"""Extractors for the wheel position, velocity, and detected movement."""
import logging
from collections.abc import Sized
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from ibldsp.utils import sync_timestamps
from ibllib.io.extractors.base import BaseBpodTrialsExtractor, run_extractor_classes
import ibllib.io.raw_data_loaders as raw
from ibllib.misc import structarr
import ibllib.exceptions as err
import brainbox.behavior.wheel as wh
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WHEEL_RADIUS_CM = 1 # we want the output in radians
EPS = 7. / 3 - 4. / 3 - 1
def get_trial_start_times(session_path, data=None, task_collection='raw_behavior_data'):
if not data:
data = raw.load_data(session_path, task_collection=task_collection)
trial_start_times = []
for tr in data:
[x[0] for x in tr['behavior_data']['States timestamps']['trial_start']])
return np.array(trial_start_times)
def sync_rotary_encoder(session_path, bpod_data=None, re_events=None, task_collection='raw_behavior_data'):
if not bpod_data:
bpod_data = raw.load_data(session_path, task_collection=task_collection)
evt = re_events or raw.load_encoder_events(session_path, task_collection=task_collection)
# we work with stim_on (2) and closed_loop (3) states for the synchronization with bpod
tre = evt.re_ts.values / 1e6 # convert to seconds
# the first trial on the rotary encoder is a dud
rote = {'stim_on': tre[evt.sm_ev == 2][:-1],
'closed_loop': tre[evt.sm_ev == 3][:-1]}
bpod = {
'stim_on': np.array([tr['behavior_data']['States timestamps']
['stim_on'][0][0] for tr in bpod_data]),
'closed_loop': np.array([tr['behavior_data']['States timestamps']
['closed_loop'][0][0] for tr in bpod_data]),
if rote['closed_loop'].size <= 1:
raise err.SyncBpodWheelException("Not enough Rotary Encoder events to perform wheel"
" synchronization. Wheel data not extracted")
# bpod bug that spits out events in ms instead of us
if np.diff(bpod['closed_loop'][[-1, 0]])[0] / np.diff(rote['closed_loop'][[-1, 0]])[0] > 900:
_logger.error("Rotary encoder stores values in ms instead of us. Wheel timing inaccurate")
rote['stim_on'] *= 1e3
rote['closed_loop'] *= 1e3
# just use the closed loop for synchronization
# handle different sizes in synchronization:
sz = min(rote['closed_loop'].size, bpod['closed_loop'].size)
# if all the sample are contiguous and first samples match
diff_first_match = np.diff(rote['closed_loop'][:sz]) - np.diff(bpod['closed_loop'][:sz])
# if all the sample are contiguous and last samples match
diff_last_match = np.diff(rote['closed_loop'][-sz:]) - np.diff(bpod['closed_loop'][-sz:])
# 99% of the pulses match for a first sample lock
if np.mean(np.abs(diff_first_match) < DIFF_THRESHOLD) > 0.99:
re = rote['closed_loop'][:sz]
bp = bpod['closed_loop'][:sz]
indko = np.where(np.abs(diff_first_match) >= DIFF_THRESHOLD)[0]
# 99% of the pulses match for a last sample lock
elif np.mean(np.abs(diff_last_match) < DIFF_THRESHOLD) > 0.99:
re = rote['closed_loop'][-sz:]
bp = bpod['closed_loop'][-sz:]
indko = np.where(np.abs(diff_last_match) >= DIFF_THRESHOLD)[0]
# last resort is to use ad-hoc sync function
bp, re = raw.sync_trials_robust(bpod['closed_loop'], rote['closed_loop'],
diff_threshold=DIFF_THRESHOLD, max_shift=5)
# we dont' want to change the extractor, but in rare cases the following method may save the day
if len(bp) == 0:
_, _, ib, ir = sync_timestamps(bpod['closed_loop'], rote['closed_loop'], return_indices=True)
bp = bpod['closed_loop'][ib]
re = rote['closed_loop'][ir]
indko = np.array([])
# raise ValueError("Can't sync bpod and rotary encoder: non-contiguous sync pulses")
# remove faulty indices due to missing or bad syncs
indko = np.int32(np.unique(np.r_[indko + 1, indko]))
re = np.delete(re, indko)
bp = np.delete(bp, indko)
# check the linear drift
assert bp.size > 1
poly = np.polyfit(bp, re, 1)
assert np.all(np.abs(np.polyval(poly, bp) - re) < 0.002)
return interpolate.interp1d(re, bp, fill_value="extrapolate")
def get_wheel_position(session_path, bp_data=None, display=False, task_collection='raw_behavior_data'):
Gets wheel timestamps and position from Bpod data. Position is in radian (constant above for
radius is 1) mathematical convention.
:param session_path:
:param bp_data (optional): bpod trials read from jsonable file
:param display (optional): (bool)
:return: timestamps (np.array)
:return: positions (np.array)
status = 0
if not bp_data:
bp_data = raw.load_data(session_path, task_collection=task_collection)
df = raw.load_encoder_positions(session_path, task_collection=task_collection)
if df is None:
_logger.error('No wheel data for ' + str(session_path))
return None, None
data = structarr(['re_ts', 're_pos', 'bns_ts'],
shape=(df.shape[0],), formats=['f8', 'f8', object])
data['re_ts'] = df.re_ts.values
data['re_pos'] = df.re_pos.values * -1 # anti-clockwise is positive in our output
data['re_pos'] = data['re_pos'] / 1024 * 2 * np.pi # convert positions to radians
trial_starts = get_trial_start_times(session_path, task_collection=task_collection)
# need a flag if the data resolution is 1ms due to the old version of rotary encoder firmware
if np.all(np.mod(data['re_ts'], 1e3) == 0):
status = 1
data['re_ts'] = data['re_ts'] / 1e6 # convert ts to seconds
# # get the converter function to translate re_ts into behavior times
re2bpod = sync_rotary_encoder(session_path, task_collection=task_collection)
data['re_ts'] = re2bpod(data['re_ts'])
def get_reset_trace_compensation_with_state_machine_times():
# this is the preferred way of getting resets using the state machine time information
# it will not always work depending on firmware versions, new bugs
iwarn = []
ns = len(data['re_pos'])
tr_dc = np.zeros_like(data['re_pos']) # trial dc component
for bp_dat in bp_data:
restarts = np.sort(np.array(
bp_dat['behavior_data']['States timestamps']['reset_rotary_encoder'] +
bp_dat['behavior_data']['States timestamps']['reset2_rotary_encoder'])[:, 0])
ind = np.unique(np.searchsorted(data['re_ts'], restarts, side='left') - 1)
# the rotary encoder doesn't always reset right away, and the reset sample given the
# timestamp can be ambiguous: look for zeros
for i in np.where(data['re_pos'][ind] != 0)[0]:
# handle boundary effects
if ind[i] > ns - 2:
# it happens quite often that we have to lock in to next sample to find the reset
if data['re_pos'][ind[i] + 1] == 0:
ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
# also case where the rotary doesn't reset to 0, but erratically to -1/+1
if data['re_pos'][ind[i]] <= (1 / 1024 * 2 * np.pi):
ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
# compounded with the fact that the reset may have happened at next sample.
if np.abs(data['re_pos'][ind[i] + 1]) <= (1 / 1024 * 2 * np.pi):
ind[i] = ind[i] + 1
# sometimes it is also the last trial that has this behaviour
if (bp_data[-1] is bp_dat) or (bp_data[0] is bp_dat):
# at which point we are running out of possible bugs and calling it
tr_dc[ind] = data['re_pos'][ind - 1]
if iwarn: # if a warning flag was caught in the loop throw a single warning
_logger.warning('Rotary encoder reset events discrepancy. Doing my best to merge.')
_logger.debug('Offending inds: ' + str(iwarn) + ' times: ' + str(data['re_ts'][iwarn]))
# exit status 0 is fine, 1 something went wrong
return tr_dc, len(iwarn) != 0
# attempt to get the resets properly unless the unit is ms which means precision is
# not good enough to match SM times to wheel samples time
if not status:
tr_dc, status = get_reset_trace_compensation_with_state_machine_times()
# if something was wrong or went wrong agnostic way of getting resets: just get zeros values
if status:
tr_dc = np.zeros_like(data['re_pos']) # trial dc component
i0 = np.where(data['re_pos'] == 0)[0]
tr_dc[i0] = data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]
# even if things went ok, rotary encoder may not log the whole session. Need to fix outside
i0 = np.where(np.bitwise_and(np.bitwise_or(data['re_ts'] >= trial_starts[-1],
data['re_ts'] <= trial_starts[0]),
data['re_pos'] == 0))[0]
# make sure the bounds are not included in the current list
i0 = np.delete(i0, np.where(np.bitwise_or(i0 >= len(data['re_pos']) - 1, i0 == 0)))
# a 0 sample is not a reset if 2 conditions are met:
# 1/2 no inflexion (continuous derivative)
c1 = np.abs(np.sign(data['re_pos'][i0 + 1] - data['re_pos'][i0]) -
np.sign(data['re_pos'][i0] - data['re_pos'][i0 - 1])) == 2
# 2/2 needs to be below threshold
c2 = np.abs((data['re_pos'][i0] - data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]) /
(EPS + (data['re_ts'][i0] - data['re_ts'][i0 - 1]))) < THRESHOLD_RAD_PER_SEC
# apply reset to points identified as resets
i0 = i0[np.where(np.bitwise_not(np.bitwise_and(c1, c2)))]
tr_dc[i0] = data['re_pos'][i0 - 1]
# unwrap the rotation (in radians) and then add the DC component from restarts
data['re_pos'] = np.unwrap(data['re_pos']) + np.cumsum(tr_dc)
# Also forgot to mention that time stamps may be repeated or very close to one another.
# Find them as they will induce large jitters on the velocity function or errors in
# attempts of interpolation
rep_idx = np.where(np.diff(data['re_ts']) <= THRESHOLD_CONSECUTIVE_SAMPLES)[0]
# Change the value of the repeated position
data['re_pos'][rep_idx] = (data['re_pos'][rep_idx] +
data['re_pos'][rep_idx + 1]) / 2
data['re_ts'][rep_idx] = (data['re_ts'][rep_idx] +
data['re_ts'][rep_idx + 1]) / 2
# Now remove the repeat times that are rep_idx + 1
data = np.delete(data, rep_idx + 1)
# convert to cm
data['re_pos'] = data['re_pos'] * WHEEL_RADIUS_CM
# DEBUG PLOTS START HERE ########################
if display:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ax = plt.axes()
tstart = get_trial_start_times(session_path)
tts = np.c_[tstart, tstart, tstart + np.nan].flatten()
vts = np.c_[tstart * 0 + 100, tstart * 0 - 100, tstart + np.nan].flatten()
ax.plot(tts, vts, label='Trial starts')
ax.plot(re2bpod(df.re_ts.values / 1e6), df.re_pos.values / 1024 * 2 * np.pi,
'.-', label='Raw data')
i0 = np.where(df.re_pos.values == 0)
ax.plot(re2bpod(df.re_ts.values[i0] / 1e6), df.re_pos.values[i0] / 1024 * 2 * np.pi,
'r*', label='Raw data zero samples')
ax.plot(re2bpod(df.re_ts.values / 1e6), tr_dc, label='reset compensation')
ax.set_xlabel('Bpod Time')
# restarts = np.array(bp_data[10]['behavior_data']['States timestamps']
# ['reset_rotary_encoder']).flatten()
# x__ = np.c_[restarts, restarts, restarts + np.nan].flatten()
# y__ = np.c_[restarts * 0 + 1, restarts * 0 - 1, restarts+ np.nan].flatten()
# ax.plot(x__, y__, 'k', label='Restarts')
ax.plot(data['re_ts'], data['re_pos'] / WHEEL_RADIUS_CM, '.-', label='Output Trace')
# plt.hist(np.diff(data['re_ts']), 400, range=[0, 0.01])
return data['re_ts'], data['re_pos']
def infer_wheel_units(pos):
Given an array of wheel positions, infer the rotary encoder resolution, encoding type and units
The encoding type varies across hardware (Bpod uses X1 while FPGA usually extracted as X4), and
older data were extracted in linear cm rather than radians.
:param pos: a 1D array of extracted wheel positions
:return units: the position units, assumed to be either 'rad' or 'cm'
:return resolution: the number of decoded fronts per 360 degree rotation
:return encoding: one of {'X1', 'X2', 'X4'}
if len(pos.shape) > 1: # Ensure 1D array of positions
pos = pos.flatten()
# Check the values and units of wheel position
res = np.array([wh.ENC_RES, wh.ENC_RES / 2, wh.ENC_RES / 4])
# min change in rad and cm for each decoding type
# [rad_X4, rad_X2, rad_X1, cm_X4, cm_X2, cm_X1]
min_change = np.concatenate([2 * np.pi / res, wh.WHEEL_DIAMETER * np.pi / res])
pos_diff = np.median(np.abs(np.ediff1d(pos)))
# find min change closest to min pos_diff
idx = np.argmin(np.abs(min_change - pos_diff))
if idx < len(res):
# Assume values are in radians
units = 'rad'
encoding = idx
units = 'cm'
encoding = idx - len(res)
enc_names = {0: 'X4', 1: 'X2', 2: 'X1'}
return units, int(res[encoding]), enc_names[int(encoding)]
class Wheel(BaseBpodTrialsExtractor):
Wheel extractor.
Get wheel data from raw files and converts positions into radians mathematical convention
(anti-clockwise = +) and timestamps into seconds relative to Bpod clock.
**Optional:** saves _ibl_wheel.times.npy and _ibl_wheel.position.npy
Gets Rotary Encoder timestamps (us) for each position and converts to times.
Synchronize with Bpod and outputs
Radians mathematical convention
save_names = ('_ibl_wheel.timestamps.npy', '_ibl_wheel.position.npy',
'_ibl_wheelMoves.intervals.npy', '_ibl_wheelMoves.peakAmplitude.npy', None,
'_ibl_trials.firstMovement_times.npy', None)
var_names = ('wheel_timestamps', 'wheel_position', 'wheelMoves_intervals',
'wheelMoves_peakAmplitude', 'peakVelocity_times', 'firstMovement_times',
def _extract(self):
ts, pos = get_wheel_position(self.session_path, self.bpod_trials, task_collection=self.task_collection)
moves = extract_wheel_moves(ts, pos)
# need some trial based info to output the first movement times
from ibllib.io.extractors import training_trials # Avoids circular imports
goCue_times, _ = training_trials.GoCueTimes(self.session_path).extract(
save=False, bpod_trials=self.bpod_trials, settings=self.settings, task_collection=self.task_collection)
feedback_times, _ = training_trials.FeedbackTimes(self.session_path).extract(
save=False, bpod_trials=self.bpod_trials, settings=self.settings, task_collection=self.task_collection)
trials = {'goCue_times': goCue_times, 'feedback_times': feedback_times}
min_qt = self.settings.get('QUIESCENT_PERIOD', None)
first_moves, is_final, _ = extract_first_movement_times(moves, trials, min_qt=min_qt)
output = (ts, pos, moves['intervals'], moves['peakAmplitude'],
moves['peakVelocity_times'], first_moves, is_final)
return output