Source code for brainbox.task.closed_loop

Computes task related output

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import ranksums, wilcoxon, ttest_ind, ttest_rel
from ._statsmodels import multipletests
from sklearn.metrics import roc_auc_score
import pandas as pd
from brainbox.population.decode import get_spike_counts_in_bins

[docs] def responsive_units(spike_times, spike_clusters, event_times, pre_time=[0.5, 0], post_time=[0, 0.5], alpha=0.05, fdr_corr=False, use_fr=False): """ Determine responsive neurons by doing a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank test between a baseline period before a certain task event (e.g. stimulus onset) and a period after the task event. Parameters ---------- spike_times : 1D array spike times (in seconds) spike_clusters : 1D array cluster ids corresponding to each event in `spikes` event_times : 1D array times (in seconds) of the events from the two groups pre_time : two-element array time (in seconds) preceding the event to get the baseline (e.g. [0.5, 0.2] would be a window starting 0.5 seconds before the event and ending at 0.2 seconds before the event) post_time : two-element array time (in seconds) to follow the event times alpha : float alpha to use for statistical significance fdr_corr : boolean whether to use an FDR correction (Benjamin-Hochmann) to correct for multiple testing use_fr : bool whether to use the firing rate instead of total spike count Returns ------- significant_units : ndarray an array with the indices of clusters that are significatly modulated stats : 1D array the statistic of the test that was performed p_values : ndarray the p-values of all the clusters cluster_ids : ndarray cluster ids of the p-values """ # Get spike counts for baseline and event timewindow baseline_times = np.column_stack(((event_times - pre_time[0]), (event_times - pre_time[1]))) baseline_counts, cluster_ids = get_spike_counts_in_bins(spike_times, spike_clusters, baseline_times) times = np.column_stack(((event_times + post_time[0]), (event_times + post_time[1]))) spike_counts, cluster_ids = get_spike_counts_in_bins(spike_times, spike_clusters, times) if use_fr: baseline_counts = baseline_counts / (pre_time[0] - pre_time[1]) spike_counts = spike_counts / (post_time[1] - post_time[0]) # Do statistics sig_units, stats, p_values = compute_comparison_statistics(baseline_counts, spike_counts, test='signrank', alpha=alpha) significant_units = cluster_ids[sig_units] return significant_units, stats, p_values, cluster_ids
[docs] def differentiate_units(spike_times, spike_clusters, event_times, event_groups, pre_time=0, post_time=0.5, test='ranksums', alpha=0.05, fdr_corr=False): """ Determine units which significantly differentiate between two task events (e.g. stimulus left/right) by performing a statistical test between the spike rates elicited by the two events. Default is a Wilcoxon Rank Sum test. Parameters ---------- spike_times : 1D array spike times (in seconds) spike_clusters : 1D array cluster ids corresponding to each event in `spikes` event_times : 1D array times (in seconds) of the events from the two groups event_groups : 1D array group identities of the events as either 0 or 1 pre_time : float time (in seconds) to precede the event times to get the baseline post_time : float time (in seconds) to follow the event times test : string which statistical test to use, options are: 'ranksums' Wilcoxon Rank Sums test 'signrank' Wilcoxon Signed Rank test (for paired observations) 'ttest' independent samples t-test 'paired_ttest' paired t-test alpha : float alpha to use for statistical significance fdr_corr : boolean whether to use an FDR correction (Benjamin-Hochmann) to correct for multiple testing Returns ------- significant_units : 1D array an array with the indices of clusters that are significatly modulated stats : 1D array the statistic of the test that was performed p_values : 1D array the p-values of all the clusters cluster_ids : ndarray cluster ids of the p-values """ # Check input assert test in ['ranksums', 'signrank', 'ttest', 'paired_ttest'] if (test == 'signrank') or (test == 'paired_ttest'): assert np.sum(event_groups == 0) == np.sum(event_groups == 1), \ 'For paired tests the number of events in both groups needs to be the same' # Get spike counts for the two events times_1 = np.column_stack(((event_times[event_groups == 0] - pre_time), (event_times[event_groups == 0] + post_time))) counts_1, cluster_ids = get_spike_counts_in_bins(spike_times, spike_clusters, times_1) times_2 = np.column_stack(((event_times[event_groups == 1] - pre_time), (event_times[event_groups == 1] + post_time))) counts_2, cluster_ids = get_spike_counts_in_bins(spike_times, spike_clusters, times_2) # Do statistics sig_units, stats, p_values = compute_comparison_statistics(counts_1, counts_2, test=test, alpha=alpha) significant_units = cluster_ids[sig_units] return significant_units, stats, p_values, cluster_ids
[docs] def compute_comparison_statistics(value1, value2, test='ranksums', alpha=0.05, fdr_corr=False): """ Compute statistical test between two arrays Parameters ---------- value1 : 1D array first array of values to compare value2 : 1D array second array of values to compare test : string which statistical test to use, options are: 'ranksums' Wilcoxon Rank Sums test 'signrank' Wilcoxon Signed Rank test (for paired observations) 'ttest' independent samples t-test 'paired_ttest' paired t-test alpha : float alpha to use for statistical significance fdr_corr : boolean whether to use an FDR correction (Benjamin-Hochmann) to correct for multiple testing Returns ------- significant_units : 1D array an array with the indices of values that are significatly modulated stats : 1D array the statistic of the test that was performed p_values : 1D array the p-values of all the values """ p_values = np.empty(len(value1)) stats = np.empty(len(value1)) for i in range(len(value1)): if test == 'signrank': if np.sum(value1[i, :] - value2[i, :]) == 0: p_values[i] = 1 stats[i] = 0 else: stats[i], p_values[i] = wilcoxon(value1[i, :], value2[i, :]) else: if (np.sum(value1[i, :]) == 0) and (np.sum(value2[i, :]) == 0): p_values[i] = 1 stats[i] = 0 else: if test == 'ranksums': stats[i], p_values[i] = ranksums(value1[i, :], value2[i, :]) elif test == 'ttest': stats[i], p_values[i] = ttest_ind(value1[i, :], value2[i, :]) elif test == 'paired_ttest': stats[i], p_values[i] = ttest_rel(value1[i, :], value2[i, :]) # Perform Benjamin-Hochmann FDR correction for multiple testing if fdr_corr: sig_units, p_values, _, _ = multipletests(p_values, alpha, method='fdr_bh') else: sig_units = p_values < alpha return sig_units, stats, p_values
[docs] def roc_single_event(spike_times, spike_clusters, event_times, pre_time=[0.5, 0], post_time=[0, 0.5]): """ Determine how well neurons respond to a certain task event by calculating the area under the ROC curve between a baseline period before the event and a period after the event. Values of > 0.5 indicate the neuron respons positively to the event and < 0.5 indicate a negative response. Parameters ---------- spike_times : 1D array spike times (in seconds) spike_clusters : 1D array cluster ids corresponding to each event in `spikes` event_times : 1D array times (in seconds) of the events from the two groups pre_time : two-element array time (in seconds) preceding the event to get the baseline (e.g. [0.5, 0.2] would be a window starting 0.5 seconds before the event and ending at 0.2 seconds before the event) post_time : two-element array time (in seconds) to follow the event times Returns ------- auc_roc : 1D array the area under the ROC curve cluster_ids : 1D array cluster ids of the p-values """ # Get spike counts for baseline and event timewindow baseline_times = np.column_stack(((event_times - pre_time[0]), (event_times - pre_time[1]))) baseline_counts, cluster_ids = get_spike_counts_in_bins(spike_times, spike_clusters, baseline_times) times = np.column_stack(((event_times + post_time[0]), (event_times + post_time[1]))) spike_counts, cluster_ids = get_spike_counts_in_bins(spike_times, spike_clusters, times) # Calculate area under the ROC curve per neuron auc_roc = np.empty(spike_counts.shape[0]) for i in range(spike_counts.shape[0]): auc_roc[i] = roc_auc_score(np.concatenate((np.zeros(baseline_counts.shape[1]), np.ones(spike_counts.shape[1]))), np.concatenate((baseline_counts[i, :], spike_counts[i, :]))) return auc_roc, cluster_ids
[docs] def roc_between_two_events(spike_times, spike_clusters, event_times, event_groups, pre_time=0, post_time=0.25): """ Calcluate area under the ROC curve that indicates how well the activity of the neuron distiguishes between two events (e.g. movement to the right vs left). A value of 0.5 indicates the neuron cannot distiguish between the two events. A value of 0 or 1 indicates maximum distinction. Significance is determined by bootstrapping the ROC curves. If 0.5 is not included in the 95th percentile of the bootstrapped distribution, the neuron is deemed to be significant. Parameters ---------- spike_times : 1D array spike times (in seconds) spike_clusters : 1D array cluster ids corresponding to each event in `spikes` event_times : 1D array times (in seconds) of the events from the two groups event_groups : 1D array group identities of the events as either 0 or 1 pre_time : float time (in seconds) to precede the event times post_time : float time (in seconds) to follow the event times Returns ------- auc_roc : 1D array an array of the area under the ROC curve for every neuron cluster_ids : 1D array cluster ids of the AUC values """ # Get spike counts times = np.column_stack(((event_times - pre_time), (event_times + post_time))) spike_counts, cluster_ids = get_spike_counts_in_bins(spike_times, spike_clusters, times) # Calculate area under the ROC curve per neuron auc_roc = np.empty(spike_counts.shape[0]) for i in range(spike_counts.shape[0]): auc_roc[i] = roc_auc_score(event_groups, spike_counts[i, :]) return auc_roc, cluster_ids
def _get_biased_probs(n: int, idx: int = -1, prob: float = 0.5) -> list: n_1 = n - 1 z = n_1 + prob p = [1 / z] * (n_1 + 1) p[idx] *= prob return p def _draw_contrast( contrast_set: list, prob_type: str = "biased", idx: int = -1, idx_prob: float = 0.5 ) -> float: if prob_type in ["non-uniform", "biased"]: p = _get_biased_probs(len(contrast_set), idx=idx, prob=idx_prob) return np.random.choice(contrast_set, p=p) elif prob_type == "uniform": return np.random.choice(contrast_set) def _draw_position(position_set, stim_probability_left): return int( np.random.choice( position_set, p=[stim_probability_left, 1 - stim_probability_left] ) )
[docs] def generate_pseudo_blocks(n_trials, factor=60, min_=20, max_=100, first5050=90): """ Generate a pseudo block structure Parameters ---------- n_trials : int how many trials to generate factor : int factor of the exponential min_ : int minimum number of trials per block max_ : int maximum number of trials per block first5050 : int amount of trials with 50/50 left right probability at the beginning Returns --------- probabilityLeft : 1D array array with probability left per trial """ block_ids = [] while len(block_ids) < n_trials: x = np.random.exponential(factor) while (x <= min_) | (x >= max_): x = np.random.exponential(factor) if (len(block_ids) == 0) & (np.random.randint(2) == 0): block_ids += [0.2] * int(x) elif (len(block_ids) == 0): block_ids += [0.8] * int(x) elif block_ids[-1] == 0.2: block_ids += [0.8] * int(x) elif block_ids[-1] == 0.8: block_ids += [0.2] * int(x) return np.array([0.5] * first5050 + block_ids[:n_trials - first5050])
[docs] def generate_pseudo_stimuli(n_trials, contrast_set=[0, 0.06, 0.12, 0.25, 1], first5050=90): """ Generate a block structure with stimuli Parameters ---------- n_trials : int number of trials to generate contrast_set : 1D array the contrasts that are presented. The default is [0.06, 0.12, 0.25, 1]. first5050 : int Number of 50/50 trials at the beginning of the session. The default is 90. Returns ------- p_left : 1D array probability of left stimulus contrast_left : 1D array contrast on the left contrast_right : 1D array contrast on the right """ # Initialize vectors contrast_left = np.empty(n_trials) contrast_left[:] = np.nan contrast_right = np.empty(n_trials) contrast_right[:] = np.nan # Generate block structure p_left = generate_pseudo_blocks(n_trials, first5050=first5050) for i in range(n_trials): # Draw position and contrast for this trial position = _draw_position([-1, 1], p_left[i]) contrast = _draw_contrast(contrast_set, 'uniform') # Add to trials if position == -1: contrast_left[i] = contrast elif position == 1: contrast_right[i] = contrast return p_left, contrast_left, contrast_right
[docs] def generate_pseudo_session(trials, generate_choices=True, contrast_distribution='non-uniform'): """ Generate a complete pseudo session with biased blocks, all stimulus contrasts, choices and rewards and omissions. Biased blocks and stimulus contrasts are generated using the same statistics as used in the actual task. The choices of the animal are generated using the actual psychometrics of the animal in the session. For each synthetic trial the choice is determined by drawing from a Bernoulli distribution that is biased according to the proportion of times the animal chose left for the stimulus contrast, side, and block probability. No-go trials are ignored in the generating of the synthetic choices. Parameters ---------- trials : DataFrame Pandas dataframe with columns as trial vectors loaded using ONE generate_choices : bool whether to generate the choices (runs faster without) contrast_distribution: str ['uniform', 'non-uniform'] the absolute contrast distribution. If uniform, the zero contrast is as likely as other contrasts: BiasedChoiceWorld task If 'non-uniform', the zero contrast is half as likely to occur: EphysChoiceWorld task ('biased' is kept for compatibility, but is deprecated as it is confusing) Returns ------- pseudo_trials : DataFrame a trials dataframe with synthetically generated trials """ # Get contrast set presented to the animal contrast_set = np.unique(trials['contrastLeft'][~np.isnan(trials['contrastLeft'])]) signed_contrast = trials['contrastRight'].copy() signed_contrast[np.isnan(signed_contrast)] = -trials['contrastLeft'][ ~np.isnan(trials['contrastLeft'])] # Generate synthetic session pseudo_trials = pd.DataFrame() pseudo_trials['probabilityLeft'] = generate_pseudo_blocks(trials.shape[0]) # For each trial draw stimulus contrast and side and generate a synthetic choice for i in range(pseudo_trials.shape[0]): # Draw position and contrast for this trial position = _draw_position([-1, 1], pseudo_trials['probabilityLeft'][i]) contrast = _draw_contrast(contrast_set, prob_type=contrast_distribution, idx=np.where(contrast_set == 0)[0][0]) signed_stim = contrast * np.sign(position) if generate_choices: # Generate synthetic choice by drawing from Bernoulli distribution trial_select = ((signed_contrast == signed_stim) & (trials['choice'] != 0) & (trials['probabilityLeft'] == pseudo_trials['probabilityLeft'][i])) p_right = (np.sum(trials['choice'][trial_select] == 1) / trials['choice'][trial_select].shape[0]) this_choice = [-1, 1][np.random.binomial(1, p_right)] # Add to trials if position == -1: pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'contrastLeft'] = contrast if this_choice == -1: pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'feedbackType'] = -1 elif this_choice == 1: pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'feedbackType'] = 1 elif position == 1: pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'contrastRight'] = contrast if this_choice == -1: pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'feedbackType'] = 1 elif this_choice == 1: pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'feedbackType'] = -1 pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'choice'] = this_choice else: if position == -1: pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'contrastLeft'] = contrast elif position == 1: pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'contrastRight'] = contrast pseudo_trials.loc[i, 'stim_side'] = position pseudo_trials['signed_contrast'] = pseudo_trials['contrastRight'] pseudo_trials.loc[pseudo_trials['signed_contrast'].isnull(), 'signed_contrast'] = -pseudo_trials['contrastLeft'] return pseudo_trials
[docs] def get_impostor_target(targets, labels, current_label=None, seed_idx=None, verbose=False): """ Generate impostor targets by selecting from a list of current targets of variable length. Targets are selected and stitched together to the length of the current labeled target, aka 'Frankenstein' targets, often used for evaluating a null distribution while decoding. Parameters ---------- targets : list of all targets targets may be arrays of any dimension (a,b,...,z) but must have the same shape except for the last dimension, z. All targets must have z > 0. labels : numpy array of strings labels corresponding to each target e.g. session eid. only targets with unique labels are used to create impostor target. Typically, use eid as the label because each eid has a unique target. current_label : string targets with the current label are not used to create impostor target. Size of corresponding target is used to determine size of impostor target. If None, a random selection from the set of unique labels is used. Returns -------- impostor_final : numpy array, same shape as all targets except last dimension """ np.random.seed(seed_idx) unique_labels, unique_label_idxs = np.unique(labels, return_index=True) unique_targets = [targets[unique_label_idxs[i]] for i in range(len(unique_label_idxs))] if current_label is None: current_label = np.random.choice(unique_labels) avoid_same_label = ~(unique_labels == current_label) # current label must correspond to exactly one unique label assert len(np.nonzero(~avoid_same_label)[0]) == 1 avoided_index = np.nonzero(~avoid_same_label)[0][0] nonavoided_indices = np.nonzero(avoid_same_label)[0] ntargets = len(nonavoided_indices) all_impostor_targets = [unique_targets[nonavoided_indices[i]] for i in range(ntargets)] all_impostor_sizes = np.array([all_impostor_targets[i].shape[-1] for i in range(ntargets)]) current_target_size = unique_targets[avoided_index].shape[-1] if verbose: print('impostor target has length %s' % (current_target_size)) assert np.min(all_impostor_sizes) > 0 # all targets must be nonzero in size max_needed_to_tile = int(np.max(all_impostor_sizes) / np.min(all_impostor_sizes)) + 1 tile_indices = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(all_impostor_targets), dtype=int), size=max_needed_to_tile, replace=False) impostor_tiles = [all_impostor_targets[tile_indices[i]] for i in range(len(tile_indices))] impostor_tile_sizes = all_impostor_sizes[tile_indices] if verbose: print('Randomly chose %s targets to tile the impostor target' % (max_needed_to_tile)) print('with the following sizes:', impostor_tile_sizes) number_of_tiles_needed = np.sum(np.cumsum(impostor_tile_sizes) < current_target_size) + 1 impostor_tiles = impostor_tiles[:number_of_tiles_needed] if verbose: print('%s of %s needed to tile the entire impostor target' % (number_of_tiles_needed, max_needed_to_tile)) impostor_stitch = np.concatenate(impostor_tiles, axis=-1) start_ind = np.random.randint((impostor_stitch.shape[-1] - current_target_size) + 1) impostor_final = impostor_stitch[..., start_ind:start_ind + current_target_size] if verbose: print('%s targets stitched together with shift of %s\n' % (number_of_tiles_needed, start_ind)) np.random.seed(None) # reset numpy seed to None return impostor_final