Source code for one.converters

"""A module for inter-converting experiment identifiers.

There are multiple ways to uniquely identify an experiment:
    - eid (UUID) : An experiment UUID (or 36 char hexadecimal string)
    - np (int64) : An experiment UUID encoded as 2 int64s
    - path (Path) : A pathlib ALF path of the form `<lab>/Subjects/<subject>/<date>/<number>`
    - ref (str) : An experiment reference string of the form `yyyy-mm-dd_n_subject`
    - url (str) : A remote http session path of the form `<lab>/Subjects/<subject>/<date>/<number>`
import re
import functools
import datetime
import urllib.parse
from uuid import UUID
from inspect import unwrap
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union, Mapping, List, Iterable as Iter

import pandas as pd
from iblutil.util import Bunch, Listable, ensure_list

from one.alf.spec import is_session_path, is_uuid_string, is_uuid
from one.alf.cache import EMPTY_DATASETS_FRAME
from one.alf.path import (
    ALFPath, PurePosixALFPath, ensure_alf_path, get_session_path, get_alf_path, remove_uuid_string)
from one.util import LazyId

[docs] def recurse(func): """Decorator to call decorated function recursively if first arg is non-string iterable. Allows decorated methods to accept both single values, and lists/tuples of values. When given the latter, a list is returned. This decorator is intended to work on class methods, therefore the first arg is assumed to be the object. Maps and pandas objects are not iterated over. Parameters ---------- func : function A method to decorate. Returns ------- function The decorated method. """ @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_decorator(*args, **kwargs): if len(args) <= 1: return func(*args, **kwargs) obj, first = args[:2] exclude = (str, Mapping, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame) is_lazy_id = isinstance(first, LazyId) if is_lazy_id or (isinstance(first, Iter) and not isinstance(first, exclude)): return [func(obj, item, *args[2:], **kwargs) for item in first] else: return func(obj, first, *args[2:], **kwargs) return wrapper_decorator
[docs] def parse_values(func): """Convert str values in reference dict to appropriate type. Examples -------- >>> parse_values(lambda x: x)({'date': '2020-01-01', 'sequence': '001'}, parse=True) {'date':, 1, 1), 'sequence': 1} """ def parse_ref(ref): if ref: if isinstance(ref['date'], str): if len(ref['date']) == 10: ref['date'] =['date']) else: ref['date'] = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(ref['date']).date() ref['sequence'] = int(ref['sequence']) return ref @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper_decorator(*args, **kwargs): parse = kwargs.pop('parse', True) ref = func(*args, **kwargs) if not parse or isinstance(ref, str): return ref elif isinstance(ref, (list, LazyId)): return list(map(parse_ref, ref)) else: return parse_ref(ref) return wrapper_decorator
[docs] class ConversionMixin: """A mixin providing methods to inter-convert experiment identifiers.""" def __init__(self): self._cache = None self._par = None
[docs] @recurse def to_eid(self, id: Listable(Union[str, Path, UUID, dict]) = None, cache_dir: Optional[Union[str, Path]] = None) -> Listable(UUID): """Given any kind of experiment identifier, return a corresponding eid string. NB: Currently does not support integer IDs. Parameters ---------- id : str, pathlib.Path, UUID, dict, tuple, list An experiment identifier cache_dir : pathlib.Path, str An optional cache directory path for intermittent conversion to path Returns ------- uuid.UUID, None An experiment ID or None if session not in cache Raises ------ ValueError Input ID invalid """ # TODO Could add np2str here # if isinstance(id, (list, tuple)): # Recurse # return [self.to_eid(i, cache_dir) for i in id] if id is None: return elif isinstance(id, (UUID, LazyId)): return id elif self.is_exp_ref(id): return self.ref2eid(id) elif isinstance(id, dict): assert {'subject', 'number', 'lab'}.issubset(id) root = Path(cache_dir or self.cache_dir) id = root.joinpath( id['lab'], 'Subjects', id['subject'], str(id.get('date') or id['start_time'][:10]), ('%03d' % id['number'])) if isinstance(id, Path): return self.path2eid(id) elif isinstance(id, str): if is_session_path(id) or get_session_path(id): return self.path2eid(id) if len(id) > 36: id = id[-36:] if not is_uuid_string(id): raise ValueError('Invalid experiment ID') else: return UUID(id) else: raise ValueError('Unrecognized experiment ID')
[docs] @recurse def eid2path(self, eid: str) -> Optional[Listable(ALFPath)]: """From an experiment id or a list of experiment ids, gets the local cache path. Parameters ---------- eid : str, uuid.UUID Experiment ID (UUID) or list of UUIDs. Returns ------- one.alf.path.ALFPath A session path. """ # If not valid return None if not is_uuid(eid): raise ValueError(f"{eid} is not a valid eID/UUID string") if isinstance(eid, str): eid = UUID(eid) if self._cache['sessions'].size == 0: return # load path from cache try: ses = self._cache['sessions'].loc[eid].squeeze() assert isinstance(ses, pd.Series), 'Duplicate eids in sessions table' return session_record2path(ses.to_dict(), self.cache_dir) except KeyError: return
[docs] @recurse def path2eid(self, path_obj): """From a local path, gets the experiment id. Parameters ---------- path_obj : pathlib.Path, str Local path or list of local paths. Returns ------- eid, list Experiment ID (eid) or list of eids. """ # else ensure the path ends with mouse,date, number session_path = get_session_path(path_obj) sessions = self._cache['sessions'] # if path does not have a date and a number, or cache is empty return None if session_path is None or sessions.size == 0: return None # reduce session records from cache toDate = subject, date, number =[-3:] for col, val in zip(('subject', 'date', 'number'), (subject, toDate(date), int(number))): sessions = sessions[sessions[col] == val] if sessions.size == 0: return assert len(sessions) == 1 eid, = sessions.index.values return eid
[docs] @recurse def path2record(self, path) -> pd.Series: """Convert a file or session path to a dataset or session cache record. NB: Assumes <lab>/Subjects/<subject>/<date>/<number> pattern. Parameters ---------- path : str, pathlib.Path Local path or HTTP URL. Returns ------- pandas.Series A cache file record. """ path = ALFPath(path) is_session = is_session_path(path) if self._cache['sessions' if is_session else 'datasets'].empty: return # short circuit: no records in the cache if is_session_path(path): lab, subject, date, number = path.session_parts df = self._cache['sessions'] rec = df[ (df['lab'] == lab) & (df['subject'] == subject) & (df['number'] == int(number)) & (df['date'] == ] return None if rec.empty else rec.squeeze() # If there's a UUID in the path, use that to fetch the record name_parts = path.stem.split('.') if is_uuid_string(uuid := name_parts[-1]): try: return self._cache['datasets'].loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, UUID(uuid)], :].squeeze() except KeyError: return # Fetch via session record eid = self.path2eid(path) df = self.list_datasets(eid, details=True) if not eid or df.empty: return # Find row where relative path matches rec = df[df['rel_path'] == path.relative_to_session().as_posix()] assert len(rec) < 2, 'Multiple records found' if rec.empty: return None # Convert slice to series and reinstate eid index if dropped return rec.squeeze().rename(index=(eid, rec.index.get_level_values('id')[0]))
[docs] @recurse def path2url(self, filepath): """Given a local file path, constructs the URL of the remote file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str, pathlib.Path A local file path Returns ------- str A remote URL string """ record = self.path2record(filepath) if record is None: return return self.record2url(record)
[docs] def record2url(self, record): """Convert a session or dataset record to a remote URL. NB: Requires online instance Parameters ---------- record : pd.Series, pd.DataFrame A datasets or sessions cache record. If DataFrame, iterate over and returns list. Returns ------- str, list A dataset URL or list if input is DataFrame """ webclient = getattr(self, '_web_client', False) assert webclient, 'No Web client found for instance' # FIXME Should be OneAlyx converter only if isinstance(record, pd.DataFrame): return [self.record2url(r) for _, r in record.iterrows()] elif isinstance(record, pd.Series): is_session_record = 'rel_path' not in record if is_session_record: # NB: This assumes the root path is in the webclient URL session_spec = '{lab}/Subjects/{subject}/{date}/{number:03d}' url = record.get('session_path') or session_spec.format(**record) return webclient.rel_path2url(url) else: raise TypeError( f'record must be pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series, got {type(record)} instead') if 'session_path' in record: # Check for session_path field (aggregate datasets have no eid in name) session_path = record['session_path'] uuid = if isinstance(, UUID) else[-1] else: assert isinstance(, tuple) and len( == 2 eid, uuid = # must be (eid, did) session_path = get_alf_path(self.eid2path(eid)) url = PurePosixALFPath(session_path, record['rel_path']) return webclient.rel_path2url(url.with_uuid(uuid).as_posix())
[docs] def record2path(self, dataset) -> Optional[ALFPath]: """Given a set of dataset records, returns the corresponding paths. Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame, pd.Series A datasets dataframe slice. Returns ------- one.alf.path.ALFPath File path for the record. """ if isinstance(dataset, pd.DataFrame): return [self.record2path(r) for _, r in dataset.iterrows()] elif not isinstance(dataset, pd.Series): raise TypeError( f'record must be pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series, got {type(dataset)} instead') assert isinstance(, tuple) and len( == 2 eid, uuid = # must be (eid, did) if not (session_path := self.eid2path(eid)): raise ValueError(f'Failed to determine session path for eid "{eid}"') file = session_path / dataset['rel_path'] if self.uuid_filenames: file = file.with_uuid(uuid) return file
[docs] @recurse def eid2ref(self, eid: Union[str, Iter], as_dict=True, parse=True) \ -> Union[str, Mapping, List]: """Get human-readable session ref from path. Parameters ---------- eid : str, uuid.UUID The experiment uuid to find reference for. as_dict : bool If false a string is returned in the form 'subject_sequence_yyyy-mm-dd'. parse : bool If true, the reference date and sequence are parsed from strings to their respective data types. Returns ------- dict, str, list One or more objects with keys ('subject', 'date', 'sequence'), or strings with the form yyyy-mm-dd_n_subject. Examples -------- >>> eid = '4e0b3320-47b7-416e-b842-c34dc9004cf8' >>> one.eid2ref(eid) {'subject': 'flowers', 'date':, 7, 13), 'sequence': 1} >>> one.eid2ref(eid, parse=False) {'subject': 'flowers', 'date': '2018-07-13', 'sequence': '001'} >>> one.eid2ref(eid, as_dict=False) '2018-07-13_1_flowers' >>> one.eid2ref(eid, as_dict=False, parse=False) '2018-07-13_001_flowers' >>> one.eid2ref([eid, '7dc3c44b-225f-4083-be3d-07b8562885f4']) [{'subject': 'flowers', 'date':, 7, 13), 'sequence': 1}, {'subject': 'KS005', 'date':, 4, 11), 'sequence': 1}] """ d = self.get_details(eid) if parse: ref = {'subject': d['subject'], 'date': d['date'], 'sequence': d['number']} format_str = '{date:%Y-%m-%d}_{sequence:d}_{subject:s}' else: ref = { 'subject': d['subject'], 'date': str(d['date']), 'sequence': '%03d' % d['number'] } format_str = '{date:s}_{sequence:s}_{subject:s}' return Bunch(ref) if as_dict else format_str.format(**ref)
[docs] @recurse def ref2eid(self, ref: Union[Mapping, str, Iter]) -> Union[str, List]: """Returns experiment uuid, given one or more experiment references. Parameters ---------- ref : str, dict, list One or more objects with keys ('subject', 'date', 'sequence'), or strings with the form yyyy-mm-dd_n_subject. Returns ------- uuid.UUID, list One or more experiment uuid strings. Examples -------- >>> base = '' >>> one = ONE(username='test_user', password='TapetesBloc18', base_url=base) Connected to... >>> ref = {'date': datetime(2018, 7, 13).date(), 'sequence': 1, 'subject': 'flowers'} >>> one.ref2eid(ref) UUID('4e0b3320-47b7-416e-b842-c34dc9004cf8') >>> one.ref2eid(['2018-07-13_1_flowers', '2019-04-11_1_KS005']) [UUID('4e0b3320-47b7-416e-b842-c34dc9004cf8'), UUID('7dc3c44b-225f-4083-be3d-07b8562885f4')] """ ref = self.ref2dict(ref, parse=False) # Ensure dict session = subject=ref['subject'], date_range=str(ref['date']), number=ref['sequence']) assert len(session) == 1, 'session not found' return session[0]
[docs] @recurse def ref2path(self, ref): """Convert one or more experiment references to session path(s). Parameters ---------- ref : str, dict, list One or more objects with keys ('subject', 'date', 'sequence'), or strings with the form yyyy-mm-dd_n_subject. Returns ------- one.alf.path.ALFPath Path object(s) for the experiment session(s). Examples -------- >>> base = '' >>> one = ONE(username='test_user', password='TapetesBloc18', base_url=base) Connected to... >>> ref = {'subject': 'flowers', 'date': datetime(2018, 7, 13).date(), 'sequence': 1} >>> one.ref2path(ref) WindowsPath('E:/FlatIron/zadorlab/Subjects/flowers/2018-07-13/001') >>> one.ref2path(['2018-07-13_1_flowers', '2019-04-11_1_KS005']) [WindowsPath('E:/FlatIron/zadorlab/Subjects/flowers/2018-07-13/001'), WindowsPath('E:/FlatIron/cortexlab/Subjects/KS005/2019-04-11/001')] """ eid2path = unwrap(self.eid2path) ref2eid = unwrap(self.ref2eid) return eid2path(self, ref2eid(self, ref))
[docs] @staticmethod @parse_values def path2ref(path_str: Union[str, Path, Iter], as_dict=True) -> Union[Bunch, List]: """Returns a human-readable experiment reference, given a session path. The path need not exist. Parameters ---------- path_str : str A path to a given session. as_dict : bool If True a Bunch is returned, otherwise a string. Returns ------- dict, str, list One or more objects with keys ('subject', 'date', 'sequence'). Examples -------- >>> path_str = Path('E:/FlatIron/Subjects/zadorlab/flowers/2018-07-13/001') >>> path2ref(path_str) {'subject': 'flowers', 'date':, 7, 13), 'sequence': 1} >>> path2ref(path_str, parse=False) {'subject': 'flowers', 'date': '2018-07-13', 'sequence': '001'} >>> path_str2 = Path('E:/FlatIron/Subjects/churchlandlab/CSHL046/2020-06-20/002') >>> path2ref([path_str, path_str2]) [{'subject': 'flowers', 'date':, 7, 13), 'sequence': 1}, {'subject': 'CSHL046', 'date':, 6, 20), 'sequence': 2}] """ if isinstance(path_str, (list, tuple)): return [unwrap(ConversionMixin.path2ref)(x) for x in path_str] pattern = r'(?P<subject>[\w-]+)([\\/])(?P<date>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})(\2)(?P<sequence>\d{1,3})' match =, str(path_str)) if match and not re.match(r'^0\d$', match.groups()[-1]): # e.g. '02' not valid ref = match.groupdict() return Bunch(ref) if as_dict else '{date:s}_{sequence:s}_{subject:s}'.format(**ref)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_exp_ref(ref: Union[str, Mapping, Iter]) -> Union[bool, List[bool]]: """Returns True is ref is a valid experiment reference. Parameters ---------- ref : str, dict, list One or more objects with keys ('subject', 'date', 'sequence'), or strings with the form yyyy-mm-dd_n_subject. Returns ------- bool, list of bool True if ref is valid. Examples -------- >>> ref = {'date': datetime(2018, 7, 13).date(), 'sequence': 1, 'subject': 'flowers'} >>> is_exp_ref(ref) True >>> is_exp_ref('2018-07-13_001_flowers') True >>> is_exp_ref('invalid_ref') False """ if isinstance(ref, (list, tuple)): return [ConversionMixin.is_exp_ref(x) for x in ref] if isinstance(ref, (Bunch, dict)): if not {'subject', 'date', 'sequence'}.issubset(ref): return False ref = '{date}_{sequence}_{subject}'.format(**ref) elif not isinstance(ref, str): return False return re.compile(r'\d{4}(-\d{2}){2}_(\d{1,3})_\w+').match(ref) is not None
[docs] @staticmethod @parse_values def ref2dict(ref: Union[str, Mapping, Iter]) -> Union[Bunch, List]: """Returns a Bunch (dict-like) from a reference string (or list thereof). Parameters ---------- ref : str, list One or more experiment reference strings. Returns ------- iblutil.util.Bunch A Bunch in with keys ('subject', 'sequence', 'date'). Examples -------- >>> ref2dict('2018-07-13_1_flowers') {'date':, 7, 13), 'sequence': 1, 'subject': 'flowers'} >>> ref2dict('2018-07-13_001_flowers', parse=False) {'date': '2018-07-13', 'sequence': '001', 'subject': 'flowers'} >>> ref2dict(['2018-07-13_1_flowers', '2020-01-23_002_ibl_witten_01']) [{'date':, 7, 13), 'sequence': 1, 'subject': 'flowers'}, {'date':, 1, 23), 'sequence': 2, 'subject': 'ibl_witten_01'}] """ if isinstance(ref, (list, tuple)): return [ConversionMixin.ref2dict(x) for x in ref] if isinstance(ref, (Bunch, dict)): return Bunch(ref) # Short circuit ref = dict(zip(['date', 'sequence', 'subject'], ref.split('_', 2))) return Bunch(ref)
[docs] @staticmethod def dict2ref(ref_dict) -> Union[str, List]: """Convert an experiment reference dict to a string in the format yyyy-mm-dd_n_subject. Parameters ---------- ref_dict : dict, Bunch, list, tuple A map with the keys ('subject', 'date', 'sequence'). Returns ------- str, list: An experiment reference string, or list thereof. """ if isinstance(ref_dict, (list, tuple)): return [ConversionMixin.dict2ref(x) for x in ref_dict] if not ref_dict: return if 'sequence' not in ref_dict and 'number' in ref_dict: ref_dict = ref_dict.copy() ref_dict['sequence'] = ref_dict.pop('number') if 'date' not in ref_dict and 'start_time' in ref_dict: ref_dict = ref_dict.copy() if isinstance(ref_dict['start_time'], str): ref_dict['date'] = ref_dict['start_time'][:10] else: ref_dict['date'] = ref_dict['start_time'].date() parsed = any(not isinstance(k, str) for k in ref_dict.values()) format_str = ('{date:%Y-%m-%d}_{sequence:d}_{subject:s}' if parsed else '{date:s}_{sequence:s}_{subject:s}') return format_str.format(**ref_dict)
[docs] def one_path_from_dataset(dset, one_cache): """Returns local one file path from a dset record or a list of dsets records from REST. Unlike `to_eid`, this function does not require ONE, and the dataset may not exist. Parameters ---------- dset : dict, list Dataset dictionary or list of dictionaries from Alyx rest endpoint. one_cache : str, pathlib.Path, pathlib.PurePath The local ONE data cache directory. Returns ------- one.alf.path.ALFPath The local path for a given dataset. """ return path_from_dataset(dset, root_path=one_cache, uuid=False)
[docs] def path_from_dataset(dset, root_path=PurePosixALFPath('/'), repository=None, uuid=False): """Returns the local file path from a dset record from a REST query. Unlike `to_eid`, this function does not require ONE, and the dataset may not exist. Parameters ---------- dset : dict, list Dataset dictionary or list of dictionaries from Alyx rest endpoint. root_path : str, pathlib.Path, pathlib.PurePath The prefix path such as the ONE download directory or remote http server root. repository : str, None Which data repository to use from the file_records list, defaults to first online repository. uuid : bool If True, the file path will contain the dataset UUID. Returns ------- one.alf.path.ALFPath, list File path or list of paths. """ if isinstance(dset, list): return [path_from_dataset(d) for d in dset] if repository: fr = next((fr for fr in dset['file_records'] if fr['data_repository'] == repository)) else: fr = next((fr for fr in dset['file_records'] if fr['data_url'])) uuid = dset['url'][-36:] if uuid else None return path_from_filerecord(fr, root_path=root_path, uuid=uuid)
[docs] def path_from_filerecord(fr, root_path=PurePosixALFPath('/'), uuid=None): """Returns a data file Path constructed from an Alyx file record. The Path type returned depends on the type of root_path: If root_path is a string an ALFPath object is returned, otherwise if the root_path is a PurePath, a PureALFPath is returned. Parameters ---------- fr : dict An Alyx file record dict. root_path : str, pathlib.Path An optional root path. uuid : str, uuid.UUID An optional dataset UUID to add to the file name. Returns ------- one.alf.path.ALFPath A filepath as a pathlib object. """ if isinstance(fr, list): return [path_from_filerecord(f) for f in fr] repo_path = (p := fr['data_repository_path'])[p[0] == '/':] # Remove slash at start, if any file_path = PurePosixALFPath(repo_path, fr['relative_path']) if root_path: # NB: this function won't cast any PurePaths root_path = ensure_alf_path(root_path) file_path = root_path / file_path return file_path.with_uuid(uuid) if uuid else file_path
[docs] def session_record2path(session, root_dir=None): """Convert a session record into a path. If a lab key is present, the path will be in the form root_dir/lab/Subjects/subject/yyyy-mm-dd/nnn, otherwise root_dir/subject/yyyy-mm-dd/nnn. Parameters ---------- session : Mapping A session record with keys ('subject', 'date', 'number'[, 'lab']). root_dir : str, pathlib.Path, pathlib.PurePath A root directory to prepend. Returns ------- one.alf.path.ALFPath, one.alf.path.PureALFPath A constructed path of the session. Examples -------- >>> session_record2path({'subject': 'ALK01', 'date': '2020-01-01', 'number': 1}) PurePosixPath('ALK01/2020-01-01/001') >>> record = {'date': datetime.datetime.fromisoformat('2020-01-01').date(), ... 'number': '001', 'lab': 'foo', 'subject': 'ALK01'} >>> session_record2path(record, Path('/home/user')) Path('/home/user/foo/Subjects/ALK01/2020-01-01/001') """ rel_path = PurePosixALFPath( session.get('lab') if session.get('lab') else '', 'Subjects' if session.get('lab') else '', session['subject'], str(session['date']), str(session['number']).zfill(3) ) if not root_dir: return rel_path return ensure_alf_path(root_dir).joinpath(rel_path)
[docs] def ses2records(ses: dict): """Extract session cache record and datasets cache from a remote session data record. Parameters ---------- ses : dict Session dictionary from Alyx REST endpoint. Returns ------- pd.Series Session record. pd.DataFrame Datasets frame. """ # Extract session record # id used for session_info field of probe insertion eid = UUID(ses.get('id') or ses['url'][-36:]) session_keys = ('subject', 'start_time', 'lab', 'number', 'task_protocol', 'projects') session_data = {k: v for k, v in ses.items() if k in session_keys} session = ( pd.Series(data=session_data, name=eid).rename({'start_time': 'date'}) ) session['projects'] = ','.join(session.pop('projects')) session['date'] = datetime.datetime.fromisoformat(session['date']).date() # Extract datasets table def _to_record(d): did = UUID(d['id']) rec = dict(file_size=d['file_size'], hash=d['hash'], exists=True, id=did) rec['eid'] = file_path = urllib.parse.urlsplit(d['data_url'], allow_fragments=False).path.strip('/') file_path = get_alf_path(remove_uuid_string(file_path)) session_path = get_session_path(file_path).as_posix() rec['rel_path'] = file_path[len(session_path):].strip('/') rec['default_revision'] = d['default_revision'] == 'True' rec['qc'] = d.get('qc', 'NOT_SET') return rec if not ses.get('data_dataset_session_related'): return session, EMPTY_DATASETS_FRAME.copy() records = map(_to_record, ses['data_dataset_session_related']) index = ['eid', 'id'] dtypes = EMPTY_DATASETS_FRAME.dtypes datasets = pd.DataFrame(records).astype(dtypes).set_index(index).sort_index() return session, datasets
[docs] def datasets2records(datasets, additional=None) -> pd.DataFrame: """Extract datasets DataFrame from one or more Alyx dataset records. Parameters ---------- datasets : dict, list One or more records from the Alyx 'datasets' endpoint. additional : list of str A set of optional fields to extract from dataset records. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Datasets frame. Examples -------- >>> datasets = ONE()'datasets', 'list', subject='foobar') >>> df = datasets2records(datasets) """ records = [] for d in ensure_list(datasets): file_record = next((x for x in d['file_records'] if x['data_url'] and x['exists']), None) if not file_record: continue # Ignore files that are not accessible rec = dict(file_size=d['file_size'], hash=d['hash'], exists=True) rec['id'] = UUID(d['url'][-36:]) rec['eid'] = UUID(d['session'][-36:]) if d['session'] else pd.NA data_url = urllib.parse.urlsplit(file_record['data_url'], allow_fragments=False) file_path = get_alf_path(data_url.path.strip('/')) file_path = remove_uuid_string(file_path).as_posix() session_path = get_session_path(file_path) or '' if session_path: session_path = session_path.as_posix() rec['rel_path'] = file_path[len(session_path):].strip('/') rec['default_revision'] = d['default_dataset'] rec['qc'] = d.get('qc') for field in additional or []: rec[field] = d.get(field) records.append(rec) if not records: return EMPTY_DATASETS_FRAME index = EMPTY_DATASETS_FRAME.index.names return pd.DataFrame(records).set_index(index).sort_index().astype(EMPTY_DATASETS_FRAME.dtypes)