Source code for iblviewer.objects

import numpy as np
from vtk.util.numpy_support import numpy_to_vtk
import vtk
import vedo

The classes are modifications of existing vedo classes that were either doing 
things in unsatisfying manner or lacking features.

[docs]def Cross3D(pos=(0,0,0), size=1.0, thickness=0.5, color='black', alpha=1, res=4, lines_mode=True): """ Build a 3D cross shape, mainly useful as a 3D marker. :param pos: Position of the cross :param size: Size of the cross :param thickness: Thickness in pixels (remains constant on screen) :param color: Color of the cross :param alpha: Alpha/opacity of the cross :param res: Resolution of the cylinders if not used in line_mode :param lines_mode: Whether lines are used or cylinders. The difference is in how they look like when you zoom in on the cross. If you use lines, their thickness is constant on screen, whether close or far. If you use cylinders, they will get thicker the closer you approach the camera (in perspective mode of course) :return: vedo.Mesh """ if lines_mode: x1 = np.array([1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) * size / 2 x2 = np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 0.0]) * size / 2 c1 = vedo.Line(x1, x2, lw=thickness) y1 = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 0.0]) * size / 2 y2 = np.array([0.0, -1.0, 0.0]) * size / 2 c2 = vedo.Line(y1, y2, lw=thickness) z1 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) * size / 2 z2 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -1.0]) * size / 2 c3 = vedo.Line(z1, z2, lw=thickness) else: c1 = vedo.Cylinder(r=thickness, height=size, res=res) c2 = vedo.Cylinder(r=thickness, height=size, res=res).rotateX(90) c3 = vedo.Cylinder(r=thickness, height=size, res=res).rotateY(90) cross = vedo.merge(c1,c2,c3).color(color).alpha(alpha) cross.SetPosition(pos) = 'Marker' return cross
[docs]class Lines(vedo.Lines): """ Improved Lines class that supports point sets of varying lengths """ def __init__(self, points, end_points=None, c='gray', alpha=1, lw=1, dotted=False): """ Constructor parameters are the same as vedo.Line """ self.axes = [1, 1, 1] #if not isinstance(point_sets, np.ndarray): #point_set = np.array(point_sets, dtype=object) if len(points.shape) > 1 and points.shape[1] == 2: super().__init__(points, end_points, c=c, alpha=alpha, lw=lw, dotted=dotted) else: polylns = vtk.vtkAppendPolyData() for point_set in points: positions = point_set if not isinstance(point_set, np.ndarray): point_set = np.array(point_set) # numpy_to_vtk is unhappy if dtype is not to its liking point_set = point_set.astype(float) positions = numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(point_set), deep=True) # This part taken from class Line, which accepts n points vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_points.SetData(positions) lines = vtk.vtkCellArray() num_pts = len(point_set) lines.InsertNextCell(num_pts) for i in range(num_pts): lines.InsertCellPoint(i) poly = vtk.vtkPolyData() poly.SetPoints(vtk_points) poly.SetLines(lines) polylns.AddInputData(poly) polylns.Update() vedo.Mesh.__init__(self, polylns.GetOutput()) self.lw(lw).lighting('off') if dotted: self.GetProperty().SetLineStipplePattern(0xF0F0) self.GetProperty().SetLineStippleRepeatFactor(1) = 'Lines'
[docs]class Points(vedo.Points): """ Improved Points class that supports time series and screen-space mode """ def __init__(self, positions, radius=1, values=None, color_map='viridis', screen_space=False, alpha=1, res=6, min_v=None, max_v=None, scalars_prefix=None): """ Constructor :param positions: 3D positions :param radius: Radius of the points :param values: Custom scalar values. You may pass a list the same length as the number of points. If values is a 2D array, then we assume these are time series. You will then need to call: actor.polydata().GetPointData().SetActiveScalars(name) actor.mapper().SelectColorArray(name) where name is the array name that starts with the given scalars_prefix. If you have three steps in your time series, you will have by default Scalars_0, Scalars_1, Scalars_2. :param color_map: Color map, either a list of values and corresponding colors or a color map name (see vedo documentation with color maps that follow matplotlib) :param screen_space: Whether the points are rendered as screen-space points or as spheres. The main difference is that screen-space is very fast and can display millions of points whereas sphere mode allows you to zoom in on a point and you will see it bigger up-close with a perspective camera, but if you get too close, you will see that the sphere is actually made of several scaled screen-space points. :param alpha: Alpha/opacity value :param res: Resolution of the point if screen-space is disabled :param min_v: Minimum value for the given values (will be computed if not given) :param max_v: Maximum value for the given values (will be computed if not given) :param scalars_prefix: Scalar array name prefix. The rest of the name is _id where id starts at 0. """ self.scalars_prefix = 'Scalars_' if scalars_prefix is None else scalars_prefix self.axes = [1, 1, 1] # Multi component (ndimensional) arrays in vtk: # polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() points = vtk.vtkPointSource() num_points = len(positions) points.SetNumberOfPoints(num_points) points.Update() #for p_id in range(num_points): #points.SetPoint(p_id, positions[p_id]) if not isinstance(positions, np.ndarray): positions = np.array(positions) positions = positions.astype(float) points_data = numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(positions), deep=True) #polydata.SetPoints(points) polydata = points.GetOutput() polydata.GetPoints().SetData(points_data) # We have to set scalar values after the object is created because VTK automatically # creates some array values initially and we want to ignore them later on scalars = [] if values is not None and len(values) > 0: if not isinstance(values, np.ndarray): values = np.array(values) if len(values.shape) > 1 and values.shape[1] > 1: # Safeguard if num_points == values.shape[0]: values.reshape(num_points, -1) all_values = values.ravel() if min_v is None: min_v = min(all_values) if max_v is None: max_v = max(all_values) for loop_id in range(values.shape[1]): scalars.append(self.add_scalar_data(polydata, values[:, loop_id])) else: if min_v is None: min_v = min(values) if max_v is None: max_v = max(values) scalars.append(self.add_scalar_data(polydata, values)) # The following sets the "ActiveScalar", i.e. default scalar used by # VTK (and is must for setting radius of each sphere by corresponding # value in radii array). But what tells VTK to use it for scaling? ctf = None values_range = None if len(scalars) > 0: polydata.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars(scalars[0].GetName()) if isinstance(color_map, vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction): ctf = color_map elif isinstance(color_map, vtk.vtkLookupTable): ctf = color_map elif isinstance(color_map, list) or isinstance(color_map, np.ndarray): ctf = vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction() for entry in color_map: ctf.AddRGBPoint(entry[0], *entry[1]) else: ctf = vtk.vtkColorTransferFunction() values_range = np.linspace(min_v, max_v, 20) for v_id in range(len(values_range)): value = values_range[v_id] ctf.AddRGBPoint(value, *vedo.colorMap(value, color_map, min_v, max_v)) if screen_space: glyph = vtk.vtkVertexGlyphFilter() glyph.SetInputData(polydata) else: sphere = vtk.vtkSphereSource() sphere.SetRadius(radius) sphere.SetThetaResolution(res) sphere.SetPhiResolution(res) sphere.Update() glyph = vtk.vtkGlyph3D() glyph.SetSourceConnection(sphere.GetOutputPort()) glyph.SetInputData(polydata) #glyph.SetVectorModeToUseVector() #glyph.OrientOn() glyph.ClampingOn() if len(scalars) > 0: # If a value == min_v, then the point has radius 0 glyph.SetRange(min_v - 1, max_v) glyph.ScalingOn() glyph.SetScaleFactor(1) glyph.SetScaleModeToScaleByScalar() glyph.SetScaleMode(3) ''' For further work: # Tell glyph which attribute arrays to use for what glyph.SetInputArrayToProcess(0, 0, 0, 0, 'Elevation') # scalars #glyph.SetInputArrayToProcess(1,0,0,0,'RTDataGradient') # vectors # glyph.SetInputArrayToProcess(2,0,0,0,'nothing') # normals glyph.SetInputArrayToProcess(3, 0, 0, 0, 'RTData') # colors # Calling update because I'm going to use the scalar range to set the color map range glyph.Update() coloring_by = 'RTData' mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() mapper.SetInputConnection(glyph.GetOutputPort()) mapper.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData() mapper.SetColorModeToMapScalars() mapper.ScalarVisibilityOn() mapper.SetScalarRange(glyph.GetOutputDataObject(0).GetPointData().GetArray(coloring_by).GetRange()) mapper.SelectColorArray(coloring_by) actor = vtk.vtkActor() actor.SetMapper(mapper) ''' glyph.Update() vedo.Mesh.__init__(self, glyph.GetOutput(), alpha=alpha) mapper = self._mapper self._polydata = polydata self.source = glyph = 'Points' if screen_space: #self.GetProperty().SetColor(*color) self.GetProperty().SetPointSize(radius) self.GetProperty().SetRenderPointsAsSpheres(True) else: mapper.SetScalarModeToUsePointFieldData() if len(scalars) > 0: mapper.SetScalarRange(min_v, max_v) mapper.SetColorModeToMapScalars() if len(scalars) > 0: mapper.SelectColorArray(scalars[0].GetName()) if ctf is not None: mapper.SetLookupTable(ctf) mapper.Update()
[docs] def get_number_of_arrays(self, ignore=['GlyphScale', 'Normals']): """ """ num_scalar_arrays = 0 point_data = self._polydata.GetPointData() for i in range(point_data.GetNumberOfArrays()): if point_data.GetArrayName(i) in ignore: pass num_scalar_arrays += 1 return num_scalar_arrays
[docs] def add_scalar_data(self, polydata, values, step_id=None): """ Add scalar data to a VTK polydata :param polydata: vtkPolyData :param values: Numpy 1D array or list :param step_id: ID for naming the scalar with Scalars_#ID :return: vtkFloatArray """ scalars = numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(values), deep=True) num_existing_ones = polydata.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays() if step_id is None: step_id = num_existing_ones scalars.SetName(self.scalars_prefix + str(step_id)) polydata.GetPointData().AddArray(scalars) return scalars
[docs] def update_data(self, positions, scalars=None): """ Update the positions of points and optionally their scalar values :param positions: 3D coordinates the same length as the number of points in the object :param scalars: 1D list or numpy array the same length as positions """ vtk_positions = numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(positions), deep=True) polydata = self.source.GetInput() polydata.GetPoints().SetData(vtk_positions) if scalars is not None: #sn = polydata.GetPointData().GetScalars().GetName() for v_id in range(len(scalars)): polydata.GetPointData().GetScalars().SetValue(v_id, scalars[v_id]) self.source.Update()
[docs]class Spheres(vedo.Mesh): """ Reimplementation of vedo.Spheres that was not handling things properly when it comes to setting time series and to visualising them with colors. This class isn't used at the moment. Points is preferred as it acts either as vedo.Spheres or as screen space Points depending on screen_space param. In general, vedo uses "c" and "r" short variable names which are a hindrance... utils.Spheres is deprecated and you should favor utils.Points instead. """ def __init__(self, centers, r=1, c="r", alpha=1, res=8): """ Constructor. Parameters are the same as vedo.Spheres """ self.axes = [1, 1, 1] if isinstance(centers, vedo.Points): centers = centers.points() cisseq = False if vedo.utils.isSequence(c): cisseq = True if cisseq: if len(centers) > len(c): vedo.printc("\times Mismatch in Spheres() colors", len(centers), len(c), c='r') raise RuntimeError() if len(centers) != len(c): vedo.printc("\lightningWarning: mismatch in Spheres() colors", len(centers), len(c)) risseq = False if vedo.utils.isSequence(r): risseq = True if risseq: if len(centers) > len(r): vedo.printc("times Mismatch in Spheres() radius", len(centers), len(r), c='r') raise RuntimeError() if len(centers) != len(r): vedo.printc("\lightning Warning: mismatch in Spheres() radius", len(centers), len(r)) if cisseq and risseq: vedo.printc("\noentry Limitation: c and r cannot be both sequences.", c='r') raise RuntimeError() src = vtk.vtkSphereSource() if not risseq: src.SetRadius(r) if vedo.utils.isSequence(res): res_t, res_phi = res else: res_t, res_phi = 2*res, res src.SetThetaResolution(res_t) src.SetPhiResolution(res_phi) src.Update() psrc = vtk.vtkPointSource() psrc.SetNumberOfPoints(len(centers)) psrc.Update() pd = psrc.GetOutput() vpts = pd.GetPoints() glyph = vtk.vtkGlyph3D() glyph.SetSourceConnection(src.GetOutputPort()) if cisseq: glyph.SetColorModeToColorByScalar() ucols = vtk.vtkUnsignedCharArray() ucols.SetNumberOfComponents(3) ucols.SetName("colors") #for i, p in enumerate(centers): for cx, cy, cz in c: #cx, cy, cz = getColor(acol) ucols.InsertNextTuple3(cx * 255, cy * 255, cz * 255) pd.GetPointData().SetScalars(ucols) glyph.ScalingOff() elif risseq: glyph.SetScaleModeToScaleByScalar() urads = numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(2*r).astype(float), deep=True) urads.SetName("radii") pd.GetPointData().SetScalars(urads) vpts.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(centers), deep=True)) glyph.SetInputData(pd) glyph.Update() vedo.Mesh.__init__(self, glyph.GetOutput(), alpha=alpha) self.phong() self._polydata = pd if cisseq: self.mapper().ScalarVisibilityOn() else: self.mapper().ScalarVisibilityOff() self.GetProperty().SetColor(vedo.getColor(c)) = 'Spheres'