Source code for

functions used in passive_script
# Author: Gaelle C, Matt W
import numpy as np
import as rawio

[docs]def get_spacer_times(spacer_template, jitter, ttl_signal, t_quiet): """ Find timestamps of spacer signal. :param spacer_template: list of indices where ttl signal changes :type spacer_template: array-like :param jitter: jitter (in seconds) for matching ttl_signal with spacer_template :type jitter: float :param ttl_signal: :type ttl_signal: array-like :param t_quiet: seconds between spacer and next stim :type t_quiet: float :return: times of spacer onset/offset :rtype: n_spacer x 2 np.ndarray; first col onset times, second col offset """ diff_spacer_template = np.diff(spacer_template) # add jitter; # remove extreme values spacer_model = jitter + diff_spacer_template[2:-2] # diff ttl signal to compare to spacer_model dttl = np.diff(ttl_signal) # remove diffs larger than max diff in model to clean up signal dttl[dttl > np.max(spacer_model)] = 0 # convolve cleaned diff ttl signal w/ spacer model conv_dttl = np.correlate(dttl, spacer_model, mode='full') # find spacer location thresh = 3.0 idxs_spacer_middle = np.where( (conv_dttl[1:-2] < thresh) & (conv_dttl[2:-1] > thresh) & (conv_dttl[3:] < thresh))[0] # adjust indices for # - `np.where` call above # - length of spacer_model idxs_spacer_middle += 2 - int((np.floor(len(spacer_model) / 2))) # pull out spacer times (middle) ts_spacer_middle = ttl_signal[idxs_spacer_middle] # put beginning/end of spacer times into an array spacer_length = np.max(spacer_template) spacer_times = np.zeros(shape=(ts_spacer_middle.shape[0], 2)) for i, t in enumerate(ts_spacer_middle): spacer_times[i, 0] = t - (spacer_length / 2) - t_quiet spacer_times[i, 1] = t + (spacer_length / 2) + t_quiet return spacer_times, conv_dttl
[docs]def get_id_raisefall_from_analogttl(ttl_01): """ Get index of raise/fall from analog continuous TTL signal (0-1 values) :param ttl_01: analog continuous TTL signal (0-1 values) :return: index up (0>1), index down (1>0), number of ttl transition """ # Check values are 0, 1, -1 if not np.all(np.isin(np.unique(ttl_01), [-1, 0, 1])): raise ValueError("Values in input must be 0, 1, -1") else: # Find number of passage from [0 1] and [0 -1] d_ttl_01 = np.diff(ttl_01) id_up = np.where(np.logical_and(ttl_01 == 0, np.append(d_ttl_01, 0) == 1))[0] id_dw = np.where(np.logical_and(ttl_01 == 0, np.append(d_ttl_01, 0) == -1))[0] n_ttl_expected = 2 * (len(id_up) + len(id_dw)) # *2 for rise/fall of ttl pulse return id_up, id_dw, n_ttl_expected
[docs]def reshape_RF(RF_file, meta_stim): """ Reshape Receptive Field (RF) matrix. Take data associated to corner where frame2ttl placed to create TTL trace. :param RF_file: vector to be reshaped, containing RF info :param meta_stim: variable containing metadata information on RF :return: frames (reshaped RF), analog trace (0-1 values) """ frame_array = np.fromfile(RF_file, dtype='uint8') y_pix, x_pix, _ = meta_stim['stim_file_shape'] frames = np.transpose( np.reshape(frame_array, [y_pix, x_pix, -1], order='F'), [2, 1, 0]) ttl_trace = frames[:, 0, 0] # Convert values to 0,1,-1 for simplicity ttl_analogtrace_01 = np.zeros(np.size(ttl_trace)) ttl_analogtrace_01[np.where(ttl_trace == 0)] = -1 ttl_analogtrace_01[np.where(ttl_trace == 255)] = 1 return frames, ttl_analogtrace_01
[docs]def ephysCW_end(session_path): """ Return time (second) at which ephysCW ends :param session_path: path to session :return: time (s) at which ephysCW ends """ bpod_raw = rawio.load_data(session_path) t_end_ephys = bpod_raw[-1]['behavior_data']['States timestamps']['exit_state'][0][-1] + 60 return t_end_ephys
[docs]def truncate_ttl_signal(ttl, time_cutoff): """ :param ttl: dict with 2 keys (polarities and times), values in times in (s) :param time_cutoff: time of cutoff in (s) :return: dict with 2 keys (polarities and times), values in times in (s) """ return {k: ttl[k][ttl['times'] > time_cutoff] for k in ttl}
[docs]def find_between(ttl, t_start_search, t_end_search): """ Find times and index of TTL pulses happening in between 2 timestamps (s). :param ttl: dict containing times (s) of rising/falling pulses :param t_start_search: time (s) of start search (non inclusive) :param t_end_search: time (s) of end search (non inclusive) :return: times (s) and index """ id_ttl = np.where(np.logical_and(ttl['times'] > t_start_search, ttl['times'] < t_end_search))[0] times_between = np.sort(ttl['times'][id_ttl]) # Ensure values are sorted (ascend) return times_between, id_ttl
[docs]def check_polarity(pol, key_stim, times_between): """ Check polarity of stimulus, and remove values as necessary :param pol: polarity values (-1 or 1) :param key_stim: key (visual stim. label) :param times_between: times (s) of TTL pulses found (N adjusted) :return: """ if key_stim in ['VISUAL_STIM_1', 'VISUAL_STIM_4']: # todo Hardcoded exp_start_pol = -1 if pol[0] != exp_start_pol: times_between = times_between[1:] return times_between
[docs]def get_times_between(ttl, t_start_search, t_end_search, key_stim): """ Get times of TTL pulse in between 2 timestamps :param ttl: dict containing times (s) of rising/falling pulses :param t_start_search: time (s) of start search (non inclusive) :param t_end_search: time (s) of end search (non inclusive) :return: times_between: times (s) of TTL pulses found (N adjusted) """ times_between, id_ttl = find_between(ttl=ttl, t_start_search=t_start_search, t_end_search=t_end_search) # check for polarity pol = ttl['polarities'][id_ttl] times_between = check_polarity(pol=pol, key_stim=key_stim, times_between=times_between) return times_between
[docs]def check_n_ttl_between(n_exp, key_stim, t_start_search, t_end_search, ttl): """ Check number of TTL pulses found in between 2 timestamps. :param n_exp: number of TTL expected :param key_stim: key (visual stim. label) :param t_start_search: time (s) of start search (non inclusive) :param t_end_search: time (s) of end search (non inclusive) :param ttl: dict containing times (s) of rising/falling pulses :return: times_between: times (s) of TTL pulses found (N adjusted) """ times_between = get_times_between(ttl=ttl, t_start_search=t_start_search, t_end_search=t_end_search, key_stim=key_stim) # Todo insert case here for dealing with missing gabor TTL pulse if len(times_between) != n_exp: raise ValueError(f'Incorrect number of pulses found for {key_stim}') else: return times_between
[docs]def key_vis_stim(text_append, dict_vis, value_search): """ Appends key to string once key is found. :param text_append: :param dict_vis: dictionary of labels :param value_search: string to find in dict key :return: key in dict with appended string """ key_value = key_value_search(dict_vis, value_search) key_out = f'{text_append}{key_value}' return key_out
[docs]def interpolate_rf_mapping_stimulus(idxs_up, idxs_dn, times, Xq, t_bin): """ Interpolate stimulus presentation times to screen refresh rate to match `frames` :param ttl_01: :type ttl_01: array-like :param times: array of stimulus switch times :type times: array-like :param Xq: number of times (found in frames) :type frames: array-like :param t_bin: period of screen refresh rate :type t_bin: float :return: tuple of (stim_times, stim_frames) """ beg_extrap_val = -10001 end_extrap_val = -10000 X = np.sort(np.concatenate([idxs_up, idxs_dn])) # make left and right extrapolations distinctive to easily find later Tq = np.interp(Xq, X, times, left=beg_extrap_val, right=end_extrap_val) # uniform spacing outside boundaries of ttl signal # first values n_beg = len(np.where(Tq == beg_extrap_val)[0]) if 0 < n_beg < Tq.shape[0]: Tq[:n_beg] = times[0] - np.arange(n_beg, 0, -1) * t_bin # end values n_end = len(np.where(Tq == end_extrap_val)[0]) if 0 < n_end < Tq.shape[0]: Tq[-n_end:] = times[-1] + np.arange(1, n_end + 1) * t_bin return Tq
# -- test functions
[docs]def test_key_vis_stim(): text_append = 'test' dict_vis = dict() dict_vis['0'] = 'zero' dict_vis['1'] = 'one' value_search = 'zero' key_out = key_vis_stim(text_append=text_append, dict_vis=dict_vis, value_search=value_search) print(key_out) if key_out != 'test0': raise ValueError
[docs]def test_interpolate_rf_mapping_stimulus(): idxs_up = np.array([0, 4, 8]) idxs_dn = np.array([1, 5, 9]) times = np.array([0, 1, 4, 5, 8, 9]) Xq = np.arange(15) t_bin = 1 # Use 1 so can compare directly Xq and Tq Tq = interpolate_rf_mapping_stimulus(idxs_up=idxs_up, idxs_dn=idxs_dn, times=times, Xq=Xq, t_bin=t_bin) if not np.array_equal(Tq, Xq): raise ValueError