"""A package for loading 4345 formatted and registered gene expression volumes
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import one.remote.aws as aws
from iblatlas import atlas
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_, NML, NDV, NAP = DIM_EXP = (4345, 58, 41, 67) # nexperiments, nml, ndv, nap
def load(folder_cache=None, expression_size=DIM_EXP):
Reads in the Allen gene expression experiments binary data.
Generation scripts from the Allen Institute are available in the gene-expression-scrapping folder
:param filename:
:param folder_cache:
a dataframe of experiments (4345, 2), where each record corresponds to a single gene expression
a memmap of all experiments brain volumes, size (4345, 58, 41, 67) corresponding to
(nexperiments, ml, dv, ap). The spacing between slices is 200 um
a brainatlas object with the labels and coordinates matching the gene expression volumes
OLD_VERSIONS = ['2023-06-12']
folder_cache = Path(folder_cache or atlas.AllenAtlas._get_cache_dir().joinpath('agea'))
# check the AWS version and download the files if needed
version_flag = next(folder_cache.glob('*.version'), None)
if version_flag is None or version_flag.stem in OLD_VERSIONS:
_logger.info(f'downloading gene expression data from {aws.S3_BUCKET_IBL} s3 bucket...')
aws.s3_download_folder('atlas/agea', folder_cache)
# load the genes dataframe and the gene expression volumes
file_parquet = Path(folder_cache).joinpath('gene-expression.pqt')
file_expression = Path(folder_cache).joinpath('gene-expression.bin')
df_genes = pd.read_parquet(file_parquet)
expression_volumes = np.memmap(file_expression, dtype=np.float16, mode='r', offset=0, shape=expression_size)
# create a brain atlas object with the gene expression volume geometry and pre-computed labels
atlas_agea = atlas.BrainAtlas(
dxyz=200 / 1e6 * np.array([1, -1, -1]),
iorigin=atlas.ALLEN_CCF_LANDMARKS_MLAPDV_UM['bregma'] / 200 + np.array([0, 0, 0]),
dims2xyz=[0, 2, 1],
xyz2dims=[0, 2, 1]
return df_genes, expression_volumes, atlas_agea