from pathlib import Path
import logging
import json
import shutil
import tarfile
import numpy as np
from one.alf.path import get_session_path
import spikeglx
from iblutil.util import Bunch
from ibllib.ephys.sync_probes import apply_sync
import ibllib.ephys.ephysqc as ephysqc
from ibllib.ephys import sync_probes
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def probes_description(ses_path, one):
Aggregate probes information into ALF files
Register alyx probe insertions and Micro-manipulator trajectories
eid = one.path2eid(ses_path, query_type='remote')
ses_path = Path(ses_path)
meta_files = spikeglx.glob_ephys_files(ses_path, ext='meta')
ap_meta_files = [(ep.ap.parent, ep.label, ep) for ep in meta_files if ep.get('ap')]
# If we don't detect any meta files exit function
if len(ap_meta_files) == 0:
subdirs, labels, efiles_sorted = zip(*sorted(ap_meta_files))
def _create_insertion(md, label, eid):
# create json description
description = {'label': label, 'model': md.neuropixelVersion, 'serial': int(md.serial), 'raw_file_name': md.fileName}
# create or update probe insertion on alyx
alyx_insertion = {'session': eid, 'model': md.neuropixelVersion, 'serial': md.serial, 'name': label}
pi ='insertions', 'list', session=eid, name=label)
if len(pi) == 0:
qc_dict = {'qc': 'NOT_SET', 'extended_qc': {}}
alyx_insertion.update({'json': qc_dict})
insertion ='insertions', 'create', data=alyx_insertion)
insertion ='insertions', 'partial_update', data=alyx_insertion, id=pi[0]['id'])
return description, insertion
# Ouputs the probes description file
probe_description = []
alyx_insertions = []
for label, ef in zip(labels, efiles_sorted):
md = spikeglx.read_meta_data(ef.ap.with_suffix('.meta'))
if md.neuropixelVersion == 'NP2.4':
# NP2.4 meta that hasn't been split
if md.get('NP2.4_shank', None) is None:
geometry = spikeglx.read_geometry(ef.ap.with_suffix('.meta'))
nshanks = np.unique(geometry['shank'])
for shank in nshanks:
label_ext = f'{label}{chr(97 + int(shank))}'
description, insertion = _create_insertion(md, label_ext, eid)
# NP2.4 meta that has already been split
description, insertion = _create_insertion(md, label, eid)
description, insertion = _create_insertion(md, label, eid)
alf_path = ses_path.joinpath('alf')
alf_path.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
probe_description_file = alf_path.joinpath('probes.description.json')
with open(probe_description_file, 'w+') as fid:
return [probe_description_file]
def sync_spike_sorting(ap_file, out_path):
Synchronizes the spike.times using the previously computed sync files
:param ap_file: raw binary data file for the probe insertion
:param out_path: probe output path (usually {session_path}/alf/{probe_label})
def _sr(ap_file):
# gets sampling rate from data
md = spikeglx.read_meta_data(ap_file.with_suffix('.meta'))
return spikeglx._get_fs_from_meta(md)
out_files = []
label =[-1] # now the bin file is always in a folder bearing the name of probe
sync_file = ap_file.parent.joinpath('.ap.', '.sync.')).with_suffix('.npy')
# try to get probe sync if it doesn't exist
if not sync_file.exists():
_, sync_files = sync_probes.sync(get_session_path(ap_file))
# if it still not there, full blown error
if not sync_file.exists():
# if there is no sync file it means something went wrong. Outputs the spike sorting
# in time according the the probe by following ALF convention on the times objects
error_msg = f'No synchronisation file for {label}: {sync_file}. The spike-' \
f'sorting is not synchronized and data not uploaded on Flat-Iron'
# remove the alf folder if the sync failed
return None, 1
# patch the spikes.times files manually
st_file = out_path.joinpath('spikes.times.npy')
spike_samples = np.load(out_path.joinpath('spikes.samples.npy'))
interp_times = apply_sync(sync_file, spike_samples / _sr(ap_file), forward=True), interp_times)
# get the list of output files
out_files.extend([f for f in out_path.glob("*.*") if'channels.', 'drift', 'clusters.', 'spikes.', 'templates.',
'_kilosort_', '_phy_spikes_subset', ''))])
# the QC files computed during spike sorting stay within the raw ephys data folder
return out_files, 0
def ks2_to_alf(ks_path, bin_path, out_path, bin_file=None, ampfactor=1, label=None, force=True):
Convert Kilosort 2 output to ALF dataset for single probe data
:param ks_path:
:param bin_path: path of raw data
:param out_path:
m = ephysqc.phy_model_from_ks2_path(ks2_path=ks_path, bin_path=bin_path, bin_file=bin_file)
ac =
ac.convert(out_path, label=label, force=force, ampfactor=float(ampfactor))
def ks2_to_tar(ks_path, out_path, force=False):
Compress output from kilosort 2 into tar file in order to register to flatiron and move to
spikesorters/ks2_matlab/probexx path. Output file to register
:param ks_path: path to kilosort output
:param out_path: path to keep the
path to tar ks output
To extract files from the tar file can use this code
save_path = Path('folder you want to extract to')
with'_kilosort_output.tar', 'r') as tar_dir:
ks2_output = ['amplitudes.npy',
out_file = Path(out_path).joinpath('_kilosort_raw.output.tar')
if out_file.exists() and not force:"Already converted ks2 to tar: for {ks_path}, skipping.")
return [out_file]
with, 'w') as tar_dir:
for file in Path(ks_path).iterdir():
if in ks2_output:
return [out_file]
def detection(data, fs, h, detect_threshold=-4, time_tol=.002, distance_threshold_um=70):
Detects and de-duplicates negative voltage spikes based on voltage thresholding.
The de-duplication step locks in maximum amplitude events. To account for collisions the amplitude
is assumed to be decaying from the peak. If this is a multipeak event, each is labeled as a spike.
:param data: 2D numpy array nsamples x nchannels
:param fs: sampling frequency (Hz)
:param h: dictionary with neuropixel geometry header: see. neuropixel.trace_header
:param detect_threshold: negative value below which the voltage is considered to be a spike
:param time_tol: time in seconds for which samples before and after are assumed to be part of the spike
:param distance_threshold_um: distance for which exceeding threshold values are assumed to part of the same spike
:return: spikes dictionary of vectors with keys "time", "trace", "amp" and "ispike"
multipeak = False
time_bracket = np.array([-1, 1]) * time_tol
inds, indtr = np.where(data < detect_threshold)
picks = Bunch(time=inds / fs, trace=indtr, amp=data[inds, indtr], ispike=np.zeros(inds.size))
amp_order = np.argsort(picks.amp)
hxy = h['x'] + 1j * h['y']
spike_id = 1
while np.any(picks.ispike == 0):
# find the first unassigned spike with the highest amplitude
iamp = np.where(picks.ispike[amp_order] == 0)[0][0]
imax = amp_order[iamp]
# look only within the time range
itlims = np.searchsorted(picks.time, picks.time[imax] + time_bracket)
itlims = np.arange(itlims[0], itlims[1])
offset = np.abs(hxy[picks.trace[itlims]] - hxy[picks.trace[imax]])
iit = np.where(offset < distance_threshold_um)[0]
picks.ispike[itlims[iit]] = -1
picks.ispike[imax] = spike_id
# handles collision with a simple amplitude decay model: if amplitude doesn't decay
# as a function of offset, then it's a collision and another spike is set
if multipeak: # noqa
iii = np.lexsort((picks.amp[itlims[iit]], offset[iit]))
sorted_amps_db = 20 * np.log10(np.abs(picks.amp[itlims[iit][iii]]))
idetect = np.r_[0, np.where(np.diff(sorted_amps_db) > 12)[0] + 1]
picks.ispike[itlims[iit[iii[idetect]]]] = np.arange(idetect.size) + spike_id
spike_id += idetect.size
spike_id += 1
detects = Bunch({k: picks[k][picks.ispike > 0] for k in picks})
return detects