Functions which map metrics to the Allen atlas.
Code by G. Meijer
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from iblatlas import atlas
def _label2values(imlabel, fill_values, ba):
Fills a slice from the label volume with values to display
:param imlabel: 2D np-array containing label ids (slice of the label volume)
:param fill_values: 1D np-array containing values to fill into the slice
:return: 2D np-array filled with values
im_unique, ilabels, iim = np.unique(imlabel, return_index=True, return_inverse=True)
_, ir_unique, _ = np.intersect1d(ba.regions.id, im_unique, return_indices=True)
im = np.squeeze(np.reshape(fill_values[ir_unique[iim]], (*imlabel.shape, 1)))
return im
def plot_atlas(regions, values, ML=-1, AP=0, DV=-1, hemisphere='left', color_palette='Reds',
minmax=None, axs=None, custom_region_list=None):
Plot a sagittal, coronal and horizontal slice of the Allen atlas with regions colored in
according to any value that the user specifies.
regions : 1D array
Array of strings with the acronyms of brain regions (in Allen convention) that should be
filled with color
values : 1D array
Array of values that correspond to the brain region acronyms
ML, AP, DV : float
The coordinates of the slices in mm
hemisphere : string
Which hemisphere to color, options are 'left' (default), 'right', 'both'
color_palette : any input that can be interpreted by sns.color_palette
The color palette of the plot
minmax : 2 element array
The min and max of the color map, if None it uses the min and max of values
axs : 3 element list of axis
A list of the three axis in which to plot the three slices
custom_region_list : 1D array with shape the same as ba.regions.acronym.shape
Input any custom list of acronyms that replaces the default list of acronyms
found in ba.regions.acronym. For example if you want to merge certain regions you can
give them the same name in the custom_region_list
# Import Allen atlas
ba = atlas.AllenAtlas(25)
# Check input
assert regions.shape == values.shape
if minmax is not None:
assert len(minmax) == 2
if axs is not None:
assert len(axs) == 3
if custom_region_list is not None:
assert custom_region_list.shape == ba.regions.acronym.shape
# Get region boundaries volume
boundaries = np.diff(ba.label, axis=0, append=0)
boundaries = boundaries + np.diff(ba.label, axis=1, append=0)
boundaries = boundaries + np.diff(ba.label, axis=2, append=0)
boundaries[boundaries != 0] = 1
# Get all brain region names, use custom list if inputted
if custom_region_list is None:
all_regions = ba.regions.acronym
all_regions = custom_region_list
# Set values outside colormap bounds
if minmax is not None:
values[values < minmax[0] + np.abs(minmax[0] / 1000)] = (minmax[0]
+ np.abs(minmax[0] / 1000))
values[values > minmax[1] - np.abs(minmax[1] / 1000)] = (minmax[1]
- np.abs(minmax[0] / 1000))
# Add values to brain region list
region_values = np.ones(ba.regions.acronym.shape) * (np.min(values) - (np.max(values) + 1))
for i, region in enumerate(regions):
region_values[all_regions == region] = values[i]
# Set 'void' to default white
region_values[0] = np.min(values) - (np.max(values) + 1)
# Get slices with fill values
slice_sag = ba.slice(ML / 1000, axis=0, volume=ba.label) # saggital
slice_sag = _label2values(slice_sag, region_values, ba)
bound_sag = ba.slice(ML / 1000, axis=0, volume=boundaries)
slice_cor = ba.slice(AP / 1000, axis=1, volume=ba.label) # coronal
slice_cor = _label2values(slice_cor, region_values, ba)
bound_cor = ba.slice(AP / 1000, axis=1, volume=boundaries)
slice_hor = ba.slice(DV / 1000, axis=2, volume=ba.label) # horizontal
slice_hor = _label2values(slice_hor, region_values, ba)
bound_hor = ba.slice(DV / 1000, axis=2, volume=boundaries)
# Only color specified hemisphere
if hemisphere == 'left':
slice_cor[:int(slice_cor.shape[0] / 2), :] = np.min(values) - (np.max(values) + 1)
slice_hor[:, int(slice_cor.shape[0] / 2):] = np.min(values) - (np.max(values) + 1)
elif hemisphere == 'right':
slice_cor[int(slice_cor.shape[0] / 2):, :] = np.min(values) - (np.max(values) + 1)
slice_hor[:, :int(slice_cor.shape[0] / 2)] = np.min(values) - (np.max(values) + 1)
if ((hemisphere == 'left') & (ML > 0)) or ((hemisphere == 'right') & (ML < 0)):
slice_sag[:] = np.min(values) - (np.max(values) + 1)
# Add boundaries to slices outside of the fill value region and set to grey
if minmax is None:
slice_sag[bound_sag == 1] = np.max(values) + 1
slice_cor[bound_cor == 1] = np.max(values) + 1
slice_hor[bound_hor == 1] = np.max(values) + 1
slice_sag[bound_sag == 1] = minmax[1] + 1
slice_cor[bound_cor == 1] = minmax[1] + 1
slice_hor[bound_hor == 1] = minmax[1] + 1
# Construct color map
color_map = sns.color_palette(color_palette, 1000)
color_map.append((0.8, 0.8, 0.8)) # color of the boundaries between regions
color_map.insert(0, (1, 1, 1)) # color of the background and regions without a value
# Get color scale
if minmax is None:
cmin = np.min(values)
cmax = np.max(values)
cmin = minmax[0]
cmax = minmax[1]
# Plot
if axs is None:
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(16, 4))
# Saggital
sns.heatmap(np.rot90(slice_sag, 3), cmap=color_map, cbar=True, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, ax=axs[0])
axs[0].set(title='ML: %.1f mm' % ML)
# Coronal
sns.heatmap(np.rot90(slice_cor, 3), cmap=color_map, cbar=True, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, ax=axs[1])
axs[1].set(title='AP: %.1f mm' % AP)
# Horizontal
sns.heatmap(np.rot90(slice_hor, 3), cmap=color_map, cbar=True, vmin=cmin, vmax=cmax, ax=axs[2])
axs[2].set(title='DV: %.1f mm' % DV)