"""Habituation ChoiceWorld Bpod trials extraction."""
import logging
import numpy as np
from packaging import version
import ibllib.io.raw_data_loaders as raw
from ibllib.io.extractors.base import BaseBpodTrialsExtractor, run_extractor_classes
from ibllib.io.extractors.biased_trials import ContrastLR
from ibllib.io.extractors.training_trials import FeedbackTimes, StimOnTriggerTimes, GoCueTimes
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HabituationTrials(BaseBpodTrialsExtractor):
var_names = ('feedbackType', 'rewardVolume', 'stimOff_times', 'contrastLeft', 'contrastRight',
'feedback_times', 'stimOn_times', 'stimOnTrigger_times', 'intervals',
'goCue_times', 'goCueTrigger_times', 'itiIn_times', 'stimOffTrigger_times',
'stimCenterTrigger_times', 'stimCenter_times', 'position', 'phase')
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
exclude = ['itiIn_times', 'stimOffTrigger_times', 'stimCenter_times',
'stimCenterTrigger_times', 'position', 'phase']
self.save_names = tuple(f'_ibl_trials.{x}.npy' if x not in exclude else None for x in self.var_names)
def _extract(self) -> dict:
Extract the Bpod trial events.
For iblrig versions < 8.13 the Bpod state machine for this task had extremely misleading names!
The 'iti' state was actually the delay between valve close and trial end (the stimulus is
still present during this period), and the 'trial_start' state is actually the ITI during
which there is a 1s Bpod TTL and gray screen period.
In version 8.13 and later, the 'iti' state was renamed to 'post_reward' and 'trial_start'
was renamed to 'iti'.
A dictionary of Bpod trial events. The keys are defined in the `var_names` attribute.
# Extract all trials...
# Get all detected TTLs. These are stored for QC purposes
self.frame2ttl, self.audio = raw.load_bpod_fronts(self.session_path, data=self.bpod_trials)
# These are the frame2TTL pulses as a list of lists, one per trial
ttls = [raw.get_port_events(tr, 'BNC1') for tr in self.bpod_trials]
# Report missing events
n_missing = sum(len(pulses) != 3 for pulses in ttls)
# Check if all stim syncs have failed to be detected
if n_missing == len(ttls):
_logger.error(f'{self.session_path}: Missing ALL BNC1 TTLs ({n_missing} trials)')
elif n_missing > 0: # Check if any stim_sync has failed be detected for every trial
_logger.warning(f'{self.session_path}: Missing BNC1 TTLs on {n_missing} trial(s)')
# Extract datasets common to trainingChoiceWorld
training = [ContrastLR, FeedbackTimes, GoCueTimes, StimOnTriggerTimes]
out, _ = run_extractor_classes(training, session_path=self.session_path, save=False,
bpod_trials=self.bpod_trials, settings=self.settings, task_collection=self.task_collection)
The 'trial_start'/'iti' state is in fact the 1s grey screen period, therefore the first
timestamp is really the end of the previous trial and also the stimOff trigger time. The
second timestamp is the true trial start time. This state was renamed in version 8.13.
state_names = self.bpod_trials[0]['behavior_data']['States timestamps'].keys()
rig_version = version.parse(self.settings['IBLRIG_VERSION'])
legacy_state_machine = 'post_reward' not in state_names and 'trial_start' in state_names
key = 'iti' if (rig_version >= version.parse('8.13') and not legacy_state_machine) else 'trial_start'
(_, *ends), starts = zip(*[
t['behavior_data']['States timestamps'][key][-1] for t in self.bpod_trials]
# StimOffTrigger times
out['stimOffTrigger_times'] = np.array(ends)
# StimOff times
There should be exactly three TTLs per trial. stimOff_times should be the first TTL pulse.
If 1 or more pulses are missing, we can not be confident of assigning the correct one.
out['stimOff_times'] = np.array([sync[0] if len(sync) == 3 else np.nan for sync in ttls[1:]])
# Trial intervals
In terms of TTLs, the intervals are defined by the 'trial_start' state, however the stim
off time often happens after the trial end TTL front, i.e. after the 'trial_start' start
begins. For these trials, we set the trial end time as the stim off time.
# NB: We lose the last trial because the stim off event occurs at trial_num + 1
n_trials = out['stimOff_times'].size
out['intervals'] = np.c_[starts, np.r_[ends, np.nan]][:n_trials, :]
to_correct = ~np.isnan(out['stimOff_times']) & (out['stimOff_times'] > out['intervals'][:, 1])
if np.any(to_correct):
'%i/%i stim off events occurring outside trial intervals; using stim off times as trial end',
sum(to_correct), len(to_correct))
out['intervals'][to_correct, 1] = out['stimOff_times'][to_correct]
# itiIn times
out['itiIn_times'] = np.r_[ends, np.nan]
# GoCueTriggerTimes is the same event as StimOnTriggerTimes
out['goCueTrigger_times'] = out['stimOnTrigger_times'].copy()
# StimCenterTrigger times
# Get the stim_on_state that triggers the onset of the stim
stim_center_state = np.array([tr['behavior_data']['States timestamps']
['stim_center'][0] for tr in self.bpod_trials])
out['stimCenterTrigger_times'] = stim_center_state[:, 0].T
# StimCenter times
stim_center_times = np.full(out['stimCenterTrigger_times'].shape, np.nan)
for i, (sync, last) in enumerate(zip(ttls, out['stimCenterTrigger_times'])):
"""We expect there to be 3 pulses per trial; if this is the case, stim center will
be the third pulse. If any pulses are missing, we can only be confident of the correct
one if exactly one pulse occurs after the stim center trigger"""
if len(sync) == 3 or (len(sync) > 0 and sum(pulse > last for pulse in sync) == 1):
stim_center_times[i] = sync[-1]
out['stimCenter_times'] = stim_center_times
# StimOn times
stimOn_times = np.full(out['stimOnTrigger_times'].shape, np.nan)
for i, (sync, last) in enumerate(zip(ttls, out['stimCenterTrigger_times'])):
"""We expect there to be 3 pulses per trial; if this is the case, stim on will be the
second pulse. If 1 pulse is missing, we can only be confident of the correct one if
both pulses occur before the stim center trigger"""
if len(sync) == 3 or (len(sync) == 2 and sum(pulse < last for pulse in sync) == 2):
stimOn_times[i] = sync[1]
out['stimOn_times'] = stimOn_times
# RewardVolume
trial_volume = [x['reward_amount'] for x in self.bpod_trials]
out['rewardVolume'] = np.array(trial_volume).astype(np.float64)
# FeedbackType is always positive
out['feedbackType'] = np.ones(len(out['feedback_times']), dtype=np.int8)
# Phase and position
out['position'] = np.array([t['position'] for t in self.bpod_trials])
out['phase'] = np.array([t['stim_phase'] for t in self.bpod_trials])
# Double-check that the early and late trial events occur within the trial intervals
idx = ~np.isnan(out['stimOn_times'][:n_trials])
assert not np.any(out['stimOn_times'][:n_trials][idx] < out['intervals'][idx, 0]), \
'Stim on events occurring outside trial intervals'
# Truncate arrays and return in correct order
return {k: out[k][:n_trials] for k in self.var_names}