Source code for one.webclient

"""API for interacting with a remote Alyx instance through REST.

The AlyxClient class contains methods for making remote Alyx REST queries and downloading remote
files through Alyx.

>>> alyx = AlyxClient(
...     username='test_user', password='TapetesBloc18',
...     base_url='')

List subjects

>>> subjects ='subjects', 'list')

Create a subject

>>> record = {
...     'nickname': nickname,
...     'responsible_user': 'olivier',
...     'birth_date': '2019-06-15',
...     'death_date': None,
...     'lab': 'cortexlab',
... }
>>> new_subj ='subjects', 'create', data=record)

Download a remote file, given a local path

>>> url = 'zadorlab/Subjects/flowers/2018-07-13/1/channels.probe.npy'
>>> local_path = alyx.download_file(url, target_dir='zadorlab/Subjects/flowers/2018-07-13/1/')

from uuid import UUID
import json
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import functools
import urllib.request
from urllib.error import HTTPError
import urllib.parse
from import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pathlib import Path
from weakref import ReferenceType
import warnings
import hashlib
import zipfile
import tempfile
from getpass import getpass
from contextlib import contextmanager

import requests
from tqdm import tqdm

from pprint import pprint
import one.params
from import hashfile
from import set_hidden
from iblutil.util import ensure_list
import concurrent.futures
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
N_THREADS = int(os.environ.get('ONE_HTTP_DL_THREADS', 4))
"""int: The number of download threads."""

class _JSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
    """A JSON encoder that handles UUID objects."""

    def default(self, o):
        """Cast UUID objects to str before serializing."""
        if isinstance(o, UUID):
            return str(o)
        return super().default(o)

def _cache_response(method):
    """Decorator for the generic request method for caching REST reponses.

    Caches the result of the query and on subsequent calls, returns cache instead of hitting the

    method : function
        Function to wrap (i.e. AlyxClient._generic_request).

        Handle to wrapped method.


    def wrapper_decorator(alyx_client, *args, expires=None, clobber=False, **kwargs):
        """REST caching wrapper.

        alyx_client : AlyxClient
            An instance of the AlyxClient class.
        args : any
            Positional arguments for applying to wrapped function.
        expires : bool
            An optional timedelta for how long cached response is valid.  If True, the cached
            response will not be used on subsequent calls.  If None, the default expiry is applied.
        clobber : bool
            If True any existing cached response is overwritten.
            Keyword arguments for applying to wrapped function.

            The REST response JSON either from cached file or directly from remote.

        expires = expires or alyx_client.default_expiry
        mode = (alyx_client.cache_mode or '').casefold()
        if args[0].__name__ != mode and mode != '*':
            return method(alyx_client, *args, **kwargs)
        # Check cache
        rest_cache = alyx_client.cache_dir.joinpath('.rest')
        sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
        sha1.update(bytes(args[1], 'utf-8'))
        name = sha1.hexdigest()
        # Reversible but length may exceed 255 chars
        # name = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(args[2].encode('UTF-8')).decode('UTF-8')
        files = list(rest_cache.glob(name))
        cached = None
        if len(files) == 1 and not clobber:
            _logger.debug('loading REST response from cache')
            with open(files[0], 'r') as f:
                cached, when = json.load(f)
            if datetime.fromisoformat(when) >
                return cached
            response = method(alyx_client, *args, **kwargs)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex:
            if cached and not clobber:
                warnings.warn('Failed to connect, returning cached response', RuntimeWarning)
                return cached
            raise ex  # No cache and can't connect to database; re-raise

        # Save response into cache
        if not rest_cache.exists():
            rest_cache = set_hidden(rest_cache, True)

        _logger.debug('caching REST response')
        expiry_datetime = + (timedelta() if expires is True else expires)
        with open(rest_cache / name, 'w') as f:
            json.dump((response, expiry_datetime.isoformat()), f, cls=_JSONEncoder)
        return response

    return wrapper_decorator

[docs] @contextmanager def no_cache(ac=None): """Temporarily turn off the REST cache for a given Alyx instance. This function is particularly useful when calling ONE methods in remote mode. Parameters ---------- ac : AlyxClient An instance of the AlyxClient to modify. If None, the a new object is instantiated Returns ------- AlyxClient The instance of Alyx with cache disabled Examples -------- >>> from one.api import ONE >>> with no_cache(ONE().alyx): ... eids = ONE().search(subject='foobar', query_type='remote') """ ac = ac or AlyxClient() cache_mode = ac.cache_mode ac.cache_mode = None try: yield ac finally: ac.cache_mode = cache_mode
class _PaginatedResponse(Mapping): """Emulate a list from a paginated response. Provides cache functionality. Examples -------- >>> r = _PaginatedResponse(client, response) """ def __init__(self, alyx, rep, cache_args=None): """Emulate a list from a paginated response. Parameters ---------- alyx : AlyxClient An instance of an AlyxClient associated with the REST response rep : dict A paginated REST response JSON dictionary cache_args : dict A dict of kwargs to pass to _cache_response decorator upon subsequent requests """ self.alyx = alyx self.count = rep['count'] self.limit = len(rep['results']) self._cache_args = cache_args or {} # store URL without pagination query params self.query = rep['next'] # init the cache, list with None with count size self._cache = [None] * self.count # fill the cache with results of the query for i in range(self.limit): self._cache[i] = rep['results'][i] self._callbacks = set() def add_callback(self, cb): """Add a callback function to use each time a new page is fetched. The callback function will be called with the page results each time :meth:`populate` is called. Parameters ---------- cb : callable A callable that takes the results of each paginated resonse. """ if not callable(cb): raise TypeError(f'Expected type "callable", got "{type(cb)}" instead') else: self._callbacks.add(cb) def __len__(self): return self.count def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, slice): while None in self._cache[item]: # If slice start index is -ve, convert to +ve index i = self.count + item.start if item.start < 0 else item.start self.populate(i + self._cache[item].index(None)) elif self._cache[item] is None: # If index is -ve, convert to +ve self.populate(self.count + item if item < 0 else item) return self._cache[item] def populate(self, idx): """Populate response cache with new page of results. Fetches the specific page of results containing the index passed and populates stores the results in the :prop:`_cache` property. Parameters ---------- idx : int The index of a given record to fetch. """ offset = self.limit * math.floor(idx / self.limit) query = update_url_params(self.query, {'limit': self.limit, 'offset': offset}) res = self.alyx._generic_request(requests.get, query, **self._cache_args) if self.count != res['count']: warnings.warn( f'remote results for {urllib.parse.urlsplit(query).path} endpoint changed; ' f'results may be inconsistent', RuntimeWarning) for i, r in enumerate(res['results'][:self.count - offset]): self._cache[i + offset] = res['results'][i] # Notify callbacks pending_removal = [] for callback in self._callbacks: # Handle weak reference callbacks first if isinstance(callback, ReferenceType): wf = callback if (callback := wf()) is None: pending_removal.append(wf) continue callback(res['results']) for wf in pending_removal: self._callbacks.discard(wf) # When cache is complete, clear our callbacks if all(reversed(self._cache)): self._callbacks.clear() def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.count): yield self.__getitem__(i)
[docs] def update_url_params(url: str, params: dict) -> str: """Add/update the query parameters of a URL and make url safe. Parameters ---------- url : str A URL string with which to update the query parameters params : dict A dict of new parameters. For multiple values for the same query, use a list (see example) Returns ------- str A new URL with said parameters updated Examples -------- >>> update_url_params('', {'pg': 5}) '' >>> update_url_params('', {'pg': 5, 'foo': ['bar', 'baz']}) '' """ # Remove percent-encoding url = urllib.parse.unquote(url) parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url) # Extract URL query arguments and convert to dict parsed_get_args = urllib.parse.parse_qs(parsed_url.query, keep_blank_values=False) # Merge URL arguments dict with new params parsed_get_args.update(params) # Convert back to query string encoded_get_args = urllib.parse.urlencode(parsed_get_args, doseq=True) # Update parser and convert to full URL str return parsed_url._replace(query=encoded_get_args).geturl()
[docs] def http_download_file_list(links_to_file_list, **kwargs): """Download a list of files from a remote HTTP server from a list of links. Generates up to 4 separate threads to handle downloads. Same options behaviour as http_download_file. Parameters ---------- links_to_file_list : list List of http links to files. **kwargs Optional arguments to pass to http_download_file. Returns ------- list of pathlib.Path A list of the local full path of the downloaded files. """ links_to_file_list = list(links_to_file_list) # In case generator was passed outputs = [] target_dir = kwargs.pop('target_dir', None) # Ensure target dir the length of url list if target_dir is None or isinstance(target_dir, (str, Path)): target_dir = [target_dir] * len(links_to_file_list) assert len(target_dir) == len(links_to_file_list) # using with statement to ensure threads are cleaned up promptly zipped = zip(links_to_file_list, target_dir) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=N_THREADS) as executor: # Multithreading load operations futures = [executor.submit( http_download_file, link, target_dir=target, **kwargs) for link, target in zipped] zip(links_to_file_list, ensure_list(kwargs.pop('target_dir', None))) # TODO Reintroduce variable timeout value based on file size and download speed of 5 Mb/s? # timeout = reduce(lambda x, y: x + (y.get('file_size', 0) or 0), dsets, 0) / 625000 ? concurrent.futures.wait(futures, timeout=None) # build return list for future in futures: outputs.append(future.result()) # if returning md5, separate list of tuples into two lists: (files, md5) return list(zip(*outputs)) if kwargs.get('return_md5', False) else outputs
[docs] def http_download_file(full_link_to_file, chunks=None, *, clobber=False, silent=False, username='', password='', target_dir='', return_md5=False, headers=None): """Download a file from a remote HTTP server. Parameters ---------- full_link_to_file : str HTTP link to the file chunks : tuple of ints Chunks to download clobber : bool If True, force overwrite the existing file silent : bool If True, suppress download progress bar username : str User authentication for password protected file server password : str Password authentication for password protected file server target_dir : str, pathlib.Path Directory in which files are downloaded; defaults to user's Download directory return_md5 : bool If True an MD5 hash of the file is additionally returned headers : list of dicts Additional headers to add to the request (auth tokens etc.) Returns ------- pathlib.Path The full file path of the downloaded file """ if not full_link_to_file: return (None, None) if return_md5 else None # makes sure special characters get encoded ('#' in file names for example) surl = urllib.parse.urlsplit(full_link_to_file, allow_fragments=False) full_link_to_file = surl._replace(path=urllib.parse.quote(surl.path)).geturl() # default cache directory is the home dir if not target_dir: target_dir = Path.home().joinpath('Downloads') # This should be the base url you wanted to access. base_url, name = full_link_to_file.rsplit('/', 1) file_name = Path(target_dir, name) # do not overwrite an existing file unless specified if not clobber and file_name.exists(): return (file_name, hashfile.md5(file_name)) if return_md5 else file_name # Create a password manager manager = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() if username and password: manager.add_password(None, base_url, username, password) # Create an authentication handler using the password manager auth = urllib.request.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(manager) # Create an opener that will replace the default urlopen method on further calls opener = urllib.request.build_opener(auth) urllib.request.install_opener(opener) # Support for partial download. req = urllib.request.Request(full_link_to_file) if chunks is not None: first_byte, n_bytes = chunks req.add_header('Range', 'bytes=%d-%d' % (first_byte, first_byte + n_bytes - 1)) # add additional headers if headers is not None: for k in headers: req.add_header(k, headers[k]) # Open the url and get the length try: u = urllib.request.urlopen(req) except HTTPError as e: _logger.error(f'{str(e)} {full_link_to_file}') raise e file_size = int(u.getheader('Content-length')) if not silent: print(f'Downloading: {file_name} Bytes: {file_size}') block_sz = 8192 * 64 * 8 md5 = hashlib.md5() f = open(file_name, 'wb') with tqdm(total=file_size / 1024 / 1024, disable=silent) as pbar: while True: buffer = if not buffer: break f.write(buffer) if return_md5: md5.update(buffer) pbar.update(len(buffer) / 1024 / 1024) f.close() return (file_name, md5.hexdigest()) if return_md5 else file_name
[docs] def file_record_to_url(file_records) -> list: """Translate a Json dictionary to an usable http url for downloading files. Parameters ---------- file_records : dict JSON containing a 'data_url' field Returns ------- list of str A list of full data urls """ urls = [] for fr in file_records: if fr['data_url'] is not None: urls.append(fr['data_url']) return urls
[docs] def dataset_record_to_url(dataset_record) -> list: """Extract a list of files urls from a list of dataset queries. Parameters ---------- dataset_record : list, dict Dataset JSON from a REST request Returns ------- list of str A list of file urls corresponding to the datasets records """ urls = [] if isinstance(dataset_record, dict): dataset_record = [dataset_record] for ds in dataset_record: urls += file_record_to_url(ds['file_records']) return urls
[docs] class AlyxClient: """Class that implements simple GET/POST wrappers for the Alyx REST API. See """ _token = None _headers = {} # Headers for REST requests only user = None """str: The Alyx username.""" base_url = None """str: The Alyx database URL.""" def __init__(self, base_url=None, username=None, password=None, cache_dir=None, silent=False, cache_rest='GET'): """Create a client instance that allows to GET and POST to the Alyx server. For One, constructor attempts to authenticate with credentials in For standalone cases, AlyxClient(username='', password='', base_url=''). Parameters ---------- base_url : str Alyx server address, including port and protocol. username : str Alyx database user. password : str Alyx database password. cache_dir : str, pathlib.Path The default root download location. silent : bool If true, user prompts and progress bars are suppressed. cache_rest : str, None Which type of http method to apply cache to; if '*', all requests are cached. stay_logged_in : bool If true, auth token is cached. """ self.silent = silent self._par = one.params.get(client=base_url, silent=self.silent, username=username) self.base_url = base_url or self._par.ALYX_URL self._par = self._par.set('CACHE_DIR', cache_dir or self._par.CACHE_DIR) if username or password: self.authenticate(username, password) self._rest_schemes = None # the mixed accept application may cause errors sometimes, only necessary for the docs self._headers = {**self._headers, 'Accept': 'application/json'} # REST cache parameters # The default length of time that cache file is valid for, # The default expiry is overridden by the `expires` kwarg. If False, the caching is # turned off. self.default_expiry = timedelta(minutes=5) self.cache_mode = cache_rest self._obj_id = id(self) @property def rest_schemes(self): """dict: The REST endpoints and their parameters.""" # Delayed fetch of rest schemes speeds up instantiation if not self._rest_schemes: self._rest_schemes = self.get('/docs', expires=timedelta(weeks=1)) return self._rest_schemes @property def cache_dir(self): """pathlib.Path: The location of the downloaded file cache.""" return Path(self._par.CACHE_DIR) @cache_dir.setter def cache_dir(self, cache_dir): cache_dir = Path(cache_dir) cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) self._par = self._par.set('CACHE_DIR', cache_dir) @property def is_logged_in(self): """bool: Check if user logged into Alyx database; True if user is authenticated.""" return bool(self.user and self._token and 'Authorization' in self._headers)
[docs] def list_endpoints(self): """Return a list of available REST endpoints. Returns ------- List of REST endpoint strings. """ EXCLUDE = ('_type', '_meta', '', 'auth-token') return sorted(x for x in self.rest_schemes.keys() if x not in EXCLUDE)
[docs] def print_endpoint_info(self, endpoint, action=None): """Print the available actions and query parameters for a given REST endpoint. Parameters ---------- endpoint : str An Alyx REST endpoint to query. action : str An optional action (e.g. 'list') to print. If None, all actions are printed. Returns ------- dict, list A dictionary of endpoint query parameter details or a list of parameter details if action is not None. """ rs = self.rest_schemes if endpoint not in rs: return print(f'Endpoint "{endpoint}" does not exist') for _action in (rs[endpoint] if action is None else [action]): doc = [] pprint(_action) for f in rs[endpoint][_action]['fields']: required = ' (required): ' if f.get('required', False) else ': ' doc.append(f'\t"{f["name"]}"{required}{f["schema"]["_type"]}' f', {f["schema"]["description"]}') doc.sort() [print(d) for d in doc if '(required)' in d] [print(d) for d in doc if '(required)' not in d] return (rs[endpoint] if action is None else rs[endpoint][action]).copy()
@_cache_response def _generic_request(self, reqfunction, rest_query, data=None, files=None): if not self.is_logged_in: self.authenticate(username=self.user) # makes sure the base url is the one from the instance rest_query = rest_query.replace(self.base_url, '') if not rest_query.startswith('/'): rest_query = '/' + rest_query _logger.debug(f'{self.base_url + rest_query}, headers: {self._headers}') headers = self._headers.copy() if files is None: to_json = functools.partial(json.dumps, cls=_JSONEncoder) data = to_json(data) if isinstance(data, dict) or isinstance(data, list) else data headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if rest_query.startswith('/docs'): # the mixed accept application may cause errors sometimes, only necessary for the docs headers['Accept'] = 'application/coreapi+json' r = reqfunction(self.base_url + rest_query, stream=True, headers=headers, data=data, files=files) if r and r.status_code in (200, 201): return json.loads(r.text) elif r and r.status_code == 204: return if r.status_code == 403 and '"Invalid token."' in r.text: _logger.debug('Token invalid; Attempting to re-authenticate...') # Log out in order to flush stale token. At this point we no longer have the password # but if the user re-instantiates with a password arg it will request a new token. username = self.user if self.silent: # no need to log out otherwise; user will be prompted for password self.logout() self.authenticate(username=username, force=True) return self._generic_request(reqfunction, rest_query, data=data, files=files) else: _logger.debug('Response text raw: ' + r.text) try: message = json.loads(r.text) message.pop('status_code', None) # Get status code from response object instead message = message.get('detail') or message # Get details if available _logger.debug(message) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: message = r.text raise requests.HTTPError(r.status_code, rest_query, message, response=r)
[docs] def authenticate(self, username=None, password=None, cache_token=True, force=False): """Fetch token from the Alyx REST API for authenticating request headers. Credentials are loaded via one.params. Parameters ---------- username : str Alyx username. If None, token not cached and not silent, user is prompted. password : str Alyx password. If None, token not cached and not silent, user is prompted. cache_token : bool If true, the token is cached for subsequent auto-logins. force : bool If true, any cached token is ignored. """ # Get username if username is None: username = getattr(self._par, 'ALYX_LOGIN', self.user) if username is None and not self.silent: username = input('Enter Alyx username:') # If user passes in a password, force re-authentication even if token cached if password is not None: if not force: _logger.debug('Forcing token request with provided password') force = True # Check if token cached if not force and getattr(self._par, 'TOKEN', False) and username in self._par.TOKEN: self._token = self._par.TOKEN[username] self._headers = { 'Authorization': f'Token {list(self._token.values())[0]}', 'Accept': 'application/json'} self.user = username return # Get password if password is None: password = getattr(self._par, 'ALYX_PWD', None) if password is None: if self.silent: warnings.warn( 'No password or cached token in silent mode. ' 'Please run the following to re-authenticate:\n\t' 'AlyxClient(silent=False).authenticate' '(username=<username>, force=True)', UserWarning) else: password = getpass(f'Enter Alyx password for "{username}":') # Remove previous token self._clear_token(username) try: credentials = {'username': username, 'password': password} rep = + '/auth-token', data=credentials) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: raise ConnectionError( f'Can\'t connect to {self.base_url}.\n' + 'Check your internet connections and Alyx database firewall' ) # Assign token or raise exception on auth error if rep.ok: self._token = rep.json() assert list(self._token.keys()) == ['token'] else: if rep.status_code == 400: # Auth error; re-raise with details redacted = '*' * len(credentials['password']) if credentials['password'] else None message = ('Alyx authentication failed with credentials: ' f'user = {credentials["username"]}, password = {redacted}') raise requests.HTTPError(rep.status_code, rep.url, message, response=rep) else: rep.raise_for_status() self._headers = { 'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(list(self._token.values())[0]), 'Accept': 'application/json'} if cache_token: # Update saved pars par = one.params.get(client=self.base_url, silent=True) tokens = getattr(par, 'TOKEN', {}) tokens[username] = self._token'TOKEN', tokens), self.base_url) # Update current pars self._par = self._par.set('TOKEN', tokens) self.user = username if not self.silent: print(f'Connected to {self.base_url} as user "{self.user}"')
def _clear_token(self, username): """Remove auth token from client params. Deletes the cached authentication token for a given user. """ par = one.params.get(client=self.base_url, silent=True) # Remove token from cache if getattr(par, 'TOKEN', False) and username in par.TOKEN: del par.TOKEN[username], self.base_url) # Remove token from local pars if getattr(self._par, 'TOKEN', False) and username in self._par.TOKEN: del self._par.TOKEN[username] # Remove token from object self._token = None if self._headers and 'Authorization' in self._headers: del self._headers['Authorization']
[docs] def logout(self): """Log out from Alyx. Deletes the cached authentication token for the currently logged-in user and clears the REST cache. """ if not self.is_logged_in: return self._clear_token(username := self.user) self.user = None self.clear_rest_cache() if not self.silent: print(f'{username} logged out from {self.base_url}')
[docs] def delete(self, rest_query): """Send a DELETE request to the Alyx server. Will raise an exception on any HTTP status code other than 200, 201. Parameters ---------- rest_query : str A REST query string either as a relative URL path complete URL. Returns ------- JSON interpreted dictionary from response. Examples -------- >>> AlyxClient.delete('/weighings/c617562d-c107-432e-a8ee-682c17f9e698') >>> AlyxClient.delete( ... '') """ return self._generic_request(requests.delete, rest_query)
[docs] def download_file(self, url, **kwargs): """Download file(s) from data server from a REST file record URL. Parameters ---------- url : str, list Full url(s) of the file(s). **kwargs WebClient.http_download_file parameters. Returns ------- pathlib.Path, list of pathlib.Path Local path(s) of downloaded file(s). """ if isinstance(url, str): url = self._validate_file_url(url) download_fcn = http_download_file else: url = (self._validate_file_url(x) for x in url) download_fcn = http_download_file_list pars = dict( silent=kwargs.pop('silent', self.silent), target_dir=kwargs.pop('target_dir', self._par.CACHE_DIR), username=self._par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER_LOGIN, password=self._par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER_PWD, **kwargs ) try: files = download_fcn(url, **pars) except HTTPError as ex: if ex.code == 401: ex.msg += (' - please check your HTTP_DATA_SERVER_LOGIN and ' 'HTTP_DATA_SERVER_PWD ONE params, or username/password kwargs') raise ex return files
[docs] def download_cache_tables(self, source=None, destination=None): """Download Alyx cache tables to the local data cache directory. Parameters ---------- source : str, pathlib.Path The remote HTTP directory of the cache table (excluding the filename). Default: AlyxClient.base_url. destination : str, pathlib.Path The target directory into to which the tables will be downloaded. Returns ------- List of parquet table file paths. """ source = str(source or f'{self.base_url}/') destination = destination or self.cache_dir Path(destination).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) headers = None if source.startswith(self.base_url): if not self.is_logged_in: self.authenticate() headers = self._headers with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(dir=destination) as tmp: file = http_download_file(source, headers=headers, silent=self.silent, target_dir=tmp, clobber=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(file, 'r') as zipped: files = zipped.namelist() zipped.extractall(destination) return [Path(destination, table) for table in files]
def _validate_file_url(self, url): """Assert that URL matches HTTP_DATA_SERVER parameter. Currently only one remote HTTP server is supported for a given AlyxClient instance. If the URL contains only the relative path part, the full URL is returned. Parameters ---------- url : str The full or partial URL to validate. Returns ------- The complete URL. Examples -------- >>> url = self._validate_file_url('') '' >>> url = self._validate_file_url('path/to/file') '' """ if url.startswith('http'): # A full URL assert url.startswith(self._par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER), \ ('remote protocol and/or hostname does not match HTTP_DATA_SERVER parameter:\n' + f'"{url[:40]}..." should start with "{self._par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER}"') elif not url.startswith(self._par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER): url = self.rel_path2url(url) return url
[docs] def rel_path2url(self, path): """Given a relative file path, return the remote HTTP server URL. It is expected that the remote HTTP server has the same file tree as the local system. Parameters ---------- path : str, pathlib.Path A relative ALF path (subject/date/number/etc.). Returns ------- A URL string. """ path = str(path).strip('/') assert not path.startswith('http') return f'{self._par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER}/{path}'
[docs] def get(self, rest_query, **kwargs): """Send a GET request to the Alyx server. Will raise an exception on any HTTP status code other than 200, 201. For the dictionary contents and list of endpoints, refer to: Parameters ---------- rest_query : str A REST URL path, e.g. '/sessions?user=Hamish'. **kwargs Optional arguments to pass to _generic_request and _cache_response decorator. Returns ------- JSON interpreted dictionary from response. """ rep = self._generic_request(requests.get, rest_query, **kwargs) if isinstance(rep, dict) and list(rep.keys()) == ['count', 'next', 'previous', 'results']: if len(rep['results']) < rep['count']: cache_args = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in ('clobber', 'expires')} rep = _PaginatedResponse(self, rep, cache_args) else: rep = rep['results'] return rep
[docs] def patch(self, rest_query, data=None, files=None): """Send a PATCH request to the Alyx server. For the dictionary contents, refer to: Parameters ---------- rest_query : str The endpoint as full or relative URL. data : dict, str JSON encoded string or dictionary (c.f. requests). files : dict, tuple Files to attach (c.f. requests). Returns ------- Response object. """ return self._generic_request(requests.patch, rest_query, data=data, files=files)
[docs] def post(self, rest_query, data=None, files=None): """Send a POST request to the Alyx server. For the dictionary contents, refer to: Parameters ---------- rest_query : str The endpoint as full or relative URL. data : dict, str JSON encoded string or dictionary (c.f. requests). files : dict, tuple Files to attach (c.f. requests). Returns ------- Response object. """ return self._generic_request(, rest_query, data=data, files=files)
[docs] def put(self, rest_query, data=None, files=None): """Send a PUT request to the Alyx server. For the dictionary contents, refer to: Parameters ---------- rest_query : str The endpoint as full or relative URL. data : dict, str JSON encoded string or dictionary (c.f. requests). files : dict, tuple Files to attach (c.f. requests). Returns ------- requests.Response Response object. """ return self._generic_request(requests.put, rest_query, data=data, files=files)
[docs] def rest(self, url=None, action=None, id=None, data=None, files=None, no_cache=False, **kwargs): """Alyx REST API wrapper. If no arguments are passed, lists available endpoints. Parameters ---------- url : str Endpoint name. action : str One of 'list', 'create', 'read', 'update', 'partial_update', 'delete'. id : str, uuid.UUID Lookup string for actions 'read', 'update', 'partial_update', and 'delete'. data : dict Data dictionary for actions 'update', 'partial_update' and 'create'. files : dict, tuple Option file(s) to upload. no_cache : bool If true the `list` and `read` actions are performed without returning the cache. kwargs Filters as per the Alyx REST documentation c.f. Returns ------- list, dict List of queried dicts ('list') or dict (other actions). Examples -------- List available endpoint >>> client = AlyxClient() ... List available actions for the 'subjects' endpoint >>>'subjects') Example REST endpoint with all actions >>>'subjects', 'list') >>>'subjects', 'list', field_filter1='filterval') >>>'subjects', 'create', data=sub_dict) >>>'subjects', 'read', id='nickname') >>>'subjects', 'update', id='nickname', data=sub_dict) >>>'subjects', 'partial_update', id='nickname', data=sub_dict) >>>'subjects', 'delete', id='nickname') >>>'notes', 'create', data=nd, files={'image': open(image_file, 'rb')}) """ # if endpoint is None, list available endpoints if not url: pprint(self.list_endpoints()) return # remove beginning slash if any if url.startswith('/'): url = url[1:] # and split to the next slash or question mark endpoint = re.findall("^/*[^?/]*", url)[0].replace('/', '') # make sure the queried endpoint exists, if not throw an informative error if endpoint not in self.rest_schemes.keys(): av = [k for k in self.rest_schemes.keys() if not k.startswith('_') and k] raise ValueError('REST endpoint "' + endpoint + '" does not exist. Available ' + 'endpoints are \n ' + '\n '.join(av)) endpoint_scheme = self.rest_schemes[endpoint] # on a filter request, override the default action parameter if '?' in url: action = 'list' # if action is None, list available actions for the required endpoint if not action: pprint(list(endpoint_scheme.keys())) self.print_endpoint_info(endpoint) return # make sure the desired action exists, if not throw an informative error if action not in endpoint_scheme: raise ValueError('Action "' + action + '" for REST endpoint "' + endpoint + '" does ' + 'not exist. Available actions are: ' + '\n ' + '\n '.join(endpoint_scheme.keys())) # the actions below require an id in the URL, warn and help the user if action in ['read', 'update', 'partial_update', 'delete'] and not id: _logger.warning('REST action "' + action + '" requires an ID in the URL: ' + endpoint_scheme[action]['url']) return # the actions below require a data dictionary, warn and help the user with fields list data_required = 'fields' in endpoint_scheme[action] if action in ['create', 'update', 'partial_update'] and data_required and not data: pprint(endpoint_scheme[action]['fields']) for act in endpoint_scheme[action]['fields']: print("'" + act['name'] + "': ...,") _logger.warning('REST action "' + action + '" requires a data dict with above keys') return # clobber=True means remote request always made, expires=True means response is not cached cache_args = {'clobber': no_cache, 'expires': kwargs.pop('expires', False) or no_cache} if action == 'list': # list doesn't require id nor assert endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'get' # add to url data if it is a string if id: # this is a special case of the list where we query a uuid. Usually read is better if 'django' in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['django'] = kwargs['django'] + ',' else: kwargs['django'] = '' kwargs['django'] = f"{kwargs['django']}pk,{id}" # otherwise, look for a dictionary of filter terms if kwargs: # Convert all lists in query params to comma separated list query_params = {k: ','.join(map(str, ensure_list(v))) for k, v in kwargs.items()} url = update_url_params(url, query_params) return self.get('/' + url, **cache_args) if not isinstance(id, str) and id is not None: id = str(id) # e.g. may be uuid.UUID if action == 'read': assert endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'get' return self.get('/' + endpoint + '/' + id.split('/')[-1], **cache_args) elif action == 'create': assert endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'post' return'/' + endpoint, data=data, files=files) elif action == 'delete': assert endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'delete' return self.delete('/' + endpoint + '/' + id.split('/')[-1]) elif action == 'partial_update': assert endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'patch' return self.patch('/' + endpoint + '/' + id.split('/')[-1], data=data, files=files) elif action == 'update': assert endpoint_scheme[action]['action'] == 'put' return self.put('/' + endpoint + '/' + id.split('/')[-1], data=data, files=files)
# JSON field interface convenience methods def _check_inputs(self, endpoint: str) -> None: # make sure the queried endpoint exists, if not throw an informative error if endpoint not in self.rest_schemes.keys(): av = (k for k in self.rest_schemes.keys() if not k.startswith('_') and k) raise ValueError('REST endpoint "' + endpoint + '" does not exist. Available ' + 'endpoints are \n ' + '\n '.join(av)) return
[docs] def json_field_write( self, endpoint: str = None, uuid: str = None, field_name: str = None, data: dict = None ) -> dict: """Write data to JSON field. NOTE: Destructive write! WILL NOT CHECK IF DATA EXISTS Parameters ---------- endpoint : str, None Valid alyx endpoint, defaults to None. uuid : str, uuid.UUID, None UUID or lookup name for endpoint. field_name : str, None Valid json field name, defaults to None. data : dict, None Data to write to json field, defaults to None. Returns ------- dict Written data dict. """ self._check_inputs(endpoint) # Prepare data to patch patch_dict = {field_name: data} # Upload new extended_qc to session ret =, 'partial_update', id=uuid, data=patch_dict) return ret[field_name]
[docs] def json_field_update( self, endpoint: str = None, uuid: str = None, field_name: str = 'json', data: dict = None ) -> dict: """Non-destructive update of JSON field of endpoint for object. Will update the field_name of the object with pk = uuid of given endpoint If data has keys with the same name of existing keys it will squash the old values (uses the dict.update() method). Parameters ---------- endpoint : str Alyx REST endpoint to hit. uuid : str, uuid.UUID UUID or lookup name of object. field_name : str Name of the json field. data : dict A dictionary with fields to be updated. Returns ------- dict New patched json field contents as dict. Examples -------- >>> client = AlyxClient() >>> client.json_field_update('sessions', 'eid_str', 'extended_qc', {'key': 'value'}) """ self._check_inputs(endpoint) # Load current json field contents current =, 'read', id=uuid)[field_name] if current is None: current = {} if not isinstance(current, dict): _logger.warning( f'Current json field "{field_name}" does not contains a dict, aborting update' ) return current # Patch current dict with new data current.update(data) # Prepare data to patch patch_dict = {field_name: current} # Upload new extended_qc to session ret =, 'partial_update', id=uuid, data=patch_dict) return ret[field_name]
[docs] def json_field_remove_key( self, endpoint: str = None, uuid: str = None, field_name: str = 'json', key: str = None ) -> Optional[dict]: """Remove inputted key from JSON field dict and re-upload it to Alyx. Needs endpoint, UUID and json field name. Parameters ---------- endpoint : str Endpoint to hit, defaults to None. uuid : str, uuid.UUID UUID or lookup name for endpoint. field_name : str JSON field name of object, defaults to None. key : str Key name of dictionary inside object, defaults to None. Returns ------- dict New content of json field. """ self._check_inputs(endpoint) current =, 'read', id=uuid)[field_name] # If no contents, cannot remove key, return if current is None: return current # if contents are not dict, cannot remove key, return contents if isinstance(current, str): _logger.warning(f'Cannot remove key {key} content of json field is of type str') return None # If key not present in contents of json field cannot remove key, return contents if current.get(key, None) is None: _logger.warning( f'{key}: Key not found in endpoint {endpoint} field {field_name}' ) return current'Removing key from dict: "{key}"') current.pop(key) # Re-write contents without removed key written = self.json_field_write( endpoint=endpoint, uuid=uuid, field_name=field_name, data=current ) return written
[docs] def json_field_delete( self, endpoint: str = None, uuid: str = None, field_name: str = None ) -> None: """Set an entire field to null. Note that this deletes all data from a given field. To delete only a single key from a given JSON field, use `json_field_remove_key`. Parameters ---------- endpoint : str Endpoint to hit, defaults to None. uuid : str, uuid.UUID UUID or lookup name for endpoint. field_name : str The field name of object (e.g. 'json', 'name', 'extended_qc'), defaults to None. Returns ------- None New content of json field. """ self._check_inputs(endpoint) _ =, 'partial_update', id=uuid, data={field_name: None}) return _[field_name]
[docs] def clear_rest_cache(self): """Clear all REST response cache files for the base url.""" for file in self.cache_dir.joinpath('.rest').glob('*'): file.unlink()