"""Functions for modifying, loading and saving ONE and Alyx database parameters.
- Load ONE with a cache dir: tries to load the Web client params from the dir
- Load ONE with http address - gets cache dir from the URL map
The ONE params comprise two files: a caches file that contains a map of Alyx db URLs to cache
directories, and a separate parameter file for each url containing the client parameters. The
caches file also sets the default client for when no url is provided.
import re
import shutil
import warnings
from iblutil.io import params as iopar
from getpass import getpass
from pathlib import Path
from urllib.parse import urlsplit
import unicodedata
_PAR_ID_STR = 'one'
_CLIENT_ID_STR = 'caches'
CACHE_DIR_DEFAULT = str(Path.home() / 'Downloads' / 'ONE')
"""str: The default data download location"""
def default():
"""Default Web client parameters."""
par = {'ALYX_URL': 'https://openalyx.internationalbrainlab.org',
'ALYX_LOGIN': 'intbrainlab',
'HTTP_DATA_SERVER': 'https://ibl.flatironinstitute.org/public',
return iopar.from_dict(par)
def _get_current_par(k, par_current):
"""Return the current parameter value or the default.
k : str
The parameter key lookup.
par_current : IBLParams
The current parameter set.
The current parameter value or default if None or not set.
cpar = getattr(par_current, k, None)
if cpar is None:
cpar = getattr(default(), k, None)
return cpar
def _key_from_url(url: str) -> str:
"""Convert a URL str to one valid for use as a file name or dict key.
URL Protocols are removed entirely.
The returned string will have characters in the set [a-zA-Z.-_].
url : str
A URL string.
A filename-safe string.
>>> url = _key_from_url('http://test.alyx.internationalbrainlab.org/')
url = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', url) # Ensure ASCII
url = re.sub('^https?://', '', url).strip('/') # Remove protocol and trialing slashes
url = re.sub(r'[^.\w\s-]', '_', url.lower()) # Convert non word chars to underscore
return re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', url) # Convert spaces to hyphens
def setup(client=None, silent=False, make_default=None, username=None, cache_dir=None):
"""Set up ONE parameters.
If a client (i.e. Alyx database URL) is provided, settings for that instance will be set.
If silent, the user will be prompted to input each parameter value. Pressing return will use
either current parameter or the default.
client : str
An Alyx database URL. If None, the user will be prompted to input one.
silent : bool
If True, user is not prompted for any input.
make_default : bool
If True, client is set as the default and will be returned when calling `get` with no
username : str, optional
The Alyx username to store in the params.
cache_dir : str, pathlib.Path
The default cache directory to store in the params.
An updated cache map.
# First get default parameters
par_default = default()
default_url = par_default.ALYX_URL
client_key = _key_from_url(client or default_url)
# If a client URL has been provided, set it as the default URL
par_default = par_default.set('ALYX_URL', client or default_url)
# When silent=True, if setting up default database use default parameters
# instead of current ones to reset credentials
if silent and client_key == _key_from_url(default_url):
par_current = par_default
par_current = iopar.read(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{client_key}', par_default)
if username:
par_current = par_current.set('ALYX_LOGIN', username)
# Load the db URL map
cache_map = iopar.read(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{_CLIENT_ID_STR}', {'CLIENT_MAP': dict()})
if not silent:
prompt = 'Param %s, current value is ["%s"]:'
par = iopar.as_dict(par_default)
quotes = '"\'`'
# Iterate through non-password pars
for k in filter(lambda k: 'PWD' not in k, par.keys()):
cpar = _get_current_par(k, par_current)
# Prompt for database and FI URL
if 'URL' in k:
if k == 'ALYX_URL' and client:
continue # skip if client url already provided
par[k] = input(prompt % (k, cpar)).strip().rstrip('/') or cpar
if '://' not in par[k]:
par[k] = 'https://' + par[k]
url_parsed = urlsplit(par[k])
if not (url_parsed.netloc and re.match('https?', url_parsed.scheme)):
raise ValueError(f'{k} must be valid HTTP URL')
par[k] = input(prompt % (k, cpar)).strip() or cpar
# Check whether user erroneously entered quotation marks
# Prompting the user here (hopefully) corrects them before they input a password
# where the use of quotation marks may be legitimate
if par[k] and len(par[k]) >= 2 and par[k][0] in quotes and par[k][-1] in quotes:
warnings.warn('Do not use quotation marks with input answers', UserWarning)
ans = input('Strip quotation marks from response? [Y/n]:').strip() or 'y'
if ans.casefold()[0] == 'y':
par[k] = par[k].strip(quotes)
if k == 'ALYX_URL':
client = par[k]
cpar = _get_current_par('HTTP_DATA_SERVER_PWD', par_current)
prompt = f'Enter the FlatIron HTTP password for {par["HTTP_DATA_SERVER_LOGIN"]} '\
'(leave empty to keep current): '
par['HTTP_DATA_SERVER_PWD'] = getpass(prompt) or cpar
if 'ALYX_PWD' in par_current.as_dict():
# Only store plain text password if user manually added it to params JSON file
cpar = _get_current_par('ALYX_PWD', par_current)
prompt = (f'Enter the Alyx password for {par["ALYX_LOGIN"]} '
'(leave empty to keep current):')
par['ALYX_PWD'] = getpass(prompt) or cpar
par = iopar.from_dict(par)
# Prompt for cache directory (default may have changed after prompt)
client_key = _key_from_url(par.ALYX_URL)
def_cache_dir = cache_map.CLIENT_MAP.get(client_key) or Path(CACHE_DIR_DEFAULT, client_key)
cache_dir = cache_dir or def_cache_dir
prompt = f'Enter the location of the download cache, current value is ["{cache_dir}"]:'
cache_dir = input(prompt) or cache_dir
# Check if directory already used by another instance
in_use = [v for k, v in cache_map.CLIENT_MAP.items() if k != client_key]
while str(cache_dir) in in_use:
answer = input(
'Warning: the directory provided is already a cache for another URL. '
'This may cause conflicts. Would you like to change the cache location? [Y/n]')
if answer and answer[0].casefold() == 'n':
cache_dir = input(prompt) or cache_dir # Prompt for another directory
if make_default is None:
answer = input('Would you like to set this URL as the default one? [Y/n]')
make_default = (answer or 'y')[0].casefold() == 'y'
# Verify setup pars
answer = input('Are the above settings correct? [Y/n]')
if answer and answer.casefold()[0] == 'n':
print('SETUP ABANDONED. Please re-run.')
return par_current
# Precedence: user provided cache_dir; previously defined; the default location
default_cache_dir = Path(CACHE_DIR_DEFAULT, client_key)
cache_dir = cache_dir or cache_map.CLIENT_MAP.get(client_key, default_cache_dir)
# Use current params but drop any extras (such as the TOKEN or ALYX_PWD field)
keep_keys = par_default.as_dict().keys()
par = iopar.from_dict({k: v for k, v in par_current.as_dict().items() if k in keep_keys})
if any(v for k, v in cache_map.CLIENT_MAP.items() if k != client_key and v == cache_dir):
warnings.warn('Warning: the directory provided is already a cache for another URL.')
# Update and save parameters
Path(cache_dir).mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
cache_map.CLIENT_MAP[client_key] = str(cache_dir)
if make_default or 'DEFAULT' not in cache_map.as_dict():
cache_map = cache_map.set('DEFAULT', client_key)
iopar.write(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{client_key}', par) # Client params
iopar.write(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{_CLIENT_ID_STR}', cache_map)
if not silent:
print('ONE Parameter files location: ' + iopar.getfile(_PAR_ID_STR))
return cache_map
def get(client=None, silent=False, username=None):
"""Returns the AlyxClient parameters.
silent : bool
If true, defaults are chosen if no parameters found.
client : str
The database URL to retrieve parameters for. If None, the default is loaded.
username : str
The username to use. If None, the default is loaded.
A Params object for the AlyxClient.
client = client or get_default_client(include_schema=True)
client_key = _key_from_url(client) if client else None
cache_map = iopar.read(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{_CLIENT_ID_STR}', {})
# If there are no params for this client, run setup routine
if not cache_map or (client_key and client_key not in cache_map.CLIENT_MAP):
cache_map = setup(client=client, silent=silent, username=username)
cache = cache_map.CLIENT_MAP[client_key or cache_map.DEFAULT]
pars = iopar.read(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{client_key or cache_map.DEFAULT}').set('CACHE_DIR', cache)
if username:
pars = pars.set('ALYX_LOGIN', username)
return _patch_params(pars)
def get_default_client(include_schema=True) -> str:
"""Returns the default AlyxClient URL, or None if no default is set.
include_schema : bool
When True, the URL schema is included (i.e. http(s)://). Set to False to return the URL
as a client key.
The default database URL with or without the schema, or None if no default is set
cache_map = iopar.as_dict(iopar.read(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{_CLIENT_ID_STR}', {})) or {}
client_key = cache_map.get('DEFAULT', None)
if not client_key or include_schema is False:
return client_key
return get(client_key).ALYX_URL
def save(par, client):
"""Save a set of parameters for a given client.
par : dict, IBLParams
A set of Web client parameters to save
client : str
The Alyx URL that corresponds to these parameters
# Remove cache dir variable before saving
par = {k: v for k, v in iopar.as_dict(par).items() if 'CACHE_DIR' not in k}
iopar.write(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{_key_from_url(client)}', par)
def get_cache_dir(client=None) -> Path:
"""Return the download directory for a given client.
If no client is set up, the default download location is returned.
client : str
The client to return cache dir from. If None, the default client is used.
The download cache path
cache_map = iopar.read(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{_CLIENT_ID_STR}', {})
client = _key_from_url(client) if client else getattr(cache_map, 'DEFAULT', None)
cache_dir = Path(cache_map.CLIENT_MAP[client] if cache_map else CACHE_DIR_DEFAULT)
cache_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
return cache_dir
def get_params_dir() -> Path:
"""Return the path to the root ONE parameters directory.
The root ONE parameters directory
return Path(iopar.getfile(_PAR_ID_STR))
def check_cache_conflict(cache_dir):
"""Assert that a given directory is not currently used as a cache directory.
This function checks whether a given directory is used as a cache directory for an Alyx
Web client. This function is called by the ONE factory to determine whether to return an
OneAlyx object or not. It is also used when setting up params for a new client.
cache_dir : str, pathlib.Path
A directory to check.
The directory is set as a cache for a Web client
cache_map = getattr(iopar.read(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{_CLIENT_ID_STR}', {}), 'CLIENT_MAP', None)
if cache_map:
assert not any(x == str(cache_dir) for x in cache_map.values())
def delete_params(base_url=None):
"""Delete parameter files.
This will fully reset the ONE database and remote client parameters.
base_url : str, optional
If provided, delete specific database parameters. If None, all parameters are removed.
if base_url:
client_key = _key_from_url(base_url)
params_file = Path(iopar.getfile(f'{_PAR_ID_STR}/{client_key}'))
if params_file.exists():
warnings.warn(f'{base_url}: params file not found')
if (params_dir := get_params_dir()).exists():
def _patch_params(par):
"""Patch previous version of parameters, if required.
par : IBLParams
The old parameters object.
New parameters object containing the previous parameters.
# Patch the URL of data server, if database is OpenAlyx.
# The data location is in /public, however this path is no longer in the cache table
if 'openalyx' in par.ALYX_URL and 'public' not in par.HTTP_DATA_SERVER:
par = par.set('HTTP_DATA_SERVER', default().HTTP_DATA_SERVER)
save(par, par.ALYX_URL)
# Move old REST data
rest_dir = get_params_dir() / '.rest'
scheme, loc, *_ = urlsplit(par.ALYX_URL)
rest_dir /= Path(loc.replace(':', '_'), scheme)
new_rest_dir = Path(par.CACHE_DIR, '.rest')
if rest_dir.exists() and any(x for x in rest_dir.glob('*') if x.is_file()):
if not new_rest_dir.exists():
shutil.move(str(rest_dir), str(new_rest_dir))
from iblutil.io.params import set_hidden
set_hidden(new_rest_dir, True)
if not any(get_params_dir().joinpath('.rest').glob('*')):
return par