Source code for one.tests.util

import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
import shutil
import json
from uuid import uuid4

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from import uuid2np, np2str

import one.params

[docs]def set_up_env() -> tempfile.TemporaryDirectory: """ Create a temporary directory and copy cache fixtures over Returns ------- TemporaryDirectory object """ fixture = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('fixtures') tempdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() # Copy cache files to temporary directory for cache_file in ('sessions', 'datasets'): filename = shutil.copy(fixture / f'{cache_file}.pqt', assert Path(filename).exists() # Copy cached rest responses setup_rest_cache(Path( / '.one') return tempdir
[docs]def setup_rest_cache(param_dir=None): """Copy REST cache fixtures to the .one parameter directory""" fixture = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('fixtures') path_parts = ('.rest', '', 'https') rest_cache_dir = Path(param_dir or one.params.get_params_dir()).joinpath(*path_parts) # Ensure empty shutil.rmtree(rest_cache_dir, ignore_errors=True) rest_cache_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Copy over fixtures for file in fixture.joinpath('rest_responses').glob('*'): filename = shutil.copy(file, rest_cache_dir) assert Path(filename).exists()
[docs]def create_file_tree(one): """Touch all the files in the datasets table""" # Create dset files from cache for session_path, rel_path in one._cache.datasets[['session_path', 'rel_path']].values: filepath = Path(one._cache_dir).joinpath(session_path, rel_path) filepath.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) filepath.touch()
[docs]def setup_test_params(token=False): params_dir = Path(one.params.get_params_dir()) fixture = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('fixtures') test_pars = '' if not list(params_dir.glob(test_pars)): filename = shutil.copy(fixture / 'params' / test_pars, params_dir) assert Path(filename).exists() # Add to cache map map_file = params_dir / '.caches' if map_file.exists(): with open(map_file, 'r+') as f: data = json.load(f) data['CLIENT_MAP'][test_pars[1:]] = None json.dump(data, f) else: shutil.copy(fixture / 'params' / '.caches', map_file) assert Path(filename).exists() # Add token to file so db not hit if token: pars = one.params.get(client=test_pars[1:]) if not getattr(pars, 'TOKEN', False):'TOKEN', {'token': 'T0k3N'}), test_pars[1:])
[docs]def revisions_datasets_table(collections=('', 'alf/probe00', 'alf/probe01'), revisions=('', '2020-01-08', '2021-07-06'), object='spikes', attributes=('times', 'waveforems')): rel_path = [] for attr in attributes: for collec in collections: for rev in (f'#{x}#' if x else '' for x in revisions): rel_path.append('/'.join(x for x in (collec, rev, f'{object}.{attr}.npy') if x)) ids = uuid2np([uuid4() for _ in range(len(rel_path))]) eid_0, eid_1 = uuid2np([uuid4()])[0] return pd.DataFrame(data={ 'rel_path': rel_path, 'session_path': 'subject/1900-01-01/001', 'file_size': None, 'hash': None, 'eid_0': eid_0, 'eid_1': eid_1 }, index=[ids[:, 0], ids[:, 1]])
[docs]def create_schema_cache(param_dir=None): actions = dict.fromkeys(['list', 'read', 'create', 'update', 'partial_update', 'delete']) endpoints = ['cache', 'dataset-types', 'datasets', 'downloads', 'insertions', 'sessions'] path_parts = ('.rest', '', 'https') rest_cache_dir = Path(param_dir or one.params.get_params_dir()).joinpath(*path_parts) with open(rest_cache_dir / '1baff95c2d0e31059720a3716ad5b5a34b61a207', 'r') as f: json.dump({k: actions for k in endpoints}, f)
[docs]def get_file(root: str, str_id: str) -> str: """ A stub function for Allows the injection of a different param dir. Parameters ---------- root : str, pathlib.Path The root directory of the new parameters str_id : str The parameter string identifier Returns ------- The parameter filename """ parts = ['.' + p if not p.startswith('.') else p for p in Path(str_id).parts] pfile = Path(root, *parts).as_posix() return pfile
[docs]def caches_int2str(caches): """Convert int ids to str ids for cache tables Parameters ---------- caches : Bunch A bunch of cache tables (from One._cache) Returns ------- None """ for table in ('sessions', 'datasets'): # Set integer uuids to NaN cache = caches[table].reset_index() int_cols = cache.filter(regex=r'_\d{1}$').columns for i in range(0, len(int_cols), 2): name = int_cols.values[i].rsplit('_', 1)[0] cache[name] = np2str(cache[int_cols[i:i + 2]]) cache[int_cols] = np.nan caches[table] = cache.set_index('id')