Source code for ibllib.dsp.cadzow

import numpy as np

from iblutil.numerical import ismember2d

[docs]def derank(T, r): u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(T) # try non-integer rank as a proportion of singular values ? # ik = np.searchsorted(np.cumsum(s) / np.sum(s), KEEP) T_ = np.zeros_like(T) for i in np.arange(r): T_ += s[i] * np.outer(u.T[i], v[i]) return T_
[docs]def traj_matrix_indices(n): """ Computes the single spatial dimension Toeplitz-like indices from a number of spatial traces :param n: number of dimensions :return: 2-D int matrix whose elements are indices of the spatial dimension """ nrows = int(np.floor(n / 2 + 1)) ncols = int(np.ceil(n / 2)) itraj = np.tile(np.arange(nrows), (ncols, 1)).T + np.flipud(np.arange(ncols)) return itraj
[docs]def trajectory(x, y): """ Computes the 2 spatial dimensions block-Toeplitz indices from x and y coordinates """ xu, ix = np.unique(x, return_inverse=True) yu, iy = np.unique(y, return_inverse=True) nx, ny = (np.size(xu), np.size(yu)) tiy_ = traj_matrix_indices(ny) tix_ = traj_matrix_indices(nx) tiy = np.tile(tiy_, tix_.shape) tix = np.repeat(np.repeat(tix_, tiy_.shape[0], axis=0), tiy_.shape[1], axis=1) it, itr = ismember2d(np.c_[tix.flatten(), tiy.flatten()], np.c_[ix, iy]) it = np.unravel_index(np.where(it)[0], tiy.shape) T = np.zeros(tix.shape, dtype=np.complex128) trcount = np.bincount(itr) return T, it, itr, trcount
[docs]def denoise(WAV, x, y, r, imax=None, niter=1): """ Applies cadzow denoising by de-ranking spatial matrices in frequency domain :param WAV: np array nc / ns in frequency domain :param x: trace spatial coordinate (np.array) :param y: trace spatial coordinate (np.array) :param r: rank :param imax: index of the maximum frequency to keep, all frequencies are de-ranked if None (None) :param niter: number of iterations (1) :return: WAV_: np array nc / ns in frequency domain """ WAV_ = np.copy(WAV) imax = np.minimum(WAV.shape[-1], imax) if imax else WAV.shape[-1] T, it, itr, trcount = trajectory(x, y) for ind_f in np.arange(imax): for _ in np.arange(niter): T[it] = WAV_[itr, ind_f] T_ = derank(T, r) WAV_[:, ind_f] = np.bincount(itr, weights=np.real(T_[it])) WAV_[:, ind_f] += 1j * np.bincount(itr, weights=np.imag(T_[it])) WAV_[:, ind_f] /= trcount return WAV_