Source code for brainbox.task.trials

from iblutil.numerical import ismember, bincount2D
import numpy as np

[docs] def find_trial_ids(trials, side='all', choice='all', order='trial num', sort='idx', contrast=(1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0), event=None): """ Finds trials that match criterion :param trials: trials object. Must contain attributes contrastLeft, contrastRight and feedbackType :param side: stimulus side, options are 'all', 'left' or 'right' :param choice: trial choice, options are 'all', 'correct' or 'incorrect' :param contrast: contrast of stimulus, pass in list/tuple of all contrasts that want to be considered e.g [1, 0.5] would only look for trials with 100 % and 50 % contrast :param order: how to order the trials, options are 'trial num' or 'reaction time' :param sort: how to sort the trials, options are 'side' (split left right trials), 'choice' (split correct incorrect trials), 'choice and side' (split left right and correct incorrect) :param event: trial event to align to (in order to remove nan trials for this event) :return: np.array of trial ids, list of dividers to indicate how trials are sorted """ if event: idx = ~np.isnan(trials[event]) nan_idx = np.where(idx)[0] else: idx = np.ones_like(trials['feedbackType'], dtype=bool) # Find trials that have specified contrasts cont = np.bitwise_or(ismember(trials['contrastLeft'][idx], np.array(contrast))[0], ismember(trials['contrastRight'][idx], np.array(contrast))[0]) # Find different permutations of trials # correct right cor_r = np.where( np.bitwise_and(cont, np.bitwise_and(trials['feedbackType'][idx] == 1, np.isfinite(trials['contrastRight'][idx]))))[0] # correct left cor_l = np.where( np.bitwise_and(cont, np.bitwise_and(trials['feedbackType'][idx] == 1, np.isfinite(trials['contrastLeft'][idx]))))[0] # incorrect right incor_r = np.where( np.bitwise_and(cont, np.bitwise_and(trials['feedbackType'][idx] == -1, np.isfinite(trials['contrastRight'][idx]))))[0] # incorrect left incor_l = np.where( np.bitwise_and(cont, np.bitwise_and(trials['feedbackType'][idx] == -1, np.isfinite(trials['contrastLeft'][idx]))))[0] reaction_time = trials['response_times'][idx] - trials['goCue_times'][idx] def _order_by(_trials, order): # Returns subset of trials either ordered by trial number or by reaction time sorted_trials = np.sort(_trials) if order == 'trial num': return sorted_trials elif order == 'reaction time': sorted_reaction = np.argsort(reaction_time[sorted_trials]) return sorted_trials[sorted_reaction] dividers = [] # Find the trial id for all possible combinations if side == 'all' and choice == 'all': if sort == 'idx': trial_id = _order_by(np.r_[cor_r, cor_l, incor_r, incor_l], order) elif sort == 'choice': trial_id = np.r_[_order_by(np.r_[cor_l, cor_r], order), _order_by(np.r_[incor_l, incor_r], order)] dividers.append(np.r_[cor_l, cor_r].shape[0]) elif sort == 'side': trial_id = np.r_[_order_by(np.r_[cor_l, incor_l], order), _order_by(np.r_[cor_r, incor_r], order)] dividers.append(np.r_[cor_l, incor_l].shape[0]) elif sort == 'choice and side': trial_id = np.r_[_order_by(cor_l, order), _order_by(incor_l, order), _order_by(cor_r, order), _order_by(incor_r, order)] dividers.append(cor_l.shape[0]) dividers.append(np.r_[cor_l, incor_l].shape[0]) dividers.append(np.r_[cor_l, incor_l, cor_r].shape[0]) if side == 'left' and choice == 'all': if sort in ['idx', 'side']: trial_id = _order_by(np.r_[cor_l, incor_l], order) elif sort in ['choice', 'choice and side']: trial_id = np.r_[_order_by(cor_l, order), _order_by(incor_l, order)] dividers.append(cor_l.shape[0]) if side == 'right' and choice == 'all': if sort in ['idx', 'side']: trial_id = _order_by(np.r_[cor_r, incor_r], order) elif sort in ['choice', 'choice and side']: trial_id = np.r_[_order_by(cor_r, order), _order_by(incor_r, order)] dividers.append(cor_r.shape[0]) if side == 'all' and choice == 'correct': if sort in ['idx', 'choice']: trial_id = _order_by(np.r_[cor_l, cor_r], order) elif sort in ['side', 'choice and side']: trial_id = np.r_[_order_by(cor_l, order), _order_by(cor_r, order)] dividers.append(cor_l.shape[0]) if side == 'all' and choice == 'incorrect': if sort in ['idx', 'choice']: trial_id = _order_by(np.r_[incor_l, incor_r], order) elif sort in ['side', 'choice and side']: trial_id = np.r_[_order_by(incor_l, order), _order_by(incor_r, order)] dividers.append(incor_l.shape[0]) if side == 'left' and choice == 'correct': trial_id = _order_by(cor_l, order) if side == 'left' and choice == 'incorrect': trial_id = _order_by(incor_l, order) if side == 'right' and choice == 'correct': trial_id = _order_by(cor_r, order) if side == 'right' and choice == 'incorrect': trial_id = _order_by(incor_r, order) if event: trial_id = nan_idx[trial_id] return trial_id, dividers
[docs] def get_event_aligned_raster(times, events, tbin=0.02, values=None, epoch=[-0.4, 1], bin=True): """ Get event aligned raster :param times: array of times e.g spike times or dlc points :param events: array of events to epoch around :param tbin: bin size to over which to count events :param values: values to scale counts by :param epoch: window around each event :param bin: whether to bin times in tbin windows or not :return: """ if bin: vals, bin_times, _ = bincount2D(times, np.ones_like(times), xbin=tbin, weights=values) vals = vals[0] t = np.arange(epoch[0], epoch[1] + tbin, tbin) nbin = t.shape[0] else: vals = values bin_times = times tbin = np.mean(np.diff(bin_times)) t = np.arange(epoch[0], epoch[1], tbin) nbin = t.shape[0] # remove nan trials non_nan_events = events[~np.isnan(events)] nan_idx = np.where(~np.isnan(events)) intervals = np.c_[non_nan_events + epoch[0], non_nan_events + epoch[1]] # Remove any trials that are later than the last value in bin_times out_intervals = intervals[:, 1] > bin_times[-1] epoch_idx = np.searchsorted(bin_times, intervals)[np.invert(out_intervals)] for ep in range(nbin): if ep == 0: event_raster = (vals[epoch_idx[:, 0] + ep]).astype(float) else: event_raster = np.c_[event_raster, vals[epoch_idx[:, 0] + ep]] # Find any trials that are less than the first value time and fill with nans (case for example # where spiking of cluster doesn't start till after start of first trial due to settling of # brain) event_raster[intervals[np.invert(out_intervals), 0] < bin_times[0]] = np.nan # Add back in the trials that were later than last value with nans if np.sum(out_intervals) > 0: event_raster = np.r_[event_raster, np.full((np.sum(out_intervals), event_raster.shape[1]), np.nan)] assert event_raster.shape[0] == intervals.shape[0] # Reindex if we have removed any nan values all_event_raster = np.full((events.shape[0], event_raster.shape[1]), np.nan) all_event_raster[nan_idx, :] = event_raster return all_event_raster, t
[docs] def get_psth(raster, trial_ids=None): """ Compute psth averaged over chosen trials :param raster: output from event aligned raster, window of activity around event :param trial_ids: the trials from the raster to average over :return: """ if trial_ids is None: mean = np.nanmean(raster, axis=0) err = np.nanstd(raster, axis=0) / np.sqrt(raster.shape[0]) else: raster = filter_by_trial(raster, trial_ids) mean = np.nanmean(raster, axis=0) err = np.nanstd(raster, axis=0) / np.sqrt(raster.shape[0]) return mean, err
[docs] def filter_by_trial(raster, trial_id): """ Select trials of interest for raster :param raster: :param trial_id: :return: """ return raster[trial_id, :]
[docs] def filter_correct_incorrect_left_right(trials, event_raster, event, contrast, order='trial num'): """ Return psth for left correct, left incorrect, right correct, right incorrect and raster sorted by these trials :param trials: trials object :param event_raster: output from get_event_aligned_activity :param event: event to align to e.g 'goCue_times', 'stimOn_times' :param contrast: contrast of stimulus, pass in list/tuple of all contrasts that want to be considered e.g [1, 0.5] would only look for trials with 100 % and 50 % contrast :param order: order to sort trials by either 'trial num' or 'reaction time' :return: """ trials_sorted, div = find_trial_ids(trials, sort='choice and side', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) trials_lc, _ = find_trial_ids(trials, side='left', choice='correct', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) trials_li, _ = find_trial_ids(trials, side='left', choice='incorrect', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) trials_rc, _ = find_trial_ids(trials, side='right', choice='correct', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) trials_ri, _ = find_trial_ids(trials, side='right', choice='incorrect', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) psth = dict() mean, err = get_psth(event_raster, trials_lc) psth['left_correct'] = {'vals': mean, 'err': err, 'linestyle': {'color': 'r'}} mean, err = get_psth(event_raster, trials_li) psth['left_incorrect'] = {'vals': mean, 'err': err, 'linestyle': {'color': 'r', 'linestyle': 'dashed'}} mean, err = get_psth(event_raster, trials_rc) psth['right_correct'] = {'vals': mean, 'err': err, 'linestyle': {'color': 'b'}} mean, err = get_psth(event_raster, trials_ri) psth['right_incorrect'] = {'vals': mean, 'err': err, 'linestyle': {'color': 'b', 'linestyle': 'dashed'}} raster = {} raster['vals'] = filter_by_trial(event_raster, trials_sorted) raster['dividers'] = div return raster, psth
[docs] def filter_correct_incorrect(trials, event_raster, event, contrast, order='trial num'): """ Return psth for correct and incorrect trials and raster sorted by correct incorrect :param trials: trials object :param event_raster: output from get_event_aligned_activity :param event: event to align to e.g 'goCue_times', 'stimOn_times' :param contrast: contrast of stimulus, pass in list/tuple of all contrasts that want to be considered e.g [1, 0.5] would only look for trials with 100 % and 50 % contrast :param order: order to sort trials by either 'trial num' or 'reaction time' :return: """ trials_sorted, div = find_trial_ids(trials, sort='choice', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) trials_c, _ = find_trial_ids(trials, side='all', choice='correct', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) trials_i, _ = find_trial_ids(trials, side='all', choice='incorrect', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) psth = dict() mean, err = get_psth(event_raster, trials_c) psth['correct'] = {'vals': mean, 'err': err, 'linestyle': {'color': 'r'}} mean, err = get_psth(event_raster, trials_i) psth['incorrect'] = {'vals': mean, 'err': err, 'linestyle': {'color': 'b'}} raster = {} raster['vals'] = filter_by_trial(event_raster, trials_sorted) raster['dividers'] = div return raster, psth
[docs] def filter_left_right(trials, event_raster, event, contrast, order='trial num'): """ Return psth for left and right trials and raster sorted by left right :param trials: trials object :param event_raster: output from get_event_aligned_activity :param event: event to align to e.g 'goCue_times', 'stimOn_times' :param contrast: contrast of stimulus, pass in list/tuple of all contrasts that want to be considered e.g [1, 0.5] would only look for trials with 100 % and 50 % contrast :param order: order to sort trials by either 'trial num' or 'reaction time' :return: """ trials_sorted, div = find_trial_ids(trials, sort='side', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) trials_l, _ = find_trial_ids(trials, side='left', choice='all', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) trials_r, _ = find_trial_ids(trials, side='right', choice='all', event=event, order=order, contrast=contrast) psth = dict() mean, err = get_psth(event_raster, trials_l) psth['left'] = {'vals': mean, 'err': err, 'linestyle': {'color': 'r'}} mean, err = get_psth(event_raster, trials_r) psth['right'] = {'vals': mean, 'err': err, 'linestyle': {'color': 'b'}} raster = {} raster['vals'] = filter_by_trial(event_raster, trials_sorted) raster['dividers'] = div return raster, psth
[docs] def filter_trials(trials, event_raster, event, contrast=(1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0), order='trial num', sort='choice'): """ Wrapper to get out psth and raster for trial choice :param trials: trials object :param event_raster: output from get_event_aligned_activity :param event: event to align to e.g 'goCue_times', 'stimOn_times' :param contrast: contrast of stimulus, pass in list/tuple of all contrasts that want to be considered e.g [1, 0.5] would only look for trials with 100 % and 50 % contrast :param order: order to sort trials by either 'trial num' or 'reaction time' :param sort: how to divide trials options are 'choice' (e.g correct vs incorrect), 'side' (e.g left vs right') and 'choice and side' (e.g correct vs incorrect and left vs right) :return: """ if sort == 'choice': raster, psth = filter_correct_incorrect(trials, event_raster, event, contrast, order) elif sort == 'side': raster, psth = filter_left_right(trials, event_raster, event, contrast, order) elif sort == 'choice and side': raster, psth = filter_correct_incorrect_left_right(trials, event_raster, event, contrast, order) return raster, psth