Source code for brainbox.lfp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Functions to analyse LFP signals.

@author: Guido Meijer
Created on Fri Mar 13 14:57:53 2020

from scipy.signal import welch, csd, filtfilt, butter
import numpy as np

[docs] def butter_filter(signal, highpass_freq=None, lowpass_freq=None, order=4, fs=2500): # The filter type is determined according to the values of cut-off frequencies Fn = fs / 2. if lowpass_freq and highpass_freq: if highpass_freq < lowpass_freq: Wn = (highpass_freq / Fn, lowpass_freq / Fn) btype = 'bandpass' else: Wn = (lowpass_freq / Fn, highpass_freq / Fn) btype = 'bandstop' elif lowpass_freq: Wn = lowpass_freq / Fn btype = 'lowpass' elif highpass_freq: Wn = highpass_freq / Fn btype = 'highpass' else: raise ValueError("Either highpass_freq or lowpass_freq must be given") # Filter signal b, a = butter(order, Wn, btype=btype, output='ba') filtered_data = filtfilt(b=b, a=a, x=signal, axis=1) return filtered_data
[docs] def power_spectrum(signal, fs=2500, segment_length=0.5, segment_overlap=0.5, scaling='density'): """ Calculate the power spectrum of an LFP signal Parameters ---------- signal : 2D array LFP signal from different channels in V with dimensions (channels X samples) fs : int Sampling frequency segment_length : float Length of the segments for which the spectral density is calcualted in seconds segment_overlap : float Fraction of overlap between the segments represented as a float number between 0 (no overlap) and 1 (complete overlap) Returns ---------- freqs : 1D array Frequencies for which the spectral density is calculated psd : 2D array Power spectrum in V^2 with dimensions (channels X frequencies) """ # Transform segment from seconds to samples segment_samples = int(fs * segment_length) overlap_samples = int(segment_overlap * segment_samples) # Calculate power spectrum freqs, psd = welch(signal, fs=fs, nperseg=segment_samples, noverlap=overlap_samples, scaling=scaling) return freqs, psd
[docs] def coherence(signal_a, signal_b, fs=2500, segment_length=1, segment_overlap=0.5): """ Calculate the coherence between two LFP signals Parameters ---------- signal_a : 1D array LFP signal from different channels with dimensions (channels X samples) fs : int Sampling frequency segment_length : float Length of the segments for which the spectral density is calcualted in seconds segment_overlap : float Fraction of overlap between the segments represented as a float number between 0 (no overlap) and 1 (complete overlap) Returns ---------- freqs : 1D array Frequencies for which the coherence is calculated coherence : 1D array Coherence takes a value between 0 and 1, with 0 or 1 representing no or perfect coherence, respectively phase_lag : 1D array Estimate of phase lag in radian between the input time series for each frequency """ # Transform segment from seconds to samples segment_samples = int(fs * segment_length) overlap_samples = int(segment_overlap * segment_samples) # Calculate coherence freqs, Pxx = welch(signal_a, fs=fs, nperseg=segment_samples, noverlap=overlap_samples) _, Pyy = welch(signal_b, fs=fs, nperseg=segment_samples, noverlap=overlap_samples) _, Pxy = csd(signal_a, signal_b, fs=fs, nperseg=segment_samples, noverlap=overlap_samples) coherence = np.abs(Pxy) ** 2 / (Pxx * Pyy) phase_lag = np.angle(Pxy) return freqs, coherence, phase_lag