Source code for iblatlas.genomics.merfish

import logging
from pathlib import Path

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import as aws

from iblatlas import atlas

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def load(folder_cache=None): """ Reads in the Allen gene expression experiments tables :param folder_cache: :return: df_cells: a dataframe of cells (8_879_868, 11), where each record corresponds to a single cell df_classes: a dataframe of classes (35, 3), where each record corresponds to a single class df_subclasses: a dataframe of subclasses (339, 4), where each record corresponds to a single subclass df_supertypes: a dataframe of supertypes (1202, 4), where each record corresponds to a single supertype df_clusters: a dataframe of clusters (5323, 5), where each record corresponds to a single cluster df_genes: a dataframe of genes (1672, 4), where each record corresponds to a single gene df_neurotransmitters: a dataframe of neurotransmitters (9, 2), where each record corresponds to a single neurotransmitter """ OLD_VERSIONS = ['2023-06-12'] folder_cache = Path(folder_cache or atlas.AllenAtlas._get_cache_dir().joinpath('merfish')) # check the AWS version and download the files if needed version_flag = next(folder_cache.glob('*.version'), None) if version_flag is None or version_flag.stem in OLD_VERSIONS:'downloading gene expression data from {aws.S3_BUCKET_IBL} s3 bucket...') aws.s3_download_folder('atlas/merfish', folder_cache) # it is faster and more memory efficient to read the parquet files with dask, but we do # not want to require dask as a dependency so we provide the pandas alternative try: import dask.dataframe as dd df_cells = dd.read_parquet(list(folder_cache.rglob('*_cells.pqt'))) df_cells = df_cells.compute() except Exception: # there are more subtle errors than import errors if dask is intalled partially df_cells = pd.concat([pd.read_parquet(f) for f in folder_cache.rglob('*_cells.pqt')]) # reads in the other tables df_classes = pd.read_parquet(folder_cache.joinpath('classes.pqt')) df_subclasses = pd.read_parquet(folder_cache.joinpath('subclasses.pqt')) df_supertypes = pd.read_parquet(folder_cache.joinpath('supertypes.pqt')) df_clusters = pd.read_parquet(folder_cache.joinpath('clusters.pqt')) df_genes = pd.read_parquet(folder_cache.joinpath('genes.pqt')) df_neurotransmitters = pd.read_parquet(folder_cache.joinpath('neurotransmitters.pqt')) return df_cells, df_classes, df_subclasses, df_supertypes, df_clusters, df_genes, df_neurotransmitters
[docs] def int2rgb(array, dtype=None): """ One liner to convert rgba values stored as integer in dataframes :param array: rgba column of a dataframe or slice of the column :param dtype: optional, if int will return the uint8 view from 0-255 else will return floats from 0-1 :return: """ if dtype in (int, np.int8): return np.array(array).view('uint8').reshape(array.shape[0], 4) else: return np.array(array).view('uint8').reshape(array.shape[0], 4).astype(float) / 255