Source code for brainbox.behavior.pyschofit

(DEPRECATED) The psychofit toolbox contains tools to fit two-alternative psychometric
data. The fitting is done using maximal likelihood estimation: one
assumes that the responses of the subject are given by a binomial
distribution whose mean is given by the psychometric function.
The data can be expressed in fraction correct (from .5 to 1) or in
fraction of one specific choice (from 0 to 1). To fit them you can use
these functions:
  - weibull50:          Weibull function from 0.5 to 1, with lapse rate
  - weibull:            Weibull function from 0 to 1, with lapse rate
  - erf_psycho:         erf function from 0 to 1, with lapse rate
  - erf_psycho_2gammas: erf function from 0 to 1, with two lapse rates
Functions in the toolbox are:
  - mle_fit_psycho:     Maximumum likelihood fit of psychometric function
  - neg_likelihood:      Negative likelihood of a psychometric function
For more info, see:
  - Examples:           Examples of use of psychofit toolbox
Matteo Carandini, 2000-2015


import functools
import warnings
import traceback
import logging

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
from scipy.special import erf

for line in traceback.format_stack():

msg = 'brainbox.behavior.pyschofit has been deprecated. Install psychofit via pip. See stack above'
warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)

[docs] def mle_fit_psycho(data, P_model='weibull', parstart=None, parmin=None, parmax=None, nfits=5): """ Maximumum likelihood fit of psychometric function. Args: data: 3 x n matrix where first row corresponds to stim levels, the second to number of trials for each stim level (int), the third to proportion correct / proportion rightward (float between 0 and 1) P_model: The psychometric function. Possibilities include 'weibull' (DEFAULT), 'weibull50', 'erf_psycho' and 'erf_psycho_2gammas' parstart: Non-zero starting parameters, used to try to avoid local minima. The parameters are [threshold, slope, gamma], or if using the 'erf_psycho_2gammas' model append a second gamma value. Recommended to use a value > 1. If None, some reasonable defaults are used. parmin: Minimum parameter values. If None, some reasonable defaults are used parmax: Maximum parameter values. If None, some reasonable defaults are used nfits: The number of fits Returns: pars: The parameters from the best of the fits L: The likelihood of the best fit Raises: TypeError: data must be a list or numpy array ValueError: data must be m by 3 matrix Examples: Below we fit a Weibull function to some data: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> cc = np.array([-8., -6., -4., -2., 0., 2., 4., 6., 8.]) # contrasts >>> nn = np.full((9,), 10) # number of trials at each contrast >>> pp = np.array([5., 8., 20., 41., 54., 59., 79., 92., 96])/100 # proportion "rightward" >>> pars, L = mle_fit_psycho(np.vstack((cc, nn, pp)), 'erf_psycho') >>> plt.plot(cc, pp, 'bo', mfc='b') >>> plt.plot(np.arange(-8, 8, 0.1), erf_psycho(pars, np.arange(-8, 8, 0.1)), '-b') Information: 1999-11 FH wrote it 2000-01 MC cleaned it up 2000-04 MC took care of the 50% case 2009-12 MC replaced fmins with fminsearch 2010-02 MC, AZ added nfits 2013-02 MC+MD fixed bug with dealing with NaNs 2018-08 MW ported to Python """ # Input validation if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): data = np.array(data) elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('data must be a list or numpy array') if data.shape[0] != 3: raise ValueError('data must be m by 3 matrix') rep = lambda x: (x, x) if P_model.endswith('2gammas') else (x,) # noqa if parstart is None: parstart = np.array([np.mean(data[0, :]), 3., *rep(.05)]) if parmin is None: parmin = np.array([np.min(data[0, :]), 0., *rep(0.)]) if parmax is None: parmax = np.array([np.max(data[0, :]), 10., *rep(.4)]) # find the good values in pp (conditions that were effectively run) ii = np.isfinite(data[2, :]) likelihoods = np.zeros(nfits,) pars = np.empty((nfits, parstart.size)) f = functools.partial(neg_likelihood, data=data[:, ii], P_model=P_model, parmin=parmin, parmax=parmax) for ifit in range(nfits): pars[ifit, :] = scipy.optimize.fmin(f, parstart, disp=False) parstart = parmin + np.random.rand(parmin.size) * (parmax - parmin) likelihoods[ifit] = -neg_likelihood(pars[ifit, :], data[:, ii], P_model, parmin, parmax) # the values to be output L = likelihoods.max() iBestFit = likelihoods.argmax() return pars[iBestFit, :], L
[docs] def neg_likelihood(pars, data, P_model='weibull', parmin=None, parmax=None): """ Negative likelihood of a psychometric function. Args: pars: Model parameters [threshold, slope, gamma], or if using the 'erf_psycho_2gammas' model append a second gamma value. data: 3 x n matrix where first row corresponds to stim levels, the second to number of trials for each stim level (int), the third to proportion correct / proportion rightward (float between 0 and 1) P_model: The psychometric function. Possibilities include 'weibull' (DEFAULT), 'weibull50', 'erf_psycho' and 'erf_psycho_2gammas' parmin: Minimum bound for parameters. If None, some reasonable defaults are used parmax: Maximum bound for parameters. If None, some reasonable defaults are used Returns: ll: The likelihood of the parameters. The equation is: - sum(nn.*(pp.*log10(P_model)+(1-pp).*log10(1-P_model))) See the the appendix of Watson, A.B. (1979). Probability summation over time. Vision Res 19, 515-522. Raises: ValueError: invalid model, options are "weibull", "weibull50", "erf_psycho" and "erf_psycho_2gammas" TypeError: data must be a list or numpy array ValueError data must be m by 3 matrix Information: 1999-11 FH wrote it 2000-01 MC cleaned it up 2000-07 MC made it indep of Weibull and added parmin and parmax 2018-08 MW ported to Python """ # Validate input if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): data = np.array(data) elif not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('data must be a list or numpy array') if parmin is None: parmin = np.array([.005, 0., 0.]) if parmax is None: parmax = np.array([.5, 10., .25]) if data.shape[0] == 3: xx = data[0, :] nn = data[1, :] pp = data[2, :] else: raise ValueError('data must be m by 3 matrix') # here is where you effectively put the constraints. if (any(pars < parmin)) or (any(pars > parmax)): ll = 10000000 return ll dispatcher = { 'weibull': weibull, 'weibull50': weibull50, 'erf_psycho': erf_psycho, 'erf_psycho_2gammas': erf_psycho_2gammas } try: probs = dispatcher[P_model](pars, xx) except KeyError: raise ValueError('invalid model, options are "weibull", ' + '"weibull50", "erf_psycho" and "erf_psycho_2gammas"') assert (max(probs) <= 1) or (min(probs) >= 0), 'At least one of the probabilities is not ' \ 'between 0 and 1' probs[probs == 0] = np.finfo(float).eps probs[probs == 1] = 1 - np.finfo(float).eps ll = - sum(nn * (pp * np.log(probs) + (1 - pp) * np.log(1 - probs))) return ll
[docs] def weibull(pars, xx): """ Weibull function from 0 to 1, with lapse rate. Args: pars: Model parameters [alpha, beta, gamma]. xx: vector of stim levels. Returns: A vector of length xx Raises: ValueError: pars must be of length 3 TypeError: pars must be list-like or numpy array Information: 1999-11 FH wrote it 2000-01 MC cleaned it up 2018-08 MW ported to Python """ # Validate input if not isinstance(pars, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('pars must be list-like or numpy array') if len(pars) != 3: raise ValueError('pars must be of length 3') alpha, beta, gamma = pars return (1 - gamma) - (1 - 2 * gamma) * np.exp(-((xx / alpha) ** beta))
[docs] def weibull50(pars, xx): """ Weibull function from 0.5 to 1, with lapse rate. Args: pars: Model parameters [alpha, beta, gamma]. xx: vector of stim levels. Returns: A vector of length xx Raises: ValueError: pars must be of length 3 TypeError: pars must be list-like or numpy array Information: 2000-04 MC wrote it 2018-08 MW ported to Python """ # Validate input if not isinstance(pars, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('pars must be list-like or numpy array') if len(pars) != 3: raise ValueError('pars must be of length 3') alpha, beta, gamma = pars return (1 - gamma) - (.5 - gamma) * np.exp(-((xx / alpha) ** beta))
[docs] def erf_psycho(pars, xx): """ erf function from 0 to 1, with lapse rate. Args: pars: Model parameters [bias, slope, lapse]. xx: vector of stim levels. Returns: ff: A vector of length xx Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> xx = np.arange(-50, 50) >>> ff = erf_psycho(np.array([-10., 10., 0.1]), xx) >>> plt.plot(xx, ff) Raises: ValueError: pars must be of length 3 TypeError: pars must be a list or numpy array Information: 2000 MC wrote it 2018-08 MW ported to Python """ # Validate input if not isinstance(pars, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('pars must be list-like or numpy array') if len(pars) != 3: raise ValueError('pars must be of length 4') (bias, slope, gamma) = pars return gamma + (1 - 2 * gamma) * (erf((xx - bias) / slope) + 1) / 2
[docs] def erf_psycho_2gammas(pars, xx): """ erf function from 0 to 1, with two lapse rates. Args: pars: Model parameters [bias, slope, gamma]. xx: vector of stim levels (%) Returns: ff: A vector of length xx Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> xx = np.arange(-50, 50) >>> ff = erf_psycho_2gammas(np.array([-10., 10., 0.2, 0.]), xx) >>> plt.plot(xx, ff) Raises: ValueError: pars must be of length 4 TypeError: pars must be list-like or numpy array Information: 2000 MC wrote it 2018-08 MW ported to Python """ # Validate input if not isinstance(pars, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError('pars must be a list-like or numpy array') if len(pars) != 4: raise ValueError('pars must be of length 4') (bias, slope, gamma1, gamma2) = pars return gamma1 + (1 - gamma1 - gamma2) * (erf((xx - bias) / slope) + 1) / 2