Source code for ibllib.pipes.ephys_preprocessing

"""(Deprecated) Electrophysiology data preprocessing tasks.

These tasks are part of the old pipeline. This module has been replaced by the `ephys_tasks` module
and the dynamic pipeline.
import logging
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from collections import OrderedDict
import traceback
from pathlib import Path
import warnings

import cv2
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import packaging.version

import as alfio
from ibldsp.utils import rms
import spikeglx

from ibllib.misc import check_nvidia_driver
from ibllib.ephys import ephysqc, spikes, sync_probes
from import ffmpeg
from import label_from_path, assert_valid_label
from import ephys_fpga, ephys_passive, camera
from ibllib.pipes import tasks, base_tasks
import ibllib.pipes.training_preprocessing as tpp
from ibllib.pipes.misc import create_alyx_probe_insertions
from ibllib.qc.alignment_qc import get_aligned_channels
from ibllib.qc.task_extractors import TaskQCExtractor
from ibllib.qc.task_metrics import TaskQC
from import run_all_qc as run_camera_qc
from ibllib.qc.dlc import DlcQC
from ibllib.plots.figures import dlc_qc_plot, BehaviourPlots, LfpPlots, ApPlots, BadChannelsAp
from ibllib.plots.figures import SpikeSorting as SpikeSortingPlots
from ibllib.plots.snapshot import ReportSnapshot
from brainbox.behavior.dlc import likelihood_threshold, get_licks, get_pupil_diameter, get_smooth_pupil_diameter

_logger = logging.getLogger('ibllib')
warnings.warn('`pipes.ephys_preprocessing` to be removed in favour of dynamic pipeline', FutureWarning)

#  level 0
[docs] class EphysPulses(tasks.Task): """ Extract Pulses from raw electrophysiology data into numpy arrays Perform the probes synchronisation with nidq (3B) or main probe (3A) """ cpu = 2 io_charge = 30 # this jobs reads raw ap files priority = 90 # a lot of jobs depend on this one level = 0 # this job doesn't depend on anything force = False # whether to force download of missing data on local server if outputs already exist signature = { 'input_files': [('*ap.meta', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('*', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', False), # not necessary when we have .bin file ('*ap.*bin', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('*nidq.meta', 'raw_ephys_data', True), ('*', 'raw_ephys_data', False), # not necessary when we have .bin file ('*nidq.*bin', 'raw_ephys_data', True)], 'output_files': [('_spikeglx_sync*.npy', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.polarities*.npy', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.times*.npy', 'raw_ephys_data*', True)] }
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): """ Find the input and output signatures specific for local filesystem :return: """ neuropixel_version = spikeglx.get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(self.session_path) probes = spikeglx.get_probes_from_folder(self.session_path) full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data/probe*' in sig[1]: for probe in probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) else: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_input_files.append((sig[0], sig[1], sig[2])) self.input_files = full_input_files full_output_files = [] for sig in self.signature['output_files']: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_output_files.append((sig[0], 'raw_ephys_data', sig[2])) for probe in probes: full_output_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) self.output_files = full_output_files
def _run(self, overwrite=False): # outputs numpy syncs, out_files = ephys_fpga.extract_sync(self.session_path, overwrite=overwrite) for out_file in out_files:"extracted pulses for {out_file}") status, sync_files = sync_probes.sync(self.session_path) return out_files + sync_files
[docs] class RawEphysQC(tasks.Task): """ Computes raw electrophysiology QC """ cpu = 2 io_charge = 30 # this jobs reads raw ap files priority = 10 # a lot of jobs depend on this one level = 0 # this job doesn't depend on anything force = False signature = { 'input_files': [('*ap.meta', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('*lf.meta', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), # not necessary to run task as optional computation ('*', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', False), # not required it .bin file ('*lf.*bin', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True)], # not necessary to run task as optional computation 'output_files': [('_iblqc_ephysChannels.apRMS.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('_iblqc_ephysChannels.rawSpikeRates.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('_iblqc_ephysChannels.labels.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('_iblqc_ephysSpectralDensityLF.freqs.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('_iblqc_ephysSpectralDensityLF.power.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('_iblqc_ephysSpectralDensityAP.freqs.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('_iblqc_ephysSpectralDensityAP.power.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('_iblqc_ephysTimeRmsLF.rms.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('_iblqc_ephysTimeRmsLF.timestamps.npy', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True)] } def _run(self, overwrite=False): eid = probes = [(x['id'], x['name']) for x in'insertions', 'list', session=eid)] # Usually there should be two probes, if there are less, check if all probes are registered if len(probes) < 2: _logger.warning(f"{len(probes)} probes registered for session {eid}, trying to register from local data") probes = [(p['id'], p['name']) for p in create_alyx_probe_insertions(self.session_path,] qc_files = [] for pid, pname in probes:"\nRunning QC for probe insertion {pname}") try: eqc = ephysqc.EphysQC(pid, session_path=self.session_path, qc_files.extend(, overwrite=overwrite))"Creating LFP QC plots") plot_task = LfpPlots(pid, session_path=self.session_path, _ = self.plot_tasks.append(plot_task) plot_task = BadChannelsAp(pid, session_path=self.session_path, _ = self.plot_tasks.append(plot_task) except AssertionError: _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.status = -1 continue return qc_files
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): probes = spikeglx.get_probes_from_folder(self.session_path) full_output_files = [] for sig in self.signature['output_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data/probe*' in sig[1]: for probe in probes: full_output_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) self.output_files = full_output_files # input lf signature required or not required status is going to depend on the output we have, need to be agile here to # avoid unnecessary downloading of lf.cbin files expected_count = 0 count = 0 # check to see if we have lfp qc datasets for expected_file in full_output_files: if 'LF' in expected_file[0]: expected_count += 1 actual_files = list(Path(self.session_path).rglob(str(Path(expected_file[1]).joinpath(expected_file[0])))) if len(actual_files) == 1: count += 1 lf_required = False if count == expected_count else True full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data/probe*' in sig[1]: for probe in probes: if 'lf' in sig[0]: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', lf_required if sig[2] else sig[2])) else: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) self.input_files = full_input_files
[docs] class EphysAudio(tasks.Task): """ Compresses the microphone wav file in a lossless flac file """ # TESTS DONE cpu = 2 priority = 10 # a lot of jobs depend on this one level = 0 # this job doesn't depend on anything force = False signature = { 'input_files': [('_iblrig_micData.raw.wav', 'raw_behavior_data', True)], 'output_files': [('_iblrig_micData.raw.flac', 'raw_behavior_data', True)], } def _run(self, overwrite=False): command = "ffmpeg -i {file_in} -y -nostdin -c:a flac -nostats {file_out}" file_in = next(self.session_path.rglob("_iblrig_micData.raw.wav"), None) if file_in is None: return file_out = file_in.with_suffix(".flac") status, output_file = ffmpeg.compress(file_in=file_in, file_out=file_out, command=command) return [output_file]
[docs] class SpikeSorting(tasks.Task): """ (DEPRECATED) Pykilosort 2.5 pipeline """ gpu = 1 io_charge = 100 # this jobs reads raw ap files priority = 60 level = 1 # this job doesn't depend on anything force = True job_size = 'large' SHELL_SCRIPT = Path.home().joinpath( "Documents/PYTHON/iblscripts/deploy/serverpc/kilosort2/" ) SPIKE_SORTER_NAME = 'pykilosort' PYKILOSORT_REPO = Path.home().joinpath('Documents/PYTHON/SPIKE_SORTING/pykilosort') signature = { 'input_files': [], # see setUp method for declaration of inputs 'output_files': [] # see setUp method for declaration of inputs } def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn('`pipes.ephys_preprocessing.SpikeSorting` to be removed ' 'in favour of `pipes.ephys_tasks.SpikeSorting`', FutureWarning) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def spike_sorting_signature(pname=None): pname = pname if pname is not None else "probe*" input_signature = [('*ap.meta', f'raw_ephys_data/{pname}', True), ('*', f'raw_ephys_data/{pname}', True), ('*ap.cbin', f'raw_ephys_data/{pname}', True), ('*nidq.meta', 'raw_ephys_data', False), ('_spikeglx_sync.channels.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.polarities.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.times.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_iblrig_taskData.raw.*', 'raw_behavior_data', True), ('_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.*', 'raw_behavior_data', True)] output_signature = [('spike_sorting_pykilosort.log', f'spike_sorters/pykilosort/{pname}', True), ('_iblqc_ephysTimeRmsAP.rms.npy', f'raw_ephys_data/{pname}', True), # new ibllib 2.5 ('_iblqc_ephysTimeRmsAP.timestamps.npy', f'raw_ephys_data/{pname}', True)] # new ibllib 2.5 return input_signature, output_signature
@staticmethod def _sample2v(ap_file): md = spikeglx.read_meta_data(ap_file.with_suffix(".meta")) s2v = spikeglx._conversion_sample2v_from_meta(md) return s2v["ap"][0] @staticmethod def _fetch_pykilosort_version(repo_path): init_file = Path(repo_path).joinpath('pykilosort', '') version = SpikeSorting._fetch_ks2_commit_hash(repo_path) # default try: with open(init_file) as fid: lines = fid.readlines() for line in lines: if line.startswith("__version__ = "): version = line.split('=')[-1].strip().replace('"', '').replace("'", '') except Exception: pass return f"pykilosort_{version}" @staticmethod def _fetch_pykilosort_run_version(log_file): """ Parse the following line (2 formats depending on version) from the log files to get the version '\x1b[0m15:39:37.919 [I] ibl:90 Starting Pykilosort version ibl_1.2.1, output in gnagga^[[0m\n' '\x1b[0m15:39:37.919 [I] ibl:90 Starting Pykilosort version ibl_1.3.0^[[0m\n' """ with open(log_file) as fid: line = fid.readline() version ='version (.*), output', line) version = version or'version (.*)', line) # old versions have output, new have a version line version = re.sub('\\^[[0-9]+m', '', # removes the coloring tags return f"pykilosort_{version}" @staticmethod def _fetch_ks2_commit_hash(repo_path): command2run = f"git --git-dir {repo_path}/.git rev-parse --verify HEAD" process = subprocess.Popen( command2run, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) info, error = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: _logger.error( f"Can't fetch pykilsort commit hash, will still attempt to run \n" f"Error: {error.decode('utf-8')}" ) return "" return info.decode("utf-8").strip()
[docs] @staticmethod def parse_version(v) -> packaging.version.Version: """ Extracts and parses semantic version (major.minor.patch) from a version string. Parameters ---------- v : str A version string containing a semantic version. Returns ------- packaging.version.Version The parsed semantic version number Examples -------- >>> SpikeSorting.parse_version('ibl_1.2') <Version('1.2')> >>> SpikeSorting.parse_version('pykilosort_ibl_1.2.0-new') <Version('1.2.0')> >>> SpikeSorting.parse_version('ibl_0.2') < SpikeSorting.parse_version('pykilosort_v1') True """ m ='(\d+\.?){1,3}', v) if not m: raise packaging.version.InvalidVersion(f'Failed to detect SemVer in "{v}"') return packaging.version.parse(
[docs] def setUp(self, probes=None): """ Overwrite setup method to allow inputs and outputs to be only one probe :param probes: list of probes e.g ['probe00'] :return: """ if not probes or len(probes) == 2: self.signature['input_files'], self.signature['output_files'] = self.spike_sorting_signature() else: self.signature['input_files'], self.signature['output_files'] = self.spike_sorting_signature(probes[0]) return super().setUp(probes=probes)
def _run_pykilosort(self, ap_file): """ Runs the ks2 matlab spike sorting for one probe dataset the raw spike sorting output is in session_path/spike_sorters/{self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME}/probeXX folder (discontinued support for old spike sortings in the probe folder <1.5.5) :return: path of the folder containing ks2 spike sorting output """ self.version = self._fetch_pykilosort_version(self.PYKILOSORT_REPO) label =[-2] # this is usually the probe name sorter_dir = self.session_path.joinpath("spike_sorters", self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME, label) self.FORCE_RERUN = False if not self.FORCE_RERUN: log_file = sorter_dir.joinpath(f"spike_sorting_{self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME}.log") if log_file.exists(): run_version = self._fetch_pykilosort_run_version(log_file) if self.parse_version(run_version) > self.parse_version('pykilosort_ibl_1.1.0'):"Already ran: spike_sorting_{self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME}.log" f" found in {sorter_dir}, skipping.") return sorter_dir else: self.FORCE_RERUN = True print(sorter_dir.joinpath(f"spike_sorting_{self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME}.log")) # get the scratch drive from the shell script with open(self.SHELL_SCRIPT) as fid: lines = fid.readlines() line = [line for line in lines if line.startswith("SCRATCH_DRIVE=")][0] m ="\=(.*?)(\#|\n)", line)[0] scratch_drive = Path(m[1:-1].strip()) assert scratch_drive.exists() # clean up and create directory, this also checks write permissions # temp_dir has the following shape: pykilosort/ZM_3003_2020-07-29_001_probe00 # first makes sure the tmp dir is clean shutil.rmtree(scratch_drive.joinpath(self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME), ignore_errors=True) temp_dir = scratch_drive.joinpath( self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME, "_".join(list([-3:]) + [label]) ) if temp_dir.exists(): # hmmm this has to be decided, we may want to restart ? # But failed sessions may then clog the scratch dir and have users run out of space shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True) temp_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) check_nvidia_driver() command2run = f"{self.SHELL_SCRIPT} {ap_file} {temp_dir}" process = subprocess.Popen( command2run, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, executable="/bin/bash", ) info, error = process.communicate() info_str = info.decode("utf-8").strip() if process.returncode != 0: error_str = error.decode("utf-8").strip() # try and get the kilosort log if any for log_file in temp_dir.rglob('*_kilosort.log'): with open(log_file) as fid: log = _logger.error(log) break raise RuntimeError(f"{self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME} {info_str}, {error_str}") shutil.copytree(temp_dir.joinpath('output'), sorter_dir, dirs_exist_ok=True) shutil.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True) return sorter_dir def _run(self, probes=None): """ Multiple steps. For each probe: - Runs ks2 (skips if it already ran) - synchronize the spike sorting - output the probe description files :param probes: (list of str) if provided, will only run spike sorting for specified probe names :return: list of files to be registered on database """ efiles = spikeglx.glob_ephys_files(self.session_path) ap_files = [(ef.get("ap"), ef.get("label")) for ef in efiles if "ap" in ef.keys()] out_files = [] for ap_file, label in ap_files: if isinstance(probes, list) and label not in probes: continue try: # if the file is part of a sequence, handles the run accordingly sequence_file = ap_file.parent.joinpath(ap_file.stem.replace('ap', 'sequence.json')) # temporary just skips for now if sequence_file.exists(): continue ks2_dir = self._run_pykilosort(ap_file) # runs ks2, skips if it already ran probe_out_path = self.session_path.joinpath("alf", label, self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME) shutil.rmtree(probe_out_path, ignore_errors=True) probe_out_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) spikes.ks2_to_alf( ks2_dir, bin_path=ap_file.parent, out_path=probe_out_path, bin_file=ap_file, ampfactor=self._sample2v(ap_file), ) logfile = ks2_dir.joinpath(f"spike_sorting_{self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME}.log") if logfile.exists(): shutil.copyfile(logfile, probe_out_path.joinpath( f"_ibl_log.info_{self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME}.log")) out, _ = spikes.sync_spike_sorting(ap_file=ap_file, out_path=probe_out_path) out_files.extend(out) # convert ks2_output into tar file and also register # Make this in case spike sorting is in old raw_ephys_data folders, for new # sessions it should already exist tar_dir = self.session_path.joinpath( 'spike_sorters', self.SPIKE_SORTER_NAME, label) tar_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) out = spikes.ks2_to_tar(ks2_dir, tar_dir, force=self.FORCE_RERUN) out_files.extend(out) if eid =, query_type='remote') ins ='insertions', 'list', session=eid, name=label, query_type='remote') if len(ins) != 0:"Creating SpikeSorting QC plots") plot_task = ApPlots(ins[0]['id'], session_path=self.session_path, _ = self.plot_tasks.append(plot_task) plot_task = SpikeSortingPlots(ins[0]['id'], session_path=self.session_path, _ = self.plot_tasks.append(plot_task) resolved = ins[0].get('json', {'temp': 0}).get('extended_qc', {'temp': 0}). \ get('alignment_resolved', False) if resolved: chns = np.load(probe_out_path.joinpath('channels.localCoordinates.npy')) out = get_aligned_channels(ins[0], chns,, save_dir=probe_out_path) out_files.extend(out) except Exception: _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.status = -1 continue probe_files = spikes.probes_description(self.session_path, return out_files + probe_files
[docs] def get_signatures(self, probes=None, **kwargs): """ This transforms all wildcards in collection to exact match :param probes: :return: """ neuropixel_version = spikeglx.get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(self.session_path) probes = probes or spikeglx.get_probes_from_folder(self.session_path) full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data*' in sig[1]: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_input_files.append((sig[0], 'raw_ephys_data', sig[2])) for probe in probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) elif 'raw_ephys_data/probe*' in sig[1]: for probe in probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) elif 'raw_ephys_data' in sig[1]: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_input_files.append((sig[0], 'raw_ephys_data', sig[2])) else: full_input_files.append(sig) self.input_files = full_input_files full_output_files = [] for sig in self.signature['output_files']: if 'probe*' in sig[1]: for probe in probes: col = sig[1].split('/')[:-1] + [probe] full_output_files.append((sig[0], '/'.join(col), sig[2])) else: full_input_files.append(sig) self.output_files = full_output_files
[docs] class EphysVideoCompress(tasks.Task): priority = 90 level = 0 force = False job_size = 'large' io_charge = 100 signature = { 'input_files': [('_iblrig_*Camera.raw.*', 'raw_video_data', True)], 'output_files': [('_iblrig_*Camera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data', True)] } def _run(self, **kwargs): # avi to mp4 compression command = ('ffmpeg -i {file_in} -y -nostdin -codec:v libx264 -preset slow -crf 17 ' '-loglevel 0 -codec:a copy {file_out}') output_files = ffmpeg.iblrig_video_compression(self.session_path, command) if len(output_files) == 0:'No compressed videos found') return return output_files
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): # need to detect the number of cameras output_files = Path(self.session_path).joinpath('raw_video_data').glob('*') labels = {label_from_path(x) for x in output_files} full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: for label in labels: full_input_files.append((sig[0].replace('*Camera', f'{label}Camera'), sig[1], sig[2])) self.input_files = full_input_files full_output_files = [] for sig in self.signature['output_files']: for label in labels: full_output_files.append((sig[0].replace('*Camera', f'{label}Camera'), sig[1], sig[2])) self.output_files = full_output_files
[docs] class EphysVideoSyncQc(tasks.Task): priority = 40 level = 2 force = True signature = { 'input_files': [('_iblrig_*Camera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data', True), ('_iblrig_*Camera.timestamps.ssv', 'raw_video_data', False), ('_iblrig_*Camera.timestamps.npy', 'raw_video_data', False), ('_iblrig_*Camera.frameData.bin', 'raw_video_data', False), ('_iblrig_*Camera.GPIO.bin', 'raw_video_data', False), ('_iblrig_*Camera.frame_counter.bin', 'raw_video_data', False), ('_iblrig_taskData.raw.*', 'raw_behavior_data', True), ('_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.*', 'raw_behavior_data', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.channels.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.polarities.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.times.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('*wheel.position.npy', 'alf', False), ('*wheel.timestamps.npy', 'alf', False), ('*wiring.json', 'raw_ephys_data*', False), ('*.meta', 'raw_ephys_data*', True)], 'output_files': [('_ibl_*Camera.times.npy', 'alf', True)] } def _run(self, **kwargs): mp4_files = self.session_path.joinpath('raw_video_data').rglob('*.mp4') labels = [label_from_path(x) for x in mp4_files] # Video timestamps extraction output_files = [] data, files = camera.extract_all(self.session_path, save=True, labels=labels) output_files.extend(files) # Video QC run_camera_qc(self.session_path, update=True,, cameras=labels) return output_files
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): neuropixel_version = spikeglx.get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(self.session_path) probes = spikeglx.get_probes_from_folder(self.session_path) # need to detect the number of cameras output_files = Path(self.session_path).joinpath('raw_video_data').rglob('*') labels = np.unique([label_from_path(x) for x in output_files]) full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data*' in sig[1]: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_input_files.append((sig[0], 'raw_ephys_data', sig[2])) for probe in probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) elif 'Camera' in sig[0]: for lab in labels: full_input_files.append((sig[0].replace('*Camera', f'{lab}Camera'), sig[1], sig[2])) else: full_input_files.append((sig[0], sig[1], sig[2])) self.input_files = full_input_files full_output_files = [] for sig in self.signature['output_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data*' in sig[1]: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_output_files.append((sig[0], 'raw_ephys_data', sig[2])) for probe in probes: full_output_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) elif 'Camera' in sig[0]: for lab in labels: full_output_files.append((sig[0].replace('*Camera', f'{lab}Camera'), sig[1], sig[2])) else: full_output_files.append((sig[0], sig[1], sig[2])) self.output_files = full_output_files
# level 1
[docs] class EphysTrials(tasks.Task): priority = 90 level = 1 force = False signature = { 'input_files': [('_iblrig_taskData.raw.*', 'raw_behavior_data', True), ('_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.*', 'raw_behavior_data', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.channels.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.polarities.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.times.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_iblrig_encoderEvents.raw*', 'raw_behavior_data', True), ('_iblrig_encoderPositions.raw*', 'raw_behavior_data', True), ('*wiring.json', 'raw_ephys_data*', False), ('*.meta', 'raw_ephys_data*', True)], 'output_files': [('*trials.table.pqt', 'alf', True), ('*trials.goCueTrigger_times.npy', 'alf', True), ('*trials.intervals_bpod.npy', 'alf', True), ('*trials.stimOff_times.npy', 'alf', True), ('*trials.quiescencePeriod.npy', 'alf', True), ('*wheel.position.npy', 'alf', True), ('*wheel.timestamps.npy', 'alf', True), ('*wheelMoves.intervals.npy', 'alf', True), ('*wheelMoves.peakAmplitude.npy', 'alf', True)] } def _behaviour_criterion(self): """ Computes and update the behaviour criterion on Alyx """ from brainbox.behavior import training trials = alfio.load_object(self.session_path.joinpath("alf"), "trials") good_enough = training.criterion_delay( n_trials=trials["intervals"].shape[0], perf_easy=training.compute_performance_easy(trials), ) eid =, query_type='remote') "sessions", eid, "extended_qc", {"behavior": int(good_enough)} )
[docs] def extract_behaviour(self, save=True): dsets, out_files, self.extractor = ephys_fpga.extract_all( self.session_path, save=save, return_extractor=True) return dsets, out_files
[docs] def run_qc(self, trials_data=None, update=True, plot_qc=False): if trials_data is None: trials_data, _ = self.extract_behaviour(save=False) if not trials_data: raise ValueError('No trials data found') # Run the task QC qc = TaskQC(self.session_path,, log=_logger) qc.extractor = TaskQCExtractor(self.session_path, lazy=True, # Extract extra datasets required for QC = qc.extractor.rename_data(trials_data) wheel_ts_bpod = self.extractor.bpod2fpga(self.extractor.bpod_trials['wheel_timestamps'])['wheel_timestamps_bpod'] = wheel_ts_bpod['wheel_position_bpod'] = self.extractor.bpod_trials['wheel_position'] qc.extractor.wheel_encoding = 'X4' qc.extractor.settings = self.extractor.settings qc.extractor.frame_ttls = self.extractor.frame2ttl qc.extractor.audio_ttls = qc.extractor.bpod_ttls = self.extractor.bpod # Aggregate and update Alyx QC fields if plot_qc:"Creating Trials QC plots") try: session_id = plot_task = BehaviourPlots(session_id, self.session_path, _ = self.plot_tasks.append(plot_task) except Exception: _logger.error('Could not create Trials QC Plot') _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.status = -1 return qc
def _run(self, plot_qc=True): dsets, out_files = self.extract_behaviour() if and not self._behaviour_criterion() self.run_qc(trials_data=dsets, update=True, plot_qc=plot_qc) return out_files
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): neuropixel_version = spikeglx.get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(self.session_path) probes = spikeglx.get_probes_from_folder(self.session_path) full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data*' in sig[1]: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_input_files.append((sig[0], 'raw_ephys_data', sig[2])) for probe in probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) else: full_input_files.append(sig) self.input_files = full_input_files self.output_files = self.signature['output_files']
[docs] class LaserTrialsLegacy(EphysTrials): """This is the legacy extractor for Guido's ephys optogenetic stimulation protocol. This is legacy because personal project extractors should be in a separate repository. """
[docs] def extract_behaviour(self): dsets, out_files = super().extract_behaviour() # Re-extract the laser datasets as the above default extractor discards them from import opto_trials laser = opto_trials.LaserBool(self.session_path) dsets_laser, out_files_laser = laser.extract(save=True) dsets.update({k: v for k, v in zip(laser.var_names, dsets_laser)}) out_files.extend(out_files_laser) return dsets, out_files
[docs] class EphysCellsQc(tasks.Task): priority = 90 level = 3 force = False signature = { 'input_files': [('spikes.times.npy', 'alf/probe*', True), ('spikes.clusters.npy', 'alf/probe*', True), ('spikes.amps.npy', 'alf/probe*', True), ('spikes.depths.npy', 'alf/probe*', True), ('clusters.channels.npy', 'alf/probe*', True)], 'output_files': [('clusters.metrics.pqt', 'alf/probe*', True)] } def _compute_cell_qc(self, folder_probe): """ Computes the cell QC given an extracted probe alf path :param folder_probe: folder :return: """ # compute the straight qc"Computing cluster qc for {folder_probe}") spikes = alfio.load_object(folder_probe, 'spikes') clusters = alfio.load_object(folder_probe, 'clusters') df_units, drift = ephysqc.spike_sorting_metrics( spikes.times, spikes.clusters, spikes.amps, spikes.depths, cluster_ids=np.arange(clusters.channels.size)) # if the ks2 labels file exist, load them and add the column file_labels = folder_probe.joinpath('cluster_KSLabel.tsv') if file_labels.exists(): ks2_labels = pd.read_csv(file_labels, sep='\t') ks2_labels.rename(columns={'KSLabel': 'ks2_label'}, inplace=True) df_units = pd.concat( [df_units, ks2_labels['ks2_label'].reindex(df_units.index)], axis=1) # save as parquet file df_units.to_parquet(folder_probe.joinpath("clusters.metrics.pqt")) return folder_probe.joinpath("clusters.metrics.pqt"), df_units, drift def _label_probe_qc(self, folder_probe, df_units, drift): """ Labels the json field of the alyx corresponding probe insertion :param folder_probe: :param df_units: :param drift: :return: """ eid =, query_type='remote') # the probe name is the first folder after alf: {session_path}/alf/{probe_name}/{spike_sorter_name} probe_name = Path(folder_probe).relative_to(self.session_path.joinpath('alf')).parts[0] pdict ='insertions', 'list', session=eid, name=probe_name, no_cache=True) if len(pdict) != 1: _logger.warning(f'No probe found for probe name: {probe_name}') return isok = df_units['label'] == 1 qcdict = {'n_units': int(df_units.shape[0]), 'n_units_qc_pass': int(np.sum(isok)), 'firing_rate_max': np.max(df_units['firing_rate'][isok]), 'firing_rate_median': np.median(df_units['firing_rate'][isok]), 'amplitude_max_uV': np.max(df_units['amp_max'][isok]) * 1e6, 'amplitude_median_uV': np.max(df_units['amp_median'][isok]) * 1e6, 'drift_rms_um': rms(drift['drift_um']), } file_wm = folder_probe.joinpath('_kilosort_whitening.matrix.npy') if file_wm.exists(): wm = np.load(file_wm) qcdict['whitening_matrix_conditioning'] = np.linalg.cond(wm) # groom qc dict (this function will eventually go directly into the json field update) for k in qcdict: if isinstance(qcdict[k], np.int64): qcdict[k] = int(qcdict[k]) elif isinstance(qcdict[k], float): qcdict[k] = np.round(qcdict[k], 2)"insertions", pdict[0]["id"], "json", qcdict) def _run(self): """ Post spike-sorting quality control at the cluster level. Outputs a QC table in the clusters ALF object and labels corresponding probes in Alyx """ files_spikes = Path(self.session_path).joinpath('alf').rglob('spikes.times.npy') folder_probes = [f.parent for f in files_spikes] out_files = [] for folder_probe in folder_probes: try: qc_file, df_units, drift = self._compute_cell_qc(folder_probe) out_files.append(qc_file) self._label_probe_qc(folder_probe, df_units, drift) except Exception: _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.status = -1 continue return out_files
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): files_spikes = Path(self.session_path).joinpath('alf').rglob('spikes.times.npy') folder_probes = [f.parent for f in files_spikes] full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: for folder in folder_probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], str(folder.relative_to(self.session_path)), sig[2])) self.input_files = full_input_files full_output_files = [] for sig in self.signature['output_files']: for folder in folder_probes: full_output_files.append((sig[0], str(folder.relative_to(self.session_path)), sig[2])) self.output_files = full_output_files
[docs] class EphysMtscomp(tasks.Task): priority = 50 # ideally after spike sorting level = 0 force = False signature = { 'input_files': [('*ap.meta', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('*ap.*bin', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('*lf.meta', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', False), # NP2 doesn't have lf files ('*lf.*bin', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', False), # NP2 doesn't have lf files ('*nidq.meta', 'raw_ephys_data', True), ('*nidq.*bin', 'raw_ephys_data', True)], 'output_files': [('*ap.meta', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('*ap.cbin', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', False), # may not be present on local server anymore ('*', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', True), ('*lf.meta', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', False), # NP2 doesn't have lf files # TODO detect from meta ('*lf.cbin', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', False), # may not be present on local server anymore ('*', 'raw_ephys_data/probe*', False), ('*nidq.meta', 'raw_ephys_data', True), ('*nidq.cbin', 'raw_ephys_data', False), # may not be present on local server anymore ('*', 'raw_ephys_data', True)] } def _run(self): """ Compress ephys files looking for `compress_ephys.flag` within the probes folder Original bin file will be removed The registration flag created contains targeted file names at the root of the session """ out_files = [] ephys_files = spikeglx.glob_ephys_files(self.session_path) ephys_files += spikeglx.glob_ephys_files(self.session_path, ext="ch") ephys_files += spikeglx.glob_ephys_files(self.session_path, ext="meta") for ef in ephys_files: for typ in ["ap", "lf", "nidq"]: bin_file = ef.get(typ) if not bin_file: continue if bin_file.suffix.find("bin") == 1: with spikeglx.Reader(bin_file) as sr: if sr.is_mtscomp: out_files.append(bin_file) else:"Compressing binary file {bin_file}") out_files.append(sr.compress_file(keep_original=False)) out_files.append(bin_file.with_suffix('.ch')) else: out_files.append(bin_file) return out_files
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): neuropixel_version = spikeglx.get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(self.session_path) probes = spikeglx.get_probes_from_folder(self.session_path) full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data/probe*' in sig[1]: for probe in probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) else: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_input_files.append((sig[0], sig[1], sig[2])) self.input_files = full_input_files full_output_files = [] for sig in self.signature['output_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data/probe*' in sig[1]: for probe in probes: full_output_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) else: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_output_files.append((sig[0], sig[1], sig[2])) self.output_files = full_output_files
[docs] class EphysDLC(tasks.Task): """ This task relies on a correctly installed dlc environment as per If your environment is set up otherwise, make sure that you set the respective attributes: t = EphysDLC(session_path) t.dlcenv = Path('/path/to/your/dlcenv/bin/activate') t.scripts = Path('/path/to/your/iblscripts/deploy/serverpc/dlc') """ gpu = 1 cpu = 4 io_charge = 100 level = 2 force = True job_size = 'large' dlcenv = Path.home().joinpath('Documents', 'PYTHON', 'envs', 'dlcenv', 'bin', 'activate') scripts = Path.home().joinpath('Documents', 'PYTHON', 'iblscripts', 'deploy', 'serverpc', 'dlc') signature = { 'input_files': [ ('_iblrig_leftCamera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data', True), ('_iblrig_rightCamera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data', True), ('_iblrig_bodyCamera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data', True), ], 'output_files': [ ('_ibl_leftCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_rightCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_bodyCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf', True), ('leftCamera.ROIMotionEnergy.npy', 'alf', True), ('rightCamera.ROIMotionEnergy.npy', 'alf', True), ('bodyCamera.ROIMotionEnergy.npy', 'alf', True), ('leftROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf', True), ('rightROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf', True), ('bodyROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf', True), ], } def _check_dlcenv(self): """Check that scripts are present, dlcenv can be activated and get iblvideo version""" assert len(list(self.scripts.rglob('run_dlc.*'))) == 2, \ f'Scripts and do not exist in {self.scripts}' assert len(list(self.scripts.rglob('run_motion.*'))) == 2, \ f'Scripts and do not exist in {self.scripts}' assert self.dlcenv.exists(), f"DLC environment does not exist in assumed location {self.dlcenv}" command2run = f"source {self.dlcenv}; python -c 'import iblvideo; print(iblvideo.__version__)'" process = subprocess.Popen( command2run, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, executable="/bin/bash" ) info, error = process.communicate() if process.returncode != 0: raise AssertionError(f"DLC environment check failed\n{error.decode('utf-8')}") version = info.decode("utf-8").strip().split('\n')[-1] return version @staticmethod def _video_intact(file_mp4): """Checks that the downloaded video can be opened and is not empty""" cap = cv2.VideoCapture(str(file_mp4)) frame_count = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT) intact = True if frame_count > 0 else False cap.release() return intact def _run(self, cams=None, overwrite=False): # Default to all three cams cams = cams or ['left', 'right', 'body'] cams = assert_valid_label(cams) # Set up self.session_id = actual_outputs = [] # Loop through cams for cam in cams: # Catch exceptions so that following cameras can still run try: # If all results exist and overwrite is False, skip computation expected_outputs_present, expected_outputs = self.assert_expected(self.output_files, silent=True) if overwrite is False and expected_outputs_present is True: actual_outputs.extend(expected_outputs) return actual_outputs else: file_mp4 = next(self.session_path.joinpath('raw_video_data').glob(f'_iblrig_{cam}Camera.raw*.mp4')) if not file_mp4.exists(): # In this case we set the status to Incomplete. _logger.error(f"No raw video file available for {cam}, skipping.") self.status = -3 continue if not self._video_intact(file_mp4): _logger.error(f"Corrupt raw video file {file_mp4}") self.status = -1 continue # Check that dlc environment is ok, shell scripts exists, and get iblvideo version, GPU addressable self.version = self._check_dlcenv()'iblvideo version {self.version}') check_nvidia_driver()'Running DLC on {cam}Camera.') command2run = f"{self.scripts.joinpath('')} {str(self.dlcenv)} {file_mp4} {overwrite}" process = subprocess.Popen( command2run, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, executable="/bin/bash", ) info, error = process.communicate() # info_str = info.decode("utf-8").strip() # if process.returncode != 0: error_str = error.decode("utf-8").strip() _logger.error(f'DLC failed for {cam}Camera.\n\n' f'++++++++ Output of subprocess for debugging ++++++++\n\n' f'{error_str}\n' f'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n') self.status = -1 # We dont' run motion energy, or add any files if dlc failed to run continue dlc_result = next(self.session_path.joinpath('alf').glob(f'_ibl_{cam}Camera.dlc*.pqt')) actual_outputs.append(dlc_result)'Computing motion energy for {cam}Camera') command2run = f"{self.scripts.joinpath('')} {str(self.dlcenv)} {file_mp4} {dlc_result}" process = subprocess.Popen( command2run, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, executable="/bin/bash", ) info, error = process.communicate() # info_str = info.decode("utf-8").strip() # if process.returncode != 0: error_str = error.decode("utf-8").strip() _logger.error(f'Motion energy failed for {cam}Camera.\n\n' f'++++++++ Output of subprocess for debugging ++++++++\n\n' f'{error_str}\n' f'++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++\n') self.status = -1 continue actual_outputs.append(next(self.session_path.joinpath('alf').glob( f'{cam}Camera.ROIMotionEnergy*.npy'))) actual_outputs.append(next(self.session_path.joinpath('alf').glob( f'{cam}ROIMotionEnergy.position*.npy'))) except BaseException: _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.status = -1 continue # If status is Incomplete, check that there is at least one output. # # Otherwise make sure it gets set to Empty (outputs = None), and set status to -1 to make sure it doesn't slip if self.status == -3 and len(actual_outputs) == 0: actual_outputs = None self.status = -1 return actual_outputs
[docs] class EphysPostDLC(tasks.Task): """ The post_dlc task takes dlc traces as input and computes useful quantities, as well as qc. """ io_charge = 90 level = 3 force = True signature = {'input_files': [('_ibl_leftCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_bodyCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_rightCamera.dlc.pqt', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_rightCamera.times.npy', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_leftCamera.times.npy', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_bodyCamera.times.npy', 'alf', True), # the following are required for the DLC plot only # they are not strictly required, some plots just might be skipped # In particular the raw videos don't need to be downloaded as they can be streamed ('_iblrig_bodyCamera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data', True), ('_iblrig_leftCamera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data', True), ('_iblrig_rightCamera.raw.mp4', 'raw_video_data', True), ('rightROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf', False), ('leftROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf', False), ('bodyROIMotionEnergy.position.npy', 'alf', False), ('_ibl_trials.table.pqt', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_wheel.position.npy', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_wheel.timestamps.npy', 'alf', True), ], # More files are required for all panels of the DLC QC plot to function 'output_files': [('_ibl_leftCamera.features.pqt', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_rightCamera.features.pqt', 'alf', True), ('licks.times.npy', 'alf', True), # ('dlc_qc_plot.png', 'snapshot', False) ] } def _run(self, overwrite=True, run_qc=True, plot_qc=True): """ Run the EphysPostDLC task. Returns a list of file locations for the output files in signature. The created plot (dlc_qc_plot.png) is not returned, but saved in session_path/snapshots and uploaded to Alyx as a note. :param overwrite: bool, whether to recompute existing output files (default is False). Note that the dlc_qc_plot will be (re-)computed even if overwrite = False :param run_qc: bool, whether to run the DLC QC (default is True) :param plot_qc: book, whether to create the dlc_qc_plot (default is True) """ # Check if output files exist locally exist, output_files = self.assert_expected(self.signature['output_files'], silent=True) if exist and not overwrite: _logger.warning('EphysPostDLC outputs exist and overwrite=False, skipping computations of outputs.') else: if exist and overwrite: _logger.warning('EphysPostDLC outputs exist and overwrite=True, overwriting existing outputs.') # Find all available dlc files dlc_files = list(Path(self.session_path).joinpath('alf').glob('_ibl_*Camera.dlc.*')) for dlc_file in dlc_files: _logger.debug(dlc_file) output_files = [] combined_licks = [] for dlc_file in dlc_files: # Catch unforeseen exceptions and move on to next cam try: cam = label_from_path(dlc_file) # load dlc trace and camera times dlc = pd.read_parquet(dlc_file) dlc_thresh = likelihood_threshold(dlc, 0.9) # try to load respective camera times try: dlc_t = np.load(next(Path(self.session_path).joinpath('alf').glob(f'_ibl_{cam}Camera.times.*npy'))) times = True if dlc_t.shape[0] == 0: _logger.error(f'camera.times empty for {cam} camera. ' f'Computations using camera.times will be skipped') self.status = -1 times = False elif dlc_t.shape[0] < len(dlc_thresh): _logger.error(f'Camera times shorter than DLC traces for {cam} camera. ' f'Computations using camera.times will be skipped') self.status = -1 times = 'short' except StopIteration: self.status = -1 times = False _logger.error(f'No camera.times for {cam} camera. ' f'Computations using camera.times will be skipped') # These features are only computed from left and right cam if cam in ('left', 'right'): features = pd.DataFrame() # If camera times are available, get the lick time stamps for combined array if times is True:"Computing lick times for {cam} camera.") combined_licks.append(get_licks(dlc_thresh, dlc_t)) elif times is False: _logger.warning(f"Skipping lick times for {cam} camera as no camera.times available") elif times == 'short': _logger.warning(f"Skipping lick times for {cam} camera as camera.times are too short") # Compute pupil diameter, raw and smoothed"Computing raw pupil diameter for {cam} camera.") features['pupilDiameter_raw'] = get_pupil_diameter(dlc_thresh) try:"Computing smooth pupil diameter for {cam} camera.") features['pupilDiameter_smooth'] = get_smooth_pupil_diameter(features['pupilDiameter_raw'], cam) except BaseException: _logger.error(f"Computing smooth pupil diameter for {cam} camera failed, saving all NaNs.") _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) features['pupilDiameter_smooth'] = np.nan # Safe to pqt features_file = Path(self.session_path).joinpath('alf', f'_ibl_{cam}Camera.features.pqt') features.to_parquet(features_file) output_files.append(features_file) # For all cams, compute DLC qc if times available if run_qc is True and times in [True, 'short']: # Setting download_data to False because at this point the data should be there qc = DlcQC(self.session_path, side=cam,, download_data=False) else: if times is False: _logger.warning(f"Skipping QC for {cam} camera as no camera.times available") if not run_qc: _logger.warning(f"Skipping QC for {cam} camera as run_qc=False") except BaseException: _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.status = -1 continue # Combined lick times if len(combined_licks) > 0: lick_times_file = Path(self.session_path).joinpath('alf', 'licks.times.npy'), sorted(np.concatenate(combined_licks))) output_files.append(lick_times_file) else: _logger.warning("No lick times computed for this session.") if plot_qc:"Creating DLC QC plot") try: session_id = fig_path = self.session_path.joinpath('snapshot', 'dlc_qc_plot.png') if not fig_path.parent.exists(): fig_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) fig = dlc_qc_plot(self.session_path, fig.savefig(fig_path) fig.clf() snp = ReportSnapshot(self.session_path, session_id, snp.outputs = [fig_path] snp.register_images(widths=['orig'], function=str(dlc_qc_plot.__module__) + '.' + str(dlc_qc_plot.__name__)) except BaseException: _logger.error('Could not create and/or upload DLC QC Plot') _logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) self.status = -1 return output_files
[docs] class EphysPassive(tasks.Task): cpu = 1 io_charge = 90 level = 1 force = False signature = { 'input_files': [('_iblrig_taskSettings.raw*', 'raw_behavior_data', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.channels.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.polarities.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('_spikeglx_sync.times.*', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('*.meta', 'raw_ephys_data*', True), ('*wiring.json', 'raw_ephys_data*', False), ('_iblrig_RFMapStim.raw*', 'raw_passive_data', True)], 'output_files': [('_ibl_passiveGabor.table.csv', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_passivePeriods.intervalsTable.csv', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_passiveRFM.times.npy', 'alf', True), ('_ibl_passiveStims.table.csv', 'alf', True)]} def _run(self): """returns a list of pathlib.Paths. """ data, paths = ephys_passive.PassiveChoiceWorld(self.session_path).extract(save=True) if any([x is None for x in paths]): self.status = -1 # Register? return paths
[docs] def get_signatures(self, **kwargs): neuropixel_version = spikeglx.get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(self.session_path) probes = spikeglx.get_probes_from_folder(self.session_path) full_input_files = [] for sig in self.signature['input_files']: if 'raw_ephys_data*' in sig[1]: if neuropixel_version != '3A': full_input_files.append((sig[0], 'raw_ephys_data', sig[2])) for probe in probes: full_input_files.append((sig[0], f'raw_ephys_data/{probe}', sig[2])) else: full_input_files.append(sig) self.input_files = full_input_files self.output_files = self.signature['output_files']
[docs] class EphysExtractionPipeline(tasks.Pipeline): label = __name__ def __init__(self, session_path=None, **kwargs): super(EphysExtractionPipeline, self).__init__(session_path, **kwargs) tasks = OrderedDict() self.session_path = session_path # level 0 tasks['ExperimentDescriptionRegisterRaw'] = base_tasks.ExperimentDescriptionRegisterRaw(self.session_path) tasks["EphysRegisterRaw"] = tpp.TrainingRegisterRaw(self.session_path) tasks["EphysPulses"] = EphysPulses(self.session_path) tasks["EphysRawQC"] = RawEphysQC(self.session_path) tasks["EphysAudio"] = EphysAudio(self.session_path) tasks["EphysMtscomp"] = EphysMtscomp(self.session_path) tasks['EphysVideoCompress'] = EphysVideoCompress(self.session_path) # level 1 tasks["SpikeSorting"] = SpikeSorting( self.session_path, parents=[tasks["EphysMtscomp"], tasks["EphysPulses"]]) tasks["EphysTrials"] = EphysTrials(self.session_path, parents=[tasks["EphysPulses"]]) tasks["EphysPassive"] = EphysPassive(self.session_path, parents=[tasks["EphysPulses"]]) # level 2 tasks["EphysVideoSyncQc"] = EphysVideoSyncQc( self.session_path, parents=[tasks["EphysVideoCompress"], tasks["EphysPulses"], tasks["EphysTrials"]]) tasks["EphysCellsQc"] = EphysCellsQc(self.session_path, parents=[tasks["SpikeSorting"]]) tasks["EphysDLC"] = EphysDLC(self.session_path, parents=[tasks["EphysVideoCompress"]]) tasks['EphysTrainingStatus'] = tpp.TrainingStatus(self.session_path, parents=[tasks["EphysTrials"]]) # level 3 tasks["EphysPostDLC"] = EphysPostDLC(self.session_path, parents=[tasks["EphysDLC"], tasks["EphysTrials"], tasks["EphysVideoSyncQc"]]) self.tasks = tasks