Source code for ibllib.dsp.fourier

Low-level functions to work in frequency domain for n-dim arrays

import numpy as np
import scipy.fft
from ibllib.dsp.utils import fcn_cosine

[docs]def convolve(x, w, mode='full'): """ Frequency domain convolution along the last dimension (2d arrays) Will broadcast if a matrix is convolved with a vector :param x: :param w: :return: convolution """ nsx = x.shape[-1] nsw = w.shape[-1] ns = ns_optim_fft(nsx + nsw) x_ = np.concatenate((x, np.zeros([*x.shape[:-1], ns - nsx], dtype=x.dtype)), axis=-1) w_ = np.concatenate((w, np.zeros([*w.shape[:-1], ns - nsw], dtype=w.dtype)), axis=-1) xw = np.real(np.fft.irfft(np.fft.rfft(x_, axis=-1) * np.fft.rfft(w_, axis=-1), axis=-1)) xw = xw[..., :(nsx + nsw)] # remove 0 padding if mode == 'full': return xw elif mode == 'same': first = int(np.floor(nsw / 2)) - ((nsw + 1) % 2) last = int(np.ceil(nsw / 2)) + ((nsw + 1) % 2) return xw[..., first:-last]
[docs]def ns_optim_fft(ns): """ Gets the next higher combination of factors of 2 and 3 than ns to compute efficient ffts :param ns: :return: nsoptim """ p2, p3 = np.meshgrid(2 ** np.arange(25), 3 ** np.arange(15)) sz = np.unique((p2 * p3).flatten()) return sz[np.searchsorted(sz, ns)]
[docs]def dephas(w, phase, axis=-1): """ dephas a signal by a given angle in degrees :param w: :param phase: phase in degrees :param axis: :return: """ ns = w.shape[axis] W = freduce(np.fft.fft(w, axis=axis), axis=axis) * np.exp(- 1j * phase / 180 * np.pi) return np.real(np.fft.ifft(fexpand(W, ns=ns, axis=axis), axis=axis))
[docs]def fscale(ns, si=1, one_sided=False): """ numpy.fft.fftfreq returns Nyquist as a negative frequency so we propose this instead :param ns: number of samples :param si: sampling interval in seconds :param one_sided: if True, returns only positive frequencies :return: fscale: numpy vector containing frequencies in Hertz """ fsc = np.arange(0, np.floor(ns / 2) + 1) / ns / si # sample the frequency scale if one_sided: return fsc else: return np.concatenate((fsc, -fsc[slice(-2 + (ns % 2), 0, -1)]), axis=0)
[docs]def freduce(x, axis=None): """ Reduces a spectrum to positive frequencies only Works on the last dimension (contiguous in c-stored array) :param x: numpy.ndarray :param axis: axis along which to perform reduction (last axis by default) :return: numpy.ndarray """ if axis is None: axis = x.ndim - 1 siz = list(x.shape) siz[axis] = int(np.floor(siz[axis] / 2 + 1)) return np.take(x, np.arange(0, siz[axis]), axis=axis)
[docs]def fexpand(x, ns=1, axis=None): """ Reconstructs full spectrum from positive frequencies Works on the last dimension (contiguous in c-stored array) :param x: numpy.ndarray :param axis: axis along which to perform reduction (last axis by default) :return: numpy.ndarray """ if axis is None: axis = x.ndim - 1 # dec = int(ns % 2) * 2 - 1 # xcomp = np.conj(np.flip(x[..., 1:x.shape[-1] + dec], axis=axis)) ilast = int((ns + (ns % 2)) / 2) xcomp = np.conj(np.flip(np.take(x, np.arange(1, ilast), axis=axis), axis=axis)) return np.concatenate((x, xcomp), axis=axis)
[docs]def bp(ts, si, b, axis=None): """ Band-pass filter in frequency domain :param ts: time serie :param si: sampling interval in seconds :param b: cutout frequencies: 4 elements vector or list :param axis: axis along which to perform reduction (last axis by default) :return: filtered time serie """ return _freq_filter(ts, si, b, axis=axis, typ='bp')
[docs]def lp(ts, si, b, axis=None): """ Low-pass filter in frequency domain :param ts: time serie :param si: sampling interval in seconds :param b: cutout frequencies: 2 elements vector or list :param axis: axis along which to perform reduction (last axis by default) :return: filtered time serie """ return _freq_filter(ts, si, b, axis=axis, typ='lp')
[docs]def hp(ts, si, b, axis=None): """ High-pass filter in frequency domain :param ts: time serie :param si: sampling interval in seconds :param b: cutout frequencies: 2 elements vector or list :param axis: axis along which to perform reduction (last axis by default) :return: filtered time serie """ return _freq_filter(ts, si, b, axis=axis, typ='hp')
def _freq_filter(ts, si, b, axis=None, typ='lp'): """ Wrapper for hp/lp/bp filters """ if axis is None: axis = ts.ndim - 1 ns = ts.shape[axis] f = fscale(ns, si=si, one_sided=True) if typ == 'bp': filc = _freq_vector(f, b[0:2], typ='hp') * _freq_vector(f, b[2:4], typ='lp') else: filc = _freq_vector(f, b, typ=typ) if axis < (ts.ndim - 1): filc = filc[:, np.newaxis] return np.real(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(ts, axis=axis) * fexpand(filc, ns, axis=0), axis=axis)) def _freq_vector(f, b, typ='lp'): """ Returns a frequency modulated vector for filtering :param f: frequency vector, uniform and monotonic :param b: 2 bounds array :return: amplitude modulated frequency vector """ filc = fcn_cosine(b)(f) if typ.lower() in ['hp', 'highpass']: return filc elif typ.lower() in ['lp', 'lowpass']: return 1 - filc
[docs]def fshift(w, s, axis=-1, ns=None): """ Shifts a 1D or 2D signal in frequency domain, to allow for accurate non-integer shifts :param w: input signal (if complex, need to provide ns too) :param s: shift in samples, positive shifts forward :param axis: axis along which to shift (last axis by default) :param axis: axis along which to shift (last axis by default) :param ns: if a rfft frequency domain array is provided, give a number of samples as there is an ambiguity :return: w """ # create a vector that contains a 1 sample shift on the axis ns = ns or w.shape[axis] shape = np.array(w.shape) * 0 + 1 shape[axis] = ns dephas = np.zeros(shape) np.put(dephas, 1, 1) dephas = scipy.fft.rfft(dephas, axis=axis) # fft the data along the axis and the dephas do_fft = np.invert(np.iscomplexobj(w)) if do_fft: W = scipy.fft.rfft(w, axis=axis) else: W = w # if multiple shifts, broadcast along the other dimensions, otherwise keep a single vector if not np.isscalar(s): s_shape = np.array(w.shape) s_shape[axis] = 1 s = s.reshape(s_shape) # apply the shift (s) to the fft angle to get the phase shift and broadcast W *= np.exp(1j * np.angle(dephas) * s) if do_fft: W = np.real(scipy.fft.irfft(W, ns, axis=axis)) W = W.astype(w.dtype) return W
[docs]def fit_phase(w, si=1, fmin=0, fmax=None, axis=-1): """ Performs a linear regression on the unwrapped phase of a wavelet to obtain a time-delay :param w: wavelet (usually a cross-correlation) :param si: sampling interval :param fmin: sampling interval :param fnax: sampling interval :param axis: :return: dt """ if fmax is None: fmax = 1 / si / 2 ns = w.shape[axis] freqs = freduce(fscale(ns, si=si)) phi = np.unwrap(np.angle(freduce(np.fft.fft(w, axis=axis), axis=axis))) indf = np.logical_and(fmin < freqs, freqs < fmax) dt = - np.polyfit(freqs[indf], np.swapaxes(phi.compress(indf, axis=axis), axis, 0), 1)[0] / np.pi / 2 return dt
[docs]def dft(x, xscale=None, axis=-1, kscale=None): """ 1D discrete fourier transform. Vectorized. :param x: 1D numpy array to be transformed :param xscale: time or spatial index of each sample :param axis: for multidimensional arrays, axis along which the ft is computed :param kscale: (optional) fourier coefficient. All if complex input, positive if real :return: 1D complex numpy array """ ns = x.shape[axis] if xscale is None: xscale = np.arange(ns) if kscale is None: nk = ns if np.any(np.iscomplex(x)) else np.ceil((ns + 1) / 2) kscale = np.arange(nk) else: nk = kscale.size if axis != 0: # the axis of the transform always needs to be the first x = np.swapaxes(x, axis, 0) shape = np.array(x.shape) x = np.reshape(x, (ns, int( / ns))) # compute fourier coefficients exp = np.exp(- 1j * 2 * np.pi / ns * xscale * kscale[:, np.newaxis]) X = np.matmul(exp, x) shape[0] = int(nk) X = X.reshape(shape) if axis != 0: X = np.swapaxes(X, axis, 0) return X
[docs]def dft2(x, r, c, nk, nl): """ Irregularly sampled 2D dft by projecting into sines/cosines. Vectorized. :param x: vector or 2d matrix of shape (nrc, nt) :param r: vector (nrc) of normalized positions along the k dimension (axis 0) :param c: vector (nrc) of normalized positions along the l dimension (axis 1) :param nk: output size along axis 0 :param nl: output size along axis 1 :return: Matrix X (nk, nl, nt) """ # it would be interesting to compare performance with numba straight loops (easier to write) # GPU/C implementation should implement straight loops nt = x.shape[-1] k, h = [v.flatten() for v in np.meshgrid(np.arange(nk), np.arange(nl), indexing='ij')] # exp has dimension (kh, rc) exp = np.exp(- 1j * 2 * np.pi * (r[np.newaxis] * k[:, np.newaxis] + c[np.newaxis] * h[:, np.newaxis])) return np.matmul(exp, x).reshape((nk, nl, nt))