Source code for one.tests.test_params

"""Unit tests for the one.params module.

NB: `setup` function also tested with TestOneSetup class in one.tests.test_one.
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from pathlib import Path
from functools import partial
import tempfile

import one.params
import one.params as params
from . import util
from . import TEST_DB_1

[docs] class TestParamSetup(unittest.TestCase): """Test for one.params.setup function"""
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: self.par_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self.addCleanup(self.par_dir.cleanup) self.url = TEST_DB_1['base_url'][8:].replace(':', '_') # URL without schema # Change the location of the parameters to our temp dir get_file = partial(util.get_file, self.get_file_mock = mock.patch('', new=get_file) self.get_file_mock.start() self.addCleanup(self.get_file_mock.stop)
def _mock_input(self, prompt, **kwargs): """Stub function for builtins.input""" if prompt.lower().startswith('warning'): return 'n' elif 'url' in prompt.lower(): return self.url else: for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k in prompt: return v return ''
[docs] @mock.patch('one.params.getpass', return_value='mock_pwd') def test_setup(self, _): """Test fresh setup with default args""" with mock.patch('one.params.input', new=self._mock_input): cache = one.params.setup() # Check client map contains our url sans schema self.assertTrue(self.url in cache.CLIENT_MAP) # Check default download location includes client key self.assertTrue(cache.CLIENT_MAP[self.url].endswith(self.url)) # Check default self.assertEqual(cache.DEFAULT, self.url) # Check that it added the schema to the URL par = one.params.get(self.url, silent=True) self.assertEqual('https://' + self.url, par.ALYX_URL) self.assertEqual('mock_pwd', par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER_PWD) # Check verification prompt resp_map = {'ALYX_LOGIN': 'mistake', 'settings correct?': 'N'} with mock.patch('one.params.input', new=partial(self._mock_input, **resp_map)): one.params.setup() par = one.params.get(self.url, silent=True) self.assertNotEqual(par.ALYX_LOGIN, 'mistake') # Check prompt when quotation marks used resp_map = {'ALYX_LOGIN': '"foo"', 'Strip quotation marks': 'y', 'settings correct?': 'Y'} with mock.patch('one.params.input', new=partial(self._mock_input, **resp_map)): self.assertWarnsRegex(UserWarning, 'quotation marks', one.params.setup) par = one.params.get(self.url, silent=True) self.assertEqual(par.ALYX_LOGIN, 'foo', 'failed to strip quotes from user input') # Check that raises ValueError when bad URL provided self.url = '' with self.assertRaises(ValueError), mock.patch('one.params.input', new=self._mock_input): one.params.setup() # Check uses cache_dir arg in cache map location = str(Path( / 'data') # Check with user prompts self.url = '' # User selects default with mock.patch('one.params.input', new=self._mock_input): cache = one.params.setup(cache_dir=location) self.assertIn(location, cache.CLIENT_MAP.values()) # Check warns when cache_dir conflicts in silent mode with self.assertWarns(UserWarning): cache = one.params.setup(TEST_DB_1['base_url'][8:], cache_dir=location, silent=True) self.assertEqual(location, cache.CLIENT_MAP[cache.DEFAULT])
[docs] class TestONEParamUtil(unittest.TestCase): """Test class for one.params utility functions"""
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: pass
[docs] def test_key_from_url(self): """Test for one.params._key_from_url""" key = params._key_from_url('') self.assertEqual(key, '') key = params._key_from_url('') self.assertEqual(key, 'www.domain.org_db__rest_true')
[docs] def test_get_params_dir(self): """Test for one.params.get_params_dir""" par_dir = Path('path', 'to', 'params') with mock.patch('', new=partial(util.get_file, par_dir)): path = params.get_params_dir() self.assertIsInstance(path, Path) self.assertEqual('path/to/params/.one', path.as_posix())
[docs] def test_get_default_client(self): """Test for one.params.get_default_client""" temp_dir = util.set_up_env() self.addCleanup(temp_dir.cleanup) with mock.patch('', new=partial(util.get_file, self.assertIsNone(params.get_default_client()) # Copy over caches fixture params.setup(silent=True) client = params.get_default_client() self.assertEqual(client, '') # Test with include_schema=False client = params.get_default_client(include_schema=False) self.assertEqual(client, '')
[docs] def test_get_cache_dir(self): """Test for one.params.get_cache_dir""" temp_dir = util.set_up_env() cache_dir = Path( / 'download_cache' assert not cache_dir.exists() self.addCleanup(temp_dir.cleanup) with mock.patch('', new=partial(util.get_file, util.setup_test_params(cache_dir=cache_dir) out = params.get_cache_dir() self.assertEqual(cache_dir, out) self.assertTrue(cache_dir.exists())
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(exit=False, verbosity=2)