
Download methods common to all remote file download clients.

All supported access protocols are defined in ALYX_JSON.

Remote parameters:
  • All parameters are stored in the .remote JSON file.

  • The base keys are access protocols (e.g. ‘globus’).

  • Each contains a map of ID to parameters (e.g. keys such as ‘default’, ‘admin’).

  • load_client_params and save_client_params are used to read/write these params.

Includes the DownloadClient superclass.

TODO Currently record2url assumes all data are stored on a single HTTP data server. Data repos

are not stored in the cache tables so should by default use HTTP data server but could get address by precedence. NB: OneAlyx._download_dataset uses record2url then calls AlyxClient.download_file.

TODO Could have .one/.params file that stores ONE state, including whether files are distributed?

Module attributes


Location of the remote download client parameters



Load the parameters from the remote params file.


Save parameters into the remote params file.



Data download handler base class.

ALYX_JSON = {'access_protocol': {('aws', 'http', 'kachary', 'globus')}}

Location of the remote download client parameters



load_client_params(client_key=None, assert_present=True)[source]

Load the parameters from the remote params file.

If a client key is provided, only those client parameters are returned. NB: Remote param values are expected to all be dicts.

  • client_key (str) – An optional, specific client whose parameters to return.

  • assert_present (bool) – If True, raise error if client parameters not found.


Download client parameters or None if assert_present is False and no parameters found.

Return type:

IBLParams, None

  • FileNotFoundError – No one/remote JSON file found.

  • AttributeError – Provided client key not present in one/remote params.


Load all remote parameters

>>> pars = load_client_params()

Load all glogus parameters or return None if non-existent

>>> pars = load_client_params('globus', assert_present=False)

Load parameters for a specific globus profile

>>> pars = load_client_params('globus.admin')
save_client_params(new_pars, client_key=None)[source]

Save parameters into the remote params file.

If a client key is provided, parameters are saved into this field.

  • new_pars (dict, IBLParams) – A set or subset or parameters to save.

  • client_key (str) – An optional, specific client whose parameters to save.


ValueError – If client_key is None, all parameter fields must hold dicts.

class DownloadClient[source]

Bases: object

Data download handler base class.

abstractmethod to_address(data_path, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Returns the remote data URL for a given ALF path.

abstractmethod download_file(file_address, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Download an ALF dataset given its address.

abstractmethod static setup(*args, **kwargs)[source]
static repo_from_alyx(name, alyx)[source]

Return the data repository information for a given data repository.