"""Abstract base classes for dynamic pipeline tasks."""
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from packaging import version
from one.webclient import no_cache
from iblutil.util import flatten, ensure_list
import matplotlib.image
from skimage.io import ImageCollection, imread
from ibllib.pipes.tasks import Task
import ibllib.io.session_params as sess_params
from ibllib.qc.base import sign_off_dict, SIGN_OFF_CATEGORIES
from ibllib.io.raw_daq_loaders import load_timeline_sync_and_chmap
from ibllib.oneibl.data_handlers import update_collections
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class DynamicTask(Task):
def __init__(self, session_path, **kwargs):
super().__init__(session_path, **kwargs)
self.session_params = self.read_params_file()
# TODO Which should be default?
# Sync collection
self.sync_collection = self.get_sync_collection(kwargs.get('sync_collection', None))
# Sync type
self.sync = self.get_sync(kwargs.get('sync', None))
# Sync extension
self.sync_ext = self.get_sync_extension(kwargs.get('sync_ext', None))
# Sync namespace
self.sync_namespace = self.get_sync_namespace(kwargs.get('sync_namespace', None))
def get_sync_collection(self, sync_collection=None):
return sync_collection if sync_collection else sess_params.get_sync_collection(self.session_params)
def get_sync(self, sync=None):
return sync if sync else sess_params.get_sync_label(self.session_params)
def get_sync_extension(self, sync_ext=None):
return sync_ext if sync_ext else sess_params.get_sync_extension(self.session_params)
def get_sync_namespace(self, sync_namespace=None):
return sync_namespace if sync_namespace else sess_params.get_sync_namespace(self.session_params)
def get_protocol(self, protocol=None, task_collection=None):
return protocol if protocol else sess_params.get_task_protocol(self.session_params, task_collection)
def get_task_collection(self, collection=None):
if not collection:
collection = sess_params.get_task_collection(self.session_params)
# If inferring the collection from the experiment description, assert only one returned
assert collection is None or isinstance(collection, str) or len(collection) == 1
return collection
def get_device_collection(self, device, device_collection=None):
if device_collection:
return device_collection
collection_map = sess_params.get_collections(self.session_params['devices'])
return collection_map.get(device)
def read_params_file(self):
params = sess_params.read_params(self.session_path)
if params is None:
return {}
# TODO figure out the best way
# if params is None and self.one:
# # Try to read params from alyx or try to download params file
# params = self.one.load_dataset(self.one.path2eid(self.session_path), 'params.yml')
# params = self.one.alyx.rest()
return params
class BehaviourTask(DynamicTask):
extractor = None
"""ibllib.io.extractors.base.BaseBpodExtractor: A trials extractor object."""
def __init__(self, session_path, **kwargs):
super().__init__(session_path, **kwargs)
self.collection = self.get_task_collection(kwargs.get('collection', None))
# Task type (protocol)
self.protocol = self.get_protocol(kwargs.get('protocol', None), task_collection=self.collection)
self.protocol_number = self.get_protocol_number(kwargs.get('protocol_number'), task_protocol=self.protocol)
self.output_collection = 'alf'
# Do not use kwargs.get('number', None) -- this will return None if number is 0
if self.protocol_number is not None:
self.output_collection += f'/task_{self.protocol_number:02}'
def get_protocol(self, protocol=None, task_collection=None):
Return the task protocol name.
This returns the task protocol based on the task collection. If `protocol` is not None, this
acts as an identity function. If both `task_collection` and `protocol` are None, returns
the protocol defined in the experiment description file only if a single protocol was run.
If the `task_collection` is not None, the associated protocol name is returned.
protocol : str
A task protocol name. If not None, the same value is returned.
task_collection : str
The task collection whose protocol name to return. May be None if only one protocol run.
str, None
The task protocol name, or None, if no protocol found.
For session with multiple task protocols, a task collection must be passed.
if protocol:
return protocol
protocol = sess_params.get_task_protocol(self.session_params, task_collection) or None
if isinstance(protocol, set):
if len(protocol) == 1:
protocol = next(iter(protocol))
raise ValueError('Multiple task protocols for session. Task collection must be explicitly defined.')
return protocol
def get_task_collection(self, collection=None):
Return the task collection.
If `collection` is not None, this acts as an identity function. Otherwise loads it from
the experiment description if only one protocol was run.
collection : str
A task collection. If not None, the same value is returned.
str, None
The task collection, or None if no task protocols were run.
Raised if multiple protocols were run and collection is None, or if experiment
description file is improperly formatted.
if not collection:
collection = sess_params.get_task_collection(self.session_params)
# If inferring the collection from the experiment description, assert only one returned
assert collection is None or isinstance(collection, str) or len(collection) == 1
return collection
def get_protocol_number(self, number=None, task_protocol=None):
Return the task protocol number.
Numbering starts from 0. If the 'protocol_number' field is missing from the experiment
description, None is returned. If `task_protocol` is None, the first protocol number if n
protocols == 1, otherwise raises an AssertionError.
NB: :func:`ibllib.pipes.dynamic_pipeline.make_pipeline` will determine the protocol number
from the order of the tasks in the experiment description if the task collection follows
the pattern 'raw_task_data_XX'. If the task protocol does not follow this pattern, the
experiment description file should explicitly define the number with the 'protocol_number'
number : int
The protocol number. If not None, the same value is returned.
task_protocol : str
The task protocol name.
int, None
The task protocol number, if defined.
if number is None: # Do not use "if not number" as that will return True if number is 0
number = sess_params.get_task_protocol_number(self.session_params, task_protocol)
elif not isinstance(number, int):
number = int(number)
# If inferring the number from the experiment description, assert only one returned (or something went wrong)
assert number is None or isinstance(number, int), 'ambiguous protocol number; no task protocol defined'
return number
def _spacer_support(settings):
Spacer support was introduced in v7.1 for iblrig v7 and v8.0.1 in v8.
settings : dict
The task settings dict.
True if task spacers are to be expected.
v = version.parse
ver = v(settings.get('IBLRIG_VERSION') or '100.0.0')
return ver not in (v('100.0.0'), v('8.0.0')) and ver >= v('7.1.0')
def run_qc(self, trials_data=None, update=True):
"""Run task QC.
Subclass method should return the QC object. This just validates the trials_data is not
trials_data : dict
A dictionary of extracted trials data. The output of :meth:`extract_behaviour`.
update : bool
If true, update Alyx with the QC outcome.
A TaskQC object replete with task data and computed metrics.
return None
def _assert_trials_data(self, trials_data=None):
"""Check trials data available.
Called by :meth:`run_qc`, this extracts the trial data if `trials_data` is None, and raises
if :meth:`extract_behaviour` returns None.
trials_data : dict, None
A dictionary of extracted trials data or None.
trials_data : dict
A dictionary of extracted trials data. The output of :meth:`extract_behaviour`.
if not self.extractor or trials_data is None:
trials_data, _ = self.extract_behaviour(save=False)
if not (trials_data and self.extractor):
raise ValueError('No trials data and/or extractor found')
return trials_data
class VideoTask(DynamicTask):
def __init__(self, session_path, cameras, **kwargs):
super().__init__(session_path, cameras=cameras, **kwargs)
self.cameras = cameras
self.device_collection = self.get_device_collection('cameras', kwargs.get('device_collection', 'raw_video_data'))
# self.collection = self.get_task_collection(kwargs.get('collection', None))
def run_qc(self, camera_data=None, update=True):
"""Run camera QC.
Subclass method should return the QC object. This just validates the trials_data is not
camera_data : dict
A dictionary of extracted trials data. The output of :meth:`extract_behaviour`.
update : bool
If true, update Alyx with the QC outcome.
A TaskQC object replete with task data and computed metrics.
return None
class AudioTask(DynamicTask):
def __init__(self, session_path, **kwargs):
super().__init__(session_path, **kwargs)
self.device_collection = self.get_device_collection('microphone', kwargs.get('device_collection', 'raw_behavior_data'))
class EphysTask(DynamicTask):
def __init__(self, session_path, **kwargs):
super().__init__(session_path, **kwargs)
self.pname = self.get_pname(kwargs.get('pname', None))
self.nshanks, self.pextra = self.get_nshanks(kwargs.get('nshanks', None))
self.device_collection = self.get_device_collection('neuropixel', kwargs.get('device_collection', 'raw_ephys_data'))
def get_pname(self, pname):
# pname can be a list or a string
pname = self.kwargs.get('pname', pname)
return pname
def get_nshanks(self, nshanks=None):
nshanks = self.kwargs.get('nshanks', nshanks)
if nshanks is not None:
pextra = [chr(97 + int(shank)) for shank in range(nshanks)]
pextra = []
return nshanks, pextra
class WidefieldTask(DynamicTask):
def __init__(self, session_path, **kwargs):
super().__init__(session_path, **kwargs)
self.device_collection = self.get_device_collection('widefield', kwargs.get('device_collection', 'raw_widefield_data'))
class MesoscopeTask(DynamicTask):
def __init__(self, session_path, **kwargs):
super().__init__(session_path, **kwargs)
self.device_collection = self.get_device_collection(
'mesoscope', kwargs.get('device_collection', 'raw_imaging_data_[0-9]*'))
def get_signatures(self, **kwargs):
From the template signature of the task, create the exact list of inputs and outputs to expect based on the
available device collection folders
Necessary because we don't know in advance how many device collection folders ("imaging bouts") to expect
self.session_path = Path(self.session_path)
# Glob for all device collection (raw imaging data) folders
raw_imaging_folders = [p.name for p in self.session_path.glob(self.device_collection)]
super().get_signatures(**kwargs) # Set inputs and outputs
# For all inputs and outputs that are part of the device collection, expand to one file per folder
# All others keep unchanged
self.input_files = [update_collections(x, raw_imaging_folders, self.device_collection) for x in self.input_files]
self.output_files = [update_collections(x, raw_imaging_folders, self.device_collection) for x in self.output_files]
def load_sync(self):
Load the sync and channel map.
This method may be expanded to support other raw DAQ data formats.
A dictionary with keys ('times', 'polarities', 'channels'), containing the sync pulses
and the corresponding channel numbers.
A map of channel names and their corresponding indices.
alf_path = self.session_path / self.sync_collection
if self.get_sync_namespace() == 'timeline':
# Load the sync and channel map from the raw DAQ data
sync, chmap = load_timeline_sync_and_chmap(alf_path)
raise NotImplementedError
return sync, chmap
class RegisterRawDataTask(DynamicTask):
Base register raw task.
To rename files
1. input and output must have the same length
2. output files must have full filename
priority = 100
job_size = 'small'
def rename_files(self, symlink_old=False):
# If either no inputs or no outputs are given, we don't do any renaming
if not all(map(len, (self.input_files, self.output_files))):
# Otherwise we need to make sure there is one to one correspondence for renaming files
assert len(self.input_files) == len(self.output_files)
for before, after in zip(self.input_files, self.output_files):
ok, old_paths, missing = before.find_files(self.session_path)
if not old_paths:
if ok: # if the file doesn't exist and it is not required we are okay to continue
raise FileNotFoundError(f'file(s) {", ".join(missing)} not found')
new_paths = list(map(self.session_path.joinpath, ensure_list(after.glob_pattern)))
assert len(old_paths) == len(new_paths)
for old_path, new_path in zip(old_paths, new_paths):
if old_path == new_path:
new_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
_logger.debug('%s -> %s', old_path.relative_to(self.session_path), new_path.relative_to(self.session_path))
if symlink_old:
def _is_animated_gif(snapshot: Path) -> bool:
Test if image is an animated GIF file.
snapshot : pathlib.Path
An image filepath to test.
True if image is an animated GIF.
This could be achieved more succinctly with `from PIL import Image; Image.open(snapshot).is_animated`,
however despite being an indirect dependency, the Pillow library is not in the requirements,
whereas skimage is.
return snapshot.suffix == '.gif' and len(ImageCollection(str(snapshot))) > 1
def _save_as_png(snapshot: Path) -> Path:
Save an image to PNG format.
snapshot : pathlib.Path
An image filepath to convert.
The new PNG image filepath.
img = imread(snapshot, as_gray=True)
matplotlib.image.imsave(snapshot.with_suffix('.png'), img, cmap='gray')
return snapshot.with_suffix('.png')
def register_snapshots(self, unlink=False, collection=None):
Register any photos in the snapshots folder to the session. Typically imaging users will
take numerous photos for reference. Supported extensions: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .tif, .tiff
If a .txt file with the same name exists in the same location, the contents will be added
to the note text.
unlink : bool
If true, files are deleted after upload.
collection : str, list, optional
Location of 'snapshots' folder relative to the session path. If None, uses
'device_collection' attribute (if exists) or root session path.
list of dict
The newly registered Alyx notes.
- Animated GIF files are not resized and therefore may take up significant space on the database.
- TIFF files are converted to PNG format before upload. The original file is not replaced.
- JPEG and PNG files are resized by Alyx.
collection = getattr(self, 'device_collection', None) if collection is None else collection
collection = collection or '' # If not defined, use no collection
if collection and '*' in collection:
collection = [p.name for p in self.session_path.glob(collection)]
# Check whether folders on disk contain '*'; this is to stop an infinite recursion
assert not any('*' in c for c in collection), 'folders containing asterisks not supported'
# If more than one collection exists, register snapshots in each collection
if collection and not isinstance(collection, str):
return flatten(filter(None, [self.register_snapshots(unlink, c) for c in collection]))
snapshots_path = self.session_path.joinpath(*filter(None, (collection, 'snapshots')))
if not snapshots_path.exists():
eid = self.one.path2eid(self.session_path, query_type='remote')
if not eid:
_logger.warning('Failed to upload snapshots: session not found on Alyx')
note = dict(user=self.one.alyx.user, content_type='session', object_id=eid, text='')
notes = []
exts = ('.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.tif', '.tiff', '.gif')
for snapshot in filter(lambda x: x.suffix.lower() in exts, snapshots_path.glob('*.*')):
if snapshot.suffix in ('.tif', '.tiff') and not snapshot.with_suffix('.png').exists():
_logger.debug('converting "%s" to png...', snapshot.relative_to(self.session_path))
snapshot = self._save_as_png(snapshot_tif := snapshot)
if unlink:
_logger.info('Uploading "%s"...', snapshot.relative_to(self.session_path))
if snapshot.with_suffix('.txt').exists():
with open(snapshot.with_suffix('.txt'), 'r') as txt_file:
note['text'] = txt_file.read().strip()
note['text'] = ''
note['width'] = 'orig' if self._is_animated_gif(snapshot) else None
with open(snapshot, 'rb') as img_file:
files = {'image': img_file}
notes.append(self.one.alyx.rest('notes', 'create', data=note, files=files))
if unlink:
# If nothing else in the snapshots folder, delete the folder
if unlink and next(snapshots_path.rglob('*'), None) is None:
_logger.info('%i snapshots uploaded to Alyx', len(notes))
return notes
def _run(self, **kwargs):
if not self.output_files:
return []
# FIXME Can be done with Task.assert_expected_outputs
ok, out_files, missing = map(flatten, zip(*map(lambda x: x.find_files(self.session_path), self.output_files)))
if not ok:
_logger.error('The following expected are missing: %s', ', '.join(missing))
self.status = -1
return out_files
class ExperimentDescriptionRegisterRaw(RegisterRawDataTask):
"""dict of list: custom sign off keys corresponding to specific devices"""
sign_off_categories = SIGN_OFF_CATEGORIES
def signature(self):
signature = {
'input_files': [],
'output_files': [('*experiment.description.yaml', '', True)]
return signature
def _run(self, **kwargs):
# Register experiment description file
out_files = super(ExperimentDescriptionRegisterRaw, self)._run(**kwargs)
if not self.one.offline and self.status == 0:
with no_cache(self.one.alyx): # Ensure we don't load the cached JSON response
eid = self.one.path2eid(self.session_path, query_type='remote')
exp_dec = sess_params.read_params(out_files[0])
data = sign_off_dict(exp_dec, sign_off_categories=self.sign_off_categories)
self.one.alyx.json_field_update('sessions', eid, data=data)
return out_files