Source code for one.remote.base

"""Download methods common to all remote file download clients.

All supported access protocols are defined in ALYX_JSON.

Remote parameters:
    - All parameters are stored in the .remote JSON file.
    - The base keys are access protocols (e.g. 'globus').
    - Each contains a map of ID to parameters (e.g. keys such as 'default', 'admin').
    - load_client_params and save_client_params are used to read/write these params.

Includes the DownloadClient superclass.

TODO Currently record2url assumes all data are stored on a single HTTP data server. Data repos
 are not stored in the cache tables so should by default use HTTP data server but could get
 address by precedence.  NB: OneAlyx._download_dataset uses record2url then calls
TODO Could have .one/.params file that stores ONE state, including whether files are distributed?
from abc import abstractmethod
import logging

from import params as iopar

from one.params import _PAR_ID_STR

"""tuple: Default order of precedence for download protocol"""
PROC_PRECEDENCE = ('aws', 'http', 'globus', 'kachary')
    'access_protocol': {
        ('aws', 'http', 'kachary', 'globus')
"""str: Location of the remote download client parameters"""
PAR_ID_STR = f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/remote'
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def load_client_params(client_key=None, assert_present=True): """Load the parameters from the remote params file. If a client key is provided, only those client parameters are returned. NB: Remote param values are expected to all be dicts. Parameters ---------- client_key : str An optional, specific client whose parameters to return. assert_present : bool If True, raise error if client parameters not found. Returns ------- IBLParams, None Download client parameters or None if assert_present is False and no parameters found. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError No one/remote JSON file found. AttributeError Provided client key not present in one/remote params. Examples -------- Load all remote parameters >>> pars = load_client_params() Load all glogus parameters or return None if non-existent >>> pars = load_client_params('globus', assert_present=False) Load parameters for a specific globus profile >>> pars = load_client_params('globus.admin') """ try: p = if not client_key: return p for k in client_key.split('.'): p = iopar.from_dict(getattr(p, k)) return p except (FileNotFoundError, AttributeError) as ex: if assert_present: raise ex
[docs] def save_client_params(new_pars, client_key=None): """Save parameters into the remote params file. If a client key is provided, parameters are saved into this field. Parameters ---------- new_pars : dict, IBLParams A set or subset or parameters to save. client_key : str An optional, specific client whose parameters to save. Raises ------ ValueError If client_key is None, all parameter fields must hold dicts. """ if not client_key: if not all(isinstance(x, dict) for x in iopar.as_dict(new_pars).values()): raise ValueError('Not all parameter fields contain dicts') return iopar.write(PAR_ID_STR, new_pars) # Save all parameters # Save parameters into client key field pars = iopar.as_dict(, {}) or {}) pars[client_key] = iopar.as_dict(new_pars) iopar.write(PAR_ID_STR, pars)
[docs] class DownloadClient: """Data download handler base class.""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_address(self, data_path, *args, **kwargs): """Returns the remote data URL for a given ALF path.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] @abstractmethod def download_file(self, file_address, *args, **kwargs): """Download an ALF dataset given its address.""" pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def setup(*args, **kwargs): pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] @staticmethod def repo_from_alyx(name, alyx): """Return the data repository information for a given data repository.""" return'data-repository', 'read', id=name)