Source code for

"""Extract stimulus timing info from ttl pulses and metadata."""

import os
import glob
import json
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_session_path(path): """ Return local session path given a local path of any file from the session (assumes `Subjects` directory is present) Args: path (str): absolute path of any file in session e.g. /mnt/data/cortexlab/Subjects/CSHL050/2019-10-29/001/alf/spikes.times.npy Example usage: one = ONE() eid =, date=date, number=number) files_paths = one.load(eid[0], download_only=True) session_path = get_session_path(files_paths) """ from pathlib import Path subject_dir = np.where([part == 'Subjects' for part in Path(path).parts])[0] if len(subject_dir) == 0: raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find `Subject` directory in %s' % path) else: session_path = os.path.join(*Path(path).parts[:subject_dir[0] + 4]) return session_path
[docs]def load_session_metadata(session_path): """ :param session_path: absolute path of a session, i.e. /mnt/data/Subjects/ZM_1887/2019-07-10/001 :type session_path: str :return: dictionary of metadata :rtype: dict """ json_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(session_path, 'raw_behavior_data', '*taskSettings.raw*'))[0] with open(json_file, 'r') as f: meta = json.load(f) return meta
[docs]def load_ttl_pulses(session_path): """ Extract ttl pulses from sync signals :param session_path: absolute path of a session, i.e. /mnt/data/Subjects/ZM_1887/2019-07-10/001 :type session_path: str :return: ttl pulse times :rtype: np.ndarray """ from import get_main_probe_sync sync, sync_chmap = get_main_probe_sync(session_path, bin_exists=False) fr2ttl_ch = sync_chmap['frame2ttl'] # find times of when ttl polarity changes on fr2ttl channel sync_pol_ = sync['polarities'][sync['channels'] == fr2ttl_ch] sync_times_ = sync['times'][sync['channels'] == fr2ttl_ch] return sync_pol_, sync_times_
def _get_master_probe_dir(session_path): """Find master probe; code from""" from import _get_all_probes_sync from import get_neuropixel_version_from_files ephys_files = _get_all_probes_sync(session_path) if not ephys_files: raise FileNotFoundError(f"No ephys files found in {session_path}") version = get_neuropixel_version_from_files(ephys_files) if version == '3A': # the sync master is the probe with the most sync pulses sync_box_ind = np.argmax([ef.sync.times.size for ef in ephys_files]) elif version == '3B': # the sync master is the nidq breakout box sync_box_ind = np.argmax([1 if ef.get('nidq') else 0 for ef in ephys_files]) probe_dir = ephys_files[sync_box_ind].path return probe_dir
[docs]def load_rf_mapping_stimulus(session_path, stim_metadata): """ extract frames of rf mapping stimulus :param session_path: absolute path of a session, i.e. /mnt/data/Subjects/ZM_1887/2019-07-10/001 :type session_path: str :param stim_metadata: dictionary of stimulus/task metadata :type stim_metadata: dict :return: stimulus frames :rtype: np.ndarray of shape (y_pix, x_pix, n_frames) """ idx_rfm = get_stim_num_from_name(stim_metadata['VISUAL_STIMULI'], 'receptive_field_mapping') if idx_rfm is not None: stim_filename = stim_metadata['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % idx_rfm].get( 'stim_data_file_name', '*RFMapStim.raw*') stim_file = glob.glob(os.path.join(session_path, 'raw_behavior_data', stim_filename))[0] frame_array = np.fromfile(stim_file, dtype='uint8') y_pix, x_pix, _ = stim_metadata['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % idx_rfm]['stim_file_shape'] frames = np.transpose(np.reshape(frame_array, [y_pix, x_pix, -1], order='F'), [2, 1, 0]) else: frames = np.array([]) return frames
[docs]def get_stim_num_from_name(stim_ids, stim_name): """ "VISUAL_STIMULI": { "0": "SPACER", "1": "receptive_field_mapping", "2": "orientation-direction_selectivity", "3": "contrast_reversal", "4": "task_stimuli", "5": "spontaneous_activity"} :param stim_ids: map from number (as string) to stimulus name :type stim_ids: dict :param stim_name: name of stimulus type :type stim_name: str :return: the number associated with the stimulus type :rtype: int """ idx = None for key in stim_ids.keys(): if stim_ids[key].lower() == stim_name.lower(): idx = key break return int(idx)
[docs]def get_contrast_reversal_stimulus(stim_metadata): """ Extract contrast reversal stimulus info :param stim_metadata: dictionary of stimulus metadata loaded from task json file :type stim_metadata: dict :return: np array of shape (n_stims,) :rtype: np.ndarray """ stim_idx = get_stim_num_from_name(stim_metadata['VISUAL_STIMULI'], 'contrast_reversal') stim_metadata = stim_metadata['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % stim_idx] # return actual frames # patch_contrasts = stim_metadata['stim_patch_contrasts'] # frames = np.stack([patch_contrasts[str(n)] for n in stim_metadata['stim_sequence']]) # return index into actual frames stim = np.array(stim_metadata['stim_sequence']) return stim
[docs]def get_task_stimulus(session_path): """ Extract contrast selectivity stimulus info :param session_path: absolute path of a session, i.e. /mnt/data/Subjects/ZM_1887/2019-07-10/001 :type session_path: str :return: np array of shape (n_stims, 2); col 0 contains stim azimuth, col 1 contains contrast :rtype: np.ndarray """ from zipfile import ZipFile stim_file_zip = glob.glob(os.path.join( session_path, 'raw_behavior_data', '_iblrig_codeFiles*.zip'))[0] zf = ZipFile(stim_file_zip) # find task stimulus csv file stim_file = None for file in zf.namelist(): if file.endswith('stims.csv'): stim_file = file break if stim_file is None: raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find a stims.csv file in the iblrig code files archive') with as f: stim_array = np.loadtxt(f, delimiter=' ') return stim_array
[docs]def get_rf_ttl_pulses(ttl_signal): """ Find where ttl_signal increases or decreases :param ttl_signal: :type ttl_signal: array-like :return: where signal increases/decreases :rtype: tuple (np.ndarray, np.ndarray) of ttl (rise, fall) indices """ # Convert values to 0, 1, -1 for simplicity assert len(np.unique(ttl_signal)) == 3 ttl_sig = np.zeros(shape=ttl_signal.shape) ttl_sig[ttl_signal == np.max(ttl_signal)] = 1 ttl_sig[ttl_signal == np.min(ttl_signal)] = -1 # Find number of passage from 0->-1 and 0->+1 d_ttl_sig = np.concatenate([np.diff(ttl_sig), [0]]) idxs_up = np.where((ttl_sig == 0) & (d_ttl_sig == 1))[0] idxs_dn = np.where((ttl_sig == 0) & (d_ttl_sig == -1))[0] return idxs_up, idxs_dn
[docs]def get_expected_ttl_pulses(stim_order, stim_meta, ttl_signal_rf_map): """ Get expected number of ttl pulses for each stimulus :param stim_order: list of stimulus ids throughout protocol :type stim_order: array-like :param stim_meta: dictionary containing stim metadata; from _iblrig_taskSettings json :type stim_meta: dict :param ttl_signal_rf_map: ttl signal during receptive field mapping with locally sparse noise :type ttl_signal_rf_map: array-like :return: list of ttl pulses for each stimulus class :rtype: list """ n_expected_ttl_pulses = np.zeros(shape=(len(stim_order))) for i, stim_id in enumerate(stim_order): if stim_meta['VISUAL_STIMULI'][str(stim_id)] == 'receptive_field_mapping': n_instances = np.sum((np.array(stim_order) == stim_id) * 1) if n_instances > 1: raise ValueError('Extractor expects a single rf mapping presentation') # number of TTL pulses expected in frame2ttl trace for rf mapping idxs_up, idxs_dn = get_rf_ttl_pulses(ttl_signal_rf_map) n_expected_ttl_pulses[i] = len(idxs_up) + len(idxs_dn) else: key = str('VISUAL_STIM_%i' % stim_id) if key in stim_meta: n_expected_ttl_pulses[i] = stim_meta[key]['ttl_num'] else: # spontaneous activity, no stimulus info in metadata n_expected_ttl_pulses[i] = 0 return n_expected_ttl_pulses
# def update_ttl_pulses(stim_name, is_pol_beg_ok, is_pol_end_ok, stim_ts, n_expected_ttl_pulses): # """ # # :param stim_name: stim protocol name (e.g. 'receptive_field_mapping', 'contrast_reversal') # :type stim_name: str # :param is_pol_beg_ok: # :type is_pol_beg_ok: bool # :param is_pol_end_ok: # :type is_pol_end_ok: bool # :param stim_ts: stimulus presentation times # :type stim_ts: array-like # :param n_expected_ttl_pulses: # :type n_expected_ttl_pulses: int # :return: (new_stim_ts, new_expected_ttl_pulses) # :rtype: tuple # """ # # import copy # new_stim_ts = copy.copy(stim_ts) # new_expected_ttl_pulses = n_expected_ttl_pulses # # if not is_pol_beg_ok: # if stim_name == 'receptive_field_mapping': # new_stim_ts = stim_ts[1:] # print('--> 1 TTL pulse removed from beginning') # elif stim_name == 'orientation-direction_selectivity': # new_stim_ts = stim_ts[1:] # print('--> 1 TTL pulse removed from beginning') # elif stim_name == 'contrast_reversal': # raise NotImplementedError # elif stim_name == 'task_stimuli': # new_stim_ts = stim_ts[1:] # print('--> 1 TTL pulse removed from beginning') # else: # raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid stimulus protocol' % stim_name) # # if not is_pol_end_ok: # if stim_name == 'receptive_field_mapping': # new_stim_ts = stim_ts[:-1] # print('--> 1 TTL pulse removed from end') # elif stim_name == 'orientation-direction_selectivity': # new_expected_ttl_pulses -= 1 # print('--> updated correct number of TTL pulses') # elif stim_name == 'contrast_reversal': # raise NotImplementedError # elif stim_name == 'task_stimuli': # new_stim_ts = stim_ts[:-1] # print('--> 1 TTL pulse removed from end') # else: # raise ValueError('"%s" is not a valid stimulus protocol' % stim_name) # # return new_stim_ts, new_expected_ttl_pulses
[docs]def get_spacer_times(spacer_template, jitter, ttl_signal, t_quiet): """ :param spacer_template: list of indices where ttl signal changes :type spacer_template: array-like :param jitter: jitter (in seconds) for matching ttl_signal with spacer_template :type jitter: float :param ttl_signal: :type ttl_signal: array-like :param t_quiet: seconds between spacer and next stim :type t_quiet: float :return: times of spacer onset/offset :rtype: n_spacer x 2 np.ndarray; first col onset times, second col offset """ diff_spacer_template = np.diff(spacer_template) # add jitter; # remove extreme values (shouldn't be a problem with iblrig versions >= 5.2.10) spacer_model = jitter + diff_spacer_template[2:-2] # diff ttl signal to compare to spacer_model dttl = np.diff(ttl_signal) # remove diffs larger than max diff in model to clean up signal dttl[dttl > np.max(spacer_model)] = 0 # convolve cleaned diff ttl signal w/ spacer model conv_dttl = np.correlate(dttl, spacer_model, mode='full') # find spacer location thresh = 3.0 idxs_spacer_middle = np.where( (conv_dttl[1:-2] < thresh) & (conv_dttl[2:-1] > thresh) & (conv_dttl[3:] < thresh))[0] # adjust indices for # - `np.where` call above # - length of spacer_model idxs_spacer_middle += 2 - int((np.floor(len(spacer_model) / 2))) # pull out spacer times (middle) ts_spacer_middle = ttl_signal[idxs_spacer_middle] # put beginning/end of spacer times into an array spacer_length = np.max(spacer_template) spacer_times = np.zeros(shape=(ts_spacer_middle.shape[0], 2)) for i, t in enumerate(ts_spacer_middle): spacer_times[i, 0] = t - (spacer_length / 2) - t_quiet spacer_times[i, 1] = t + (spacer_length / 2) + t_quiet return spacer_times, conv_dttl
[docs]def interpolate_rf_mapping_stimulus(ttl_signal, times, frames, t_bin): """ Interpolate stimulus presentation times to screen refresh rate to match `frames` :param ttl_signal: :type ttl_signal: array-like :param times: array of stimulus switch times :type times: array-like :param frames: (time, y_pix, x_pix) array of stim frames :type frames: array-like :param t_bin: screen refresh rate :type t_bin: float :return: tuple of (stim_times, stim_frames) """ beg_extrap_val = -10001 end_extrap_val = -10000 idxs_up, idxs_dn = get_rf_ttl_pulses(ttl_signal) X = np.sort(np.concatenate([idxs_up, idxs_dn])) Xq = np.arange(frames.shape[0]) # make left and right extrapolations distinctive to easily find later Tq = np.interp(Xq, X, times, left=beg_extrap_val, right=end_extrap_val) # uniform spacing outside boundaries of ttl signal # first values n_beg = len(np.where(Tq == beg_extrap_val)[0]) if 0 < n_beg < Tq.shape[0]: Tq[:n_beg] = times[0] - np.arange(n_beg, 0, -1) * t_bin # end values n_end = len(np.where(Tq == end_extrap_val)[0]) if 0 < n_end < Tq.shape[0]: Tq[-n_end:] = times[-1] + np.arange(1, n_end + 1) * t_bin return Tq, frames
[docs]def export_to_alf(session_path, stim_ts, stim_datas, stim_names): """ Export extracted stimuli and their presentation times to the session alf directory. :param session_path: absolute path of a session, i.e. /mnt/data/Subjects/ZM_1887/2019-07-10/001 :param stim_ts: :param stim_datas: :param stim_names: :return: None; instead, saves the following files into `session_path/alf`; the 'xx' part of the following filenames will be '00', '01', etc., one for each time the specific protocol is run orientation/direction selectivity `_iblcertif_.odsgratings.times.xx.npy`: shape (n_stims, 2); columns are (stim on time, stim off time) `_iblcertif_.odsgratings.stims.xx.npy`: shape (n_stims,); value is grating angle contrast reversal `_iblcertif_.reversal.times.xx.npy`: shape (n_stims,); stim presentation times `_iblcertif_.reversal.stims.xx.npy`: shape (n_stims,); stim identity - these values map into the matrices defined in `_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.json` files, 'VISUAL_STIM_3' -> 'stim_patch_contrasts' receptive field mapping (sparse noise) `_iblcertif_.rfmap.times.xx.npy`: shape (n_stims,); stim presentation times `_iblcertif_.rfmap.stims.xx.npy`: shape (n_stims, y_pix, x_pix); sparse noise stim frames spontaneous activity: `_iblcertif_.spontaneous.times.xx.npy`: shape (2,); start and end times of spont activity task stimuli (gratings of varying locations/contrast) `_iblcertif_.task.times.xx.npy`: shape (n_stims, 2); columns are (stim on time, stim off time) `_iblcertif_.task.stims.xx.npy`: shape (n_stims, 2); columns are (azimuth in degrees [i.e. left or right], contrast) """ counters = {stim_name: 0 for stim_name in np.unique(stim_names)} for stim_t, stim_data, stim_name in zip(stim_ts, stim_datas, stim_names): if stim_name == 'spacer': continue if stim_name == 'receptive_field_mapping': stim_short = 'rfmap' elif stim_name == 'orientation-direction_selectivity': stim_short = 'odsgratings' elif stim_name == 'contrast_reversal': stim_short = 'reversal' elif stim_name == 'task_stimuli': stim_short = 'task' elif stim_name == 'spontaneous_activity': stim_short = 'spontaneous' else: raise ValueError('"%s" is an unknown stimulus protocol' % stim_name) filename_times = str('_iblcertif_.%s.times.%02i.npy' % (stim_short, counters[stim_name])) filename_stims = str('_iblcertif_.%s.stims.%02i.npy' % (stim_short, counters[stim_name])) counters[stim_name] += 1 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(session_path, 'alf')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(session_path, 'alf')) shape_t = stim_t.shape[0] shape_d = stim_data.shape[0] if shape_t != 0 and shape_d != 0: if stim_name == 'contrast_reversal': # no known bug fix for contrast reversal bonsai bugs; don't save out if problem if shape_t != shape_d: continue else: assert shape_t == shape_d if shape_t != 0:, 'alf', filename_times), stim_t) if shape_d != 0:, 'alf', filename_stims), stim_data) # alert cronjobs that there are new files to register to the database by saving empty file open(os.path.join(session_path, 'register_me.flag'), 'a').close()
[docs]def extract_stimulus_info_to_alf(session_path, t_bin=1 / 60, bin_jitter=3, save=True): """ Extract the stimulus information stored in metadata and export to alf files. Also checks to make sure ttl pulses were extracted properly. Expected files/structure: - session metadata: session_path/raw_behavior_data/_iblrig_taskSettings.raw.*.json - task stimulus info: session_path/raw_behavior_data/_iblrig_codeFiles.raw.*.zip - rf mapping stim info: session_path/raw_behavior_data/_iblrig_RFMapStim.raw.*.bin - spikeglx sync data: session_path/raw_ephys_data/probe_[right/left]/_spikeglx_sync.[channels/polarities/times].* .npy :param session_path: absolute path of a session, i.e. /mnt/data/Subjects/ZM_1887/2019-07-10/001 :type session_path: str :param t_bin: screen refresh rate :type t_bin: float :param bin_jitter: fudge factor in spacer template matching (units of time bins) :type bin_jitter: int :param save: export stimulus info to alf directory :type save: bool :return: None; instead stimulus info is stored in the following alf files: `_iblcertification_.stimtype.times.00.npy` `_iblcertification_.stimtype.frames.00.npy` where `stimtype` are `odsgratings`, `sparsenoise`, `contrastreversal`, and `taskstimulus`; see `export_to_alf` function documentation for more info on file structure """ IBLRIG_VERSION_MIN = '5.2.9' # get ttl signal for extracting stim info (to compare with expected ttl signals in metadata) # ttl_sig = load_ttl_pulses(session_path) sync_pol, sync_times = load_ttl_pulses(session_path) # load session metadata meta = load_session_metadata(session_path) # basic checks protocol = meta['VISUAL_STIMULUS_TYPE'] if protocol != 'ephys_certification': raise ValueError( '"%s" is an invalid protocol; function only supports "ephys_certification"' % protocol) iblrig_version = ''.join([i for i in meta['IBLRIG_VERSION_TAG'].split('.')]) iblrig_version_min = ''.join([i for i in IBLRIG_VERSION_MIN.split('.')]) if int(iblrig_version) < int(iblrig_version_min): raise ValueError( 'Special extractor needed for code version {}; minimum supported version is {}'.format( iblrig_version, iblrig_version_min)) print('extracting TTL pulses for iblrig version %s' % meta['IBLRIG_VERSION_TAG']) # pull useful fields out of metadata stim_ids = meta['VISUAL_STIMULI'] stim_order = np.array(meta['STIM_ORDER']) frames = load_rf_mapping_stimulus(session_path, meta) id_spacer = get_stim_num_from_name(stim_ids, 'spacer') spacer_template = t_bin * np.array(meta['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % id_spacer]['ttl_frame_nums']) # get expected ttl pulses from upper left stim pixel (rf map) and metadata (all other stims) if len(frames) != 0: frame_ttl_signal = frames[:, 0, 0] else: frame_ttl_signal = None n_expected_ttl_pulses = get_expected_ttl_pulses(stim_order, meta, frame_ttl_signal) # get spacer info spacer_times, conv_sig = get_spacer_times(spacer_template, t_bin * bin_jitter, sync_times, 1) idxs_spacer = np.where(stim_order == get_stim_num_from_name(stim_ids, 'spacer'))[0] n_expected_spacers = len(idxs_spacer) n_spacers = spacer_times.shape[0] if n_spacers != n_expected_spacers: raise ValueError( '%i is an invalid number of spacer templates in ttl signal; expected %i' % (n_spacers, n_expected_spacers)) else: print('found expected number of stimulus spacers') print('\n') # get stimulus info bonsai_jitter = 0.6 # bonsai timing can be slightly off stim_ts = [[] for _ in stim_order] stim_datas = [[] for _ in stim_order] stim_names = [[] for _ in stim_order] incorrect_pulses = 0 for i, stim_id in enumerate(stim_order): stim_names[i] = stim_ids[str(stim_id)].lower() if i not in idxs_spacer: print('processing stimulus: %s' % stim_names[i]) # assumes all non-spacers are preceded by a spacer sync_idxs = np.where( (sync_times > spacer_times[int(i / 2), 1]) & (sync_times < spacer_times[int((i + 1) / 2), 0]))[0] # ttl signal polarities are different depending on stimulus if stim_names[i] == 'receptive_field_mapping': pol_beg_expected = -1 pol_end_expected = 1 else: pol_beg_expected = 1 pol_end_expected = -1 # test beg/end polarities if stim_names[i] != 'spontaneous_activity': # check if initial polarity is correct if sync_pol[sync_idxs[0]] != pol_beg_expected: is_pol_beg_ok = False print('\twarning! wrong polarity detected at beginning of %s' % stim_names[i]) else: is_pol_beg_ok = True # check if final polarity is correct if sync_pol[sync_idxs[-1]] != pol_end_expected: is_pol_end_ok = False print('\twarning! wrong polarity detected at end of %s' % stim_names[i]) else: is_pol_end_ok = True else: is_pol_beg_ok = True is_pol_end_ok = True if stim_names[i] == 'receptive_field_mapping': stim_ts[i] = sync_times[sync_idxs] # account for polarity correctness if not is_pol_beg_ok: stim_ts[i] = stim_ts[i][1:] print('\t--> 1 TTL pulse removed from beginning') if not is_pol_end_ok: stim_ts[i] = stim_ts[i][:-1] print('\t--> 1 TTL pulse removed from end') stim_on_time = 0.2 # TODO: hardcoded for now # we only recorded rise times earlier; sync_times contains rise and fall times if np.diff(stim_ts[i][:2]) > stim_on_time / bonsai_jitter: # get rid of bonsai artifacts at beginning; np.diff() will be too large stim_ts[i] = stim_ts[i][2::2] print('\tremoved bonsai onset artifact') else: stim_ts[i] = stim_ts[i][0::2] stim_datas[i] = None # handled below elif stim_names[i] == 'orientation-direction_selectivity': stim_ts[i] = sync_times[sync_idxs] # account for polarity correctness if not is_pol_beg_ok: stim_ts[i] = stim_ts[i][1:] print('\t--> 1 TTL pulse removed from beginning') if not is_pol_end_ok: # stim_ts[i] = stim_ts[i][:-1] n_expected_ttl_pulses[i] = n_expected_ttl_pulses[i] - 1 # -= 1 fails print('\t--> 1 updated to correct number of TTL pulses') # separate ttl pulses for stim on and stim off # print(np.diff(stim_ts[i][:11])) # print(np.diff(stim_ts[i][-11:])) # print(stim_ts[i].shape) # print(len(meta['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % stim_id]['stim_sequence'])) stim_on_time = meta['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % stim_id]['stim_on_time'] if np.diff(stim_ts[i][:2]) < bonsai_jitter * stim_on_time: # get rid of bonsai artifacts at beginning; np.diff() will be too small stim_ts[i] = np.stack([stim_ts[i][2::2], stim_ts[i][3::2]], axis=1) print('\tremoved bonsai onset artifact') else: stim_ts[i] = np.stack([stim_ts[i][0::2], stim_ts[i][1::2]], axis=1) # ttl pulse for each stim rather than on/off n_expected_ttl_pulses[i] /= 2 stim_sequence = meta['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % stim_id]['stim_sequence'] stim_rads = meta['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % stim_id]['stim_directions_rad'] # export direction of each grating in radians stim_datas[i] = np.array([stim_rads[str(j)] for j in stim_sequence]) elif stim_names[i] == 'contrast_reversal': stim_ts[i] = sync_times[sync_idxs] # account for polarity correctness # if not (is_pol_beg_ok and is_pol_end_ok): # raise NotImplementedError stim_datas[i] = get_contrast_reversal_stimulus(meta) elif stim_names[i] == 'task_stimuli': stim_ts[i] = sync_times[sync_idxs] # account for polarity correctness if not is_pol_beg_ok: stim_ts[i] = stim_ts[i][1:] print('\t--> 1 TTL pulse removed from beginning') if not is_pol_end_ok: stim_ts[i] = stim_ts[i][:-1] print('\t--> 1 TTL pulse removed from end') # separate ttl pulses for stim on and stim off stim_on_time = meta['VISUAL_STIM_%i' % stim_id]['stim_on_time'] if np.diff(stim_ts[i][:2]) < bonsai_jitter * stim_on_time: # get rid of bonsai artifacts at beginning; np.diff() will be too small stim_ts[i] = np.stack([stim_ts[i][2::2], stim_ts[i][3::2]], axis=1) print('\tremoved bonsai onset artifact') else: stim_ts[i] = np.stack([stim_ts[i][0::2], stim_ts[i][1::2]], axis=1) # ttl pulse for each stim rather than on/off n_expected_ttl_pulses[i] /= 2 stim_datas[i] = get_task_stimulus(session_path) elif stim_names[i] == 'spontaneous_activity': stim_ts[i] = np.array( [spacer_times[int(i / 2), 1], spacer_times[int((i + 1) / 2), 0]]) n_expected_ttl_pulses[i] = 2 stim_datas[i] = np.array([]) else: raise ValueError('"%s" is an unknown stimulus protocol' % stim_names[i]) # check ttl pulses against expected ttl pulses from upper left stim pixel # (rf mapping) and metadata (all other stims) if stim_ts[i].shape[0] != n_expected_ttl_pulses[i]: incorrect_pulses += 1 print( '\t\033[1m\033[91mTTL pulses inconsistent for %s; expected %i, found %i\033[0m' % (stim_names[i], n_expected_ttl_pulses[i], stim_ts[i].shape[0])) if stim_names[i] == 'contrast_reversal': print( '\twarning! no known fix for properly extracting contrast reversal ttl\n' + '\tdo not trust exported contrast reversal info') incorrect_pulses -= 1 else: print('\tsuccessful stimulus extraction') print('\n') if incorrect_pulses == 0: print('found expected number of TTL pulses!') # assign proper timestamps for rf mapping if frame_ttl_signal is not None: # assumes there is only 1 presentation of RF mapping idx_rfs = np.where( stim_order == get_stim_num_from_name(stim_ids, 'receptive_field_mapping'))[0] if len(idx_rfs) > 1: raise NotImplementedError idx_rf = idx_rfs[0] stim_ts[idx_rf], stim_datas[idx_rf] = interpolate_rf_mapping_stimulus( frame_ttl_signal, stim_ts[idx_rf], frames, t_bin) if save and incorrect_pulses == 0: print('exporting stimulus information to %s' % os.path.join(session_path, 'alf/')) export_to_alf(session_path, stim_ts, stim_datas, stim_names) elif save and incorrect_pulses != 0: print('did not find expected TTL pulses; not saving extracted signals')
if __name__ == '__main__': # example usage from import ONE one = ONE() eid ='ZM_2104', date='2019-09-19', number=1) dtypes = [ 'ephysData.raw.meta', '_spikeglx_sync.channels', '_spikeglx_sync.polarities', '_spikeglx_sync.times', '_iblrig_RFMapStim.raw', '_iblrig_codeFiles.raw', '_iblrig_taskSettings.raw' ] files_paths = one.load(eid[0], dataset_types=dtypes, clobber=False, download_only=True) session_path = get_session_path(files_paths[0]) extract_stimulus_info_to_alf(session_path, save=True)