Source code for

import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil

import numpy as np
import mtscomp
from import hashfile
from iblutil.util import Bunch
from import remove_uuid_file
from one.api import ONE

from ibllib.ephys import neuropixel as neuropixel

SAMPLE_SIZE = 2  # int16
_logger = logging.getLogger('ibllib')
# provided as convenience if no meta-data is provided, always better to read from meta
S2V_AP = 2.34375e-06
S2V_LFP = 4.6875e-06

[docs]class Reader: """ Class for SpikeGLX reading purposes Some format description was found looking at the Matlab SDK here To open a spikeglx file that has an associated meta-data file: sr = spikeglx.Reader(bin_file_path) To open a flat binary file: sr = spikeglx.Reader(bin_file_path, nc=385, ns=nsamples, fs=30000) one can provide more options to the reader: sr = spikeglx.Reader(..., dtype='int16, s2mv=2.34375e-06) usual sample 2 mv conversion factors: s2mv = 2.34375e-06 (NP1 ap banc) : default value used s2mv = 4.6875e-06 (NP1 lfp band) Note: To release system resources the close method must be called """ def __init__(self, sglx_file, open=True, nc=None, ns=None, fs=None, dtype='int16', s2v=None, nsync=None): """ An interface for reading data from a SpikeGLX file :param sglx_file: Path to a SpikeGLX file (compressed or otherwise) :param open: when True the file is opened """ self.file_bin = Path(sglx_file) self.nbytes = self.file_bin.stat().st_size self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) file_meta_data = Path(sglx_file).with_suffix('.meta') if not file_meta_data.exists(): err_str = "Instantiating an Reader without meta data requires providing nc, fs and nc parameters" assert (nc is not None and fs is not None and nc is not None), err_str self.file_meta_data = None self.meta = None self._nc, self._fs, self._ns = (nc, fs, ns) # handles default parameters: if int16 we assume it's a raw recording with 1 sync and sample2mv # if its' float32 or something else, we assume the sync channel has been removed and the scaling applied if nsync is None: nsync = 1 if self.dtype == np.dtype('int16') else 0 self._nsync = nsync if s2v is None: s2v = S2V_AP if self.dtype == np.dtype('int16') else 1.0 self.channel_conversion_sample2v = {'samples': np.ones(nc) * s2v} self.channel_conversion_sample2v['samples'][-nsync:] = 1 else: # normal case we continue reading and interpreting the metadata file self.file_meta_data = file_meta_data self.meta = read_meta_data(file_meta_data) self.channel_conversion_sample2v = _conversion_sample2v_from_meta(self.meta) self._raw = None if open:
[docs] def open(self): # if we are not looking at a compressed file, use a memmap, otherwise instantiate mtscomp sglx_file = str(self.file_bin) if self.is_mtscomp: self._raw = mtscomp.Reader(), self.file_bin.with_suffix('.ch')) if self._raw.shape != (self.ns, ftsec = self._raw.shape[0] / self.fs self.meta['fileTimeSecs'] = ftsec if ftsec > 1: # avoid the checks for streaming data _logger.warning(f"{sglx_file} : meta data and compressed chunks dont checkout\n" f"File duration: expected {self.meta['fileTimeSecs']}," f" actual {ftsec}\n" f"Will attempt to fudge the meta-data information.") else: if * self.ns * self.dtype.itemsize != self.nbytes: ftsec = self.file_bin.stat().st_size / self.dtype.itemsize / / self.fs _logger.warning(f"{sglx_file} : meta data and filesize do not checkout\n" f"File size: expected {self.meta['fileSizeBytes']}," f" actual {self.file_bin.stat().st_size}\n" f"File duration: expected {self.meta['fileTimeSecs']}," f" actual {ftsec}\n" f"Will attempt to fudge the meta-data information.") self.meta['fileTimeSecs'] = ftsec self._raw = np.memmap(sglx_file, dtype=self.dtype, mode='r', shape=(self.ns,
[docs] def close(self): if self.is_open: getattr(self._raw, '_mmap', self._raw).close()
def __enter__(self): if not self.is_open: return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.close() def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, int) or isinstance(item, slice): return, sync=False) elif len(item) == 2: return[0], csel=item[1], sync=False) @property def sample2volts(self): return self.channel_conversion_sample2v[self.type] @property def geometry(self): """ Gets the geometry, ie. the full trace header for the recording :return: dictionary with keys 'row', 'col', 'ind', 'shank', 'adc', 'x', 'y', 'sample_shift' """ return _geometry_from_meta(self.meta) @property def shape(self): return self.ns, @property def is_open(self): return self._raw is not None @property def is_mtscomp(self): return 'cbin' in self.file_bin.suffix @property def version(self): """Gets the version string: '3A', '3B2', '3B1', 'NP2.1', 'NP2.4'""" return None if self.meta is None else _get_neuropixel_version_from_meta(self.meta) @property def major_version(self): """Gets the the major version int: 1 or 2""" return None if self.meta is None else _get_neuropixel_major_version_from_meta(self.meta) @property def rl(self): return self.ns / self.fs @property def type(self): """:return: ap, lf or nidq. Useful to index dictionaries """ if not self.meta: return 'samples' return _get_type_from_meta(self.meta) @property def fs(self): """ :return: sampling frequency (Hz) """ return self._fs if self.meta is None else _get_fs_from_meta(self.meta) @property def nc(self): """ :return: number of channels """ return self._nc if self.meta is None else _get_nchannels_from_meta(self.meta) @property def nsync(self): """:return: number of sync channels""" return self._nsync if self.meta is None else len(_get_sync_trace_indices_from_meta(self.meta)) @property def ns(self): """ :return: number of samples """ if self.meta is None: return self._ns return int(np.round(self.meta.get('fileTimeSecs') * self.fs))
[docs] def read(self, nsel=slice(0, 10000), csel=slice(None), sync=True): """ Read from slices or indexes :param slice_n: slice or sample indices :param slice_c: slice or channel indices :return: float32 array """ if not self.is_open: raise IOError('Reader not open; call `open` before `read`') darray = self._raw[nsel, csel].astype(np.float32, copy=True) darray *= self.channel_conversion_sample2v[self.type][csel] if sync: return darray, self.read_sync(nsel) else: return darray
[docs] def read_samples(self, first_sample=0, last_sample=10000, channels=None): """ reads all channels from first_sample to last_sample, following numpy slicing convention sglx.read_samples(first=0, last=100) would be equivalent to slicing the array D D[:,0:100] where the last axis represent time and the first channels. :param first_sample: first sample to be read, python slice-wise :param last_sample: last sample to be read, python slice-wise :param channels: slice or numpy array of indices :return: numpy array of int16 """ if channels is None: channels = slice(None) return, last_sample), channels)
[docs] def read_sync_digital(self, _slice=slice(0, 10000)): """ Reads only the digital sync trace at specified samples using slicing syntax >>> sync_samples = sr.read_sync_digital(slice(0,10000)) """ if not self.is_open: raise IOError('Reader not open; call `open` before `read`') if not self.meta: _logger.warning('Sync trace not labeled in metadata. Assuming last trace') return split_sync(self._raw[_slice, _get_sync_trace_indices_from_meta(self.meta)])
[docs] def read_sync_analog(self, _slice=slice(0, 10000)): """ Reads only the analog sync traces at specified samples using slicing syntax >>> sync_samples = sr.read_sync_analog(slice(0,10000)) """ if not self.meta: return csel = _get_analog_sync_trace_indices_from_meta(self.meta) if not csel: return else: return, csel=csel, sync=False)
[docs] def read_sync(self, _slice=slice(0, 10000), threshold=1.2, floor_percentile=10): """ Reads all sync trace. Convert analog to digital with selected threshold and append to array :param _slice: samples slice :param threshold: (V) threshold for front detection, defaults to 1.2 V :param floor_percentile: 10% removes the percentile value of the analog trace before thresholding. This is to avoid DC offset drift :return: int8 array """ digital = self.read_sync_digital(_slice) analog = self.read_sync_analog(_slice) if analog is not None and floor_percentile: analog -= np.percentile(analog, 10, axis=0) if analog is None: return digital analog[np.where(analog < threshold)] = 0 analog[np.where(analog >= threshold)] = 1 return np.concatenate((digital, np.int8(analog)), axis=1)
[docs] def compress_file(self, keep_original=True, **kwargs): """ Compresses :param keep_original: defaults True. If False, the original uncompressed file is deleted and the current spikeglx.Reader object is modified in place :param kwargs: :return: pathlib.Path of the compressed *.cbin file """ file_tmp = self.file_bin.with_suffix('.cbin_tmp') assert not self.is_mtscomp mtscomp.compress(self.file_bin, out=file_tmp, outmeta=self.file_bin.with_suffix('.ch'), sample_rate=self.fs,, dtype=np.int16, **kwargs) file_out = file_tmp.with_suffix('.cbin') file_tmp.rename(file_out) if not keep_original: self.file_bin.unlink() self.file_bin = file_out return file_out
[docs] def decompress_file(self, keep_original=True, **kwargs): """ Decompresses a mtscomp file :param keep_original: defaults True. If False, the original compressed file (input) is deleted and the current spikeglx.Reader object is modified in place NB: This is not equivalent to overwrite (which replaces the output file) :return: pathlib.Path of the decompressed *.bin file """ if 'out' not in kwargs: kwargs['out'] = self.file_bin.with_suffix('.bin') assert self.is_mtscomp r = mtscomp.decompress(self.file_bin, self.file_bin.with_suffix('.ch'), **kwargs) r.close() if not keep_original: self.close() self.file_bin.unlink() self.file_bin.with_suffix('.ch').unlink() self.file_bin = kwargs['out'] return kwargs['out']
[docs] def verify_hash(self): """ Computes SHA-1 hash and returns True if it matches metadata, False otherwise :return: boolean """ if self.is_mtscomp: with open(self.file_bin.with_suffix('.ch')) as fid: mtscomp_params = json.load(fid) sm = mtscomp_params.get('sha1_compressed', None) if sm is None: _logger.warning("SHA1 hash is not implemented for compressed ephys. To check " "the spikeglx acquisition hash, uncompress the file first !") return True sm = sm.upper() else: sm = self.meta.fileSHA1 sc = hashfile.sha1(self.file_bin).upper() if sm == sc: log_func = else: log_func = _logger.error log_func(f"SHA1 metadata: {sm}") log_func(f"SHA1 computed: {sc}") return sm == sc
[docs]def read(sglx_file, first_sample=0, last_sample=10000): """ Function to read from a spikeglx binary file without instantiating the class. Gets the meta-data as well. >>>'/path/to/file.bin', first_sample=0, last_sample=1000) :param sglx_file: full path the the binary file to read :param first_sample: first sample to be read, python slice-wise :param last_sample: last sample to be read, python slice-wise :return: Data array, sync trace, meta-data """ with Reader(sglx_file) as sglxr: D, sync = sglxr.read_samples(first_sample=first_sample, last_sample=last_sample) return D, sync, sglxr.meta
[docs]def read_meta_data(md_file): """ Reads the spkike glx metadata file and parse in a dictionary Agnostic: does not make any assumption on the keys/content, it just parses key=values :param md_file: last sample to be read, python slice-wise :return: Data array, sync trace, meta-data """ with open(md_file) as fid: md = d = {} for a in md.splitlines(): k, v = a.split('=') # if all numbers, try to interpret the string if v and re.fullmatch('[0-9,.]*', v) and v.count('.') < 2: v = [float(val) for val in v.split(',')] # scalars should not be nested if len(v) == 1: v = v[0] # tildes in keynames removed d[k.replace('~', '')] = v d['neuropixelVersion'] = _get_neuropixel_version_from_meta(d) d['serial'] = _get_serial_number_from_meta(d) return Bunch(d)
[docs]def write_meta_data(md, md_file): """ Parses a dict into a spikeglx meta data file TODO write a test for this function, (read in, write out and make sure it is the same) :param meta: meta data dict :param md_file: file to save meta data to :return: """ with open(md_file, 'w') as fid: for key, val in md.items(): if isinstance(val, list): val = ','.join([str(int(v)) for v in val]) if isinstance(val, float): if val.is_integer(): val = int(val) fid.write(f'{key}={val}\n')
def _get_savedChans_subset(chns): """ Get the subset of the original channels that are saved per shank :param chns: :return: """ chn_grps = np.r_[0, np.where(np.diff(chns) != 1)[0] + 1, len(chns)] chn_subset = [f'{chns[chn_grps[i]]}:{chns[chn_grps[i + 1] - 1]}' if chn_grps[i] < len(chns) - 1 else f'{chns[chn_grps[i]]}' for i in range(len(chn_grps) - 1)] return ','.join([sub for sub in chn_subset]) def _get_serial_number_from_meta(md): """ Get neuropixel serial number from the metadata dictionary """ # imProbeSN for 3A, imDatPrb_sn for 3B2, None for nidq 3B2 serial = md.get('imProbeSN') or md.get('imDatPrb_sn') if serial: return int(serial) def _get_neuropixel_major_version_from_meta(md): MAJOR_VERSION = {'3A': 1, '3B2': 1, '3B1': 1, 'NP2.1': 2, 'NP2.4': 2.4} version = _get_neuropixel_version_from_meta(md) if version is not None: return MAJOR_VERSION[version] def _get_neuropixel_version_from_meta(md): """ Get neuropixel version tag (3A, 3B1, 3B2) from the metadata dictionary """ if 'typeEnabled' in md.keys(): return '3A' prb_type = md.get('imDatPrb_type') # Neuropixel 1.0 either 3B1 or 3B2 (ask Olivier about 3B1) if prb_type == 0: if 'imDatPrb_port' in md.keys() and 'imDatPrb_slot' in md.keys(): return '3B2' else: return '3B1' # Neuropixel 2.0 single shank if prb_type == 21: return 'NP2.1' # Neuropixel 2.0 four shank if prb_type == 24: return 'NP2.4' def _get_sync_trace_indices_from_meta(md): """ Returns a list containing indices of the sync traces in the original array """ typ = _get_type_from_meta(md) ntr = int(_get_nchannels_from_meta(md)) if typ == 'nidq': nsync = int(md.get('snsMnMaXaDw')[-1]) elif typ in ['lf', 'ap']: nsync = int(md.get('snsApLfSy')[2]) return list(range(ntr - nsync, ntr)) def _get_analog_sync_trace_indices_from_meta(md): """ Returns a list containing indices of the sync traces in the original array """ typ = _get_type_from_meta(md) if typ != 'nidq': return [] tr = md.get('snsMnMaXaDw') nsa = int(tr[-2]) return list(range(int(sum(tr[0:2])), int(sum(tr[0:2])) + nsa)) def _get_nchannels_from_meta(md): return int(md.get('nSavedChans')) def _get_fs_from_meta(md): if md.get('typeThis') == 'imec': return md.get('imSampRate') else: return md.get('niSampRate') def _get_type_from_meta(md): """ Get neuropixel data type (ap, lf or nidq) from metadata """ snsApLfSy = md.get('snsApLfSy', [-1, -1, -1]) if snsApLfSy[0] == 0 and snsApLfSy[1] != 0: return 'lf' elif snsApLfSy[0] != 0 and snsApLfSy[1] == 0: return 'ap' elif snsApLfSy == [-1, -1, -1] and md.get('typeThis', None) == 'nidq': return 'nidq' def _geometry_from_meta(meta_data): """ Gets the geometry, ie. the full trace header for the recording :param meta_data: meta_data dictionary as read by :return: dictionary with keys 'row', 'col', 'ind', 'shank', 'adc', 'x', 'y', 'sample_shift' """ cm = _map_channels_from_meta(meta_data) major_version = _get_neuropixel_major_version_from_meta(meta_data) if cm is None: _logger.warning("Meta data doesn't have geometry (snsShankMap field), returning defaults") th = neuropixel.trace_header(version=major_version) th['flag'] = th['x'] * 0 + 1. return th th = cm.copy() if major_version == 1: # the spike sorting channel maps have a flipped version of the channel map th['col'] = - cm['col'] * 2 + 2 + np.mod(cm['row'], 2) th.update(neuropixel.rc2xy(th['row'], th['col'], version=major_version)) th['sample_shift'], th['adc'] = neuropixel.adc_shifts(version=major_version) th['ind'] = np.arange(cm['col'].size) return th def _map_channels_from_meta(meta_data): """ Interpret the meta data string to extract an array of channel positions along the shank :param meta_data: dictionary output from spikeglx.read_meta_data :return: dictionary of arrays 'shank', 'col', 'row', 'flag', one value per active site """ if 'snsShankMap' in meta_data.keys(): chmap = re.findall(r'([0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*:[0-9]*)', meta_data['snsShankMap']) # for digital nidq types, the key exists but does not contain any information if not chmap: return {'shank': None, 'col': None, 'row': None, 'flag': None} # shank#, col#, row#, drawflag # (nb: drawflag is one should be drawn and considered spatial average) chmap = np.array([np.float32(cm.split(':')) for cm in chmap]) return {k: chmap[:, v] for (k, v) in {'shank': 0, 'col': 1, 'row': 2, 'flag': 3}.items()} def _conversion_sample2v_from_meta(meta_data): """ Interpret the meta data to extract an array of conversion factors for each channel so the output data is in Volts Conversion factor is: int2volt / channelGain For Lf/Ap interpret the gain string from metadata For Nidq, repmat the gains from the trace counts in `snsMnMaXaDw` :param meta_data: dictionary output from spikeglx.read_meta_data :return: numpy array with one gain value per channel """ def int2volts(md): """ :return: Conversion scalar to Volts. Needs to be combined with channel gains """ if md.get('typeThis', None) == 'imec': if 'imMaxInt' in md: return md.get('imAiRangeMax') / int(md['imMaxInt']) else: return md.get('imAiRangeMax') / 512 else: return md.get('niAiRangeMax') / 32768 int2volt = int2volts(meta_data) version = _get_neuropixel_version_from_meta(meta_data) # interprets the gain value from the metadata header: if 'imroTbl' in meta_data.keys(): # binary from the probes: ap or lf sy_gain = np.ones(int(meta_data['snsApLfSy'][-1]), dtype=np.float32) # imroTbl has 384 entries regardless of no of channels saved, so need to index by n_ch # TODO need to look at snsSaveChanMap and index channels to get correct gain n_chn = _get_nchannels_from_meta(meta_data) - len(_get_sync_trace_indices_from_meta(meta_data)) if 'NP2' in version: # NP 2.0; APGain = 80 for all AP # return 0 for LFgain (no LF channels) out = {'lf': np.hstack((int2volt / 80 * np.ones(n_chn).astype(np.float32), sy_gain)), 'ap': np.hstack((int2volt / 80 * np.ones(n_chn).astype(np.float32), sy_gain))} else: # the sync traces are not included in the gain values, so are included for # broadcast ops gain = re.findall(r'([0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]* [0-9]*)', meta_data['imroTbl'])[:n_chn] out = {'lf': np.hstack((np.array([1 / np.float32(g.split(' ')[-1]) for g in gain]) * int2volt, sy_gain)), 'ap': np.hstack((np.array([1 / np.float32(g.split(' ')[-2]) for g in gain]) * int2volt, sy_gain))} # nidaq gain can be read in the same way regardless of NP1.0 or NP2.0 elif 'niMNGain' in meta_data.keys(): # binary from nidq gain = np.r_[ np.ones(int(meta_data['snsMnMaXaDw'][0], )) / meta_data['niMNGain'] * int2volt, np.ones(int(meta_data['snsMnMaXaDw'][1], )) / meta_data['niMAGain'] * int2volt, np.ones(int(meta_data['snsMnMaXaDw'][2], )) * int2volt, # no gain for analog sync np.ones(int(np.sum(meta_data['snsMnMaXaDw'][3]), ))] # no unit for digital sync out = {'nidq': gain} return out
[docs]def split_sync(sync_tr): """ The synchronization channels are stored as single bits, this will split the int16 original channel into 16 single bits channels :param sync_tr: numpy vector: samples of synchronisation trace :return: int8 numpy array of 16 channels, 1 column per sync trace """ sync_tr = np.int16(np.copy(sync_tr)) out = np.unpackbits(sync_tr.view(np.uint8)).reshape(sync_tr.size, 16) out = np.flip(np.roll(out, 8, axis=1), axis=1) return np.int8(out)
[docs]def get_neuropixel_version_from_folder(session_path): ephys_files = glob_ephys_files(session_path, ext='meta') return get_neuropixel_version_from_files(ephys_files)
[docs]def get_neuropixel_version_from_files(ephys_files): if any([ef.get('nidq') for ef in ephys_files]): return '3B' else: return '3A'
[docs]def get_probes_from_folder(session_path): # should glob the ephys files and get out the labels # This assumes the meta files exist on the server (this is the case for now but should it be?) ephys_files = glob_ephys_files(session_path, ext='meta') probes = [] for files in ephys_files: if files['label']: probes.append(files['label']) return probes
[docs]def glob_ephys_files(session_path, suffix='.meta', ext='bin', recursive=True, bin_exists=True): """ From an arbitrary folder (usually session folder) gets the ap and lf files and labels Associated to the subfolders where they are the expected folder tree is: ├── 3A │ ├── imec0 │ ├── sync_testing_g0_t0.imec0.ap.bin │ │ └── sync_testing_g0_t0.imec0.lf.bin │ └── imec1 │ ├── sync_testing_g0_t0.imec1.ap.bin │ └── sync_testing_g0_t0.imec1.lf.bin └── 3B ├── sync_testing_g0_t0.nidq.bin ├── imec0 │ ├── sync_testing_g0_t0.imec0.ap.bin │ └── sync_testing_g0_t0.imec0.lf.bin └── imec1 ├── sync_testing_g0_t0.imec1.ap.bin └── sync_testing_g0_t0.imec1.lf.bin :param bin_exists: :param suffix: :param ext: file extension to look for, default 'bin' but could also be 'meta' or 'ch' :param recursive: :param session_path: folder, string or pathlib.Path :returns: a list of dictionaries with keys 'ap': apfile, 'lf': lffile and 'label' """ def get_label(raw_ephys_apfile): if[-2] != 'raw_ephys_data': return[-2] else: return '' recurse = '**/' if recursive else '' ephys_files = [] for raw_ephys_file in Path(session_path).glob(f'{recurse}*.ap*{suffix}'): raw_ephys_apfile = next(raw_ephys_file.parent.glob(raw_ephys_file.stem + f'.*{ext}'), None) if not raw_ephys_apfile and bin_exists: continue elif not raw_ephys_apfile and ext != 'bin': continue elif not bin_exists and ext == 'bin': raw_ephys_apfile = raw_ephys_file.with_suffix('.bin') # first get the ap file ephys_files.extend([Bunch({'label': None, 'ap': None, 'lf': None, 'path': None})]) ephys_files[-1].ap = raw_ephys_apfile # then get the corresponding lf file if it exists lf_file = raw_ephys_apfile.parent /'.ap.', '.lf.') ephys_files[-1].lf = next(lf_file.parent.glob(lf_file.stem + f'.*{ext}'), None) # finally, the label is the current directory except if it is bare in raw_ephys_data ephys_files[-1].label = get_label(raw_ephys_apfile) ephys_files[-1].path = raw_ephys_apfile.parent # for 3b probes, need also to get the nidq dataset type for raw_ephys_file in Path(session_path).rglob(f'{recurse}*.nidq*{suffix}'): raw_ephys_nidqfile = next(raw_ephys_file.parent.glob(raw_ephys_file.stem + f'.*{ext}'), None) if not bin_exists and ext == 'bin': raw_ephys_nidqfile = raw_ephys_file.with_suffix('.bin') ephys_files.extend([Bunch({'label': get_label(raw_ephys_file), 'nidq': raw_ephys_nidqfile, 'path': raw_ephys_file.parent})]) return ephys_files
def _mock_spikeglx_file(mock_bin_file, meta_file, ns, nc, sync_depth, random=False, int2volts=0.6 / 32768, corrupt=False): """ For testing purposes, create a binary file with sync pulses to test reading and extraction """ meta_file = Path(meta_file) mock_path_bin = Path(mock_bin_file) mock_path_meta = mock_path_bin.with_suffix('.meta') md = read_meta_data(meta_file) assert meta_file != mock_path_meta fs = _get_fs_from_meta(md) fid_source = open(meta_file) fid_target = open(mock_path_meta, 'w+') line = fid_source.readline() while line: line = fid_source.readline() if line.startswith('fileSizeBytes'): line = f'fileSizeBytes={ns * nc * 2}\n' if line.startswith('fileTimeSecs'): if corrupt: line = f'fileTimeSecs={ns / fs + 1.8324}\n' else: line = f'fileTimeSecs={ns / fs}\n' fid_target.write(line) fid_source.close() fid_target.close() if random: D = np.random.randint(-32767, 32767, size=(ns, nc), dtype=np.int16) else: # each channel as an int of chn + 1 D = np.tile(np.int16((np.arange(nc) + 1) / int2volts), (ns, 1)) D[0:16, :] = 0 # the last channel is the sync that we fill with sync = np.int16(2 ** np.float32(np.arange(-1, sync_depth))) D[:, -1] = 0 D[:sync.size, -1] = sync with open(mock_path_bin, 'w+') as fid: D.tofile(fid) return {'bin_file': mock_path_bin, 'ns': ns, 'nc': nc, 'sync_depth': sync_depth, 'D': D}
[docs]def get_hardware_config(config_file): """ Reads the neuropixel_wirings.json file containing sync mapping and parameters :param config_file: folder or json file :return: dictionary or None """ config_file = Path(config_file) if config_file.is_dir(): config_file = list(config_file.glob('*.wiring*.json')) if config_file: config_file = config_file[0] if not config_file or not config_file.exists(): return with open(config_file) as fid: par = json.loads( return par
def _sync_map_from_hardware_config(hardware_config): """ :param hardware_config: dictonary from json read of neuropixel_wirings.json :return: dictionary where key names refer to object and values to sync channel index """ pin_out = neuropixel.SYNC_PIN_OUT[hardware_config['SYSTEM']] sync_map = {hardware_config['SYNC_WIRING_DIGITAL'][pin]: pin_out[pin] for pin in hardware_config['SYNC_WIRING_DIGITAL'] if pin_out[pin] is not None} analog = hardware_config.get('SYNC_WIRING_ANALOG') if analog: sync_map.update({analog[pin]: int(pin[2:]) + 16 for pin in analog}) return sync_map
[docs]def get_sync_map(folder_ephys): hc = get_hardware_config(folder_ephys) if not hc: _logger.warning(f"No channel map for {str(folder_ephys)}") return None else: return _sync_map_from_hardware_config(hc)
[docs]def download_raw_partial(url_cbin, url_ch, first_chunk=0, last_chunk=0, one=None, cache_dir=None): """ TODO Document :param url_cbin: :param url_ch: :param first_chunk: :param last_chunk: :return: """ assert str(url_cbin).endswith('.cbin') assert str(url_ch).endswith('.ch') one = one or ONE() webclient = one.alyx cache_dir = cache_dir or webclient.cache_dir relpath = Path(url_cbin.replace(webclient._par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER, '.')).parents[0] # write the temp file into a subdirectory tdir_chunk = f"chunk_{str(first_chunk).zfill(6)}_to_{str(last_chunk).zfill(6)}" target_dir = Path(cache_dir, relpath, tdir_chunk) Path(target_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # First, download the .ch file if necessary if isinstance(url_ch, Path): ch_file = url_ch else: ch_file = Path(webclient.download_file( url_ch, target_dir=target_dir, clobber=True, return_md5=False)) ch_file = remove_uuid_file(ch_file) ch_file_stream = target_dir.joinpath('') # Load the .ch file. with open(ch_file, 'r') as f: cmeta = json.load(f) # Get the first sample index, and the number of samples to download. i0 = cmeta['chunk_bounds'][first_chunk] ns_stream = cmeta['chunk_bounds'][last_chunk + 1] - i0 total_samples = cmeta['chunk_bounds'][-1] # handles the meta file meta_local_path = ch_file_stream.with_suffix('.meta') if not meta_local_path.exists(): shutil.copy(ch_file.with_suffix('.meta'), meta_local_path) # if the cached version happens to be the same as the one on disk, just load it if ch_file_stream.exists(): with open(ch_file_stream, 'r') as f: cmeta_stream = json.load(f) if (cmeta_stream.get('chopped_first_sample', None) == i0 and cmeta_stream.get('chopped_total_samples', None) == total_samples): return Reader(ch_file_stream.with_suffix('.cbin')) else: shutil.copy(ch_file, ch_file_stream) assert ch_file_stream.exists() # prepare the metadata file cmeta['chunk_bounds'] = cmeta['chunk_bounds'][first_chunk:last_chunk + 2] cmeta['chunk_bounds'] = [_ - i0 for _ in cmeta['chunk_bounds']] assert len(cmeta['chunk_bounds']) >= 2 assert cmeta['chunk_bounds'][0] == 0 first_byte = cmeta['chunk_offsets'][first_chunk] cmeta['chunk_offsets'] = cmeta['chunk_offsets'][first_chunk:last_chunk + 2] cmeta['chunk_offsets'] = [_ - first_byte for _ in cmeta['chunk_offsets']] assert len(cmeta['chunk_offsets']) >= 2 assert cmeta['chunk_offsets'][0] == 0 n_bytes = cmeta['chunk_offsets'][-1] assert n_bytes > 0 # Save the chopped chunk bounds and offsets. cmeta['sha1_compressed'] = None cmeta['sha1_uncompressed'] = None cmeta['chopped'] = True cmeta['chopped_first_sample'] = i0 cmeta['chopped_samples'] = ns_stream cmeta['chopped_total_samples'] = total_samples with open(ch_file_stream, 'w') as f: json.dump(cmeta, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True) # Download the requested chunks cbin_local_path = webclient.download_file( url_cbin, chunks=(first_byte, n_bytes), target_dir=target_dir, clobber=True, return_md5=False) cbin_local_path = remove_uuid_file(cbin_local_path) cbin_local_path_renamed = cbin_local_path.with_suffix('.stream.cbin') cbin_local_path.replace(cbin_local_path_renamed) assert cbin_local_path_renamed.exists() reader = Reader(cbin_local_path_renamed) return reader