Source code for brainbox.modeling.fitting_method

""" by Luigi Acerbi, Shan Shen and Anne Urai
International Brain Laboratory, 2019
import scipy as sp

[docs]class FittingMethod: """ Abstract class with wrappers to e.g. skikit-learn functions Attributes: name # string algorithm # function handle Methods: fit """
[docs]class MaximumLikelihoodEstimation(FittingMethod): """ Maximum Likelihood Estimation """ def __init__(self, data, model): = 'maximum_likelihood_estimation' = data self.model = model self.result = {}
[docs] def fit(self): print('Maximum Likelihood fitting') # get the bounds and typical value x0 = [p.typical_value for p in self.model.parameter_list] bounds = [[p.bounds_hard[0], p.bounds_hard[1]] for p in self.model.parameter_list] def neg_loglikelihood_function(x, _model, _data): ll = _model.loglikelihood_function(x, _model, _data) return -1. * ll # run actual optimization res = sp.optimize.minimize(neg_loglikelihood_function, x0, args=(self.model,, bounds=bounds, method='L-BFGS-B') # save the things we really care about self.result['parameters'] = res.x self.result['neg_loglikelihood'] = self.result['output'] = res self.result['algorithm'] = 'scipy_optimize_minimize'
[docs] def plot(self, plot_data=True, plot_fit=True, **kwargs): # THIS JUST POINTS TO THE PLOTTING CODE IN MODEL assert hasattr(self, 'result'), 'Call .fit() before .plot() on a model' self.model.plot(self, plot_fit=True, **kwargs)
# class PosteriorEstimation(FittingMethod): # """ Maximum Likelihood Estimation # """