Listing with ONEΒΆ

ONE contains a number of list methods that can be used to explore the datasets available.

To list all available datasets we can use

from one.api import ONE
one = ONE(base_url='', silent=True)

# All datasets in the database
dsets = one.list_datasets()

If you are connected to a database (e.g not using ONE with a local cache directory) you can find out information about a specific dataset by typing,

contrast of left-side stimulus (0...1) nan if trial is on other side
{'id': '979f9f7c-7d67-48d5-9042-a9000a8e66a2',
 'name': 'trials.contrastLeft',
 'created_by': None,
 'description': 'contrast of left-side stimulus (0...1) nan if trial is on other side',
 'filename_pattern': '*trials.contrastLeft.*'}

To find the datasets associated with a specific experiment we can pass in an eid argument

eid = 'KS023/2019-12-10/001'

# All datasets for specific session
dsets = one.list_datasets(eid)
['alf/_ibl_bodyCamera.times.npy' 'alf/_ibl_leftCamera.times.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_rightCamera.times.npy' 'alf/_ibl_trials.choice.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_trials.contrastLeft.npy' 'alf/_ibl_trials.contrastRight.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_trials.feedbackType.npy' 'alf/_ibl_trials.feedback_times.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_trials.goCue_times.npy' 'alf/_ibl_trials.intervals.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_trials.intervals_bpod.npy' 'alf/_ibl_trials.itiDuration.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_trials.response_times.npy' 'alf/_ibl_trials.rewardVolume.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_trials.stimOff_times.npy' 'alf/_ibl_trials.stimOn_times.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_wheel.position.npy' 'alf/_ibl_wheel.times.npy'
 'alf/_ibl_wheel.timestamps.npy' 'alf/_ibl_wheelMoves.intervals.npy'
 'alf/probe01/channels.mlapdv.npy' 'alf/probe01/channels.rawInd.npy'
 'alf/probe01/clusters.channels.npy' 'alf/probe01/clusters.depths.npy'
 'alf/probe01/clusters.metrics.pqt' 'alf/probe01/clusters.mlapdv.npy'
 'alf/probe01/clusters.peakToTrough.npy' 'alf/probe01/clusters.uuids.csv'
 'alf/probe01/spikes.amps.npy' 'alf/probe01/spikes.clusters.npy'
 'alf/probe01/spikes.depths.npy' 'alf/probe01/spikes.samples.npy'
 'alf/probe01/spikes.templates.npy' 'alf/probe01/spikes.times.npy'
 'alf/probe01/templates.amps.npy' 'alf/probe01/templates.waveforms.npy'
 'alf/probes.description.json' 'alf/probes.trajectory.json'

We can also list the available collections by using,

# All collections in database
collections = one.list_collections()

# All collections for specific session
collections = one.list_collections(eid)
['alf' 'alf/probe01' 'raw_behavior_data' 'raw_ephys_data'
 'raw_ephys_data/probe01' 'raw_video_data'

To find datasets in a given collection, we can use

# All datasets for specific session in alf/probe01 collection
datasets = one.list_datasets(eid, collection='alf/probe01')

Revisions can be listed in a similar way,

# All revisions in database
revisions = one.list_revisions()

# All revisions for specific session
revisions = one.list_revisions(eid)

The final useful list method allows you to search for subjects in the database,

# All subjects in the database
subjects = one.list_subjects()