Source code for

"""Data extraction from widefield binary file"""

import logging
import numpy as np
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd

import ibllib.exceptions as err
import as extractors_base
from import get_sync_fronts, get_sync_and_chn_map
from import get_video_meta

import wfield.cli as wfield_cli
from import parse_cam_log

_logger = logging.getLogger('ibllib')

"""Available LEDs for Widefield Imaging"""
    0: 'None',
    405: 'Violet',
    470: 'Blue',

    5: 470,
    6: 405

[docs] class Widefield(extractors_base.BaseExtractor): save_names = (None, None, None, 'widefieldChannels.frameAverage.npy', 'widefieldU.images.npy', 'widefieldSVT.uncorrected.npy', None, None, 'widefieldSVT.haemoCorrected.npy', 'imaging.times.npy', 'imaging.imagingLightSource.npy', '') raw_names = ('motioncorrect_2_540_640_uint16.bin', 'motion_correction_shifts.npy', 'motion_correction_rotation.npy', 'frames_average.npy', 'U.npy', 'SVT.npy', 'rcoeffs.npy', 'T.npy', 'SVTcorr.npy', 'timestamps.npy', 'led.npy', 'led_properties.htsv') var_names = () def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """An extractor for all widefield data""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.data_path = self.session_path.joinpath('raw_widefield_data') self.default_path = 'alf/widefield' def _channel_meta(self, light_source_map=None): """ Return table of light source wavelengths and corresponding colour labels. Parameters ---------- light_source_map : dict An optional map of light source wavelengths (nm) used and their corresponding colour name. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame A sorted table of wavelength and colour name. """ light_source_map = light_source_map or LIGHT_SOURCE_MAP names = ('wavelength', 'color') meta = pd.DataFrame(sorted(light_source_map.items()), columns=names) meta.index.rename('channel_id', inplace=True) return meta def _channel_wiring(self): try: wiring = pd.read_csv(self.data_path.joinpath('widefieldChannels.wiring.htsv'), sep='\t') except FileNotFoundError: _logger.warning('LED wiring map not found, using default') wiring = pd.DataFrame(DEFAULT_WIRING_MAP.items(), columns=('LED', 'wavelength')) return wiring def _extract(self, extract_timestamps=True, save=False, **kwargs): """ NB: kwargs should be loaded from meta file Parameters ---------- n_channels dtype shape kwargs Returns ------- """ self.preprocess(**kwargs) if extract_timestamps: _ = self.sync_timestamps(save=save) return None def _save(self, data=None, path_out=None): if not path_out: path_out = self.session_path.joinpath(self.default_path) path_out.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) new_files = [] if not self.data_path.exists(): _logger.warning(f'Path does not exist: {self.data_path}') return new_files for before, after in zip(self.raw_names, self.save_names): if after is None: continue else: try: file_orig = next(self.data_path.glob(before)) file_new = path_out.joinpath(after) shutil.move(file_orig, file_new) new_files.append(file_new) except StopIteration: _logger.warning(f'File not found: {before}') return new_files
[docs] def preprocess(self, fs=30, functional_channel=0, nbaseline_frames=30, k=200, nchannels=2): # MOTION CORRECTION wfield_cli._motion(str(self.data_path), nchannels=nchannels, plot_ext='.png') # COMPUTE AVERAGE FOR BASELINE wfield_cli._baseline(str(self.data_path), nbaseline_frames, nchannels=nchannels) # DATA REDUCTION wfield_cli._decompose(str(self.data_path), k=k, nchannels=nchannels) # HAEMODYNAMIC CORRECTION # check if it is 2 channel dat = wfield_cli.load_stack(str(self.data_path), nchannels=nchannels) if dat.shape[1] == 2: del dat wfield_cli._hemocorrect(str(self.data_path), fs=fs, functional_channel=functional_channel, plot_ext='.png')
[docs] def remove_files(self, file_prefix='motion'): motion_files = self.data_path.glob(f'{file_prefix}*') for file in motion_files:'Removing {file}') file.unlink()
[docs] def sync_timestamps(self, bin_exists=False, save=False, save_paths=None, sync_collection='raw_sync_data', **kwargs): if save and save_paths: assert len(save_paths) == 3, 'Must provide save_path as list with 3 paths' for save_path in save_paths: Path(save_path).parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Load in fpga sync fpga_sync, chmap = get_sync_and_chn_map(self.session_path, sync_collection) fpga_led = get_sync_fronts(fpga_sync, chmap['frame_trigger']) fpga_led_up = fpga_led['times'][fpga_led['polarities'] == 1] # only consider up pulse times # Load in camlog sync logdata, led, sync, ncomm = parse_cam_log(next(self.data_path.glob('*.camlog')), readTeensy=True) assert led.frame.is_monotonic_increasing if led.frame.size != fpga_led_up.size: _logger.warning(f'Sync mismatch by {np.abs(led.frame.size - fpga_led_up.size)} ' f'NIDQ sync times: {fpga_led_up.size}, LED frame times {led.frame.size}') raise ValueError('Sync mismatch') # Get video meta data to check number of widefield frames video_path = next(self.data_path.glob('imaging.frames*.mov')) video_meta = get_video_meta(video_path) # Check for differences between video and ttl (in some cases we expect there to be extra ttl than frame, this is okay) diff = len(led) - video_meta.length if diff < 0: raise ValueError('More video frames than led frames detected') if diff > 2: raise ValueError('Led frames and video frames differ by more than 2') # take the timestamps as those recorded on fpga, no need to do any sycning widefield_times = fpga_led_up[0:video_meta.length] # Now extract the LED channels and meta data # Load channel meta and wiring map channel_meta_map = self._channel_meta(kwargs.get('light_source_map')) channel_wiring = self._channel_wiring() channel_id = np.empty_like(led.led.values) for _, d in channel_wiring.iterrows(): mask = led.led.values == d['LED'] if np.sum(mask) == 0: raise err.WidefieldWiringException channel_id[mask] = channel_meta_map.get(channel_meta_map['wavelength'] == d['wavelength']).index[0] if save: save_time = save_paths[0] if save_paths else self.data_path.joinpath('timestamps.npy') save_led = save_paths[1] if save_paths else self.data_path.joinpath('led.npy') save_meta = save_paths[2] if save_paths else self.data_path.joinpath('led_properties.htsv') save_paths = [save_time, save_led, save_meta], widefield_times), channel_id) channel_meta_map.to_csv(save_meta, sep='\t') return save_paths else: return widefield_times, channel_id, channel_meta_map