Source code for brainbox.core.core

Creates core data types and functions which support all of brainbox.
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

[docs]class Bunch(dict): """A subclass of dictionary with an additional dot syntax.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Bunch, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = self
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a new Bunch instance which is a copy of the current Bunch instance.""" return Bunch(super(Bunch, self).copy())
[docs] def to_df(self): """Attempts to returns a pandas.DataFrame if all elements are arrays of the same length Returns the original bunch if it can't""" try: return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self) except ValueError: return self
[docs] def save(self, npz_file, compress=False): """ Saves a npz file containing the arrays of the bunch. :param npz_file: output file :param compress: bool (False) use compression :return: None """ if compress: np.savez_compressed(npz_file, **self) else: np.savez(npz_file, **self)
[docs] @staticmethod def load(npz_file): """ Loads a npz file containing the arrays of the bunch. :param npz_file: output file :param compress: bool (False) use compression :return: Bunch """ if not Path(npz_file).exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"{npz_file}") return Bunch(np.load(npz_file))
[docs]class TimeSeries(dict): """A subclass of dict with dot syntax, enforcement of time stamping""" def __init__(self, times, values, columns=None, *args, **kwargs): """TimeSeries objects are explicity for storing time series data in which entry (row) has a time stamp associated. TS objects have obligatory 'times' and 'values' entries which must be passed at construction, the length of both of which must match. TimeSeries takes an optional 'columns' argument, which defaults to None, that is a set of labels for the columns in 'values'. These are also exposed via the dot syntax as pointers to the specific columns which they reference. :param times: an ordered object containing a list of timestamps for the time series data :param values: an ordered object containing the associated measurements for each time stamp :param columns: a tuple or list of column labels, defaults to none. Each column name will be exposed as ts.colname in the TimeSeries object unless colnames are not strings. Also can take any additional kwargs beyond times, values, and columns for additional data storage like session date, experimenter notes, etc. Example: timestamps, mousepos = load_my_data() # in which mouspos is T x 2 array of x,y coordinates positions = TimeSeries(times=timestamps, values=mousepos, columns=('x', 'y'), analyst='John Cleese', petshop=True, notes=("Look, matey, I know a dead mouse when I see one, " 'and I'm looking at one right now.")) """ super(TimeSeries, self).__init__(times=np.array(times), values=np.array(values), columns=columns, *args, **kwargs) self.__dict__ = self self.columns = columns if self.values.ndim == 1: self.values = self.values.reshape(-1, 1) # Enforce times dict key which contains a list or array of timestamps if len(self.times) != len(values): raise ValueError('Time and values must be of the same length') # If column labels are passed ensure same number of labels as columns, then expose # each column label using the dot syntax of a Bunch if isinstance(self.values, np.ndarray) and columns is not None: if self.values.shape[1] != len(columns): raise ValueError('Number of column labels must equal number of columns in values') self.update({col: self.values[:, i] for i, col in enumerate(columns)})
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a new TimeSeries instance which is a copy of the current TimeSeries instance.""" return TimeSeries(super(TimeSeries, self).copy())
[docs]def ismember(a, b): """ equivalent of np.isin but returns indices as in the matlab ismember function returns an array containing logical 1 (true) where the data in A is B also returns the location of members in b such as a[lia] == b[locb] :param a: 1d - array :param b: 1d - array :return: isin, locb """ lia = np.isin(a, b) aun, _, iuainv = np.unique(a[lia], return_index=True, return_inverse=True) _, ibu, iau = np.intersect1d(b, aun, return_indices=True) locb = ibu[iuainv] return lia, locb
[docs]def ismember2d(a0, a1): """ Equivalent of np.isin but returns indices as in the matlab ismember function returns an array containing logical 1 (true) where the data in A is B also returns the location of members in b such as a[lia, :] == b[locb, :] :param a0: 2d array :param a1: 2d array :return: isin, locb """ # a[lia] == b[locb] ia, ib = ismember(a0[:, 0], a1[:, 0]) for n in np.arange(1, a0.shape[1]): iia, iib = ismember(a0[ia, n], a1[ib, n]) ib = ib[iib] ia[np.where(ia)[0]] = iia return ia, ib
[docs]def intersect2d(a0, a1, assume_unique=False): """ Performs intersection on multiple columns arrays a0 and a1 :param a0: :param a1: :return: intesection :return: index of a0 such as intersection = a0[ia, :] :return: index of b0 such as intersection = b0[ib, :] """ _, i0, i1 = np.intersect1d(a0[:, 0], a1[:, 0], return_indices=True, assume_unique=assume_unique) for n in np.arange(1, a0.shape[1]): _, ii0, ii1 = np.intersect1d(a0[i0, n], a1[i1, n], return_indices=True, assume_unique=assume_unique) i0 = i0[ii0] i1 = i1[ii1] return a0[i0, :], i0, i1