import logging
import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import as alfio
import one.alf.exceptions
from iblutil.util import Bunch
import spikeglx
from ibllib.exceptions import Neuropixel3BSyncFrontsNonMatching
from import get_sync_fronts, get_ibl_sync_map
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def apply_sync(sync_file, times, forward=True):
:param sync_file: probe sync file (usually of the form _iblrig_ephysData.raw.imec1.sync.npy)
:param times: times in seconds to interpolate
:param forward: if True goes from probe time to session time, from session time to probe time
:return: interpolated times
sync_points = np.load(sync_file)
if forward:
fcn = interp1d(sync_points[:, 0],
sync_points[:, 1], fill_value='extrapolate')
fcn = interp1d(sync_points[:, 1],
sync_points[:, 0], fill_value='extrapolate')
return fcn(times)
def sync(ses_path, **kwargs):
Wrapper for sync_probes.version3A and sync_probes.version3B that automatically determines
the version
:param ses_path:
:return: bool True on a a successful sync
version = spikeglx.get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(ses_path)
if version == '3A':
return version3A(ses_path, **kwargs)
elif version == '3B':
return version3B(ses_path, **kwargs)
def version3A(ses_path, display=True, type='smooth', tol=2.1, probe_names=None):
From a session path with _spikeglx_sync arrays extracted, locate ephys files for 3A and
outputs one sync.timestamps.probeN.npy file per acquired probe. By convention the reference
probe is the one with the most synchronisation pulses.
Assumes the _spikeglx_sync datasets are already extracted from binary data
:param ses_path:
:param type: linear, exact or smooth
:return: bool True on a a successful sync
ephys_files = spikeglx.glob_ephys_files(ses_path, ext='meta', bin_exists=False)
nprobes = len(ephys_files)
if nprobes == 1:
timestamps = np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])
sr = _get_sr(ephys_files[0])
out_files = _save_timestamps_npy(ephys_files[0], timestamps, sr)
return True, out_files
def get_sync_fronts(auxiliary_name):
d = Bunch({'times': [], 'nsync': np.zeros(nprobes, )})
# auxiliary_name: frame2ttl or right_camera
for ind, ephys_file in enumerate(ephys_files):
sync = alfio.load_object(
ephys_file.ap.parent, 'sync', namespace='spikeglx', short_keys=True)
sync_map = get_ibl_sync_map(ephys_file, '3A')
# exits if sync label not found for current probe
if auxiliary_name not in sync_map:
isync = np.in1d(sync['channels'], np.array([sync_map[auxiliary_name]]))
# only returns syncs if we get fronts for all probes
if np.all(~isync):
d.nsync[ind] = len(sync.channels)
return d
d = get_sync_fronts('frame2ttl')
if not d:
_logger.warning('Ephys sync: frame2ttl not detected on both probes, using camera sync')
d = get_sync_fronts('right_camera')
if not min([t[0] for t in d['times']]) > 0.2:
raise ValueError('Cameras started before ephys, no sync possible')
# chop off to the lowest number of sync points
nsyncs = [t.size for t in d['times']]
if len(set(nsyncs)) > 1:
_logger.warning("Probes don't have the same number of synchronizations pulses")
d['times'] = np.r_[[t[:min(nsyncs)] for t in d['times']]].transpose()
# the reference probe is the one with the most sync pulses detected
iref = np.argmax(d.nsync)
# islave = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(nprobes), iref)
# get the sampling rate from the reference probe using metadata file
sr = _get_sr(ephys_files[iref])
qc_all = True
# output timestamps files as per ALF convention
for ind, ephys_file in enumerate(ephys_files):
if ind == iref:
timestamps = np.array([[0., 0.], [1., 1.]])
timestamps, qc = sync_probe_front_times(d.times[:, ind], d.times[:, iref], sr,
display=display, type=type, tol=tol)
qc_all &= qc
out_files = _save_timestamps_npy(ephys_file, timestamps, sr)
return qc_all, out_files
def version3B(ses_path, display=True, type=None, tol=2.5, probe_names=None):
From a session path with _spikeglx_sync arrays extraccted, locate ephys files for 3A and
outputs one sync.timestamps.probeN.npy file per acquired probe. By convention the reference
probe is the one with the most synchronisation pulses.
Assumes the _spikeglx_sync datasets are already extracted from binary data
:param ses_path:
:param type: linear, exact or smooth
:param probe_names: by default will rglob all probes in the directory. If specified, this will filter
the probes on which to perform the synchronisation, defaults to None, optional
:return: None
DEFAULT_TYPE = 'smooth'
ephys_files = spikeglx.glob_ephys_files(ses_path, ext='meta', bin_exists=False)
for ef in ephys_files:
ef['sync'] = alfio.load_object(ef.path, 'sync', namespace='spikeglx', short_keys=True)
ef['sync_map'] = get_ibl_sync_map(ef, '3B')
except one.alf.exceptions.ALFObjectNotFound as e:
if probe_names is None or[-1] in probe_names:
raise e
nidq_file = [ef for ef in ephys_files if ef.get('nidq')]
ephys_files = [ef for ef in ephys_files if not ef.get('nidq')]
if probe_names is not None:
ephys_files = [ef for ef in ephys_files if[-1] in probe_names]
# should have at least 2 probes and only one nidq
assert len(nidq_file) == 1
nidq_file = nidq_file[0]
sync_nidq = get_sync_fronts(nidq_file.sync, nidq_file.sync_map['imec_sync'])
qc_all = True
out_files = []
for ef in ephys_files:
sync_probe = get_sync_fronts(ef.sync, ef.sync_map['imec_sync'])
sr = _get_sr(ef)
# we say that the number of pulses should be within 10 %
assert np.isclose(sync_nidq.times.size, sync_probe.times.size, rtol=0.1)
except AssertionError:
raise Neuropixel3BSyncFrontsNonMatching(f"{ses_path}")
# Find the indexes in case the sizes don't match
if sync_nidq.times.size != sync_probe.times.size:
_logger.warning(f'Sync mismatch by {np.abs(sync_nidq.times.size - sync_probe.times.size)} '
f'NIDQ sync times: {sync_nidq.times.size}, Probe sync times {sync_probe.times.size}')
sync_idx = np.min([sync_nidq.times.size, sync_probe.times.size])
# if the qc of the diff finds anomalies, do not attempt to smooth the interp function
qcdiff = _check_diff_3b(sync_probe)
if not qcdiff:
qc_all = False
type_probe = type or 'exact'
type_probe = type or DEFAULT_TYPE
timestamps, qc = sync_probe_front_times(sync_probe.times[:sync_idx], sync_nidq.times[:sync_idx], sr,
display=display, type=type_probe, tol=tol)
qc_all &= qc
out_files.extend(_save_timestamps_npy(ef, timestamps, sr))
return qc_all, out_files
def sync_probe_front_times(t, tref, sr, display=False, type='smooth', tol=2.0):
From 2 timestamps vectors of equivalent length, output timestamps array to be used for
linear interpolation
:param t: time-serie to be synchronized
:param tref: time-serie of the reference
:param sr: sampling rate of the slave probe
:return: a 2 columns by n-sync points array where each row corresponds
to a sync point: sample_index (0 based), tref
:return: quality Bool. False if tolerance is exceeded
qc = True
the main drift is computed through linear regression. A further step compute a smoothed
version of the residual to add to the linear drift. The precision is enforced
by ensuring that each point lies less than one sampling rate away from the predicted.
pol = np.polyfit(t, tref, 1) # higher order terms first: slope / int for linear
residual = tref - np.polyval(pol, t)
if type == 'smooth':
the interp function from camera fronts is not smooth due to the locking of detections
to the sampling rate of digital channels. The residual is fit using frequency domain
import ibldsp.fourier
STAT_LENGTH_SECS = 30 # median length to compute padding value
t_upsamp = np.arange(tref[0], tref[-1], 1 / CAMERA_UPSAMPLING_RATE_HZ)
res_upsamp = np.interp(t_upsamp, tref, residual)
# padding needs extra care as the function oscillates and numpy fft performance is
# abysmal for non prime sample sizes
nech = res_upsamp.size + (CAMERA_UPSAMPLING_RATE_HZ * PAD_LENGTH_SECS)
lpad = 2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(nech)) - res_upsamp.size
lpad = [int(np.floor(lpad / 2) + lpad % 2), int(np.floor(lpad / 2))]
res_filt = np.pad(res_upsamp, lpad, mode='median',
fbounds = [0.001, 0.002]
res_filt = ibldsp.fourier.lp(res_filt, 1 / CAMERA_UPSAMPLING_RATE_HZ, fbounds)[lpad[0]:-lpad[1]]
tout = np.arange(0, np.max(tref) + SYNC_SAMPLING_RATE_SECS, 20)
sync_points = np.c_[tout, np.polyval(pol, tout) + np.interp(tout, t_upsamp, res_filt)]
if display:
if isinstance(display, matplotlib.axes.Axes):
ax = display
ax = plt.axes()
ax.plot(tref, residual * sr, label='residual')
ax.plot(t_upsamp, res_filt * sr, label='smoothed residual')
ax.plot(tout, np.interp(tout, t_upsamp, res_filt) * sr, '*', label='interp timestamps')
ax.set_xlabel('time (sec)')
ax.set_ylabel('Residual drift (samples @ 30kHz)')
elif type == 'exact':
sync_points = np.c_[t, tref]
if display:
plt.plot(tref, residual * sr, label='residual')
plt.ylabel('Residual drift (samples @ 30kHz)')
plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
elif type == 'linear':
sync_points = np.c_[np.array([0., 1.]), np.polyval(pol, np.array([0., 1.]))]
if display:
plt.plot(tref, residual * sr)
plt.ylabel('Residual drift (samples @ 30kHz)')
plt.xlabel('time (sec)')
# test that the interp is within tol sample
fcn = interp1d(sync_points[:, 0], sync_points[:, 1], fill_value='extrapolate')
if np.any(np.abs((tref - fcn(t)) * sr) > (tol)):
_logger.error(f'Synchronization check exceeds tolerance of {tol} samples. Check !!')
qc = False
# plt.plot((tref - fcn(t)) * sr)
# plt.plot( (sync_points[:, 0] - fcn(sync_points[:, 1])) * sr)
return sync_points, qc
def _get_sr(ephys_file):
meta = spikeglx.read_meta_data(ephys_file.ap.with_suffix('.meta'))
return spikeglx._get_fs_from_meta(meta)
def _save_timestamps_npy(ephys_file, tself_tref, sr):
# this is the file with self_time_secs, ref_time_secs output
file_sync = ephys_file.ap.parent.joinpath('.ap.', '.sync.')
).with_suffix('.npy'), tself_tref)
# this is the timestamps file
file_ts = ephys_file.ap.parent.joinpath('.ap.', '.timestamps.')
timestamps = np.copy(tself_tref)
timestamps[:, 0] *= np.float64(sr), timestamps)
return [file_sync, file_ts]
def _check_diff_3b(sync):
Checks that the diff between consecutive sync pulses is below 150 PPM
Returns True on a pass result (all values below threshold)
d = np.diff(sync.times[sync.polarities == 1])
dt = np.median(d)
qc_pass = np.all(np.abs((d - dt) / dt * 1e6) < THRESH_PPM)
if not qc_pass:
_logger.error(f'Synchronizations bursts over {THRESH_PPM} ppm between sync pulses. '
'Sync using "exact" match between pulses.')
return qc_pass