert e.keys() >= set(['frameQC_names', 'frameQC_frames'])
# Initialize an NaN array the same size of frameQC_frames to fill with new enum values
frames = np.full(e['frameQC_frames'].shape, fill_value=np.nan)
# May be numpy array of str or a single str, in both cases we cast to list of str
names = list(ensure_list(e['frameQC_names']))
# For each label for the old enum, populate initialized array with the new one
for name in names:
i_old = names.index(name) # old enumeration
name = name if len(name) else 'unknown' # handle empty array and empty str
i_new = qc_labels.index(name)
except ValueError:
i_new = len(qc_labels)
frames[e['frameQC_frames'] == i_old] = i_new
# Concatenate frames
frame_qc = np.concatenate(frame_qc)
# If any NaNs left over, assign 'unknown' label
if (missing_name := np.isnan(frame_qc)).any():
i = qc_labels.index('unknown')
except ValueError:
i = len(qc_labels)
frame_qc[missing_name] = i
frame_qc = frame_qc.astype(np.uint32) # case to uint
bad_frames, = np.where(frame_qc != 0)
# Convert labels to value -> label data frame
frame_qc_names = pd.DataFrame(list(enumerate(qc_labels)), columns=['qc_values', 'qc_labels'])
return frame_qc, frame_qc_names, bad_frames
def get_default_tau(self):
Determine the tau (fluorescence decay) from the subject's genotype.
The tau value to use.
See Also
# These settings are from the suite2P documentation
TAU_MAP = {'G6s': 1.5, 'G6m': 1., 'G6f': .7, 'default': 1.5}
_, subject, *_ = session_path_parts(self.session_path)
genotype = self.one.alyx.rest('subjects', 'read', id=subject)['genotype']
match = next(filter(None, (re.match(r'.+-(G\d[fms])$', g['allele']) for g in genotype)), None)
key = match.groups()[0] if match else 'default'
return TAU_MAP.get(key, TAU_MAP['default'])
def _meta2ops(self, meta):
Create the ops dictionary for suite2p based on metadata.
meta: dict
Imaging metadata.
Inputs to suite2p run that deviate from default parameters.
# Computing dx and dy
cXY = np.array([fov['Deg']['topLeft'] for fov in meta['FOV']])
cXY -= np.min(cXY, axis=0)
nXnYnZ = np.array([fov['nXnYnZ'] for fov in meta['FOV']])
# Currently supporting z-stacks but not supporting dual plane / volumetric imaging, assert that this is not the case
if np.any(nXnYnZ[:, 2] > 1):
raise NotImplementedError('Dual-plane imaging not yet supported, data seems to more than one plane per FOV')
sW = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array([fov['Deg']['topRight'] for fov in meta['FOV']]) - np.array(
[fov['Deg']['topLeft'] for fov in meta['FOV']])) ** 2, axis=1))
sH = np.sqrt(np.sum((np.array([fov['Deg']['bottomLeft'] for fov in meta['FOV']]) - np.array(
[fov['Deg']['topLeft'] for fov in meta['FOV']])) ** 2, axis=1))
pixSizeX = nXnYnZ[:, 0] / sW
pixSizeY = nXnYnZ[:, 1] / sH
dx = np.round(cXY[:, 0] * pixSizeX).astype(dtype=np.int32)
dy = np.round(cXY[:, 1] * pixSizeY).astype(dtype=np.int32)
nchannels = len(meta['channelSaved']) if isinstance(meta['channelSaved'], list) else 1
# Computing number of unique z-planes (slices in tiff)
# FIXME this should work if all FOVs are discrete or if all FOVs are continuous, but may not work for combination of both
slice_ids = [fov['slice_id'] for fov in meta['FOV']]
nplanes = len(set(slice_ids))
# Figuring out how many SI Rois we have (one unique ROI may have several FOVs)
# FIXME currently unused
# roiUUIDs = np.array([fov['roiUUID'] for fov in meta['FOV']])
# nrois = len(np.unique(roiUUIDs))
db = {
'data_path': sorted(map(str, self.session_path.glob(f'{self.device_collection}'))),
'save_path0': str(self.session_path),
'fast_disk': '', # TODO
'look_one_level_down': False, # don't look in the children folders as that is where the reference data is
'num_workers': self.cpu, # this selects number of cores to parallelize over for the registration step
'num_workers_roi': -1, # for parallelization over FOVs during cell detection, for now don't
'keep_movie_raw': False,
'delete_bin': False, # TODO: delete this on the long run
'batch_size': 500, # SP reduced this from 1000
'nimg_init': 400,
'combined': False,
'nonrigid': True,
'maxregshift': 0.05, # default = 1
'denoise': 1, # whether binned movie should be denoised before cell detection
'block_size': [128, 128],
'save_mat': True, # save the data to Fall.mat
'move_bin': True, # move the binary file to save_path
'mesoscan': True,
'nplanes': nplanes,
'nrois': len(meta['FOV']),
'nchannels': nchannels,
'fs': meta['scanImageParams']['hRoiManager']['scanVolumeRate'],
'lines': [list(np.asarray(fov['lineIdx']) - 1) for fov in meta['FOV']], # subtracting 1 to make 0-based
'slices': slice_ids, # this tells us which FOV corresponds to which tiff slices
'tau': self.get_default_tau(), # deduce the GCamp used from Alyx mouse line (defaults to 1.5; that of GCaMP6s)
'functional_chan': 1, # for now, eventually find(ismember(meta.channelSaved == meta.channelID.green))
'align_by_chan': 1, # for now, eventually find(ismember(meta.channelSaved == meta.channelID.red))
'dx': dx.tolist(),
'dy': dy.tolist()
return db
def _get_plane_paths(path):
"""Return list of sorted suite2p plane folder paths.
path : pathlib.Path
The path containing plane folders.
list of pathlib.Path
The plane folder paths, ordered by number.
pattern = re.compile(r'(?<=^plane)\d+$')
return sorted(path.glob('plane?*'), key=lambda x: int(pattern.search(x.name).group()))
def bin_per_plane(self, metadata, **kwargs):
Extracts a binary data file of imaging data per imaging plane.
metadata : dict
A dictionary of extracted metadata.
save_path0 : str, pathlib.Path
The root path of the suite2p bin output.
save_folder : str
The subfolder within `save_path0` to save the suite2p bin output.
Other optional arguments to overwrite the defaults for.
list of pathlib.Path
Ordered list of output plane folders containing binary data and ops.
Suite2p's modified options.
import suite2p.io
options = ('nplanes', 'data_path', 'save_path0', 'save_folder', 'fast_disk', 'batch_size',
'nchannels', 'keep_movie_raw', 'look_one_level_down', 'lines', 'dx', 'dy', 'force_sktiff',
ops = self._meta2ops(metadata)
ops['force_sktiff'] = False
ops['do_registration'] = True
ops = {k: v for k, v in ops.items() if k in options}
ops['save_path0'] = str(ops['save_path0']) # Path objs must be str for suite2p
# Update the task kwargs attribute as it will be stored in the arguments json field in alyx
self.kwargs = ops.copy()
ret = suite2p.io.mesoscan_to_binary(ops.copy())
# Get ordered list of plane folders
out_path = Path(ret['save_path0'], ret['save_folder'])
assert out_path.exists()
planes = self._get_plane_paths(out_path)
assert len(planes) == ret['nplanes']
return planes, ret
def image_motion_registration(self, ops):
"""Perform motion registration.
ops : dict
A dict of suite2p options.
A dictionary of registration metrics: "regDX" is nPC x 3, where X[:,0]
is rigid, X[:,1] is average nonrigid, X[:,2] is max nonrigid shifts;
"regPC" is average of top and bottom frames for each PC; "tPC" is PC
across time frames; "reg_metrics_avg" is the average of "regDX";
"reg_metrics_max" is the maximum of "regDX".
import suite2p
ops['do_registration'] = True
ops['do_regmetrics'] = True
ops['roidetect'] = False
ret = suite2p.run_plane(ops)
metrics = {k: ret.get(k, None) for k in ('regDX', 'regPC', 'tPC')}
has_metrics = ops['do_regmetrics'] and metrics['regDX'] is not None
metrics['reg_metrics_avg'] = np.mean(metrics['regDX'], axis=0) if has_metrics else None
metrics['reg_metrics_max'] = np.max(metrics['regDX'], axis=0) if has_metrics else None
return metrics
def roi_detection(self, ops):
"""Perform ROI detection.
ops : dict
A dict of suite2p options.
An updated copy of the ops after running ROI detection.
import suite2p
ops['do_registration'] = False
ops['roidetect'] = True
ret = suite2p.run_plane(ops)
return ret
def _run(self, rename_files=True, use_badframes=True, **kwargs):
Process inputs, run suite2p and make outputs alf compatible.
The suite2p processing takes place in a 'suite2p' folder within the session path. After running,
the data.bin files are moved to 'raw_bin_files' and the rest of the folder is zipped up and moved
to 'alf/
rename_files: bool
Whether to rename and reorganize the suite2p outputs to be alf compatible. Defaults is True.
use_badframes: bool
Whether to exclude bad frames indicated by the experimenter in badframes.mat.
overwrite : bool
Whether to re-perform extraction and motion registration.
list of pathlib.Path
All files created by the task.
""" Metadata and parameters """
overwrite = kwargs.pop('overwrite', self.overwrite)
# Load and consolidate the image metadata from JSON files
metadata, all_meta = self.load_meta_files()
# Create suite2p output folder in raw imaging data folder
raw_image_collections = sorted(self.session_path.glob(f'{self.device_collection}'))
save_path = self.session_path.joinpath(save_folder := 'suite2p')
# Check for previous intermediate files
plane_folders = self._get_plane_paths(save_path)
if len(plane_folders) == 0 and self.session_path.joinpath('raw_bin_files').exists():
plane_folders = self._get_plane_paths(save_path)
if len(plane_folders) == 0 or overwrite:
_logger.info('Extracting tif data per plane')
# Ingest tiff files
plane_folders, _ = self.bin_per_plane(metadata, save_folder=save_folder, save_path0=self.session_path)
""" Bad frames """
# exptQC.mat contains experimenter QC values that may not affect ROI detection (e.g. noises, pauses)
qc_datasets = dataset_from_name('exptQC.mat', self.input_files)
qc_paths = [next(self.session_path.glob(d.glob_pattern), None) for d in qc_datasets]
qc_paths = sorted(map(str, filter(None, qc_paths)))
exptQC = [loadmat(p, squeeze_me=True, simplify_cells=True) for p in qc_paths]
if len(exptQC) > 0:
frameQC, frameQC_names, _ = self._consolidate_exptQC(exptQC)
_logger.warning('No frame QC (exptQC.mat) files found.')
frameQC = np.array([], dtype='u1')
frameQC_names = pd.DataFrame(columns=['qc_values', 'qc_labels'])
# If applicable, save as bad_frames.npy in first raw_imaging_folder for suite2p
# badframes.mat contains QC values that do affect ROI detection (e.g. no PMT, lens artefacts)
badframes = np.array([], dtype='uint32')
total_frames = 0
# Ensure all indices are relative to total cumulative frames
for m, collection in zip(all_meta, raw_image_collections):
badframes_path = self.session_path.joinpath(collection, 'badframes.mat')
if badframes_path.exists():
raw_mat = loadmat(badframes_path, squeeze_me=True, simplify_cells=True)
badframes = np.r_[badframes, raw_mat['badframes'].astype('uint32') + total_frames]
total_frames += m['nFrames']
if len(badframes) > 0 and use_badframes is True:
# The badframes array should always be a subset of the frameQC array
assert np.max(badframes) < frameQC.size and np.all(frameQC[badframes])
np.save(raw_image_collections[0].joinpath('bad_frames.npy'), badframes)
""" Suite2p """
# Create alf if is doesn't exist
# Perform registration
_logger.info('Performing registration')
for plane in plane_folders:
ops = np.load(plane.joinpath('ops.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item()
# (ops['do_registration'], ops['reg_file'], ops['meanImg'])
_ = self.image_motion_registration(ops)
# TODO Handle metrics and QC here
# ROI detection
_logger.info('Performing ROI detection')
for plane in plane_folders:
ops = np.load(plane.joinpath('ops.npy'), allow_pickle=True).item()
""" Outputs """
# Save and rename other outputs
if rename_files:
self._rename_outputs(save_path, frameQC_names, frameQC)
# Only return output file that are in the signature (for registration)
out_files = chain.from_iterable(map(lambda x: x.find_files(self.session_path)[1], self.output_files))
out_files = save_path.rglob('*.*')
return list(out_files)
class MesoscopeSync(base_tasks.MesoscopeTask):
"""Extract the frame times from the main DAQ."""
priority = 40
job_size = 'small'
def signature(self):
signature = {
'input_files': [(f'_{self.sync_namespace}_DAQdata.raw.npy', self.sync_collection, True),
(f'_{self.sync_namespace}_DAQdata.timestamps.npy', self.sync_collection, True),
(f'_{self.sync_namespace}_DAQdata.meta.json', self.sync_collection, True),
('_ibl_rawImagingData.meta.json', self.device_collection, True),
('rawImagingData.times_scanImage.npy', self.device_collection, True, True), # register raw
(f'_{self.sync_namespace}_softwareEvents.log.htsv', self.sync_collection, False), ],
'output_files': [('mpci.times.npy', 'alf/mesoscope/FOV*', True),
('mpciStack.timeshift.npy', 'alf/mesoscope/FOV*', True),]
return signature
def _run(self):
Extract the imaging times for all FOVs.
list of pathlib.Path
Files containing frame timestamps for individual FOVs and time offsets for each line scan.
# TODO function to determine nFOVs
alf_path = self.session_path / self.sync_collection
events = alfio.load_object(alf_path, 'softwareEvents').get('log')
except alferr.ALFObjectNotFound:
events = None
if events is None or events.empty:
_logger.debug('No software events found for session %s', self.session_path)
all_collections = flatten(map(lambda x: x.identifiers, self.input_files))[::3]
collections = set(filter(lambda x: fnmatch(x, self.device_collection), all_collections))
# Load first meta data file to determine the number of FOVs
# Changing FOV between imaging bouts is not supported currently!
self.rawImagingData = alfio.load_object(self.session_path / next(iter(collections)), 'rawImagingData')
self.rawImagingData['meta'] = mesoscope.patch_imaging_meta(self.rawImagingData['meta'])
n_FOVs = len(self.rawImagingData['meta']['FOV'])
sync, chmap = self.load_sync() # Extract sync data from raw DAQ data
mesosync = mesoscope.MesoscopeSyncTimeline(self.session_path, n_FOVs)
_, out_files = mesosync.extract(
save=True, sync=sync, chmap=chmap, device_collection=collections, events=events)
return out_files
class MesoscopeFOV(base_tasks.MesoscopeTask):
"""Create FOV and FOV location objects in Alyx from metadata."""
priority = 40
job_size = 'small'
def signature(self):
signature = {
'input_files': [('_ibl_rawImagingData.meta.json', self.device_collection, True),
('mpciROIs.stackPos.npy', 'alf/FOV*', True)],
'output_files': [('mpciMeanImage.brainLocationIds*.npy', 'alf/FOV_*', True),
('mpciMeanImage.mlapdv*.npy', 'alf/FOV_*', True),
('mpciROIs.mlapdv*.npy', 'alf/FOV_*', True),
('mpciROIs.brainLocationIds*.npy', 'alf/FOV_*', True),
('_ibl_rawImagingData.meta.json', self.device_collection, True)]
return signature
def _run(self, *args, provenance=Provenance.ESTIMATE, **kwargs):
Register fields of view (FOV) to Alyx and extract the coordinates and IDs of each ROI.
1. Save the mpciMeanImage.brainLocationIds_estimate and mlapdv datasets.
2. Use mean image coordinates and ROI stack position datasets to extract brain location
of each ROI.
3. Register the location of each FOV in Alyx.
provenance : Provenance
The provenance of the coordinates in the meta file. For all but 'HISTOLOGY', the
provenance is added as a dataset suffix. Defaults to ESTIMATE.
The newly created FOV Alyx record.
The newly created FOV location Alyx records.
- Once the FOVs have been registered they cannot be updated with this task. Rerunning this
task will result in an error.
- This task modifies the first meta JSON file. All meta files are registered by this task.
# Load necessary data
(filename, collection, _), *_ = self.signature['input_files']
meta_files = sorted(self.session_path.glob(f'{collection}/{filename}'))
meta = mesoscope.patch_imaging_meta(alfio.load_file_content(meta_files[0]) or {})
nFOV = len(meta.get('FOV', []))
suffix = None if provenance is Provenance.HISTOLOGY else provenance.name.lower()
_logger.info('Extracting %s MLAPDV datasets', suffix or 'final')
# Extract mean image MLAPDV coordinates and brain location IDs
mean_image_mlapdv, mean_image_ids = self.project_mlapdv(meta)
# Save the meta data file with new coordinate fields
with open(meta_files[0], 'w') as fp:
json.dump(meta, fp)
# Save the mean image datasets
mean_image_files = []
assert set(mean_image_mlapdv.keys()) == set(mean_image_ids.keys()) and len(mean_image_ids) == nFOV
for i in range(nFOV):
alf_path = self.session_path.joinpath('alf', f'FOV_{i:02}')
for attr, arr, sfx in (('mlapdv', mean_image_mlapdv[i], suffix),
('brainLocationIds', mean_image_ids[i], ('ccf', '2017', suffix))):
mean_image_files.append(alf_path / to_alf('mpciMeanImage', attr, 'npy', timescale=sfx))
mean_image_files[-1].parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
np.save(mean_image_files[-1], arr)
# Extract ROI MLAPDV coordinates and brain location IDs
roi_mlapdv, roi_brain_ids = self.roi_mlapdv(nFOV, suffix=suffix)
# Write MLAPDV + brain location ID of ROIs to disk
roi_files = []
assert set(roi_mlapdv.keys()) == set(roi_brain_ids.keys()) and len(roi_mlapdv) == nFOV
for i in range(nFOV):
alf_path = self.session_path.joinpath('alf', f'FOV_{i:02}')
for attr, arr, sfx in (('mlapdv', roi_mlapdv[i], suffix),
('brainLocationIds', roi_brain_ids[i], ('ccf', '2017', suffix))):
roi_files.append(alf_path / to_alf('mpciROIs', attr, 'npy', timescale=sfx))
np.save(roi_files[-1], arr)
# Register FOVs in Alyx
self.register_fov(meta, suffix)
return sorted([*meta_files, *roi_files, *mean_image_files])
def update_surgery_json(self, meta, normal_vector):
Update surgery JSON with surface normal vector.
Adds the key 'surface_normal_unit_vector' to the most recent surgery JSON, containing the
provided three element vector. The recorded craniotomy center must match the coordinates
in the provided meta file.
meta : dict
The imaging meta data file containing the 'centerMM' key.
normal_vector : array_like
A three element unit vector normal to the surface of the craniotomy center.
The updated surgery record, or None if no surgeries found.
if not self.one or self.one.offline:
_logger.warning('failed to update surgery JSON: ONE offline')
# Update subject JSON with unit normal vector of craniotomy centre (used in histology)
subject = self.one.path2ref(self.session_path, parse=False)['subject']
surgeries = self.one.alyx.rest('surgeries', 'list', subject=subject, procedure='craniotomy')
if not surgeries:
_logger.error(f'Surgery not found for subject "{subject}"')
surgery = surgeries[0] # Check most recent surgery in list
center = (meta['centerMM']['ML'], meta['centerMM']['AP'])
match = (k for k, v in (surgery['json'] or {}).items() if
str(k).startswith('craniotomy') and np.allclose(v['center'], center))
if (key := next(match, None)) is None:
_logger.error('Failed to update surgery JSON: no matching craniotomy found')
return surgery
data = {key: {**surgery['json'][key], 'surface_normal_unit_vector': tuple(normal_vector)}}
surgery['json'] = self.one.alyx.json_field_update('subjects', subject, data=data)
return surgery
def roi_mlapdv(self, nFOV: int, suffix=None):
Extract ROI MLAPDV coordinates and brain location IDs.
MLAPDV coordinates are in um relative to bregma. Location IDs are from the 2017 Allen
common coordinate framework atlas.
nFOV : int
The number of fields of view acquired.
suffix : {None, 'estimate'}
The attribute suffix of the mpciMeanImage datasets to load. If generating from
estimates, the suffix should be 'estimate'.
dict of int : numpy.array
A map of field of view to ROI MLAPDV coordinates.
dict of int : numpy.array
A map of field of view to ROI brain location IDs.
all_mlapdv = {}
all_brain_ids = {}
for n in range(nFOV):
alf_path = self.session_path.joinpath('alf', f'FOV_{n:02}')
# Load neuron centroids in pixel space
stack_pos_file = next(alf_path.glob('mpciROIs.stackPos*'), None)
if not stack_pos_file:
raise FileNotFoundError(alf_path / 'mpci.stackPos*')
stack_pos = alfio.load_file_content(stack_pos_file)
# Load MLAPDV + brain location ID maps of pixels
mpciMeanImage = alfio.load_object(
alf_path, 'mpciMeanImage', attribute=['mlapdv', 'brainLocationIds'])
# Get centroid MLAPDV + brainID by indexing pixel-map with centroid locations
mlapdv = np.full(stack_pos.shape, np.nan)
brain_ids = np.full(stack_pos.shape[0], np.nan)
for i in np.arange(stack_pos.shape[0]):
idx = (stack_pos[i, 0], stack_pos[i, 1])
sfx = f'_{suffix}' if suffix else ''
mlapdv[i, :] = mpciMeanImage['mlapdv' + sfx][idx]
brain_ids[i] = mpciMeanImage['brainLocationIds_ccf_2017' + sfx][idx]
assert ~np.isnan(brain_ids).any()
all_brain_ids[n] = brain_ids.astype(int)
all_mlapdv[n] = mlapdv
return all_mlapdv, all_brain_ids
def get_provenance(filename):
Get the field of view provenance from a mpciMeanImage or mpciROIs dataset.
filename : str, pathlib.Path
A filename to get the provenance from.
The provenance of the file.
filename = Path(filename).name
timescale = (filename_parts(filename)[3] or '').split('_')
provenances = [i.name.lower() for i in Provenance]
provenance = (Provenance[x.upper()] for x in timescale if x in provenances)
return next(provenance, None) or Provenance.HISTOLOGY
def register_fov(self, meta: dict, suffix: str = None) -> (list, list):
Create FOV on Alyx.
Assumes field of view recorded perpendicular to objective.
Assumes field of view is plane (negligible volume).
Required Alyx fixtures:
- experiments.ImagingType(name='mesoscope')
- experiments.CoordinateSystem(name='IBL-Allen')
meta : dict
The raw imaging meta data from _ibl_rawImagingData.meta.json.
suffix : str
The file attribute suffixes to load from the mpciMeanImage object. Either 'estimate' or
None. No suffix means the FOV location provenance will be L (Landmark).
list of dict
A list registered of field of view entries from Alyx.
TODO Determine dual plane ID for JSON field
dry = self.one is None or self.one.offline
alyx_fovs = []
# Count the number of slices per stack ID: only register stacks that contain more than one slice.
slice_counts = Counter(f['roiUUID'] for f in meta.get('FOV', []))
# Create a new stack in Alyx for all stacks containing more than one slice.
# Map of ScanImage ROI UUID to Alyx ImageStack UUID.
if dry:
stack_ids = {i: uuid.uuid4() for i in slice_counts if slice_counts[i] > 1}
stack_ids = {i: self.one.alyx.rest('imaging-stack', 'create', data={'name': i})['id']
for i in slice_counts if slice_counts[i] > 1}
for i, fov in enumerate(meta.get('FOV', [])):
assert set(fov.keys()) >= {'MLAPDV', 'nXnYnZ', 'roiUUID'}
# Field of view
alyx_FOV = {
'session': self.session_path.as_posix() if dry else str(self.path2eid()),
'imaging_type': 'mesoscope', 'name': f'FOV_{i:02}',
'stack': stack_ids.get(fov['roiUUID'])
if dry:
alyx_FOV['location'] = []
alyx_fovs.append(self.one.alyx.rest('fields-of-view', 'create', data=alyx_FOV))
# Field of view location
data = {'field_of_view': alyx_fovs[-1].get('id'),
'default_provenance': True,
'coordinate_system': 'IBL-Allen',
'n_xyz': fov['nXnYnZ']}
if suffix:
data['provenance'] = suffix[0].upper()
# Convert coordinates to 4 x 3 array (n corners by n dimensions)
# x1 = top left ml, y1 = top left ap, y2 = top right ap, etc.
coords = [fov['MLAPDV'][key] for key in ('topLeft', 'topRight', 'bottomLeft', 'bottomRight')]
coords = np.vstack(coords).T
data.update({k: arr.tolist() for k, arr in zip('xyz', coords)})
# Load MLAPDV + brain location ID maps of pixels
filename = 'mpciMeanImage.brainLocationIds_ccf_2017' + (f'_{suffix}' if suffix else '') + '.npy'
filepath = self.session_path.joinpath('alf', f'FOV_{i:02}', filename)
mean_image_ids = alfio.load_file_content(filepath)
data['brain_region'] = np.unique(mean_image_ids).astype(int).tolist()
if dry:
alyx_fovs[-1]['location'].append(self.one.alyx.rest('fov-location', 'create', data=data))
return alyx_fovs
def load_triangulation(self):
Load the surface triangulation file.
A triangle mesh of the smoothed convex hull of the dorsal surface of the mouse brain,
generated from the 2017 Allen 10um annotation volume. This triangulation was generated in
points : numpy.array
An N by 3 float array of x-y vertices, defining all points of the triangle mesh. These
are in um relative to the IBL bregma coordinates.
connectivity_list : numpy.array
An N by 3 integer array of vertex indices defining all points that form a triangle.
fixture_path = Path(mesoscope.__file__).parent.joinpath('mesoscope')
surface_triangulation = np.load(fixture_path / 'surface_triangulation.npz')
points = surface_triangulation['points'].astype('f8')
connectivity_list = surface_triangulation['connectivity_list']
return points, connectivity_list
def project_mlapdv(self, meta, atlas=None):
Calculate the mean image pixel locations in MLAPDV coordinates and determine the brain
location IDs.
MLAPDV coordinates are in um relative to bregma. Location IDs are from the 2017 Allen
common coordinate framework atlas.
meta : dict
The raw imaging data meta file, containing coordinates for the centre of each field of
atlas : ibllib.atlas.Atlas
An atlas instance.
A map of FOV number (int) to mean image MLAPDV coordinates as a 2D numpy array.
A map of FOV number (int) to mean image brain location IDs as a 2D numpy int array.
mlapdv = {}
location_id = {}
# Use the MRI atlas as this applies scaling, particularly along the DV axis to (hopefully)
# more accurately represent the living brain.
atlas = atlas or MRITorontoAtlas(res_um=10)
# The centre of the craniotomy / imaging window
coord_ml = meta['centerMM']['ML'] * 1e3 # mm -> um
coord_ap = meta['centerMM']['AP'] * 1e3 # mm -> um
pt = np.array([coord_ml, coord_ap])
points, connectivity_list = self.load_triangulation()
# Only keep faces that have normals pointing up (positive DV value).
# Calculate the normal vector pointing out of the convex hull.
triangles = points[connectivity_list, :]
normals = surface_normal(triangles)
up_faces, = np.where(normals[:, -1] > 0)
# only keep triangles that have normal vector with positive DV component
dorsal_connectivity_list = connectivity_list[up_faces, :]
# Flatten triangulation by dropping the dorsal coordinates and find the location of the
# window center (we convert mm -> um here)
face_ind = find_triangle(pt * 1e-3, points[:, :2] * 1e-3, dorsal_connectivity_list.astype(np.intp))
assert face_ind != -1
dorsal_triangle = points[dorsal_connectivity_list[face_ind, :], :]
# Get the surface normal unit vector of dorsal triangle
normal_vector = surface_normal(dorsal_triangle)
# Update the surgery JSON field with normal unit vector, for use in histology alignment
self.update_surgery_json(meta, normal_vector)
# find the coordDV that sits on the triangular face and had [coordML, coordAP] coordinates;
# the three vertices defining the triangle
face_vertices = points[dorsal_connectivity_list[face_ind, :], :]
# all the vertices should be on the plane ax + by + cz = 1, so we can find
# the abc coefficients by inverting the three equations for the three vertices
abc, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(face_vertices, np.ones(3), rcond=None)
# and then find a point on that plane that corresponds to a given x-y
# coordinate (which is ML-AP coordinate)
coord_dv = (1 - pt @ abc[:2]) / abc[2]
# We should not use the actual surface of the brain for this, as it might be in one of the sulci
# coordDV = interp2(axisMLmm, axisAPmm, surfaceDV, coordML, coordAP)
# Now we need to span the plane of the coverslip with two orthogonal unit vectors.
# We start with vY, because the order is important and we usually have less
# tilt along AP (pitch), which will cause less deviation in vX from pure ML.
vY = np.array([0, normal_vector[2], -normal_vector[1]]) # orthogonal to the normal of the plane
vX = np.cross(vY, normal_vector) # orthogonal to n and to vY
# normalize and flip the sign if necessary
vX = vX / np.sqrt(vX @ vX) * np.sign(vX[0]) # np.sqrt(vY @ vY) == LR norm of vX
vY = vY / np.sqrt(vY @ vY) * np.sign(vY[1])
# what are the dimensions of the data arrays (ap, ml, dv)
(nAP, nML, nDV) = atlas.image.shape
# Let's shift the coordinates relative to bregma
voxel_size = atlas.res_um # [um] resolution of the atlas
bregma_coords = ALLEN_CCF_LANDMARKS_MLAPDV_UM['bregma'] / voxel_size # (ml, ap, dv)
axis_ml_um = (np.arange(nML) - bregma_coords[0]) * voxel_size
axis_ap_um = (np.arange(nAP) - bregma_coords[1]) * voxel_size * -1.
axis_dv_um = (np.arange(nDV) - bregma_coords[2]) * voxel_size * -1.
# projection of FOVs on the brain surface to get ML-AP-DV coordinates
_logger.info('Projecting in 3D')
for i, fov in enumerate(meta['FOV']): # i, fov = next(enumerate(meta['FOV']))
start_time = time.time()
_logger.info(f'FOV {i + 1}/{len(meta["FOV"])}')
y_px_idx, x_px_idx = np.mgrid[0:fov['nXnYnZ'][0], 0:fov['nXnYnZ'][1]]
# xx and yy are in mm in coverslip space
points = ((0, fov['nXnYnZ'][0] - 1), (0, fov['nXnYnZ'][1] - 1))
# The four corners of the FOV, determined by taking the center of the craniotomy in MM,
# the x-y coordinates of the imaging window center (from the tiled reference image) in
# galvanometer units, and the x-y coordinates of the FOV center in galvanometer units.
values = [[fov['MM']['topLeft'][0], fov['MM']['topRight'][0]],
[fov['MM']['bottomLeft'][0], fov['MM']['bottomRight'][0]]]
values = np.array(values) * 1e3 # mm -> um
xx = interpn(points, values, (y_px_idx, x_px_idx))
values = [[fov['MM']['topLeft'][1], fov['MM']['topRight'][1]],
[fov['MM']['bottomLeft'][1], fov['MM']['bottomRight'][1]]]
values = np.array(values) * 1e3 # mm -> um
yy = interpn(points, values, (y_px_idx, x_px_idx))
xx = xx.flatten() - coord_ml
yy = yy.flatten() - coord_ap
# rotate xx and yy in 3D
# the coords are still on the coverslip, but now have 3D values
coords = np.outer(xx, vX) + np.outer(yy, vY) # (vX * xx) + (vY * yy)
coords = coords + [coord_ml, coord_ap, coord_dv]
# for each point of the FOV create a line parametrization (trajectory normal to the coverslip plane).
# start just above the coverslip and go 3 mm down, should be enough to 'meet' the brain
t = np.arange(-voxel_size, 3e3, voxel_size)
# Find the MLAPDV atlas coordinate and brain location of each pixel.
MLAPDV, annotation = _update_points(
t, normal_vector, coords, axis_ml_um, axis_ap_um, axis_dv_um, atlas.label)
annotation = atlas.regions.index2id(annotation) # convert annotation indices to IDs
if np.any(np.isnan(MLAPDV)):
_logger.warning('Areas of FOV lie outside the brain')
_logger.info(f'done ({time.time() - start_time:3.1f} seconds)\n')
MLAPDV = np.reshape(MLAPDV, [*x_px_idx.shape, 3])
annotation = np.reshape(annotation, x_px_idx.shape)
fov['MLAPDV'] = {
'topLeft': MLAPDV[0, 0, :].tolist(),
'topRight': MLAPDV[0, -1, :].tolist(),
'bottomLeft': MLAPDV[-1, 0, :].tolist(),
'bottomRight': MLAPDV[-1, -1, :].tolist(),
'center': MLAPDV[round(x_px_idx.shape[0] / 2) - 1, round(x_px_idx.shape[1] / 2) - 1, :].tolist()
# Save the brain regions of the corners/centers of FOV (annotation field)
fov['brainLocationIds'] = {
'topLeft': int(annotation[0, 0]),
'topRight': int(annotation[0, -1]),
'bottomLeft': int(annotation[-1, 0]),
'bottomRight': int(annotation[-1, -1]),
'center': int(annotation[round(x_px_idx.shape[0] / 2) - 1, round(x_px_idx.shape[1] / 2) - 1])
mlapdv[i] = MLAPDV
location_id[i] = annotation
return mlapdv, location_id
def surface_normal(triangle):
Calculate the surface normal unit vector of one or more triangles.
triangle : numpy.array
An array of shape (n_triangles, 3, 3) representing (Px Py Pz).
The surface normal unit vector(s).
if triangle.shape == (3, 3):
triangle = triangle[np.newaxis, :, :]
if triangle.shape[1:] != (3, 3):
raise ValueError('expected array of shape (3, 3); 3 coordinates in x, y, and z')
V = triangle[:, 1, :] - triangle[:, 0, :] # V = P2 - P1
W = triangle[:, 2, :] - triangle[:, 0, :] # W = P3 - P1
Nx = (V[:, 1] * W[:, 2]) - (V[:, 2] * W[:, 1]) # Nx = (Vy * Wz) - (Vz * Wy)
Ny = (V[:, 2] * W[:, 0]) - (V[:, 0] * W[:, 2]) # Ny = (Vz * Wx) - (Vx * Wz)
Nz = (V[:, 0] * W[:, 1]) - (V[:, 1] * W[:, 0]) # Nz = (Vx * Wy) - (Vy * Wx)
N = np.c_[Nx, Ny, Nz]
# Calculate unit vector. Transpose allows vectorized operation.
A = N / np.sqrt((Nx ** 2) + (Ny ** 2) + (Nz ** 2))[np.newaxis].T
return A.squeeze()
@nb.njit('b1(f8[:,:], f8[:])')
def in_triangle(triangle, point):
Check whether `point` lies within `triangle`.
triangle : numpy.array
A (2 x 3) array of x-y coordinates; A(x1, y1), B(x2, y2) and C(x3, y3).
point : numpy.array
A point, P(x, y).
True if coordinate lies within triangle.
def area(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3):
"""Calculate the area of a triangle, given its vertices."""
return abs((x1 * (y2 - y3) + x2 * (y3 - y1) + x3 * (y1 - y2)) / 2.)
x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 = triangle.flat
x, y = point
A = area(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) # area of triangle ABC
A1 = area(x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3) # area of triangle PBC
A2 = area(x1, y1, x, y, x3, y3) # area of triangle PAC
A3 = area(x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y) # area of triangle PAB
# Check if sum of A1, A2 and A3 equals that of A
diff = np.abs((A1 + A2 + A3) - A)
REL_TOL = 1e-9
return diff <= np.abs(REL_TOL * A) # isclose not yet implemented in numba 0.57
@nb.njit('i8(f8[:], f8[:,:], intp[:,:])', nogil=True)
def find_triangle(point, vertices, connectivity_list):
Find which vertices contain a given point.
Currently O(n) but could take advantage of connectivity order to be quicker.
point : numpy.array
The (x, y) coordinate of a point to locate within one of the triangles.
vertices : numpy.array
An N x 3 array of vertices representing a triangle mesh.
connectivity_list : numpy.array
An N x 3 array of indices representing the connectivity of `points`.
The index of the vertices containing `point`, or -1 if not within any triangle.
face_ind = -1
for i in nb.prange(connectivity_list.shape[0]):
triangle = vertices[connectivity_list[i, :], :]
if in_triangle(triangle, point):
face_ind = i
return face_ind
@nb.njit('Tuple((f8[:], intp[:]))(f8[:], f8[:])', nogil=True)
def _nearest_neighbour_1d(x, x_new):
Nearest neighbour interpolation with extrapolation.
This was adapted from scipy.interpolate.interp1d but returns the indices of each nearest x
value. Assumes x is not sorted.
x : (N,) array_like
A 1-D array of real values.
x_new : (N,) array_like
A 1D array of values to apply function to.
A 1D array of interpolated values.
A 1D array of indices.
SIDE = 'left' # use 'right' to round up to nearest int instead of rounding down
# Sort values
ind = np.argsort(x, kind='mergesort')
x = x[ind]
x_bds = x / 2.0 # Do division before addition to prevent possible integer overflow
x_bds = x_bds[1:] + x_bds[:-1]
# Find where in the averaged data the values to interpolate would be inserted.
x_new_indices = np.searchsorted(x_bds, x_new, side=SIDE)
# Clip x_new_indices so that they are within the range of x indices.
x_new_indices = x_new_indices.clip(0, len(x) - 1).astype(np.intp)
# Calculate the actual value for each entry in x_new.
y_new = x[x_new_indices]
return y_new, ind[x_new_indices]
@nb.njit('Tuple((f8[:,:], u2[:]))(f8[:], f8[:], f8[:,:], f8[:], f8[:], f8[:], u2[:,:,:])', nogil=True)
def _update_points(t, normal_vector, coords, axis_ml_um, axis_ap_um, axis_dv_um, atlas_labels):
Determine the MLAPDV coordinate and brain location index for each of the given coordinates.
This has been optimized in numba. The majority of the time savings come from replacing iterp1d
and ismember with _nearest_neighbour_1d which were extremely slow. Parallel iteration further
halved the time it took per 512x512 FOV.
t : numpy.array
An N x 3 evenly spaced set of coordinates representing points going down from the coverslip
towards the brain.
normal_vector : numpy.array
The unit vector of the face normal to the center of the window.
coords : numpy.array
A set of N x 3 coordinates representing the MLAPDV coordinates of each pixel relative to
the center of the window, in micrometers (um).
axis_ml_um : numpy.array
An evenly spaced array of medio-lateral brain coordinates relative to bregma in um, at the
resolution of the atlas image used.
axis_ap_um : numpy.array
An evenly spaced array of anterio-posterior brain coordinates relative to bregma in um, at
the resolution of the atlas image used.
axis_dv_um : numpy.array
An evenly spaced array of dorso-ventral brain coordinates relative to bregma in um, at
the resolution of the atlas image used.
atlas_labels : numpy.array
A 3D array of integers representing the brain location index of each voxel of a given
atlas. The shape is expected to be (nAP, nML, nDV).
An N by 3 array containing the MLAPDV coordinates in um of each pixel coordinate.
Coordinates outside of the brain are NaN.
A 1D array of atlas label indices the length of `coordinates`.
# passing through the center of the craniotomy/coverslip
traj_coords_centered = np.outer(t, -normal_vector)
MLAPDV = np.full_like(coords, np.nan)
annotation = np.zeros(coords.shape[0], dtype=np.uint16)
n_points = coords.shape[0]
for p in nb.prange(n_points):
# Shifted to the correct point on the coverslip, in true ML-AP-DV coords
traj_coords = traj_coords_centered + coords[p, :]
# Find intersection coordinate with the brain.
# Only use coordinates that exist in the atlas (kind of nearest neighbour interpolation)
ml, ml_idx = _nearest_neighbour_1d(axis_ml_um, traj_coords[:, 0])
ap, ap_idx = _nearest_neighbour_1d(axis_ap_um, traj_coords[:, 1])
dv, dv_idx = _nearest_neighbour_1d(axis_dv_um, traj_coords[:, 2])
# Iterate over coordinates to find the first (if any) that is within the brain
ind = -1
area = 0 # 0 = void; 1 = root
for i in nb.prange(traj_coords.shape[0]):
anno = atlas_labels[ap_idx[i], ml_idx[i], dv_idx[i]]
if anno > 0: # first coordinate in the brain
ind = i
area = anno
if area > 1: # non-root brain area; we're done
if area > 1:
point = traj_coords[ind, :]
MLAPDV[p, :] = point # in um
annotation[p] = area
MLAPDV[p, :] = np.nan
annotation[p] = area # root or void
return MLAPDV, annotation